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April 14, 2004 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-04-14

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, April 14, 2004 - 3

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Exec. board controversy occurs at MSA meeting


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Five years ago ...
Students expressed excitement
when it was announced that U.N. Sec-
retary-General Kofi Annan would be
delivering the keynote address at
graduation ceremonies. "I think it's
nice to have someone who has an
influence on the world, not just our
country. It shows we're a world class
school," LSA senior Ian Shainbrown
said. Annan, like other speakers in the
past, was scheduled to receive an hon-
orary degree as well.
Ten years ago """
The Daily revealed a high degree of
sexual activity occurring in the Mason
Hall first-floor men's restroom.
Department of Public Safety Lt. Jim
Skowron said he believes male prosti-
tution, drug use, thefts and physical
assaults all take place in the restroom.
Custodians, who admitted to wit-
nessing several acts, with the "busy
time" being from about 3 to 6 p.m.,
have filed complaints about the
unsanitary conditions in the stalls,
including walls splattered with semen
In 1993, DPS reported receiving 15
sex-related grievances from students
and staff in Mason Hall. University
officials acknowledged the problem
had existed for a long time.
April 14, 1970
Vice President Spirow Agnew blasted
the University for a "surrender" to the
Black Action Movement during a speech
in Iowa, saying that the University's poli-
cy of increasing admissions of blacks to
10 percent would undermine the legiti-
macy of the school's diploma.
"Unqualified students are being
swept into college on the wave of new
socialism,"Agnew said. The vice pres-
ident was quickly met with denounce-
ments from University President
Robben Fleming, Michigan Gov.
William Milliken, University regents
and members of BAM.
April 11, 1969
The Board of Governors of Resi-
dence Halls recommended that all
restrictions on women's late-night
activity be abolished beginning next
fall. At the time, only women under
21 with parental permission could be
out past curfew, which applied to
about 10 percent of women living in
the residence halls.
An unnamed member said parents
of women have a "false sense of secu-
rity" if they believe their daughters
are "locked away safely" when they
could be out all night.
The board also approved a measure
which would permit one corridor of
Mosher-Jordan Hall to alternative
between men's and women's rooms.
April 14, 1961
A group of students interested in
reviving a campus humor magazine,
drew up a constitution for a new student
organization to be known as the "Gar-
"The group will try to produce an
atmosphere conducive to the level of
creativeness necessary for a high
quality humor magazine which the
University is now without," said Gar-
gantuans spokesman Frederick Neff.
The Gargantuans hoped to incorpo-
rate two other groups trying to bring
back the Gargoyle to campus. The
Gargoyle was a campus humor maga-
zine, which stopped the year before
when no senior editors were appointed
to its staff.

April 17, 1960
Fourteen students and one University
employee were arrested by local police
after distributing leaflets while protest-
ing against the Cousins Shop and three
other stores whose Southern branches
practice segregation. Detective Duane
0 Bauer said the demonstrators possibly
violated a city ordinance prohibiting
public distribution or scattering of adver-
tising material.
The police were responding to com-
plaints from businesses in the State
Street area who were not being protested
but were nevertheless irrated by the pro-
testers. The 15 arrested were released
but ordered to come back to the station
in the morning to learn if they would
face charges.
April 12, 2000
Rick's American Cafe traded in its
dance floor for a runway for one night,
as it hosted a modeling contest which
featured 20 male and female co-eds don-
ning their flashiest fashions and their
sexiest swimwear. The contests was
sponsored by Uconnection.com and
Umodels.com. websites devoted to

By Cianna Freeman
and Kristen Przybylski
Daily Staff Reporters
Despite being mostly dominated by the Stu-
dents First party, Michigan Student Assembly
divided last night over the nomination of former
MSA Rep. Terri Russiello, a member of the Stu-
dents First party, to the office of treasurer on the
executive board.
Assembly members rejected the appointment,
which was made by MSA President Jason
Mironov, because they saw it as a political move.
Russiello has not served on MSA's Budget Priori-
ties Committee.
MSA Rep. Ashley Whitfield said she was con-
cerned with the appointment, because other
applicants who sat on the BPC felt that the selec-
tion was questionable, given Russiello's member-
ship in Students First.
But Mironov said he chose Russiello because
she came in with a distinct plan about how to deal
with budget cuts.
Russiello noted her experience on the assembly
and expressed disappointment at the conclusion
reached by the assembly.
"Although I understand the image of 'political'
parties in execs, I am saddened that such an
image outweighed my qualifications," Russiello

