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April 14, 2005 - Image 14

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2B - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 14, 2005
IIIIILIIII~2|llla llillll lillLFeatured A tce

The Michigan Da
Rubadeau shows love for his si

Fetrd ril

PHOTOSof the

The Best of the Random
SA ook at our favorite moments
from this year's phone calls.
Pizza Challenge 2005
4 £ Daily staffers rate O nn Arbor pizza
restaurants and choose the best.
Ellen McGarrity: The Diag
Sn her last column Elen reflects on
her favorite place on campus.

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Alien vs. Predator
The delightful duo sound off about the
art of point-counterpoint colurnn writing.
Best Course: English 225
Writin course passes with flying col-
ors, wie Stats 350 does not.
Best Burrito: Bi Ten Burrit®
So what's rea}ly the dl ference
between Big Thn and Panchero's?
Best Live Music Venue: Blind
Steve Du Bois: Feeling love i
Best Teacher: John Rubade: u
This year's Golden Apple winner
shares his experences at the 'Ur
Best Sports Team: Football
Former Daily football writer Sharad Ma:s
explains what sets ths tear aprt r

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Adam Burns: Forever young
Adam says oodbye by look-
ing back on his freshman year.
Best Sushi: Sushi.come
Among a variety of options, Sushi.
comes service and me shine,
Bob Hunt: 1,000 Words
The ear in photos - -from "On the
Road" to St. Patty'st MSU riots.


By Christine Beamer
Daily Arts Writer
Enter English Prof. John
Rubadeau's office and it is easy to
see why he enjoys teaching so much.
Every spare surface on the walls and
the ceiling is covered with pictures of
past and present students.
In the words of Law student
Lindsey Fell, a former student of
Rubadeau, "He really wants to be a
part of his students' lives and wants
to continue to be a part after they
leave his class."
Rubadeau's career as a teacher
actually didn't begin until later in
life. He worked as a social worker
for the American Red Cross in Ger-
many, came back to America for a
while and then, after his first wife
died, decided to return to Germany.
"And the only way to do that was
to be an English teacher," Rubadeau
said, laughing.
He went back and obtained a doc-
torate at Georgia Tech and began to
teach. In 1987, he came to the Uni-
versity and has been teaching English
325 and 425 (and occasionally Eng-
lish 125) ever since.
For his 18 years of teaching thou-
sands of students essay-writing,
grammar and a love for the English
language, Rubadeau received the
Golden Apple award this Monday.
Dressed in flannel and jeans,
Rubadeau walked onto the stage at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater to
the tune of a standing ovation. With
his full beard framing his expressive
face, he exuded a relaxed attitude
towards his large audience.
As he presented his ideal last lec-
ture, Rubadeau followed the . ram-
bling style of his classroom lectures.
Continually promising to start his
speech, Rubadeau took the liberty to
read students' e-mails congratulating
him on his award.
Josh Wyckstandt, a former student
of Rubadeau's, wrote one such e-mail
to his beloved professor.
"Dear John," Wyckstandt wrote.
"Congratulations on winning the
Golden Apple Award. I voted for
Williams, but I guess you can't win
twice, eh?'
And although Rubadeau treated
his own speech with characteristic
self-deprecation, the audience was
constantly entertained and engaged.
Prof. Ralph Williams, when intro-
ducing Rubadeau, said, "The secret
of John's teaching is love," and this
was clearly revealed in his lecture.
As the packed hall demonstrated,
Rubadeau is most valued for the
impact he has made on his students'
writing and their post-graduation
lives. As LSA senior Mike Richmond
put it, "He is dedicated to his students
as individuals and as students."
"I still see him; I'll be walking
down the street, and he'll shout out to
me from his car," Fell said.
According to many students,
Rubadeau's classes were challenging
but well worth the time.
As MiheWard, awfalumwh drove

