8 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 27, 2006
Jason Pesick
Editor in Chief
It's frightening. But so is every worthwhile endeavor. Our job is to
shed light on the campus, even though sometimes that's not so easy to
do. Sometimes it's quite a climb. Sometimes it takes a lot of work that
only a few people appreciate.
There's no class that can teach you as much as this place will. It's
real and it's fast, and there's no one you can go to who has the right
Some combination of the challenges, the importance of the work and
the fun attract the most talented and the most decent people I have ever
been able to call my friends. It's no surprise that our predecessors who
worked here 70 years ago continue to keep in touch with each other.
Seventy years from now, I hope I'm still in touch with the people sitting
at the computers around me. In a few weeks, we'll all go our own ways,
but we'll have this shared experience - an experience our parents,
friends and roommates can't understand.
Good luck, Donn. You'll never forget the next year of your life.
Alison Go
Managing Editor
Working at the Daily is like having a really shitty boyfriend: I don't
have any time to hang out with my friends, I hate my in-laws, there is a
good amount of emotional abuse and a small amount of physical hurt.
But like any un-self-respecting whore, the drugs, sex and alcohol kept
me coming back for more.
This is for my non-Daily friends, who are miraculously still my
This is for my Daily friends, who helped keep me slightly sane.
This is for my Daily enemies, who have made me a little angrier, a
loittle bitchier.
This is for the Daily business staff, who work way fewer hours than
me, get paid 10 times as much.
This is for my Daily points, who contributed to the aforementioned
I love you and hate you all.
The Argonauts
Sam Singer
Editorial Page Editor
There are too many people to thank,
too many to congratulate and certainly
too many to badger in such limited
space to make this farewell as thorough
as it deserves to be. That said, thank
you Suhael. Not only did you make
this experience instructive and fun
- you made it tolerable. As for Chris
and Emily, my devoted (and dating)
predecessors: the best of luck - both of
you are more than qualified to take the
wheel. I'll stop before my next cliche.
Thanks for everything.
Suhael Mormin
Editorial Page Editor
It's been a humbling three years.
Like so many writers who come to this
paper, I arrived freshman year entirely
convinced that I knew what I was doing.
I was wrong. After two years of editing,
and as I prepare to put 420 Maynard
behind me, I'm deeply aware of how
much I owe to the people around whom
I work.
The individuals who make this paper
happen - an amazing cast of characters
who sell their souls for little recognition
and pitiful pay - have been incred-
ible. There's not enough room to thank
everyone here, and a few words buried
on this page won't do justice to anyone.
But here's a shot:
Jason: Thanks for drawing me in. I
wouldn't be here otherwise.
Sam: Thanks for going on this ridic-1
ulous adventure with me.
Chris and Emily: It's going to be the
best year of your life, but you'll hate
every moment of it.a
Dave, Imran and Theresa: Welcomei
to the club.
Jenny: Thanks for the cookies.
You've kept us all sane - and fed.
Adam, Melissa, Doug, Stephanie,1
Ryan, Farayha, Ali and so many oth-
ers: It's the support of friends thati
make our jobs tolerable. Thanks.
Adam Rotten berg
Managing ts Editor
It's hard to put my feelings toward
the Daily into words.
Some days, I'd walk in here and
there would be no place I'd rather
be. Other times, I dreaded the fluo-
rescent lights in the Arts room at
420 Maynard.
Even so, I wouldn't trade it for
anything. From that first mass meet-
ing and my scared weekly visits
with Doug and Melissa, my time at
the Daily is what I'll remember most
about my college years. From all the
free DVDs to being chastised for my
music taste, the Arts room provided
the perfect place to hang out every
Please ignore it if this sounds
like an Oscar speech, but I'd like to
thank everyone here. Thanks to my
subeditors (Evan, Punit, Bloomer,
Bernie and Victoria), my associ-
ates (Melissa and Alex) and even
my Weekend, err Statement editor
(Doug) for all your hard work and
help. Thanks to my editors and friends
who came before me for teaching
me what to do (and what not to do).
Thanks to Ali and Weiner for putting
up with my incessant whining. Thanks
to all my non-Daily friends for put-
ting up with the constant Daily chatter
and absences. And thanks to Jason for
pushing this paper further than anyone
before him.
Working at the Michigan Daily was
the best thing I could have done these
past four years. Where else could I
have made so little money for so many
hours of work?
Ian Herbert
Managing Sports Editor
Man, there are a lot of people to thank.
I know I'm going to forget someone else.
And to those people, I'm sorry.
Jess brought me into the Daily, J. Brady
welcomed me and Weber made be feel com-
fortable. Gennaro trained me, the rest of last
year's seniors made me that much better, and
Krista delt with me for a whole year.
The first real beat I was on was with
Anne, Jamie and Dowd, and we befriend-
ed Carole Hutchins like pros. Jake, Gabe
and Sosin treated me to a great hockey
season (Jake, wish you were still here
man). And Gabe, Groni and Stephanie
worked with me for football - 7-5 for-
ever. I never worked with Sharad or Meg,
but I wishI had. Farayha, Donn, Michael,
Jason and Ali, you guys taught me so
much. I'll always be grateful.
