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February 02, 2004 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2004-02-02

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 2, 2004


Bush orders
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush, under
mounting political pressure, will sign an executive
order to establish a full-blown investigation of U.S.
intelligence failures in Iraq, a senior White House
official said yesterday.
The investigation will look at what the United
States believed it knew before the war against Sad-
dam Hussein's regime and what has been determined
since the invasion. Former chief weapons inspector
David Kay has concluded that Iraq did not possess
weapons of mass destruction, a chief rationale for the
U.S.-led war.
The investigation will examine not only Iraq but
also intelligence issues dealing with stateless groups
such as terrorists and secretive regimes such as North
Korea, the official said, insisting on anonymity.
Given the broad mandate of the investigation, it is
-not likely to be completed before the November elec-
tions. Bush had resisted an investigation of Iraq intel-
ligence but agreed to an inquiry amid growing
Lawmakers from both parties say America's credi-
bility has been undermined by uncertainty over
flawed intelligence that led the United States into war
in Iraq. Republicans joined Democrats in calling for
an investigation.
"I don't see there's any way around it," Sen.
Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.), a senior member of the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations Committee, said on CNN's



inquiry into
"Late Edition."
"We need to open this up in a very nonpartisan,
outside commission, to see where we are," Hagel
said. The issue is not just shortcomings of U.S. intel-
ligence, he said, but "the credibility of who we are
around the world and the trust of our government and
our leaders."
Sen. Trent Lott of Mississippi, another top Repub-
lican on the committee, told "Fox News Sunday" that
he may be willing to go along with an independent
commission because "I think we have major prob-
lems with our intelligence community. I think we
need to take a look at a complete overhaul."
Asked by CNN whether it was time for such a
commission, Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, a
Democratic presidential candidate, replied:
By setting up the investigation himself, Bush will
have greater control over its membership and man-
date. The senior White House official said it would
be patterned after the Warren Commission, so named
for its chairman Earl Warren, a former chief justice
of the Supreme Court, which led a 10-month investi-
gation that concluded in 1964 that Lee Harvey
Oswald acted alone in killing President John F.
In appointing the members, Bush will draw heavi-
ly from intelligence experts who are familiar with the
problems in the field, the White House official said,

intel failures NEWS IN BRIEF
"I think we have major IRBIL, Iraq
problems with our Suicide bombers strike Kurds, 56 killed

intelligence community. I
think we need to take a look
at a complete overhaul"
- Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.)
speaking on condition of anonymity. The investiga-
tion will be independent and be provided with the
resources it needs to do its job, the official said.
Its mandate will be broader than simply what went
wrong in Iraq, the official said. It also will look into
issues such as gathering intelligence on stateless
regimes, al-Qaida and weapons proliferation.
At this point, the White House has not decided on
a deadline for the investigation - a sensitive issue
since its findings could become an issue in the presi-
dential campaign which will be decided with the
election in November.
There was no indication when Bush would sign
the order creating the panel.
Bush's decision comes amid assertions that
America's credibility is being undermined by uncer-
tainty over flawed intelligence that led the nation
into war in Iraq.
Continued from Page 1A
crisis intervention, SAPAC will pro-
vide follow-up - primarily through
advocacy work - if requested by the
individual, and CAPS will offer ongo-
ing counseling if needed. As payment
for SAFE House's services, the Univer-
sity will provide monetary compensa-
tion and will encourage students to
volunteer at the organization, Cichy said.
Even though University adminis-
trators say services will not be
reduced, some students are still con-
cerned about the psychological and
organizational repercussions of
using an outside provider to admin-
ister the Crisis-line.
In a letter addressed to President
..~ ~., Coleman last week, Michigan Student
Assembly executives stated their opinion
of this transfer. "A line run for students
by their peers makes this vital service
more accessible to students who might
otherwise feel intimidated or alienated
by talking about these deeply difficult
experiences with people outside of our
campus community," states the letter,
signed by MSA President Angela
Galardi and Vice President Monique
A bPerry, among others.
The letter also stated that the removal
of the Crisis-line would make it impossi-
ble to compile campus-specific statistics
on sexual assault crimes.
Although CAPS has a large staff
compared to other university counsel-
' # sing centers, the reorganization will not
405 make service less personal, CAPS
director Todd Sevig said.
Sevig stressed that students who see a
counselor almost always continue to see
the same one, unless they request other-
wise. The diversity of CAPS staff allows
students to choose a professional with
... whom they may feel more comfortable.
CAPS provides individual, group
j and walk-in counseling sessions
made by appointment. CAPS, with a
current staff of 25 professionals and
trainees, also conducts outreach and
education programs.

