The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 8, 2004 - 7A
Some say 'U' interaction with Detroit community helps smooth relationship
Continued from Page 1A
there is no resistance. Indeed the University
of Michigan has a rather positive image. As
I said, I've been doing research in Detroit
since 1976, and I think saying you're from
the University of Michigan actually opens
doors," Farley said.
"I wish there were stronger connections
between the University and Detroit, but there
are quite a few already," he said.
The issue, however, has prompted action
in the past. A number of professors, includ-
ing those in social work and public health,
have noticed the University's image prob-
lem in Detroit. Feelings of exploitation
have bred antagonism and distrust, some
have contended.
With history in mind, faculty members serv-
icing schools, organizing political action and
conducting research are striving to overcome
the University's image problem.
As a professor in the School of Educa-
tion, Stella Raudenbush directs the Lives of
Urban Children and Youth Initiative, a com-
munity service-oriented program in which
University students aid schools and partici-
pate in mentorship and recreational activi-
Continued from Page IA
"It's not as effective as if women were on a
form of ongoing contraception," she said.
Safe Sex Store owner Beth Karmeissol said
she is adamantly against giving the drug a
non-prescription status.
. "I don't think people will understand the
implications of the 'morning after' pill," she
said. "It causes a false menstrual cycle. ... It's
a very severe action being taken by the pill."
Karmeissol added that although there are
no known long-term side effects, increased
and unmonitored use might have unanticipat-
Continued from Page 1A
do take full responsibility for it, but I didn't
send it."
The administration said there are no offi-
cial plans for any modifications to the Greek
ties in Detroit.
"In the school program, we support academ-
ic instruction and work in culturally supportive
activities," Raudenbush said.
Mentors and volunteers take classes at
the University, where they study the sociol-
ogy of Detroit and the dynamics of per-
forming service. Students also receive a
summer internship in Detroit, conducting
various community services. The purpose is
to immerse undergraduates in a particular
area to help them understand the influences
on a community, she said.
The benefits for both students of the Univer-
sity and children in Detroit are evident, and stu-
dents, many of whom are part of the Michigan
Community Scholars Program, are dedicated to
each of the community partners, Raudenbush
But programs in the past have been per-
ceived negatively, seen as transient and uncom-
mitted, noted Raudenbush.
"That's a problem. And that's why we've
designed the program so that the students
work within the same program for two years
- so that they can really develop a relation-
ship with the people in the program," Rau-
denbush said.
Adrienne Hunter at the University Preparato-
ry Academy in Detroit - which receives men-
tors from LUCY - said the program has run
smoothly, the only glitch being an occasional
scheduling problem.
The program demands commitment and
consistency. When one student's schedule
conflicted with that of the school's, she opted
not to participate.
"She didn't have the chance to really con-
nect with a student," said Hunter, who is the
community learning coordinator for the
But while University students must stay
within the umbrella LUCY program for two
years, they may not be obligated to stay within
a particular school. During University Prep's
first semester with LUCY, five mentors were in
the program, but only two stayed for the next.
The other three students went to other commu-
nity partners in Detroit.
LSA sophomore Kaellen Weld-Wallis spent
her first semester at Logan Elementary School
and her second at Bellevue.
She stressed, however, that students are
taught to keep close the best interests of the
"There's something that we really talk about
a lot - an asset-based approach to a commu-
nity," said Weld-Wallis, who is a third-semester
"There's something that we really talk about a lot - an
asset-based approach to a community.... One thing that
we do, and one thing that I'm able to do because I'm
from the neighborhood, is see (ourselves) as an asset to
that neighborhood'
- Kaellen Weld-Wallis
LSA sophomore
LUCY participant. "One thing that we do, and
one thing that I'm able to do because I'm from
that neighborhood, is see (ourselves) as an asset
to that neighborhood."
She added that problems arise when stu-
dents try to "save the community." Instead,
LUCY students incorporate themselves into
a neighborhood and become role models
and mentors.
"The real ethic that drives LUCY is con-
sistently asking of the program and of our-
selves: what does a student need to know in
order to be an effective member of the com-
munity?" Raudenbush said. Participants are
taught "that you are in fact under the direc-
tion of the community."
And it is the notion and perception of com-
munity that Farley said he seeks to understand.
Farley will measure the responses of
white, black and Mexican opinions on dif-
ferent neighborhoods' compositions: ones
in which all residents are white, black or
Mexican, integrated neighborhoods and
neighborhoods that are upscale, middle
class or have "starter homes."
Using qualitative and quantitative results,
Farley hypothesizes that "black respondents
will prefer the integrated situation and will
least prefer the all-white situation."
White respondents may believe that if
blacks come into their neighborhoods that
crime will increase, property values will go
down and the quality of schools will
ed effects on the female body.
She added that her greatest fear is the sale
of the drug by stores that would not educate
the customer in its use.
"I know that most stores don't take the time
to educate their customers about precautions
to certain products," she said.
"I'm for the availability of the pill, but only
in the controlled environment it's in now."
In the event that the drug is granted non-
prescription status, Karmeissol said that she
would sell the drug, but cautiously.
"If it does pass, we will sell it, but I'll be
having a long conversation with my staff
about how to sell it," she said.
sion between the University and IFC. Harp-
er's "Plan" actually seeks to defer fall rush
only for students beginning their first term at
the University.
The timing of these measures comes after
the hazing incident at the Sigma Chi fraterni-
ty where a sophomore pledge was hospital-
Astronomers claim sun's UV rays
responsible for wave of extinction
system and added that the next
dialogue with students.
