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February 02, 2004 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-02-02

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 2, 2004 - 3A

.-. ..

Final candidate favors school-led construction

Hospital receives
bomb threat; no
explosives found
The emergency room of the Univer-
sity Hospital received a bomb threat
Thursday night. Department of Public
Safety officers searched the hospital
and found no bombs. No area of the
hospital was evacuated. While DPS
has not found the subject responsible
for the bomb threat, the case is under
investigation as officers follow some
Disorderly hockey
fan reports threat
of assault at game
During Friday night's hockey game
at Yost Ice Arena, a caller reported to
DPS that another person threatened to
assault him. The other person denied
threatening the caller. While the two
were charged with disorderly behavior,
there was no assault or injuries. DPS is
investigating the case.
Video game
console snatched
from owner
On Thursday night, a caller informed
DPS that a Microsoft Xbox was stolen
from his room in the Lurie Engineering
Center sometime last week. There are
currently no suspects.
Vandal uses doors
of 'U' building to
spray-paint graffiti
DPS records show that the dock
doors of the Institute of Social
Research were spray-painted with graf-
fiti Thursday night. The damage is val-
ued at about $200, and there are no
services identify
possible forgeries
Administrative Services notified
DPS of some documents that might be
forgeries on Friday afternoon. DPS did
not have information available regard-
ing the nature of the documents. The
case is under investigation.
trespasser found in
League, taken to ER
An individual not affiliated with the
University was found trespassing in the
basement of the Michigan League on
Saturday afternoon. The individual was
intoxicated and was taken to the emer-
gency room of the University Hospital.
The subject received a verbal warning.
Hospital arts
exhibit damaged;
vandals unknown
The Gifts of Arts Program exhibit
at the University Hospital was ripped
and damaged Thursday afternoon.
DPS has no suspects and will estab-
lish the value of the damage in a
pending investigation.
Windshield wiper
blades lifted from
parked car

On Friday morning, a caller told
DPS that the wiper blades on her car
were stolen while her car was parked in
the Thompson Carport. There are no
Male tries to use
female's M-Card,
later pays in cash
A caller reported to DPS on Thurs-
day afternoon that a male tried to use
a female's M-Card to buy food in the
Michigan Union. Restaurant staff
refused to accept the M-Card without
the female present. The male left,
leaving the card at the restaurant. He
later returned and purchased the food
with cash.
Charging batteries
turns dangerous,
causing explosion
DPS reports indicate that a caller
reported a small explosion in his apart-
ment Thursday night. The caller
believed charging batteries caused the
explosion that damaged his wood floor,
wall and ceiling.

By Aymar Jean
Daily Staff Reporter
Presentations by candidates for housing director
drew to a close with a
final applicant who said
he prefers having univer-
sities administer their
own construction proj-
ects, using environmen-
tally friendly materials. 4OU51HO
Fred Fotis, director of
housing and conferences FIFTH IN A FIVE''
at the University of PART SERIES
British Columbia, presented his vision of Univer-
sity housing Thursday, drawing on his previous
Lecturer: Ha

experience and his own ideals. Fotis has also
worked for Penn State University and the College
of William and Mary.
For most of his presentation, Fotis used his
experience at UBC to demonstrate his qualifica-
tions. UBC has an enrollment of about 40,000
students, and its housing facilities contain about
8,700 beds in 58 buildings. By 2006, the univer-
sity hopes to provide housing for 25 percent of
the student population, adding 2,000 more beds
in the next few years, he said.
As an example of the difficult choices he has
faced, Fotis recalled his decision to not employ a
private contractor to develop a new residence
hall. After one week of research and exploration,
Fotis issued a report outlining the apparent disad-

s to a public-private partnership. A private in Canada
or would offer no guarantee of long-term is much n
ance, show no interest in duplicating the part of eve
provided by UBC and would not work "My vi
h labor unions, Fotis said. is that it h
e all, UBC sought to provide access that be transp
tent-directed and student-focused, an attrib- things tha
ound in a private developer, he said. guage, a r
s a good affirmation for us, for university ness," hes
at UBC," he said. Showin
construction of new buildings, Fotis has ing and 1
ported various green initiatives and the programa
ustainable materials, such as brick that is from 35 c
,nt fly ash. members
also discussed his views on diversity, "The i
ave been shaped in part by his experience
Vgil held

. He said that multiculturalism in Canada
nore "matter of fact" and much more "a
eryday life" than in the United States.
sion for diversity and multiculturalism
has to be one of those things that has to
arent in us. It has to be one of those
t people see is a regular part of the lan-
regular part of the way that we do busi-
g his belief that residence halls are liv-
earning centers, Fotis outlined a new
at UBC this year allowing 200 students
ountries to study and learn from faculty
about democracy and technology.
dea behind that is that a student from
See HOUSING, Page 7A
to honor


