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November 30, 2004 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-11-30

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Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Opinion 4
Sports 8

Jason Z. Pesick
is thankful.
Navarre back at QB?
What a country!


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One-hundredfourteen years of edtorialfreedom
www.michigandaily.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXV, No. 42 2004 The Michigan Daily

LSA plans
int'I relations
minor for fall

By Kristin Ostby
Daily Staff Reporter
Next fall, students may be able to declare
a minor in international relations, combining
courses from different departments with study
abroad programs. After more than a year of
deliberation, administrators in the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts said they

expect the minor will be
dents by fall term.
An international rela-
tions minor would be
interdisciplinary, uniting
existing curricula from
political science, econom-
ics, comparative literature
and history departments, to
name a few. The minor may
also draw courses from col-
leges other than LSA.
With the increasing
globalization of society,
students should have the
opportunity to study inter-
national relations, said
Ryan Ford, LSA Student
Government president.
"We feel it's neces-
sary for our University
- especially given its
commitment to making
the University a place

ready to offer stu-
New Mi
The new min
incorporate cla
political scienc
and history.
It would be a
the 2005 fall te
approve the me
LSA is worki
an internationa
symposium nex
LSA-SG may
an internationa

Jimmy Lee Rogers, who has been homeless for nine years, sits in front of White Market on East William Street. Rogers said in the winter,
people like him are kicked out onto the street for preaching in the shelters. He said shelters discriminate against older members.

"One would be more what you would typi-
cally think of as an international relations
minor, and it would pull classes from econom-
ics and political science," said Butler, an LSA
junior. The other minor would have a cultural
focus, drawing classes from anthropology,
history, comparative literature and language
departments, she added.
"We'd like to see the cultural minor housed
in the comparative literature department. We'd
like to see the traditional
minor housed in either
nor? the economics or the
political science depart-
j Relations ment," Butler said.
Marjorie Horton, assis-
or would tant dean for LSA under-
sses from graduate education said
e, economics she has worked closely
with LSA-SG representa-
tives in moving forward
vailable for with the minor, provid-
rm if faculty ing input and acting as a
asure. sounding board.
ng to hold "I do give the LSA
I relations Student Government a
t semester. lot of credit and respect
for their help.... They've
push for conducted their research
0 relations and their advocacy and
are representing the
broader student interest,"
Horton said.
While LSA faculty have researched the pos-
sibility of a minor, they have yet to formally
approve the official proposal for the new minor.
"The goal is to have these faculty work
together to ideally submit two proposals that
would then go through the normal review and
approval mechanisms like any other academic
minor," Horton said. She added that faculty
from several departments and the Internation-
al Institute are still discussing the matter.
Establishing the international relations
minor should be the first step in the eventual
creation of an international relations concen-
tration, Ford said.
Political Science Prof. Mark Tessler, direc-
tor of the International Institute, said he sup-
See MINOR, Page 7

City YS
By Victoria Edwards
Daily Staff Reporter

homeless cope with
r housing, shortage

With the onset of another winter, Ann Arbor's
homeless community is once again faced with
the problem of surviving the cold by securing
one of the limited number of beds available at
LSA junior Stephanie Watson, who volun-
teers at the Robert J. Delonis Center, a home-
less shelter on Huron Street, said she observed
serious problems with overcrowding during last
year's holiday season.
"There are only a certain number of beds,"
in scam
By Melissa Benton
Daily Staff Reporter
As police investigate a series of fraudu-
lent e-mails and money reported stolen from
personal bank accounts, TCF Bank said yes-
terday that no one hacked into its database to
obtain the information needed to access the
Four fraud cases were reported last week by
people who responded to e-mails and voluntari-
ly gave out personal information. The people
reported having large sums of money disappear
from their bank accounts.
The e-mails which asked for personal infor-
mation had "nothing to do with the security and
integrity of the bank," TCF Bank spokesman
John Owens said.
Sgt. Robert Neumann of the Department of
Public Safety said although it is unusual for so
many fraud cases to be reported to DPS at once,
these scams are not out of the ordinary.
Owens said this is not the first time people
have fallen victim to fraudulent e-mail scams,
and that there are scams like this occurring
across the country.
These scams - which involve e-mails ask-
ing for personal information - are known
as phishing. According to the Federal Trade
Commission's website, phishers will send

