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March 04, 2004 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-03-04

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2B - The Michigan Daily - Weekend Magazine - Thursday, March 4, 2004
Random wants Oprah to head her dept.

The Michigan Daily - Weekend Magazin

By Sctt Serm
Daily Arts Writer
Random : Hello?
The Michigan. Daily: Hi, who is
R: Courtney.
TMD: Hey Courtney, it's your lucky
day. You've been selected for the
Daily's infamous Random Student
Interview. Do you have time to answer
a few questions?
R: Yeah, OK.
TMD: So what were you doing when
I called?
R: Putting pictures up online.
TMD: Of what, if I may ask?
R: From Spring Break.
TMD: Mmm, where'd you go?
R: Went to Miami and Fort
TMD: Had a good time I assume.
R: Yeah, it was a lot of fun.
TMD: Any memorable craziness?
R: There were these guys on the beach
stalking us. That was probably the most
interesting thing.
TMD: Wow. What did you do? How
did you avoid the stalkers?
R: Actually we went up and took a

picture with them.
TMD: Somehow that seems like a
bad idea. Are they really even stalkers
then if you encourage them like that?
R: Well they weren't really stalkers,
but these guys were following us.
TMD: OK, next question. What do
you think is a more deadly weapon:
nunchucks or throwing stars?
R: Umm, the throwing stars.
TMD: Hillary Duff or Lindsey
R: Lindsey Lohan.
TMD: That's like asking Mary Kate
or Ashley to most people. By the way ...
R: Mary Kate.
TMD: Right on. If you could pick
one artist to be eternally banned from
radio who would it be?
R: I want say Emerson Drive.
TMD: Haven't heard of them.
R: They're a country band. Not my
kind of music.
TMD: Maybe we should just take out
the whole genre. Hey, try to guess my
R: How tall are you?
TMD: Just under six foot.
R: ... 180.
TMD: More or less. Wow, do you

have a formula in your head?
R: Nah just prior experience.
TMD: What prior experience? Do
you come into contact with a lot of just-
short-of six foot guys?
R:Yes, I do.
TMD: What do you think is the
toughest fruit or vegetable? Like if all the
fruits and vegetables got into a battle
royale cage match, who would emerge
the winner?
R: Eggplant.
TMD: You say that without a second
of hesitation. Why eggplant?
R: Why not?
TMD: Well for instance, why could
an eggplant take out a pineapple or
R: Purple's a scary color, eggplant's
pretty big.
TMD: Name the three branches of
the federal government.
R: Executive, legislative and um,
TMD: Let's make a up a fourth
branch. What do you want to call it?
R: The branch of Courtney.
TMD: What are the duties of this
R: Ultimate ruler over the other

branches and empowering me.
TMD: Who should we get to head up
the Department of Courtney?
R: Oprah. She's a very strong and a
smart business woman.
TMD: What celebrities look most
like your parents?
R: I'd say one of the Three Stooges
looks most like my dad. Probably Moe.
TMD: Does he have a bowl cut?
R: No, actually. He's balding.
TMD: So shouldn't we go with Larry
R: No, I'd still go with Moe.
TMD: What about your mom?
R: Umm, Jennifer Aniston.
TMD: What?! How does a Stooge
end up with Jennifer Aniston?
R: He's a very nice guy.
TMD: Then there's hope for me yet.
What's your marital status?
R: I've been dating someone since
TMD: OK, well then you qualify for
our 11th annual Spring Dating Survey
brought to you by Weekend Magazine
and Chevy Truck, "Like a Rock."
R: Yep.
TMD: Complete the following sen-

tence: I want a guy just like ...
R: Brad Pitt.
TMD: Do you ever make the first
R: Yes, all the time.
TMD: Would you ever use an online
dating service?
R: No. A lot of creepy people use the
TMD: If not online, then where are
we going to meet people?
R: Definitely bars. People always
look better when you're drunk.
TMD: That's very true. Have you ever
flirtered with a guy because of his shoes?
R: No.
TMD: What about his cell phone?
R: Nope.
TMD: What's the biggest dating no-
no for you?
R: Bad table manners. My ex-
boyfriend would never put his napkin in
his lap. He just left it on the table. Even
in nice restaurants, it really bothered me.
TMD: You should have gone to one of
those really nice places where the wait-
ers put the napkin in your lap for you.
They'll force jerks to behave. Well,
thanks very much for your help, you
passed with flying colors.

