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March 10, 2005 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 2005-03-10

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2B - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 10, 2005

The Michigan Daily

Featured Artide
8-9B MM

auto-neurotic Iwith Alexandra Jones


3B Random Student Interview
Alex talks about Martha Sewart and fuchsia hair.
Do Random Acts of Kindness
Students look to brighen up someone s day.
Knocking down the language barrier.


The Weekend List
A guide to Ann Arbor's weekend happenings,


Adam Burns: The Wild Side
Adam Ponders t1he untamed alE mls ark

Bob Hunt: Bright Ideas
Son evates toe hghs ad Low

6 Y

,u1g and o d students become pen pals,


Black Volunteer Network
Service -group aides underrosrntod co u
Weekend Entertainment
Alexandra Jones takes on M ar tha e rt

Gross in millions of dollars
1. The Pacifier (30.2) - So it's ...
"Suburban Commando" AND "Mr.
Nanny?" Sorry Vin, Hulk Hogan is ten
times the actor you are.
2. Be Cool (23.5) - Apparently
"Ladder 49" wasn't another comeback
role for John Travolta.
3. Hitch (12.5) - Finally! A romantic
comedy that doesn't end with the lead
chasing the girl at the airport.
4. Diary of A Mad Black
Woman (12) - Admit it: you didn't
hear of this movie until two weeks
5. Million Dollar Baby (8.5)
- Winner of four Oscars, including
"Best Movie from 2004 That Wasn't a
6. Constantine (6) - We've all been
to hell with Keanu before (i.e. "Sweet
November," "Chain Reaction," "The
Replacements," etc.)
7. Cursed (3.8) - The title aptly
describes the careers of all the actors
in this movie.
8. Man of the House (3.5)-Well,
at least this one doesn't have Jonathan
Taylor Thomas, Chevy Chase or Norm
from "Cheers."
9. Because of Winn-Dixie (3.4)
- You know what they say: Never
work with children, animals or Jeff
10. The Jacket (2.7) - You'll
probably need one to cover your eyes
from this crap.

D uing Spring Break while we 11 a m. and, harlyconscious, gape at cor is nothing if not comprehensive.
carefree students were vaca- Martha playing with herchow chows-The News section brings up the most
ti in 'xot, nonartic (PawePaw and ChimChia -duh) and recent Yahoo! News articles about her
locales, mooching our parents or discussing soil acidity with various - and just about anyone connected
sleeping through another week in Annexperts. I'd IotA at her kitchen, with its with her. One item concerns "Inside
Arbor,t Stewartwas released walls studded with Revolutionary War. Editio" host Deborah Norville, who
from prison. I knew it was official era copper cake molds and doube con-.will host the show from Marthia's Long
when my mother brought home a wad vection ovens and rows of preserves Island home while experiencing a 24-
of .Martha's precious brand name dish lining the shelves and wishIhad that hour house arrest. She'll even wear an
towels from Kmart and - as if Ms. kitchen and that I could afford such ankle bracelet just like the one used
Stewart's iron-willed primness was an nice ingredients and cool gadgets and to monitor our Ms. Stewart. Because
airborne contagion - told me not to a beautiful shiny stand mixer. being stuck in the home ofta super-rich
get them "dirty.".So I wonder: Why save Martha? worldwide celebrity for a whole damn
This column has borne both my While she stood trial for lying under day must really make you value your
secret media-related confessions oath about insider trading, a movement freedom.
before, and this week won't be any dif- sprung up to support her: SaveMartha. Whatever their motivation, the
ferent: I'm sort of fascinated by Martha com has provided an outlet for Martha's SaveMartha.com supporters have it
Stewart. fans to express their admiration for and all wrong. Sure, she's a self-made,
Not in the "What an admirable devotion to their unjustly indicted and wildly successful businesswoman,
female role model" kind of way, or incarcerated champion. Supporters she's divorced and she makes a mean
even in the "How does she make her can host a Save Martha party, where cucumber salad. But the only good that
pie crust so flaky and delicious?" kind they can simultaneously "Celebrate can come out of Stewart's exposure
of way, but in the "Oh my god, her anal the release of Martha Stewart and the and her rabid following will be activ-
perfectionism and onscreen personality beginning of her amazing comeback' ism on Martha's part. On her web-
are utterly appalling, butI sort of wishI and "Show off your hosting skills." site, marthastewart.com, she writes,
could make my very own copper-lined The site also encouraged people to "Someday, I hope to have the chance
window boxes and bake a perfect apri- welcome Martha back by thronging to talk more about ... the extraordinary
cot tart" way. I see Martha as a total her March 6 release from prison in people I'have met here, and all that I
whackjob who's somehow convinced Alderson, West Virginia, right next to have learned. I can tell you now that I
Americans that her advice is foolproof, a call for photos of your work if you've feel very fortunate to have had a family
her recipes delicious and her empire "Martha-ized your home, office or who nurtured me, the advantage of an
indestructible, pets." Visitors to the site are exhorted excellent education, and the opportuni-
That image is not entirely her fault, to be "Martha Evangelizers" by telling ty to pursue the American dream ... I
of course: Martha's perfectionism and friends about the website and Martha's will never forget the friends I met here,
emphasis on homemaking, despite second coming. all that they have done to help medur-
her status as the CEO of a multimil- Okay, okay, I'm a homemaker on ing these five months, their children,
lion dollar company, causes me to the inside, and that's why I'm envious and the stories they have told me." If
associate her with other conservative of Martha's stranglehold on American Martha starts stumping for prison
values. It's like if Ann Coulter wasn't domesticity. Understandable, right? reform, I aight start liking her ideas,
such a fucking loudmouth lunatic and So who the hell are the people behind not just that gorgeous kitchen.
instead focused her energy on setting Save>Marth .com - middle-aged
an impeccable Thanksgiving table. housewives? Some new feminist spIn- Alexandra will be spending her
Which actually wouldn't bother me ter group? Female executives, busi weekend making a lovely household
all that much. nesswomen and CEOs? accessory out ofsome tree bark and
I remember the rare summer morn- Based on the site design, I'm betting dandelions. E-mail her with more style
ings when I'd roll out of bed before on the first option - but SaveMartha. tipsat alajo@umich edi4.