A cultural experience

Bash should be
political protest
By Rachel Boyman
For the Daily
Michael Whitty has a lesson for those interested in pro-
moting Libertarian values: Liberty is the right to be left
alone, as long as one is not bothering a neighbor.
College Libertarians hosted an interactive lecture with
Michael Whitty, the state chair of Citizens for Tolerance and
Decency, last Friday in the Michigan League. Whitty, a
member of the Libertarian Party, spoke on "Pot, Porn and
Prostitution: The ever-converging ground between left and
right on social issues and civil liberties."
Whitty's main focus was on the issue of liberty, which he
described as a "unifying force" that can help to bring togeth-
er different groups in support of social issues this election
year. "I stress looking for a common ground and making
imaginative new alliances with more sponsors to reach more
people, be more effective," he said, citing a past example of
Libertarian and Green Party members working together on
social issues that appealed to both parties.
Whitty said Libertarians can use campus eventsto encour-
age people to act on behalf of freedom and liberty. He sug-
gested working to make Hash Bash into a political protest
rather than a rally for "junior high dropouts." He also advo-
cated friendly debates at the Law School and the School of
Public Health on the legalization of marijuana for medical
use, in order to make the issue more mainstream.
Another focus of Whitty's discourse concerned laws gov-
erning sex and prostitution. He described the trend of "sex-
phobia" as a motivating factor for laws governing the
prohibition of prostitution, as well as a law in Texas prevent-
ing women from owning vibrators. "We need to embrace
pleasure as part of being human," he said.
Whitty advocated recognizing sexuality and sensuality as
a human need to avoid making these issues taboo. "I would
like to normalize our human sexuality so that it would be
okay and not embarrassing," Whitty stated. "It should be
handled as every other human aspect, (such as) health,
weight, alcoholism, getting a job, enjoying a weekend."
Whitty ended with an appeal to students. "I encourage you
to use three words in your daily life: privacy, liberty and free-
dom," he said. "Liberty is an important American ideal, and is
important at this time when security is (chosen) over liberty."
LSA senior Dan Sheill, chair of College Libertarians, said
the University provides a forum for the discussion of these
issues. "The purpose was to bring light to people about issues
that people are too insecure to talk about. If it can be discussed
anywhere, it will be discussed here on Michigan's campus."

hate crimes victims

By Scott Cederbaum
and Caroline Saudek
For the Daily
LSA junior Brian Kendall said he
has suffered emotional distress and
brain damage since he was assaulted
because of his sexuality.
After being pushed down a flight of
stairs, Kendall spent a number of days
in the hospital, only to find out that his
assailant would not face charges. Two
years later, he said he is still fighting to
make sure justice is served.
Kendall's experience is not unique
among University students according
to representatives of various student
multicultural organizations, who
ignored the sub-zero temperatures in
order to get their message across dur-
ing a Hate Crimes Candlelight Vigil
last Thursday night.
Students organized the vigil to honor
victims of hate crimes, support proac-
tive prevention of such crimes, and
raise awareness of the gravity and
s 1960s blac

severity of hate crimes in communities.
"It is important for people to realize
hate exists and that we all need to do
our part in breaking down stereotypes
against minority groups," SNRE senior
Han-Ching Lin said.
"The vigil is ... sponsored by a lot
of different organizations, because a lot
of communities have a vested interest
in it," said LSA junior Stephanie
Chang, organizer for the vigil.
"The first thing we did was find the
(Federal Bureau of Investigation) defi-
nition of what a hate crime is, and we
decided to focus on hate crimes in the
U.S.," added Chang.
The FBI defines a hate crime as, "A
criminal offense committed against (a)
person or property which is motivated,
in whole or in part, by the offender's
bias against race, religion, sexual ori-
entation group, or ethnicity/national
Chang said that each state has its
own definition of what constitutes a
k a
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Matheus Wasi Bantolo plays Rahwana last night at
Hill Auditorium in the "Gongs of Truth, The
Ramayana: Javanese Gamelan Dance Drama."

Speaker reco
By Undsey Paterson
and Rebecca Kraut
Daily Staff Reporters
When Richard Tripp was a student at the
University 35 years ago, he says he faced daily
threats for daring to improve campus diversity.
Tripp negotiated with former University
President Robben Fleming on behalf of the
Afro-American Student Union, the precursor to
the Black Action Movement. The group was
"dedicated to improving the lot for students of
color," Tripp said.
Tripp returned to campus yesterday to speak
at the Sankofa Symposium in the William Mon-
roe Trotter House, where the Black Student


Union and the Center for Afro-American and
African Studies sponsored him to speak about
the history of black activism at the University.
The Sankofa Symposium, based on a West-
African symbol representing the importance of
looking to the past in order to create the future,
began with Tripp's visit and continues through-
out the week with further discussion of how past
activism plays an important role in the future.
Tripp was asked to speak about the campus
environment before BAM - a separate group
from today's BAMN - began its efforts in the
late 1960s. BAM's protests of the University led
to the creation of programs designed to increse
racial diversity. As a student, Tripp was not
alone in his efforts to promote the goals of the

ASU, which included hiring more black coach-
es and other faculty.
"Many people supported this endeavor - it
was not a singular isolated brain-trust, but many
people wanted to have improvement. I was the
instrument to have it take place," Tripp said. He
added that the demographics of the supporters
included men and women of all races.
"Many didn't want to be recognized but
wanted to be part of the movement. There was a
coalition that wished to remain silent to gain a
stronger diversity," Tripp said. "The purpose
was to have a stronger university."
Tripp said that many enthusiasts were unlike-
ly allies. Many fraternity and sorority members,
See SANKOFA, Page 7A

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