Two suicide bombers with explosives wired to their bodies struck the
offices of the country's two main Kurdish parties in nearly simultaneous
attacks yesterday, killing at least 56 people and wounding more than 235 in
the deadliest assault in Iraq in six months.
The attacks struck in the Kurdish heartland and took a heavy toll among
senior leaders of Iraq's most pro-American ethnic group.
Elsewhere, an American soldier was killed and 12 were wounded in a
rocket attack on a logistics base in Balad, 50 miles north of Baghdad, the
U.S. command said.
The death raised to 523 the number of U.S. service members who have
died since the Iraq conflict began in March.
The Irbil attackers slipped into the offices of the Kurdistan Democratic
Party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan along with hundreds of well-
wishers gathering for the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, or the Feast of
Kurdish television said both bombers were dressed as Muslim clerics.
MINA, Saudi Arabia
Hundreds trampled to death in annual haj
At least 244 people were trampled to death and hundreds more hurt yesterday
under the crush of worshippers in one of the deadliest disasters during the annual
Muslim pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia.
The stampede occurred during the stoning of the devil, an emotional and
notoriously perilous hajj ritual. Pilgrims frantically throw rocks, shout
insults or hurl their shoes at three stone pillars - acts that are supposed to
demonstrate their deep disdain for Satan.
Safety measures were in place at the site - one where fatal stampedes
have been frequent - but "caution isn't stronger than fate," said Saudi Hajj
Minister Iyad Madani. "All precautions were taken to prevent such an inci-
dent, but this is God's will."
The stampede broke out on one of two ramps leading to the 50-foot stone
pillars. Tens of thousands of people were on the uppermost ramp, which is
about the width of a five-lane highway. Authorities said a few pilgrims fell,
causing panic as pressure built up in the crowd behind.
Brig. Mansour al-Turki of the Saudi General Security Forces said about 10,000
general security officers were on duty in the area at the time.

Legislators resign in
protest of elections
More than one-third of Iran's law-
makers resigned in protest yesterday
over disputed elections and the par-
liamentary speaker charged ruling
clerics with trampling on the rights
of his countrymen.
Speaker Mahdi Karroubi appealed
to Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah
Ali Khamenei, to help resolve the
crisis caused by disqualification of
thousands of liberal candidates from
the Feb. 20 vote.
Some 124 lawmakers in the 290-
seat Majlis, or parliament, resigned
yesterday in a dramatic gesture
intended to force the clerical hierar-
chy to reinstate the disqualified
The mass resignation "will deter-
mine Iran's direction: rule of absolute
dictatorship or democracy," reformist
lawmaker Mohammad Kianoush-Rad
told The Associated Press.
Thousands rally for
leader's resignation
Tens of thousands of government
opponents marched peacefully yes-
terday to demand President Jean-
Bertrand Aristide's resignation, a
day after the embattled leader

rescinded restrictions on street
protests and vowed to implement
measures aimed at ending the coun-
try's unrest.
The protesters walked nearly 10
miles from a park in suburban 4
Petionville to the capital, protected
by a contingent of police.
On Saturday, Aristide rescinded a
police order outlawing marches in
Port-Au-Prince after a one-day
meeting with Caribbean leaders in
Jamaica, who put forth measures to
end a three-year political impasse in
NASA workers mourn
Columbia catastrophe
One year after Columbia broke apart
and fell in flaming streaks from the
Texas sky, NASA workers who
launched the shuttle and its seven astro-
nauts and then gathered up the remains
stood united in sorrow yesterday at the
precise moment of destruction.
The first anniversary of the catastro-
phe was a time for everyone - rocket
engineers, debris searchers, school chil-
dren, space enthusiasts - to pause and
remember. "One year ago, at this very
hour, the unthinkable occurred,"
Kennedy Space Center's director, Jim
Kennedy, told the crowd of a few hun-
dred at NASA's astronauts memorial.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.