"We are still developing a
process and schedule for dis-
cussion, feedback and shar-
ing," said University
spokeswoman Julie Peterson.
While both groups share
similar goals, such as sup-
port for state anti-hazing leg-
islation or the eventual
implementation of substance-
free housing, lack of commu-
nication and
misunderstanding has hin-
dered both their efforts.
"We need to be clear about
what hazing is and what the
consequences are," Harper
The IFC opposes deferring]
step calls for a
" I think the way this
is going about won't
necessarily solve the
problem.... We aim
to improve every
aspect of Greek life
and want to stamp
out hazing.'
- Casey Bourke
IFC President
ized for renal failure after
being forced to partici-
pate in calisthenics
without water.
"I think the way this is
going about won't neces-
sarily solve the problem,"
Bourke said. "We aim to
improve every aspect of
Greek life and want to
stamp out hazing. We
fully endorse anti-hazing
legislation but this feels
like punishment."
Harper responded by
refuting the claim.
"This is not punish-
ment for hazing," she
said. "These recommen-
Ancient supernova
explosion may have allowed
UV rays through atmosphere
ATLANTA (AP) - The second-largest
extinction in the Earth's history, the killing
of two-thirds of all species, may have been
caused by ultraviolet radiation from the sun
after gamma rays destroyed the Earth's
ozone layer.
Astronomers are proposing that a superno-
va exploded within 10,000 light years of the
Earth, destroying the chemistry of the atmos-
phere and allowing the sun's ultraviolet rays to
cook fragile, unprotected life forms.
All this happened some 440 million years
ago and led to what is known as the Ordovi-
cian extinction, the second most severe of the
planet's five great periods of extinction.
"The prevailing theory for that extinction
has been an ice age," said Adrian Melott, a
University of Kansas astronomer. "We think
there is very good circumstantial evidence for
a gamma ray burst."
Melott is the leader of a team, which
includes some astronomers from the
National Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
tration that presented the theory yesterday
at the national meeting of the American
Astronomical Society.
Fossil records for the Ordovician extinction
show an abrupt disappearance of two-thirds of
all species on the planet. Those records also
show that an ice age that lasted more than a
half million years started during the same
Melott said a gamma ray burst would
explain both phenomena.
He said a gamma ray beam striking the
Earth would break up molecules in the
stratosphere, causing the formation of
nitrous oxide and other chemicals that
would destroy the ozone layer and shroud
the planet in a brown smog.
"The sky would get brown, but there would
be intense ultraviolet radiation from the sun
striking the surface." he said. The radiation
would be at least 50 times above normal, pow-
erful enough to killed exposed life.
In a second effect, the brown smog would
cause the Earth to cool, triggering an ice age,
Melott said.
The extinction "could have been a one-two
punch," said Bruce Lieberman, a paleontolo-
gist at the University of Kansas and a co-
author of the theory. "Our theory builds on
earlier theories" that included an ice age.
Before the extinction, the Earth was unusu-
ally warm. Melott said climate experts have
been unable to find a model that would
explain the sudden onset of massive glaciers.
"They need something to jump start the ice
age," he said. "The gamma ray burst could have
done it."
Jere Lipps, a paleobiologist at the Universi-
ty of California, Berkeley, said gamma rays as
a source of the Ordovician extinction should
be regarded as only one of several theories. "It
is a hypothesis that should be tested," Lipps
He said the widely-accepted idea that the
dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid 65
million years ago started out as a "wild idea,"
but that it gained wide support after other
Most of the life killed in the Ordovician
extinction were primitive sea creatures.
Those that lived at or near the surface
would be greatest risk from the ultraviolet
radiation. Melott the species killed lived
in shallow waters or reproduced with lar-
vae that spent part of their lives near the
water surface. Animals living in deep
water were not harmed.
There were only primitive plants living on
land, but they, too, would have been affected, he
Melott said it is almost certain that Earth
has been zapped by a gamma ray several
times in its 4.5 billion year history.
"You can expect a dangerous gamma ray
burst every few hundred million years," he
said. "It could happen tomorrow or it could
be millions of years."
Supernovae, the source of gamma rays,
usually leave behind remnant clouds of
dust, shock waves and black holes that can
be detected for millions of years. Melott
said there is no known evidence of such a
nearby supernova, but that in 440 million
years the Milky Way would have rotated
almost twice and traces of the explosion.
could have been moved during that time.
The Ordovician was the first of five great
extinction in history.
The Devonian, 360 million years ago,
killed 60 percent of all species; the Permi-
an-Triassic, 250 million years ago, killed
90 percent of all life; the late Triassic, 220
million years ago, killed half of all
species; and the Cretaceous-Tertiary event
destroyed the dinosaurs and half of all
other species about 65 million years ago.
Rush and live-
in supervisors because of their effect on fra-
ternities' enrollment and financial situation.
They cited the potential for housing compli-
cations and their First Amendment right to
free association, claiming they are being dis-
criminated against.
According to IFC members, "deferred
Rush" would mean that no University stu-
dents would be allowed to rush fraternities or
sororities until winter term, as opposed to
choosing between a fall and winter rush,
which is the current practice.
And here emerges another point of confu-
the michigan daily
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dations for deferred Rush predate the last
hazing incident."
These changes were originally proposed by
a joint student and faculty committee for
LSA in 1998, Harper said. The administration
also culled information from the Undergradu-
ate Educational Commission Report in 2001
and the Greek Community Strategic Plan
"We want to give students a chance to get
on campus and learn this place, settle in and
get engaged," Harper said. "To make that
serious commitment, it requires serious
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