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April 20, 2004 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-04-20

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Tuesday, April 20, 2004

News 3A New program offers an
alternative to eating in
the dorms
Opinion 4A Jess Piskor praises
Sports UA Naweed Sikora tells
of trip to 'Sportura'

Kanye West falters at the State Theater ... Arts, Page 8A
rlvi all


TH 62

One-hundred-thirteen years ofeditorialfreedom
www.michigandaily.com Ann Arbor, Michigan Vol. CXIII, No. 138 ©2004 The Michigan Daily


Int'l center
to cut peer

Antidpatrng budget cuts,
center will not lre peer
advis'on for summer orientation
By Koustubh Patwardhan
Daily Staff Reporter
The University's International
Center will not be able to hire peer
advisors for its international student
orientation this summer due to pro-
posed budget cuts by the University.
But International Center Director
Rodolfo Altamirano said the center
will do what it can to ensure that
the orientation program continues.
The International Center, like
many other programs in the Divi-
sion of Student Affairs, is anticipat-
ing budget cuts, University
spokeswoman Julie Peterson said.
But Peterson and Altamirano said
the exact amount is not yet known.
The advisors serve as mentors to
international students just arriving
in the United States, helping them
transition to life in the country and
complete paperwork required under
new laws imposed after the Sept. 11
terrorist attacks.
The international student orienta-
tion is held separately from other
orientation programs. Students are
given workshops on American cul-
ture, etiquette and mannerisms.
"Budget cuts are inevitable, but the
work must go on," Altamirano said.
Because paid peer advisors cur-
rently run the program, Altamirano
said he is considering an alternate
program in which volunteers would
do the job that paid summer peer
advisors previously performed.
Altamirano, the former head of

the International Center at Michi-
gan State University, said he intro-
duced a volunteer program at
Michigan State in which former
international students helped other
international students adjust to their
new surroundings, since they knew
what it felt like to be a new country.
Altamirano said the program was
successful there, and he is hoping
to replicate it at the University. He
said he hopes international students
will be happy to help others, since
they have encountered the same
issues that new students will face.
LSA junior Chin Swan Liew, who
is from Malaysia, said he is opti-
mistic that the volunteer program
will be successful and hopes the ori-
entation program continues to run.
"Since so many international stu-
dents have benefited from peer
advisors, many of them will be
more than willing to give up their
time and volunteer to make the pro-
gram successful," he said.
. Altamirano said as long as the
volunteers are "intrinsically moti-
vated, dedicated and responsible"
the program can be successful.
While the effects of budget cuts
on other services at the Internation-
al Center are not yet known,
Altamirano said core services -
such as advisors to help students
complete mandatory immigration
paperwork - will continue. He
added that the center will continue
to be "a home away from home" for
international students.
LSA freshman Phoebe Kim from
Hong Kong said she was saddened
that the orientation might be can-
celed if volunteers are not found.
She said she felt it was informative

John Martin of the Lecturers' Employees Organization explains the points of the agreement to LEO members at a meeting yesterday afternoon in Angell Hall Auditorium C.
Lecturers approve agreement

Tentative deal reflects conesm
between two sides on most major
pi7 7oms set to appear z'fimnl contract
By Alison Go
Daily Staff Reporter
In a 128 to 10 vote, the Lecturers' Employee
Organization approved yesterday the tentative
contract agreement reached with the University
bargaining team. The agreement, which was

reached early yesterday morning, reflects a con-
sensus between both sides on most of the major
provisions that will appear in the final version
of the contract.
After minor details are resolved, LEO will
settle on and ratify the three-year contract that
will, for the most part, become effective Sept. 1.
"Everyone is pleased with the outcome," Uni-
versity spokeswoman Julie Peterson said.
The LEO membership also unanimously
authorized the bargaining council to send out
ballots to ratify the contract after the final word-

ing has been determined, which will likely occur
later this month or in May.
Some LEO members, such as RC lecturer
Ihigo de la Cerda, who voted against the
approval of the agreement, believe that "many
of the basic expectations didn't get accom-
plished," but members involved in the negotiat-
ing process said they are satisfied with the
outcome of bargaining.
"We saw this is as good as it would have got-
ten," said LEO negotiator Lauren Kingsley, a
See LEO, Page 5A