A guide to who's where,
what's happening and wyThe
you need to be there..T h
Films opening.
Hidalgo Viggo's risen to the around on a pony for two
throne and in the process hours. Money well spent
developed some great horse- indeed. At Showcase: 12:45,
manship skills. Now he's so 1:15, 3:45, 4:15, 6:45, 7:15,
popular that audiences are 9:35, 10:05, 12:20 (Fri. and
eager to stare at him riding Sat.).
Films holding

Weekend List

Girls' Night Out combines free treats and at-home feel

By Undsey Bieber
For the Daily
Everyone knows of The Body Shop
stores abundantly sprinkled throughout
malls across the country, but the newest
division, The Body Shop At Home, has
yet to make a name for itself. In 2001,
the well-known beauty-store chain cre-
ated a new way of pampering oneself
while spending time with friends by
introducing its At Home Division.
Originally started in the United
Kingdom, At Home was first intro-
duced in Michigan, California and
Massachusetts. Now, The Body Shop
At Home parties have spread to every
state, with more than 5,100 consultants
in each one. The parties' purpose is a
chance to get together with friends,

relax and enjoy beauty products. The
parties have been nicknamed GNOs,
short for Girls' Night Out.
The way the parties work is similar
to other Mary Kay cosmetics or
Tupperware home parties. A host con-
tacts a consultant to fix a date for the
party. Then the host invites as many or
as few guests as desired. The guests
receive the Body Shop treatments free
of charge. The consultant informs the
party attendees about the history of the
Body Shop, gives them an inside look
into the details of the product line and
gives tips on how to improve skin. Each
guest receives a packet of information
with details about most of The Body
Shop products and an order form to
place a personal order, with discounted
prices on many items. As a bonus, the

parties offer special discounts on cer-
tain products just for hosting an At
Home party. And depending on the
sales from the party, hosts can earn 50-
percent-off or even free Complete Care
Sets, which are not available in the
stores. In addition, a raffle at the end of
the party gives away even more free
gifts to the guests.
Hosts can choose from four different
theme options for their party. With each
theme, the guests get a first-hand expe-
rience of the products. Your Face is
Forever allows guests to choose a facial
scrub and a mask that suits the individ-
ual's skin type and apply the smoothing
scrub to half of the face and the exfoli-
ating mask to the other half. The final
step is the facial moisturizer and
Vitamin facial spray.

The Spa Experience theme allows
guests to massage their legs and feet in
warm water using the fragrant body
shower wash and matching body scrub.
Next, a hydrating body mask is applied,
set and rinsed clean. The moisture-rich
body lotion is the finishing touch.
With Foot Fun, guests are given
their own warm water bin to soak their
feet in while using the softening
pumice scrubs and aromatic lotions
from the Peppermint Foot Care line.
Lastly, the Make-It-Up GNO is the
Body Shop makeup line that uses
adapters, which is makeup designed to
work with the guests' pre-existing
makeup. Guests can choose from a
variety of mattifyers, bronzers, eye
shimmers and much more.
The Body Shop At Home division is

a unique way to hang out with friends
while enjoying beautifying body prod-
ucts from the comfort of home.
Consultant Wendy Van Sumer says she
started working as a consultant to do
something different while making
some extra money. What she ended up
finding was plentiful knowledge about
skin care and the chance to meet lots of
new people.
"The Body Shop is truly a great com-
pany with strong values and a commit-
ment to help those in need, and it's a nice
feeling to know that I'm associated with
it, notes Van Sumer. This ever-growing
new service from The Body Shop might
end up being the Tupperware party of
the new millennium. Who wouldn't
want a free night of talking with friends
while being pampered?