said. "However, my work regarding the gap
between students and the administration has not
stopped -just faced an obstacle."
Left without a treasurer, the assembly will
attempt to appoint another candidate at next
week's meeting, Mironov said.
Jesse Levine and Elliot Wells-Reid were
approved as General Counsel and Chief for Staff,
respectively, with little difficulty. Both are mem-
bers of Students First.
E. Royster Harper, vice president for Student
Affairs, visited MSA chambers last night to dis-
cuss the formation of a standing committee to
influence student input in budget affairs. This
committee is a result of recent student protests
regarding budget cuts.
"I'm trying to meet with as many student
groups as possible to get students' input on what
the committee ought to look like," Harper said.
As of right now there are several ways that stu-
dents are involved in the Division for Student
Affairs, such as the student advisory boards from
the Ginsberg Community Center and through
surveys and program evaluations, Harper said.
"I have had revelations and lots of learning, in
the past two to three weeks," Harper said. "I have
learned that a lot of structures that we have in place
work really well when money is not going to be cut

and works differently when money is being cut."
MSA Rep. Russell Garber questioned why the
budget applied to the Greek system, which is not
Mironov said he wanted to offer MSA's assis-
tance on forming the standing committee. "I would
like to extend the dedication to assemble the team
to work on budget cuts group," Mironov said. "This
is one of the most important jobs of the assembly."
Also last night, in a unanimous vote LSA
Student Government passed a resolution to
revive the college's Student Judiciary. Students
in the College of Literature, Science and the
Arts now have an additional outlet to voice their
opinions on the actions carried out by their stu-
dent government.
Currently, students wanting to appeal LSA-SG
resolutions, elections or other actions such as
monetary allocations must go to the Central Stu-
dent Judiciary in the Michigan Student Assembly.
The LSA-SG Student Judiciary will be available
for the same services starting Monday.
"Students can appeal and have a hearing with
LSA Judiciary, who would make a decision,"
LSA-SG Vice President Ryan Ford said. "That
decision would be the final decision and they
couldn't appeal it with CSJ."
Because the Student Judiciary will be solely

comprised of members of LSA, students in the col-
lege will be better represented than in CSJ, where
justices can come from any school in the Universi-
ty, LSA-SG General Counsel Stuart Wagner said.
Wagner also said enacting the judiciary will
help to distinguish LSA-SG from MSA.
"The goal of this change is to allow LSA-SG to
govern themselves," Stuart said. "It will allow us
to separate ourselves from MSA and be our own
But CSJ Justice Michael Schaolman was wor-
ried the resolution will deprive new CSJ justices
of experience and it may discourage students
from utilizing CSJ.
"(New justices) were just initiated last month
so we've had little experience and this will mean
even less," said Schaolman, a sophomore in the
Business School. "I hope (CSJ) is still an accessi-
ble source that's going to be used."
The new justices will be appointed tomorrow
and Friday. Any LSA student who is not affiliated
with LSA-SG is eligible to apply. Applications
can be found on the LSA-SG website and are due
today, although LSA-SG has tried to spread the
word about the new positions for the past week.
Following an interview process, six Justices will
be appointed while the Chief Justice will be elect-
ed internally.

Continued from Page 1
presidential candidate John Kerry will
act in the interest of the American peo-
ple because of the pressure he faces to
make improvements.
"We've tried Bush and seen what he
does. We haven't exactly seen Kerry, but
I can't believe he can do worse than
Bush," Dingell said.
Although Kerry also supported the
Patriot Act, Dingell said that does not
necessarily reflect on what type of presi-
dent he will be.

