6A - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 6, 2005
Continued from page 1A
and . with reports of looting and
lawlessness in the area, Human is
growing increasingly concerned.
"Who's to say looters aren't
going to approach (my parents)?
The National Guard isn't even there
yet," Human said.
Engineering senior Mark Thom-
as left his hometown of Lafayette,
La. two days before the hurricane
arrived. Compared with others liv-
ing in southern Louisiana, Thomas
said his family is doing well; they
and most of their property escaped
the hurricane unscathed. His fam-
ily is currently helping to house
While his family is safe, Thomas
said he can't help but feel a great
loss knowing the hurricane dev-
astated New Orleans and much of
southern Louisiana.
"I can't watch the coverage any-
more," he said. "I grew up there,
and now it's all underwater."
Like many college students dis-
placed by the hurricane, a friend of
Thomas who attends Tulane Uni-
versity in New Orleans was recently
admitted to the University to study
for the fall semester. Thomas said
his friend declined to be inter-
viewed for the spot, since he is still
in a state of shock.
Candice Dusset, a research assis-
tant for the University's Depart-
ment of General Surgery, said she
has learned in the past week that
the hurricane destroyed the homes
of all her family members in New
Except for her grandfather on her
mother's side who is still miss-
ing, all of her family members are
safe. Dusset said because most of
her family lived in New Orleans,
one of her uncles will move up to
Michigan to stay with her.
"I'm glad everyone's safe, but
now what are they going to do?"
she said, adding that her fam-
ily members in New Orleans will
most likely have to find new jobs.
LSA senior Michael Ramey,
who grew up in New Orleans, said
it has been upsetting watching the
aftermath of the hurricane unfold.
But he expects his emotional state
to worsen in the future.
"I think it will hit me the hard-
est when I actually return," he
Despite the difficulty of the past
week, Human, the LSA freshman,
said he looks forward to starting
"I think I will be fine," he said.
"I'm actually really excited to
start school so I can get my mind
off it. Right now, every time I pick
up the newspaper I get upset."
Continued from page 3A
similar programs, said Michigan Student Assembly Presi-
dent Jesse Levine.
More than 350 students attended the program, which
was sponsored by M-Justice, a new initiative by the Uni-
versity's Division of Student Affairs. There, they listened
as speaker Maura Cullen, an educational consultant,
implored them to reach out to students from different
"Going to college is like going from Kansas to Oz. Life
is very different. People look different, and they talk dif-
ferent," she told her audience.
Additionally, 14 student and administrative
groups from across campus joined forces to fos-
ter further interaction through community ser-
vice. Program leaders used the Ginsberg Center's
annual Community Plunge, a fair for various com-
munity programs, to bring students of different
backgrounds together to address social injustices
through local service organizations.
Activities ended Monday night with "ExChange," an
organized dialogue held at Palmer Commons. Students
learned about labeling during an exercise in which each
was required to select an identity. Then, breaking into
groups, they outlined various stereotypes that are com-
monly applied to their group.
Students said they found it difficult to settle on one
identity, many acknowledging Cullen's statement that
comnmon social identifications are broad and often too
"Initially, I chose the label 'woman' and later, I
chose the label 'African-American,' as different aspects
revealed themselves throughout the discussion" said
LSA junior Temeca Simpson.
At a glance, the day was a success. Lured by free food
and opportunities for community service, students came
and made the connections Tinnin and other event plan-
ners desired.
But program planners acknowledge that it is up to the
students to integrate their social groups.
"We have more in common than we have different,
but we tend to notice the differences first," Cullen told
her audience. "But noticing doesn't make us bad people.
It's what we do when we notice that counts."
- Jeremy Davidson contributed to this report
Continued from page 3A
In 1983, Davenport retired from the University
after having become the William Beaumont Professor
Emeritus of Physiology in 1978. He soon pursued a
notable career as a medical historian, chronicling
the history of disciplines such as physiology and
the University's medical school.
Robert Kelch, University executive vice presi-
dent of medical affairs, said of Davenport in a
statement: "Dr. Davenport was one of my most
memorable and effective teachers. His charismatic
approach and wealth of knowledge and experience
always kept me and my classmates spellbound. I
feel a deep sense of loss."
Davenport is survived by his son, Robertson Davies
Davenport, and daughter-in-law, Nancy Wirth, both of
whom are faculty members of the University's medi-
cal school.
Tulane University freshman Jennie Liang
of Queens, N.Y. leaves the student Center
at Georgia Tech in Atlanta last Wednes-
day. She decided to go home after being
evacuated from the New Orleans campus.
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