an hour to hear him speak, said, "I
didn't do very well in the class, yet I
still learned more than in pretty much
any other class I've taken."
Motivated to help his students
in their lives outside English class,
Rubadeau hands out a list of quotes
that he has found useful in his own
life at the end of each semester. He
went over many of these quotes in his
lecture Monday night.
His favorites include "Quid pro quo"
(one is rewarded according to the effort
one has put into the task, as explained by
Rubadeau) and "Scratch your own itch."
"It has to be your itch, not your
parents' itch, not the community's
itch," he cautioned. The quotes per-
fectly epitomize Rubadeau's person-
ality - a bit of seriousness and a lot
of irreverence.
Rubadeau is also known for his
quirkiness and entertaining lectur-
ing. Around the time of every holi-
day, he intertwines objects in his full,
wild beard - dreidels for Hanukkah;
lights and bows for Christmas and
shamrocks for St. Patrick's Day.
"I think people need a little mad-
ness in their lives," he explained,
paraphrasing Zorba the Greek.
Part of Rubadeau's success is his
enthusiasm for the subject matter. "I
love grammar," he said, "and it's fun
to teach it because you can play with
alternate meanings of words."
In his class, students can't get away
with using words without knowing
their meanings. This desire for exact-

"I'm the luckiest
man in the world
because I get to
be touched by
young minds."
-John Rubadeau
English Professor
ness stems from his love of words; his
current favorite is kakistocracy (gov-
ernment by the least qualified or most
unprincipled citizens). He also has a
passion for writing style and form as
well as content.
Fell said the two most important
things she learned in his class were "not
to be afraid to write about yourself and
to carry dog biscuits." According to her,
Rubadeau's love for his dogs. she said,
nearly approaches his love of English.
When he isn't teaching, Rubadeau
spends his time writing books.
"From April to September I'm cre-
ating in my mind an alternate uni-
verse," he said.
He has a new book that is a satire
on the back-to-nature movement of
the '60s and '70s. The book stems
from his experience buying a pig
farm and attempting to raise pigs.
Though he never wants to touch a pig
again, the experience inspired him to

English Prof. John Rubadeau present
sohn Theater. English Prof. Ralph Wil
write a new novel.
Although he does venture into novel-
writing time and again, teaching will
always be his most important task.
"I don't look at it as work; I look at
it as fun," he said. "I'm never going
to retire. When I'm 105, I want to be
talking about a misplaced modifier

as decided by you, the
Best of Ann Arbor 2005
winners are...

Best Gift Store: Middle Earth
Best Store Display Window: Middle Earth
Best Outdoor Apparel: Bivouac
Best Sporting Goods: Bivouac
Best Women's Apparel: Bivouac
Best Place to Pamper Yourself:
Douglas J Aveda Institute
Best Packaging Store: UPS Store
Best Moving Company: John's Pack and Ship
Best Laundromat: Mr. Stadium
Best Grocery Store: Meijer
Best Place to go for a Piercing: Pangea
Best Books: Border's Books
Best Copy Store: Kinko's
Best Test Prep: Kaplan
Best Tanning Salon: Tanfastic

Best Business Best of Entertainmen
Best Haircut: Nogginz & Salon XL Best Movie Theater: Michigan Theater
Best Dry Cleaners: Iris Cleaners Best Video Store: Blockbuster
Best Shoe Store: Footprints Best Live Music Club: The Blind Pig
Best Musical Instrument Store: Herb David Best Concert in the Last Year: Tally Hall at Blind F
Best Hotel: Bell Tower Best Dance Spot: Necto
Best Computer Store: UM Computer Showcase Best Radio Station: 88.7 89X
Best Men's Clothing: Van Boven Best Local Festival: Ann Arbor Art Fair
Best Camera/Photo Shop: Ritz Camera
Best New Local Business: Big Ten Burrito Best Restaurants
Best Bowling Alley: Colonial Lanes Best Subs: Jimmy John's
Best Liquor: Campus Corner Best Cheap Eats: Jimmy John's
Best Bicycle Sales: Ann Arbor Cyclery Best New Restaurant: Noodles and Co.
Best Used CD's: PJ's Best Ice Cream/Yogurt: Stucci's
Best Thrift Clothing: Value World Best Coffee: Starbuck's
Best Art Supplies: Michigan Book and Supply Best Outdoor Eatery: Dominick's
Best CD's: Schoolkid's Records in Exile Best Mexican Food: Big Ten Burrito
Best Textbooks: Ulrich's Best Dinner: Palio
Best Cab Service: Blue Cab & Yellow Cab Best Restaurant Services: Palio
Best Florist: Normandie Flowers Best Sushi: Sushi.come
Best Jewelry Store: Schlanderer Best Hot Dogs: Red Hot Lovers
Best Furniture Store: Instant Furniture Rental Best Bagels: Einstein Bagels
Best U Fan Apparel: Steve and Barry's Best Cheap Beer: Sake Bombs
Best Travel Agency: STA Travel Best Indian Food: Raja Rani
Best Realtor. Ann Arbor Realty - Best Dessert La Dolce Vita
Best Customer Service: UM Credit Union Best Mid-Eastern Cuisine: Jerusalem Garden
Best Bank/Credit Union: UM Credit Union Best Italian Food: Gratzi