"The president doesn't exactly do
what he has done in the past, nor does
he necessarily do what he says he's
going to do, nor does he necessarily
function as you might expect,"he added.
Many students attending Dingell's
lecture said they were surprised to find
that some politicians really do care
about the American public.
"I actually got the idea that the people
in office in the government are more
than they seem in the media. ... They
are actually very informed and intelli-
gent. They're trying to do the right
thing," LSA sophomore Jessie Smith

said.At the same time, however,
Greene said some politicians are try-
ing to take away citizens' two basic
rights: due process and equal protec-
tion under the law. "I wanted them to
understand the role of the people's
legislative body and all that Bush is
doing to them," Greene said.
Duran said Dingell made some good
points, but he did not agree with all of
Dingell's claims. "Some of it I actually
agreed with, but for the most part he
didn't say a lot of substance because it
was all about how (Bush) is a liar and a
bad president," Duran added.

Continued from Page 1.
Council made," he said.
Bush also addressed his personal
responsibility for the events of
Sept. I1. He attributed any ques-
tionable decisions he may have
made to the quality of the informa-
tion at his disposal.
He cited Central Intelligence
Agency Director George Tenet as
his primary source of information
about terrorist threats. Tenet came
under fire in 2003 when he admit-
ted allowing faulty intelligence -
alleging Hussein attempted to buy
African uranium - to remain in
Bush's 2003 State of the Union
"Had I had any inkling that those
people would fly planes into the
buildings, I would have moved
heaven and earth to prevent that,"
Bush said.
Bush responded to the claim that
his administration was so focused

on Iraq that it ignored warning
signs of possible attacks. "The
country was not on a war footing,"
he said.
Bush stressed the war on terror is
not over. "Iraq is only one theater in
the war on terror," he said. "I'm
afraid (terrorists) want to hurt us
again," he added, suggesting addi-
tional military action may be neces-
sary to combat the global terrorism
College Republicans chair Alli-
son Jacobs said Bush's speech
should help his declining approval
ratings in polls.
"It will calm some of the public
anger over the war," Jacobs said.
Jacobs also said Bush showed
compassion in his speech toward
soldiers as well as a dislike of war.
"It was important how he empha-
sized war was not his first reaction.
It was resorted to after all doors
were closed," Jacobs said. "He
showed concern for the troops and
their families."


Continued from Page 1
service. Services are very available to
students to learn about working on
their (problems)," Nolen-Hoeksema
She said she is working to create bet-
ter services for depressed women. "Plans
specifically for college women are so
much in the early stages that I can't real-
ly say anything specific...but a group of
us is working on it. I certainly hope in
the future we will have more," Nolen-
Hoeksema said.
Social Work student Brook Badin said
she was aware of Nolen-Hoeksema's
research and came to the lecture because
she wanted to hear an expert speak.
"I am interested in depression.
(Nolen-Hoeksema) is really well-known.
She's an expert and that's why I'm here,"
Badin said.
Nursing freshman Kristen Woytowicz
said she developed an interest in depres-
sion in her women's studies class and
came to the lecture to learn about
research being done.
"Being in women's studies, we talk
about women and gender difference
so that forced me to think about it.
Probably statistically girls might be
more vocal (about depression) and
have more hormone influence," she
Kathy Klykylo, senior staff assis-
tant in the Department of Psychiatry,

said she thinks it is important that
people become informed on gender
differences regarding depression and
factors contributing to depression in
"(Nolen-Heksema) has clearly
looked at a lot of subjects and done
these studies looking at a lot of data
about women and depression. It looks
at depression as the very complicated
thing it is. I think people need to know
that it's not just hormonal, that social
roles - and other factors play just as
an important part and that it's an inter-
action - it's not just one thing,"
Klykylo said.
The lecture also reached out to peo-
ple outside the University. Karen
Weldon, from Detroit, read about the
event in the Detroit Free Press and
brought a friend whom said she had a
problem with depression and anxiety
and wanted to learn about different
ways of handling it.
The presentation was the last of the
Lane Hall Conversations series for
this year. The series of talks brings
speakers from different disciplines to
discuss research on gender and
women, presentation coordinator
Ilisha Felty said. "The purpose (of the
talks) is basically to highlight the
research that goes on at the institute.
We have a finite number of
researchers, so we line up researchers
within women and gender," Felty

. Doug Lewis's name was misspelled in an editorial on Page 4A of Monday's
Please report any errors in the Daily to corrections@michigandaily.com

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