To next year's editors - Jack, Scott,
Kevin, Singer and Steph - good luck.
Jose, Lever, Sara, Ian, Katie, Colt and
Lindsey - kick ass too. Bluechippers
- Nate, Chris, Eileen, Katie, Dave,
Dave, Bryan, Dan and company - I
wish I got to know you guys better.
Nate, keep it up with sports news. Brom,
Mark, Waldo and Weber, we'll always
have the Skins.
I put my heart into this place, and I
think the best proof of it I have - since
the job has left me broke and unem-
ployed - is all of you.
Ryan Weiner
Managing Photo Editor
In three and a half years at the Daily, I've
called hundreds of people for Random Stu-
dent Interviews, had my picture run next
to an ad for unplanned pregnancies, got hit
on at a gay bar (for a story I was doing, of
course) and plastered a ridiculous picture
of me in The Statement each week. And I
don't regret one minute of any of it.
Some thank yous are in order. Thank
you Adam and Melissa for getting me
started. Thank you Farayha, Ian, Donn,
Suhael, John Lowe and all the editors for
their advice and help. Thank you Ali Go for
reading all those stupid Weekend stories.
Thank you Ali Olsen for not complaining
when I wanted to change everything at the
last minute. Thank you Ashley for making
the centers great and being a wonderful
friend. Finally, thank you Jason for letting
me run that magazine and not telling me
I was doing a bad job even when I didn't
know whatI was doing.
This is a pretty cool place. I mean, I was
a part of something that 18,000 people look
at every day. That's good enough for me.
Farayha Arrine
Managing News Editor
It is with a distinct sense of self-righ-
teousness and self-aggrandizing passion
that I pen my farewell to the Daily. I was
the Managing News Editor, and, in Shake-
spearian-like tragedy, my wisdom, passion,
and beauty will live in perpetuity in the
hearts of many.
It's my humble opinion that my time at
the Daily has been beneficial to everyone,
except maybe myself. I've turned boys
into men, encouraged "transparency," and
spread the word of the Lord.
In return for these services, I've become
an anti-social, daily-obsessed freak of
nature with rusty writing and skills who is
looking at a future of selling chair covers
to brides.
But despite all the pain they've caused
me, I still love these crazy people. I'll make
the rest of this a shout out because in all
honesty I'm not capable of much more and
to be even more brutally honest whoever
actually makes it this far is just hoping that
I mentioned them in my goodbye.
Joling - You've taken a knife to the
stomach for the Daily so I can't thank you
enough for your dedication to this place.
Thanks for being brave enough to fill our
news editor hole and staying on board this
Jamaster - you are an acquired taste and
I think I'm just beginning to appreciate
you. Our love-hate relationship is bizarre
but I think it's becoming more love than
hate. You are an incredibly funny man, and
I wish you all the best in all your romantic
Kan - you are my mentor and the real
managing news editor. Thank you forbeing
so dependable. Get me a job answering
phones when you're working at the Times.
You are the ultimate person.
Ok so I had some nice things to say about
Jason and Donnie but Jason is yelling at me
and I don't have any time. You guys are the
best, especially on the couch. Ha.
Jason, please don't hate me if Robben
Fleming dies.
Donnie, we should talk. Maybe at Noo-
Doug Wernert
Magazine Editor
In three and a half years at the Daily,
I've called hundreds of people for Random
Student Interviews;had my picture run next
to an ad for unplanned pregnancies, got hit
on at a gay bar (for a story I was doing, of
course) and plastered a ridiculous picture of
me in The Statement each week. And Idon't
regret one minute of any of it.
Some thank yous are in order. Thank
you Adam and Melissa for getting me
started. Thank you Farayha, Ian, Donn,
Suhael, John Lowe and all the editors for
their advice and help. Thank you AliGo for
reading all those stupid Weekend stories.
Thank you Ali Olsen for not complaining
when I wanted to change everything at the
last minute. Thank you Ashley for making
the centers great and being a wonderful
friend. Finally, thank you Jason for letting
me run that magazine and not telling me
I was doing a bad job even when I didn't
know what I was doing.
This is a pretty cool place.Imean,I was a
part of something that 18,000 people look at
every day. That's good enough for me.
Continued from page 5
taught me the essentials of college
- drinking, football, how to use long
dashes in a way that would make Emily
Dickinson proud and writing, I guess.
The Daily produces many kinds
of people. Some go on to be writers.
Some go to law school. Some become
Marky Mark's body double for that
scene where he whips it out in Boo-
gie Nights. But whatever we become,
the Daily prepares us for it all the
Anne Uible
Sports Writer
I walked into the Daily sort of on acci-
dent - I had never written for a news-
paper and had absolutely no experience
been able to meet amazing people (shout
out to Jjock, K.Wright, Ian, Meg, Gabe
and Goni) witness awesome events, and
tell the stories of some of the most talent-
ed athletes in the nation. I hope all of the
younger writer stick with the Daily and
remember that what you do and write
Michigan football from the sidelines,
angering middle-aged men as a stu-
pid college student, all priceless to my
My Minnesota friends (other than
my parents) deserve the most thanks;
they are the inspiration for most of my
stories, columns and experiences. But
Jason Cooper
Associate Photo Editor