Barbershop 2: Back in
Business You'd think that
Cube wouldn't ruin a potential-
ly great series by allowing
Queen Latifah to make a
worthless, ripoff sequel At
Showcase: 12:55, 3:15, 5:35,
8:00, 10:20, 12:35 (Fri. and
Big Fish Tim Burton has
deserved this type of grand
recognition for so very long.
He probably would have
received it, too, for his work on
the "Batman" series if that
weasel Schumacher hadn't
rained on his parade. At
Showcase: 9:55, 12:30. At
Madstone: 1:05,4:30, 7:10,
9:45. At Madstone: 9:45.
The Butterfly Effect It seems
as though ruining the lives of
Bruce Willis's children just was-
n't enough damage to satisfy
lil' Ashton; he had to ruin a
potentiall awesome thriller as
well. At Showcase: 1:20, 9:50,
12:15 (Fri. and Sat.).
Cub Dread It's becoming
pretty dear that one bout with
the goofy Broken Lizard crew
was all that viewers could han-
dle. It looks like they'll have to
replace their goonish comedy
with something a trifle better.
At Showcase: 1:10, 3:25, 5:40,
7:55, 10:15, 12:30 (Fri. and
Sat). At Madstone: 1:05, 3:15,
5:25, 7:35, 9:45.
Confessions of a Teenage
Drama Queen It's very com-
forting to know that major stu-
dios are investing millions of
dollars in movies about turf
wars between belligerent high
school drama queens. At
Showcase: 12:35, 2:45, 4:55,
7:05, 9:15, 11:30.
Dity Dancing: Havana
Night Actor Diego Luna's
name is probably the coolest
and most enjoyable thing to
emerge from this wholly
worthless Havana hoedown. At
Showcase: 12:25, 2:25, 4:40,
6:55, 9:10, 11:20.
Eurotrip It's not like college
audiences are foolish enough

to run en masse to a remaking
of "Road Trip" on the
European continent Yeah,
right At Showcase: 1:25, 3:35,
5:45, 8:10, 10:25, 12:40 (Fri.
and Sat).
Gid with a Pearl Eaning
Scarlett Johansson is nice to
look at At Madstone: 3:45,
5:45, 7:45.
Miracle Feeding men Styx or
Journey and hard-hitting hock-
ey is like giving a dog the per-
petually desirable bone. At
Showcase: 12:55, 3:40, 6:35,
9:20, 9:50, 12:05 (Fri. and
Monster Charlize Theron
plays quite the dirty sleaze with
thirty pounds of extra cargo
packed on. At Showcase: 2:55,
9:55, 12:10 (Fri. and Sat).
My Architect: A Son's
Journey It takes skill to bal-
ance at once some of the
world's grandest architectural
designs and two illegitimate
families. At Madstone: 1:10,
3:45, 7:10, 9:20.
The Passion of the Christ
Mel Gibson's career-condud-
ing, gorly honest masterpiece
has finally hit the shelves. And
it looks as though it's doing
pretty well financially. At
Showcase: Noon, 12:30, 1:00,
1:30, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30,
6:00, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30, 9:00,
9:30, 10:00. At Madstone:
1:00, 2:00, 4:00, 5:00, 7:00,
8:00, 9:45.
Starsky and Hutch After the
crippling failures of "The Big
Bounce and "Along Came
Polly," Owen Wilson and Ben
Stiller better have some tricks
up their sleeves. At Showcase:
12:20, 2:50, 2:40, 3:10, 5:00,
5:30, 7:20, 7:50, 9:40, 10:10,
11:55, 12:25 (Fri. and Sat).
Twisted The potentially low-
est-ever fresh rating of 2 per-
cent on rottentomates.com
ought to usher in great suc-
cess for this crime thriller. At
Showcase: 12:25, 2:50, 5:10,
7:25, 9:45, 11:50.