Best Chinese Food: China Gate
Best Burgers: Blimpy Burger
Best Korean: University Cafe
Best Brunch: Angelo's
Best Breakfast: Angelo's
Best Thai food: Tuptim
Best Vegetarian Food: Seva
Best Sports Bar: Buffalo Wild Wings
Best Wings: Buffalo Wild Wings
Best Seafood: Real Seafood
Best Lunch: Potbelly
Best Restaurant for large groups: Mongolian BBQ
Best Fries: Pizza House
Best Overall Restaurant: Mongolian BBQ
Best Late Night Munchies: Pizza House
& Big Ten Burrito
Best Take Out: Pizza House
Best Pizza: Pizza House
Best Chipati's: Pizza House
Best Salads: Pizza House & Cosi
Best Cookies: Mrs. Field's
Best All You Can Eat: Mongolian BBQ
Best Happy Hour. Heidelberg
Best Bar Drinks: Goodtime Charley's
Best Romantic Restaurant The Earle
Best Greek Food: Mr. Greeks
Best Place for Folks to treat: Chop House
Best Steak: Chop House
Best Microbrew: Arbor Brewing Co.
Best Overall Bar: Rick's & Scorekeeper's
Best Greasy Spoon: Fleetwood Diner
Best of Radnom Stuff
Best Place for Public Sex: The Grad Stacks
Best Unusual Date Idea:
The Ann Arbor Hands on Museum
Best Restaurant for a Date: Gratzi
Best Place for a First date: The Arb
Best Pick-up Bar: Rick's
Best Place to meet a new Mate: Rick's
Best Inexpensive Date: Walk around the Arb
Best Date Movie: Garden State
Best Rejection Line: "I'm just not that into you"
Best Place to Break up: The Diag

Best Pickup Line: "I don't know how to tell you this,
but I'm kind of a big deal. People know me"
Best of the University
Best Place to Study: The Grad
Best Library: The Grad
Best Frat to Party With: Phi Kappa Psi
Best Computing Center. The Fishbowl
Best Place to Work Out: The CCRB
Best Lecture Hall: Angell Hall
Best Dorm Cafeteria: Bursley
Best Student Group: Dance Marathon
Best Sorority to Party With:
Delta Delta Delta (Tri Delt)
Best Speaker in the Past Year: Michael Moore
Best Professor: Ralph Williams
Best Course: Religion 201
Best Campus Tradition: Michigan Football
Best Campus Event: Football Games
Best Blow Off Course: Psych 111
Best Bathroom: Angell Hall
Best Athlete (Male): Braylon Edwards
Best Athlete (Female): Elise Ray
Best thing About Football Saturday: Pre-gaming
Best Student Job: Cafeteria Worker
& The Michigan Daily
Best Residence Hall: Markley
Best Sports Team: Football
Best of the Web
Best Search Engine: www.google.com
Best Website: thefacebook.com
Best of the Rest
Best Apartments: U Towers
Best Excuse for a late paper: Computer Problems
Best Daily Columnist/Writer Bob Hunt
Best Slang: Skeet skeet skeet
Best Place to take a Nap: Class
Best See and Be Seen: The Grad
Best Place to people watch: The Diag
Best Place to get a parking Ticket: Anywhere
Best Fad: Uggs
Best Excuse for Cutting Class: Hungover

127 washers and dryers


Writers: Christine Beamer,
Emily Fellows, Megan Jacobs,
Jackie Lamaj, Sharad Mattu,
Amanda Shapin, Kathryn Rice
Photographers: Forest Casey,
Tony Ding, Alex Dziadosz,
Tommaso Gomez, Peter
Schottenfels, Julia Tapper
Photo Editor: Ali Olsen
Cover Art: Ali Olsen
Arts Editors: Adam Rottenberg,
Managing Editor
Associate Editors: Alexandra
Jones, Melissa Runstrom
Managing Editor: Alison Go
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