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December 03, 2004 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-12-03

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, December 3, 2004


Bush picks homeland securit head NEWS IN BRIEF
Alew, [7VUrNmbassador resrrs .

presiden n.ame agrICtu r
president names agriculture chief

WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Bush has chosen former New York
police commissioner Bernard Kerik,
who helped direct the emergency
response to the Sept. 11 terrorist strikes
against the Twin Towers, to lead the
Homeland Security Department. Kerik
will be in charge of safeguarding Amer-
icans from future attack, administration
officials said yesterday.
Bush also announced his choice of
Nebraska Gov. Mike Johanns to be sec-
retary of agriculture, selecting a dairy
farmer's son who has traveled widely to
promote U.S. farm sales abroad.
In a third development, U.N. Ambas-
sadorJohn Danforth submitted his resig-
nation after holding the job for less than
six months. He had been mentioned as
a candidate for secretary of state, a job
Bush gave to National Security Adviser
Condoleezza Rice.
The flurry of moves came as Bush
reshaped his team for his second term
in office. Seven members of the 15-
member Cabinet have submitted their
resignations; Health and Human Ser-
vices Secretary Tommy Thompson also
appears to be preparing to leave.
Kerik inherits a sprawling bureaucra-
cy from Homeland Security Secretary
Tom Ridge, who resigned last month.
The creation of the department in 2003
combined 22 disparate federal agen-
cies with more than 180,000 employ-
ees. The organization is still learning to

work together and faces criticism over
aspects from the coordination of financ-
es to computer systems. Bush initially
opposed the creation of the department
but changed his position as its support
on Capitol Hill grew.
Kerik's first anti-terrorism work
was as a paid private security worker
in Saudi Arabia. He joined the New
York Police Department in 1986 and
was eventually tapped to lead the
city's Corrections Department and was
appointed commissioner in 2000.
It was in that position that the mus-
tachioed law enforcement chief became
known to the rest of the country, super-
vising the NYPD's response to the
2001 terror attacks, often at the side of
then-mayor Rudolph Giuliani. In 2003,
he took on a temporary assignment in
Iraq to help rebuild the country's police
force. Most recently, he has been a con-
sultant for Giuliani Partners, working to
rebuild Baghdad's police force.
Danforth, 68, a Republican and former
Missouri senator, has been tappedby pres-
idents of both parties as a troubleshooter.
He led a Clinton-era investigation of the
Waco Branch Davidian affair, and Bush
named him special envoy for peace in
Sudan. Danforth, who plans to retire, took
over at the United Nations when Bush's
first ambassador, John Negroponte, was
named ambassador to Iraq.
Danforth sent the president aletter Nov.
22, saying that on Jan. 20, it was his inten-

President Bush walks with former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard
Kerik, left, Oct. 3, 2003 on the South Lawn of the White House. Kerik has been
named to replace Tom Ridge as the Secretary of Homeland Security.

tion to retire to his home in St. Louis.
He also said he would continue to
be available for short-term projects but
intended to spend time with his wife,
Sally, said his spokesman, Richard
Grenell. Danforth received a reply from
Bush on Nov. 27, though Grenell would
not disclose its contents.
If confirmed by the Senate, Johanns,
a two-term Republican governor in

Nebraska, will replace Ann Veneman at
the Agriculture Department. Johanns,
54, who has led delegations of Nebras-
ka's farm and business leaders on trade
missions to Japan, Taiwan, China, Sin-
gapore and a half-dozen other coun-
tries, has taken a leading role in drought
relief in the Midwest and has supporter
ethanol, biodiesel and other alternative
sources of energy, Bush said.

