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April 14, 2005 - Image 19

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-04-14

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10B - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 14, 2005

life with Boblwith Bob Hunt
Ioriginally wasn't going to write a
column for Weekend Magazine,
but its been more fun than I ever
Since I've only been a Weekend Mag-
azine columnist for one semester, I felt it
would be weird (and overly masturbato-
ry) to write an entire goodbye column.?
Thus, I leave you with some of my
favorite moments this year in photos from
both my adventures - "On the Road with
Bob Hunt" for the sports section and "Life
with Bob" here for Weekend Magazine. k
I realize that it was photos like
these that went a long way towards
me winning this year's title of "Best
Daily Columnist/Writer," an honor I
was thrilled to receive.
So, to the people who found my adven-
tures entertaining this year, these photos,
some of which haven't been seen in print Bob takes a break anc
until now, are for you. right on the centerpiec
Cheers. of Illinois campus.

The Michigan
Sushi.come avoids giving the r


By Emily Fellows
Daily Arts Writer

Bob prepared for his "On the Road"
adventures by crafting this logo.

Bob gets the best hospitality possible on
the Purdue campus.

Sushi.come is more than just
a sushi restaurant to its clientele.
Located on North University Ave-
nue near State Street, amidst vintage
clothing stores and quaint coffee
shops, it is easy to understand why
customers easily find their niche at
"This is a great break from dorm
food," said LSA sophomore Brian
Lipinski. "It's not the kind of food
you get in the West Quad cafeteria."
Located inside a strip mall, Sushi.
come is spread out into two different
rooms separated by a wide corridor,
making the restaurant personal yet
spacious. One room is an open eat-
ing area while the other is a sushi
bar with a few tables. Both rooms are
eloquently decorated with Japanese
fans, umbrellas, portraits and bam-
boo. Owner Chan Lee describes his
restaurant as "open and carefree."
"Most oriental restaurants are
closed. We have a lot of windows
and open space so even if there is a
lot of people or just a little people in
the restaurant, people like the atmo-
sphere," he said.
Lee added that Sushi.come offers
its customers a wide variety of sushi
rolls, and explained what makes their

rolls stand out from the competition.
"We have 55 kinds of rolls. We try
different kinds of new rolls every
month because we try to make the
best sushi for clients," said Lee, who
added that the Michigan Specialty
Roll - a special California roll
wrapped in salmon and avocado -
is very popular among customers.
One of Sushi.come's innovations
is tempura ice cream. Tempura is
a type of Japanese cooking that
involves battering and frying veg-
etables and fish - and in this case,
sushi and ice cream.
"Now, (tempura ice cream) is at
all the sushi restaurants, but we were
the first to have it in Ann Arbor,"
said Hosup Lee, a Business senior
and a waiter at Sushi.come.
Customers who are really craving
sushi, and a lot of it, should come
in for lunch specials, especially the
Sunday Morning lunch special where,
from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., clients
are offered "all you can eat" sushi for
$13.95. On Sunday afternoons, the
restaurant is packed with hungry cus-
tomers filling the plates from a buffet
of sushi and edamame - boiled soy-
beans eaten out of the pod.
Despite the large crowd "all you
can eat" attracts, the restaurant's spa-
cious set-up allows diners to enjoy
their Sunday afternoons at Sushi.

come. The large buffet is located
in the corridor - instead of in the
dining area - where customers can
choose their sushi and wait in line.
"I used to offer this because they
used to not serve lunch in the dorms.
Now, everyone comes in for it,"
Chan Lee said.
"No one else offers a sushi buf-
fet. I focus on hand rolls but I like
everything," added LSA senior Chris
And if gorging yourself on a com-
bination of rice, fish, veggies and
seaweed isn't your style, Sushi.come
also offers ample servings that are
easy on the wallet. Salad with tradi-
tional ginger dressing and miso soup
are both offered with every meal.
"Sushi.come is great because it
offers a variety of rolls and serves
fresh fish at a relatively cheap
price," Rackham student Gerald
Pollack said.
Sushi.come also caters to custom-
ers who do not like sushi - rice
and combined with other ingredients
such as avocado, fish and wasabi.
Such options include the chicken
teriyaki - a healthy chicken breast
flavored with teriyaki sauce and served
with rice, soup, salad and steamed
vegetables. The menu also includes
appetizers such as steamed shrimp
dumplings, edamame and much more.

d relieves himself Bob carries a 30-pack of Natty Light into
ce of the University the Cedar Village neighborhood in East
Lansing. Who knew what would ensue?

Bob hypes it with the Illinois basketball
student section during Midday Madness.

Bob tried to do his best drum major
impression on the Indiana field.

Chef Ho Kim - one of Sushi.come's
There are also delicious soups, salad
and noodle dishes. When the variety
of food is coupled with the enjoyable
atmosphere, the end result is a pleas
ant dining experience.
"(Dining) is different at Sushi

Bob takes a shot of whiskey after class
during his St. Patrick's Day adventure.

Bob gets lifted up at Dominick's as he
continued his St. Patrick's Day.

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