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April 14, 2005 - Image 20

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-04-14

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8B - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 14, 2005

The Michigan Da

is to hold one's
breath, when
all faculties
to capture
reality. It's at
that precise
moment that
mastering an
image becomes
a great physical
and intellectual
- Henri

1... are, perhaps, the greatest example of science creating art. In reality,
P h o to s photos are impreSSiOns of light on sensitive film. Yet, photos
do more than transform illuminations and shadows into images.
They embody triumph, IOVe, heartache and every emotion in between. The photographers
at The Michigan Daily strive to Capture the emotion of our campus, and we feel that the
photos on this page portray the sentiments ofofw4eet.h1
our fellow students. These are the photos LIIe y t CI.

Clockwise, from top left
MIKE H ULSEBUS ..................................................... The Lion's Roar
DAVID TUMAN .......................................... Wind-blown Fashionista
ALEXANDER DZIADOSZ ................................. Ridin' with the King
ELISE BERGMAN ............................................................ Blue-Yah!
ASHLEY HARPER..................Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
FOREST CASEY ............................................... Soaring Expectations
ASHLEY HARPER ..................................................... Moore or Less
RYAN WEINER ........................................................... Taking a Dive
TONY DING.......................................... In the Arms of Greatness

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