Mall security guards train for terrorism
MANCHESTER, Conn. (AP) - In a shopping focused people or those who won't return a look. Anoth- is what state and federal officials are trying to build in
mall outside Hartford, past the Abercrombie & Fitch er tip-off: Terrorists often ritualistically shave their bod- the United States.
nd the cell phone kiosks, tucked away by the Barnes ies before carrying out a suicide bombing, he says. In New York City, apartment doormen and supers are
& Noble, a conference room full of security guards is Around the country, being trained to be on the
learning how to spot suicide bombers. enrollment in these "If they're carrying a bag, look lookout for cars or trucks
They are being taught blast patterns and behavior suicide bombing class- that are parked outside
Profiles, how a bomb is packaged and how a bomber es has increased in for that white-knuckle grip. ... for a long time, for any-
is recruited. the past year, and the one who takes pictures of
Suburban shopping mall security guards are receiv- students include not They're carrying that package the building or lingers too
ing the type of training that just a few years ago was just elite SWAT team and they're holdin onto it for long outside and for new
feserved for the Israeli police and the U.S. military. members, but also aitenants who move in with
"If they're carrying a bag, look for that white-knuck- local patrol officers dear life." little or no furniture.
je grip. ... They're carrying that package and they're and private security The International
,holding onto it for dear life," Patrick Chagnon, a Con- forces. Council of Shopping
necticut State Police detective and national counterter- "Everyone has an - Patrick Chagnon Centers held about 20
rorism instructor, tells his class of 10 students as the obligation to be a sol- Connecticut State Police detective anti-terrorism classes this
Shoppes at Buckland Hills mall bustles with holiday dier in this war,"Con- year and plans dozens
shoppers carrying bags and boxes of all sizes. necticut Homeland Security Director John Buturla more next year, says Malachy Kavanagh, who helps
Chagnon's students are also told to watch for people says; organize training for the organization. A class of mall
wearing oversized clothes and are instructl to make In Israel, mall security guards, bus drivers and hotel security directors recently received training at the FBI
eye contact with shoppers and look for either extremely managers are added eyes and ears for the police. That Academy in Quantico, Va., he says.
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2,K.,':,.7::L ,Filipinos
MARAGUNDON, Philippines (AP)
theApowerful typhoon slced through
f J ( 7 Li 1 t °, the Phlppnes Friday, forcng nearly
170,000 people to flee homes to higher
ground even as Filipinos struggled to
recover from an earlier storm that killed
more than 420 and left possibly hun-
dreds more missing.
". .Mudslides and flash floods earlier
in the week have turned parts of Que-
zon province and other areas facing
the Pacific Ocean into a sea of mud
littered with bodies, uprooted trees,
collapsed homes and bridges. "We're
getting reports of bodies still floating
in the rivers," said Air Force spokes-
-;man Lt. Col. Restituto Padilla.
1The were conflicting reports on
casualties from the earlier storm with
policeeand civil defense authorities
s - ' 3 'WisKithe providing a confirmed count of 422
""""~~ "dead and 177 missing. The military
Don' miss yoau( chance to un the ultimate swn said there were 479 dead and
1VI1 thR e ultim ateY missing, but regional commander
br a ti f r yot d t r e f iAeo I lost fr #iends c Maj Gen. Pedro Cabuy cautioned
rthi >r that his figures came from local offi-
cials that could not be immediately
- CThe latest storm, Typhoon Nan-
madol, made landfall late Thursday
along the northeast coast with sus-
tained winds of up to 115 mph and
gusts of up to 138 mph. The storm
SPRM BRERIA RT PMRANR TY CT BEA roared across the Philippines on
Friday, slamming many of the same
PB5 conM Is bouqbt to p b areas hit by the earlier storm.
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" a a off"4 stars"
a s a * sIa® a8 8a' -Detroit Free Press

TEL AVIV, Israel
Sharon plans for new broad coalition
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said yesterday he planned to replace his
minority government with a broad coalition to push through his Gaza withdrawal
plan and promised not to launch attacks on Palestinians unless provoked during the
Palestinians' election campaign.
Sharon's governing coalition has disintegrated in recent days after the premier
fired the moderate Shinui Party for voting against the budget, leaving him with
only 40 seats in the 120-member Knesset. If Sharon cannot patch together a new
coalition, he will be forced to call early elections, endangering his plans to pull out
of Gaza next year.
Sharon said he will court the opposition Labor Party and ultra-Orthodox parties.
"We are standing before fateful decisions, and it's important that there be a broad
and stable coalition," Sharon told a gathering of Israeli journalists.
He reiterated his intention to carry out his "disengagement" plan, under which Israel
would withdraw from the Gaza Strip and four small West Bank settlements next year.
Central Baghdad, Green Zone bombed
Mortar barrages hammered the heavily fortified Green Zone and else-
where in central Baghdad yesterday, killing at least one person and under-
scoring the vulnerability of even Iraq's best-protected areas ahead of
national elections.
Also yesterday, a car bomb exploded next to a Bradley fighting vehicle near
Beiji, about 155 miles north of Baghdad, wounding two U.S. soldiers and two Iraqi
National Guardsmen, said Master Sgt. Cynthia Weasner of the 1st Infantry Divi-
sion. No other details were available.
President Bush insisted that crucial elections set for Jan. 30 must not be delayed,
rejecting calls from more than a dozen political parties there to postpone them
until security at the polls can be ensured.
"It's time for Iraqi citizens to go to the polls," Bush told reporters in the Oval
Office yesterday.
The Pentagon has said U.S. troop strength in Iraq will be raised from 138,000to
about 150,000 by mid-January in order to provide security for the election.
FDA delays approval of female sex-drive drug
A hormone patch that works to restore a woman's sex drive should not be
approved until more studies are completed to determine the drug's risks, fed-
eral health advisers said yesterday.
Several members of the Food and Drug Administration advisory commit-
tee said they were not satisfied with the number of women studied so far, the
length of the studies and the modest benefits of the drug.
Procter & Gamble sought to market the testosterone patch Intrinsa to women
who lost their libido after their ovaries were removed. The company told the
panel it had not raised significant safety concerns in clinical trials, and it urged
the panel not to delay approval of the first drug for female sexual dysfunction.
Methodist church expels lesbian minister
The United Methodist Church defrocked a lesbian minister who lives with her
partner yesterday for violating the denomination's ban on actively gay clergy - the
first such decision by the church in 17 years.
A 13-member jury made up of Methodist clergy convicted the Rev. Irene Eliza-
beth Stroud on the second day of her church trial. Methodist law bars "self-avowed,
practicing homosexuals" from ministry. Nine votes were necessary for a convic-
tion and the jury voted 12to 10to find Stroud guilty.
It then voted 7 to 6 to defrock Stroud, the bare majority necessary in the pen-
alty phase of the trial, though her supportive congregation in Philadelphia has said
Stroud can continue performing most of her duties. -
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