Guthie Theatre: Othello
Powers collide in Shakespeare's
poetic tragedy, Othello, creat-
ing a rich and sickeningly
beautiful turn of events. Power
Center, 8 p.m. $16 - $50. 764-
Stop, Kiss A work that man-
ages to be both funny and
provocative, Stop Kiss tells the
story of Sara and Callie, who
are the last to realize they are
falling in love. Arena Theatre, 7
p.m. ree.
The Dreamers Look on the
bright side: Any movie with
gratuitous sex is lauded as
being artistic. At State Theater:
7:15, 9:30.
The Fog of War General
McNamara, up-dose and per-
sonal. At State Theater 7:00,
Tokyo Godfathers Inventive
anime about homeless junkies
and a baby. At Michigan
Theater: 7:00, 9:00.
The Tof Belleville This
(seriousl eserves creativity_
points: A do9 rescues a pubes-
cent cydist . dnapped by the
mafia. At Michigan Theater:
7:15, 9:15.
Mr. Plow Sadly, Mr. Tractor
and Ms. Combine couldn't
make it The Elbow Room, 6 S.
Washington St. Ypsilanti, 10
p.m. $5. 483-6374.
Derrick May Didn't this guy
used to play for the Buffalo
Sabres? Speaking of the
Sabres, remember Pat
Lafontaine? 516 E Liberty St.
10 p.m. $15. 994-5436.
The Ron Brooks Trio Ron,
oh Ron - why do you scale
back your work schedule?
Whatever happened to the 11
p.m. time slot? Bird of Paradise,
312 S. Main St., 9 p.m. $5.
Guthrie Theatre: Otheo
See Thursday.
Stop, Kiss See Thursday, 7
p.m. and 11 p.m.
Am I Blue?/ At the End of
the Day Two one-acts com-
bine to form one telling multi-
generational tale. 8 p.m., RC
Auditorium, free.

The Dreamers See above. At
State Theater 7:15, 9:30.
The Fog of War See above.
At State Theater: 7:00, 9:15.
Tokyo Godfathers See
above. At Michigan Theater:
Touching the Void Find out
why mountaineers are sweet
At Michigan Theater 6:45,
The Triplets of Belleville See
above. AtMichigan Theater:
6:30, 8:15.
DangerVille Alright guys, I
get the band name, but you
don't get my five dollars until
you learn to properly capitalize
your band name. The Elbow
Room, 6 S.Washington St.,
Ypsilanti, 10 p.m. $5. 483-
Don Caballero Whatever. I
was going to the show, but I
blew all.of my money on
Harvey Milk 45's. Whatever.
The Blind Pig, 208 S. First St.
9:30 p.m. $10. 996-8555.
Japanther Guitar pedals on
our chest is so post-modem.
Halfway Inn, East Quad, 701 E.
University St., Ann Arbor 8:30
p.m. $5. 764-0100.
Symphony Band This concert
will feature works by Nelson,
Djupstrom, Ewazen,
Lopatnikoff, Rogers, Arnold
and Ginastera. Hill Auditorium,
8 p.m. Free.
Guthrie Theatre: Othello
See Thursday, 2 p.m. and 8
Stop, Kiss See Thursday, 7
p.m. and 11 p.m.
Am 1 Blue?IAtthe End of
the Day See Friday.
The Dreamers See above. At
State Theater 2:00, 4:45, 7:15
The Fog of War See above.
At State Theater 2:15, 4:30,
7:00, 9:15.
Tokyo Godfathers See
above. At Michigan Theater:
Touching the Void See
above. At Michigan Theater:
4:30, 6:45, 9:45.


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Applications are due March 8, 2004, and can be downloaded at www.umich.edu/-uac
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Writers: Undsey ieber, Alison Go,
Megan Jakes, Raquel Laneri, Kirstin
Northenscold, Rebecca Ramsey,
Scott Serilla, Amanda Shapin
Photo Editors: Tony Ding
Photographers: Forest Casey,
Raquel Laneri, Brett Mountain, Ali
Cover Art: Elise Bergmeli'
Arts Editors: Jason Roberts,
Managing Editor
Adam Rottenberg, Alex Wolsky,

Phone Numbers: Michigan Theater: 668-8397; Quality 16: 827-2837; Showcase: 973-8380;
State: 761-8667.
Showtimes are effective Friday through Thursday. Matinee times at State Theater are effec-
tive for Saturday and Sunday only.

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