said Watson. "One night two men came in, they
just got out of prison. But there weren't enough
beds so they got turned away. They were given
blankets, but that's all (the shelter) could really
do, so they were sleeping on the streets."
Watson said another problem with the shelter
was that all its occupants are forced to leave at
7 a.m. "The mentally ill are stuck wandering
around Ann Arbor during the day. There is no
place to go," Watson said.
But although the holiday season can be tough
for the homeless, Randy, a homeless man who is
now staying at the YMCA's temporary shelter,
said he chooses to focus on what he is grateful

for - namely, the Ann Arbor Homeless Out-
reach, which rescued him after a personal injury
this year.
"I had a broken ankle for two and a half
months. I tripped on a 40 (ounce) bottle when it
was dark," Randy said.
With the injury, Randy said he was put in a dif-
ficult position. He was living under a bridge near
the hospital, and he no longer had the mobility
required to go to and from the shelter for food. It
was then, when Randy said he felt like he was at
rock bottem and that the Ann Arbor Homeless
Outreach volunteer group gave him a hand.
See HOMELESS, Page 7

where students become accustomed with lots
of different cultures and countries - that it's
very important for the University to have an
international relations program," said Ford, an
LSA senior.
The University is one of the only Big Ten
schools without an international relations pro-
gram., Ford added. That fact, coupled with an
increase in student demand for such a pro-
gram, propelled LSA-SG to lobby for the new
minor, he said.
LSA-SG gave the proposal to LSA deans
last fall suggesting the implementation of
two different types of international relations
minors - one with a traditional focus and one
with a- cultural focus, said Paige Butler, aca-
demic relations officer for LSA-SG.

'U' helps
By Omayah Atassi
Daily Staff Reporter
Simple move-in tasks like trying to find a ride to
go shopping can be difficult for new students unfa-
miliar with the English language. Many Latino stu-
dents also deal with loneliness from not being able
to communicate effectively with other students, said
Alejandro Asali, president of the Mexican Student
The projected increase of Latino students at the Uni-
versity in the upcoming years has created an urgency to
make a friendlier campus climate for Latino students.
In response, the University has been implementing sev-
eral programs to help Latino students feel more com-
fortable when applying to the University, starting with
the admissions process.
Parents' unfamiliarity with the U.S. higher education
system is an obstacle for the first generation of college-
Lorraine Gutierrez, faculty director for the Edward
Ginsberg Center for Community Service and Learning,
said the University should have more Spanish resources
for parents.
"The students with parents who did not attend col-
lege in America would need different kinds of advising,
support and services," she said. "It's really important
that the University pays very close attention to this.
They would probably need people at meetings who
speak Spanish so the students and parents feel more
comfortable in an environment they might not initially
feel comfortable in."
Yet efforts to attract more Latino students also
bring up questions regarding bilingualism.While
some believe that Spanish-language additions and

LSA sophomore Marya Corden takes out money from an ATM at TCF Bank on South University Avenue yesterday.

e-mails or pop-up messages that claim to be
from a well-known organization - such as
the local bank - in order to steal the identi-
ties of their victims.
Neumann said fraudulent e-mails often try to
create a sense of urgency by threatening to dis-
continue bank services or offering a prize incen-
tive if the person responds immediately.
Owens said phishing scams often target
young people who are not as bank savvy.
"The bank would never, ever contact
someone by e-mail and ask for their Social
Security number and their account number.
Obviously we have that information already,"
Owens added.
The University sent out an e-mail yesterday


to warn students about fraudulent e-mails.
"We're letting people know not to send per-
sonal information over e-mail. A bank will
never ask - through e-mail - for your PIN
number, account number or social security
number," Neuman said.
Owens said many students were deceived
because the fraudulent e-mails copied TCF
Bank's logo. Because the students believed the
e-mail was legitimate, they gave out personal
account information.
DPS is also cautioning students about e-mails
that ask for personal information.
"What we're encouraging people to do is to
stop and look at these e-mails, don't click on
anything or open any attachments, and contact

the financial institution," Neumann said.
Owens was unable to comment on specific
information regarding the fraud cases because it
could compromise some account holders' infor-
mation. He said, however, that TCF Bank will
continue to communicate with students.
Owens said students can visit TCF Bank's
website, www.tcf-bank.com, for more informa-
tion on fraud. Students can also call (866) 823-
2265 or visit their local branch, which is open
seven days a week.
Neumann said DPS is still investigating the
fraud cases. He added that DPS is working in
conjunction with TCF Bank and other police
departments because many of the cases involve
money being withdrawn in other states.

Speaker addresses personal struggle with HIV
Omayah Atassi speaker was African American studies Prof. Howard Stein. told h I was fne
a Daiy Staff Rennrter He concentrated his sneech on the affect of AIDS on African I but after I

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