dpha Phi Omega
he pful spin or Greek life,


Michigan Reach Out!
Science and service come together

Motor Meals
Students deliver food to the homebound.

" Summer Programs
* University Credit
r ae t/r {p/cr&V,



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Daily Arts Mix Tape


ChiAe rgentina 4ocarnbio
The Department of Communication Studies
presents a Howard R. Marsh lecture
National Correspondent, The Atlantic Monthly

1. You Ain't The First - Guns

Writers: Emily Fellows, Josh
Holman, Emily Liu, Jenny Mahn,
Dan Marchese, Kathryn Rice,
Amanda Shapin, C.C. Song
Photo Editor: Ali Olsen
Photographers: Trevor Campbell,
Glenn Getty, Shubra Ohri, Eugene
Robertson, Peter Schottenfels
Cover Photo: Ali Olsen
Arts Editors: Adam Rottenberg,
Managing Editor
Associate Editors: Alexandra
Jones, Melissa Runstrom
Managing Editor: Alison Go
Editor in Chid:iason% Z)esick&.
a .,

What always amazed me about
the Beatles, aside from the
consistent high quality of their
songs, was the incredible rate
at which they put them out It
seemed they were releasing
progressive singles daily. Side
A is dedicated to those like the
Beatles, who managed to pump
out classics consistently. On the
Alpside are artists who seem to
talk about their releases every
three weeks but take years to
put out their crap py albums
(except Ja Rule, whos on here
just because he's a bitch.)

1. Paperback Writer - The
2. Keep on Chooglin' -
Creedence Clearwater Revival
3 .tNight Rally - Elvis
4. If Not For You - Bob
5. Rattled by the Rush
- Pavement
6. Venus de Mile - Miles
7. Naima - John Coltrane
8. Liquid Swords - Ghost-
face Killah
9. ALL CAPS - MF Doom
10. Encore - Jay-Z

1. You ,Ain't The First -- Guns
.n Roses
2. Hash Pipe - Weezer
3. Metalingus - Alter Bridge
4. Wish - Nine Inch Nails
5. New Tattoo - Motley Crue
6. Self Righteous - Third Eye
7. The Rising - Bruce Spring-
8. Morning Dew - Robert Plant
9. Envy - Fat Joe
10. So Much Pain - Ja Rule


Think you I
The Campus Informa
Applications are availat
two locations-in the M
Commons. Appl
Friday, I

Tuesday, March 15, 2005, 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Forum Hall, Palmer Commons
100 Washtenaw Ave. /Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2218
Please see www.umich.edu/~palmcomm/for directions
Contact the Department of Communication Studies
Ve9 I' .406t4V42 JfOT mete inHform tion.

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