The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 6, 2005 - 7A
Continued from page 1A
previous fare of $3 was doubled, it would
be more economical for most users than
a cab ride that could cost $11.
Cook said that AATA is con-
cerned about the jobs of Night
Ride users and will do what it can
to assure that they get to their jobs
every day.
"It's allowing people to keep their
jobs, and that's important to us,"
Cook said.
Scott Trudeau, a University alum
who has used Night Ride, said the
services it offers are necessary for
those who work late or early in the
morning and cannot afford a car of
their own. He added that an increase
in fare makes it possible for Night
Continued from page 1A
their bank accounts. She said the
Office of Financial Aid has also
been assisting students financially
affected by the disaster on an indi-
vidual basis.
While the University does not
know the whereabouts of 32 stu-
dents, Eklund said many of those
students may have ignored her
office's e-mails or will only begin
checking their University e-mail
accounts once school has started.
With some colleges effectively
shut down from the flooding, Uni-
versity officials said their offices
have been inundated with inquires
from displaced students hoping to
attend the University.
Ted Spencer, director of under-
graduate admissions, said on Friday
that his office has received about
50 inquiries, 31 of which were from
Tulane University students. Tulane,
a college of about 8,000 under-
graduate students located in New
Orleans, canceled its fall semester
on Friday.
The Office of Undergraduate
Admissions has so far admitted
12 as nondegree students, Spencer
said, adding that the office does
not plan to limit the number of dis-
placed students who wish to attend
the University.
"We are taking this one on a case-
by-case basis," Spencer said. "There
is no number associated with this.
Our primary concern is to help the
students in the area attending a uni-
versity by helping them continue
their education."
He also noted that the admissions
office has in some cases abided by
an "honor system" for displaced stu-
dents that have never, applied to the
University and as a result undergrad-
uate admissions does not have their
transcript information on hand.
But Spencer said his office does
not anticipate any future problems
because the students who have been
admitted either applied to or were
accepted by the University but chose
to attend a different college. Spen-
cer said he expects the inquiries to
cease by Sept. 9, when fall semester
is underway.
The University's law school also
announced on Friday it would begin
accepting displaced students, with
priority given to third-year law stu-
dents and to students with connec-
tions to the state or the University.
Sarah Zearfoss, director of admis-
sions at the Law School, said on Fri-
day there would be 10 openings.
The Taubman College of Archi-
tecture and Urban Planning also
announced it would admit 15 dis-
placed architecture students. The
Rackham Graduate school has also
begun accepting displaced graduate
students. The Michigan Daily could
not reach the other schools to obtain
Ride to continue without putting
AATA in jeopardy.
"My biggest concern is definitely
providing a service to fill the gap
when AATA isn't running busses, for
people who use it to commute late at
night or early in the morning.
I think the decision they made was
a good compromise," Trudeau said.
Dale Winling, a director of the
New West Side Association, a ten-
ant neighborhood association, said
some people absolutely need this
He added that it is necessary for
Ann Arbor to provide for the people
who fall through the cracks of other
Winling said he was happy to
see that Night Ride was not dis-
"Our primary
concern is to help
the students in the
area attending a
university by helping
them continue their
- Ted Spencer
Director of undergraduate
their admissions policies regarding
displaced students.
The University has yet to develop
a tuition policy for the displaced
students, said Kelly Cunningham, a
University spokeswoman.
"The University is working with
others in the higher education commu-
nity to best figure that out," she said.
Spencer, the director of under-
graduate admissions, said he has
found that many of the displaced
students have already paid tuition
for their original schools or that
their parents currently have no
access to their bank accounts.
Despite its residence halls being over
peak capacity, the University is trying
to secure on-campus housing for the
displaced students. Alan Levy, spokes-
man for University Housing, said the
office has offered on-campus housing
to at least two students. Housing hopes
to secure lodging for other displaced
students through off-campus housing
groups that have offered discounted
rates, Levy said.
Carole Henry, assistant vice
president of University affairs, said
University staff members have also
aided incoming displaced students
by providing them with emergency
funds to buy school supplies.
"There were staffers who literally
went shopping with (a) student and
bought her the items she needed.
We are just doing whatever we can,"
Henry said.
Along with incoming students
affected by the hurricane, the Uni-
versity has also accepted one faculty
member, Prof. Steven Pierce, from
Tulane University's history depart-
ment. Pierce will teach history at
the University beginning Sept. 21.
Cunningham said the University so
far has no plans to receive any more
faculty members from other univer-
sities affected by the hurricane.
In addition, the University Health
System has begun planning a relief
effort, but Krista Hopson, spokes-
woman for UMHS, said on Thurs-
day the health system leadership
still needs more time to organize a
proper response. She added that the
University's Survival Flight heli-
copters are still on standby to trans-
port hurricane victims if needed.
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