Greeks: Relations
* with 'U' improved

Proposed changes.Cit hikesalties for
Possible Greek system reformsCiyhk spen le f

By Don. M. Freaard
Daily Staff Reporter
Three months after Interfraternity
Council members reacted with out-
rage to a set of Greek system reforms
proposed by the administration, rela-
tions and communication between the
IFC and the administration have
improved through a series of meetings
and discussions, Greek Taskforce
members said.
"It's certainly improved over the last
couple weeks," said Sigma Phi Epsilon
President Nate Stormzand, a member
of the task force. "Both sides started
out obviously with next to zero com-

"I think the Greek community was
successful in making its voice heard
loud and clear that we ... will not
allow the administration to make
these kinds of changes without con-
sulting us."
Task force members, initially berat-
ed Vice President for Student Affairs
E. Royster Harp-r and the administra-
tion for failing to consult the Greek
community on the proposed changes.
But they said communication between
the two parties has since improved and
will continue to improve in coming
"Vice President Harper just invited
(Greek Taskforce member) Jacob
Strumwasser and myself to sit on a stu-

Mandatory live-in advisors
* Substance-free housing in all
fraternities and sororities
dent advisory panel," Stormzand said.
"We will welcome the administration
to be a part of suggestions and helping
us figure out how we can make the
changes that are necessary to improv-
ing the Greek community."
The task force, which is comprised
of a panel of fraternity and sororities
presidents, was formed last month in
response to a set of proposals by
Harper. The proposed changes
included moving rush from fall to
See GREEKS, Page 5A

repeat fake ID offenders

Minors no longer can wie second
offensefrom permanent record by completing
community service
By Farayha Arrine
Daily Staff Reporter
A new policy for minors caught with false identification
allows no room for mistakes after a first offense, said Kris-
ten Larcom, the Ann Arbor city assistant attorney.
According to the new policy, minors caught with a
fake ID will have only one opportunity to remove an
offense from their permanent records by completing
community service and substance awareness programs.
Under the old policy, a minor can be caught with a
fake ID an indefinite number of times and still be able
to dismiss all those charges from the permanent record,
so long as that individual complies with the terms of

the Holmes Youthful Training Act.
The act includes a choice of 25 hours of community
service or two days in a jail work program and a $250
dollars in costs and fines, Larcom said. Alcohol-related
programs are also a part of the program if appropriate
to the minor.
Previously, if the minor complied with these meas-
ures - meaning that the individual acquires no false
ID offenses or alcohol-related misdemeanors within
four to six months of getting caught with the fake ID
- the charge was removed from the permanent record.
If they did not comply, they could repeat the program
and dismiss the- charges from their permanent record.
But the city no longer offers repeat offenders the
chance to clear their records, Larcom said.
"If you've done it once, you should learn your les-
son," she said. "If you do it again (you get) no more
Larcom said the courts in Ann Arbor's 15th district
See FAKE ID, Page 5A

Students disappointed with
commencement speaker

Natural science

By Andrea Carone
Daily Staff Reporter
The graduating class of 2004 will
gather together May 1 at the Big
House to say farewell to the University
-their home for the past four years. It
will be a day the seniors remember, as
their family and friends join them for
the celebration. "
But some students We go t
expressed disappoint- -jeStji '
ment with the chosen re
commencement and I'm1 a

politically aligned with the University
... Someone who could really reach out
to people from all countries and from
all walks of life," he said.
Last year's commencement speaker
was Gov. Jennifer Granholm. Michigan
State University's speaker this year is
National Security Adviser Condoleez-
za Rice.

never heard of Davis prior to the Uni-
versity's announcement, she said, "I'm
not really excited, but I'm sure he
could have some good things to say."
University President Mary Sue
Coleman has said Davis was chosen to
be the commencement speaker
because he has significantly impacted
a big industry and Michigan as one of
the nation's foremost automotive crit-
ics. Coleman said it is important for
University graduates to see how one
person can have such a large influence.
The commencement speaker candi-

o such a
'uS school,

LSA senior Amy
Bass said Davis did
not meet her expecta-
tions. "We go to such
a prestigious school,



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