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Continued from Page 1A
reviews economic conditions, sets mone-
tary policy and weighs risks of economic
growth - indicated that interest rate
increases may come sooner than the
panel previously suggested and most
consumers expected.
The timing of interest rate increases
can serve as an indicator of the econo-
my's condition. "If the Fed is increasing
interest rates, they're responding to an
improving economy," Curtin said.
But if states have weak economies,
they may respond by cutting the state
budget, which may force universities to
raise tuition rates, Curtin said. The
increased higher education payments
mean families have less income, which
alters consumers' outlook and spend-
ing, Curtin explained.
Some students feel economic reports
made by the FOMC or numbers such as
the Index of Consumer Sentiments are
not as relevant to students as the job
market and hiring rates.
"As students, we are more concerned
about the rate at which companies are
hiring," MBA student Nathan South
said. "Hiring hits people's pockets more
than numerical indicators."
South added that while students
may pay little attention to such
reports, they probably make con-
sumers feel slightly optimistic, and
they may use economic numbers to
justify spending more.
I Who was the
Better Fiahter?

The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. One copy is available free of charge to all readers. Additional copies
may be picked up at the Daily's office for $2. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail
are $105. Winter term (January through April) is $110, yearlong (September through April) is $190. University
affiliates are subject to a reduced subscription rate. On-campus subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscrip-
tions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and The Associated Collegiate
Press. ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327. E-mail letters to the
editor to Iefters@michigandaily.com.
NEWS Tomislav Ladika, Managing Editor
763.2459, newsOmnchigandally.com
EDITORS: Jeremy Berkowitz, Carmen Johnson, Andrew Kaplan, Emily Kraack
STAFF: Farayha Arrine, David Branson, Adrian Chen, Ashley Dinges, Adhiraj Dutt, Victoria Edwards, Cianna Freeman, Alison Go, Michaei Gurovitsch,
Aymar Jean, C. Price Jones, Michael Kan, Kylene Kiang, Andrew McCormack, Evan McGarvey, Naila Moreira, Jameel Naqvi, Lindsey Paterson, Mona
Rafeeq, Karen Schwartz, Siabhon Sturdivant, Ryan Vlcko
OPINION Jason Z. Pesick, Editor
763.0379, opinion@mIchigandally.com
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Daniel Adams, Jennifer Misthal, Suhael Momin, Jess Piskor
STAFF: Benjamin Bass, Darryl Boyd, Katherine Cantor, Sara Eber, Emily Hanan, Bonnie Kellman, Andy Kula, Jessica Risch, Ben Royal, Jeff
Segal, Courtney Taymour
CARTOONISTS: Sam Butler, Colin Daly
COLUMNISTS: Sravya Chirumamilla, Steve Cotner, Joel Hoard, Aubrey Henretty, Shabina Khatri, Sowmya Krishnamurthy, D.C. Lee, Louie
Meizlish, Zac Peskowitz, Ad Paul, Hussain Rahim


itlitt ttU

SPORTS Gennaro Filice, Managing Editor
764.8585, sportsemchIgandaly.com
SENIOR EDITORS: Chris Burke, Daniel Bremmer, Dan Rosen, Jim Weber
NIGHT EDITORS: Josh Holman, Bob Hunt, Megan Kolodgy, Sharad Mattu, Ellen McGarrity, Brian Schick
STAFF: Beth Adelson, Jeremy Antar, Eric Ambinder, Kyle Carpenter, Waldemar Centeno, Eric Chan, James V. Dowd, Gabe Edelson, Ian
Herbert, Brad Johnson, Jamie Josephson, Melanie Kebler, Phil Kofahl, Courtney Lewis. Julie Master, J. Brady McColtough, Michael
Nisson, Kyle O'Neill, Jake Rosenwasser, Steven Shears, Naweed Sikora, Matt Singer, Ryan Sosin, Anne Uible, Matt Venegoni
ARTS Jason Roberts, Managing Editor
763.0379, artspag@michlgandally.com
EDITORS: Adam Rottenberg, Alex Woisky
EDITORS, WEEKEND MAGAZINE: Sravya Chirumamilla, Sean Dailey
SUB-EDITORS: Andrew M. Gaerig, Zach Mabee, Sarah Peterson, Melissa Runstrom. Doug Wernert
STAFF: Jennie Adler, Aliya Chowdnri, Laurence Freedman, Katie Marie Gates, Matthew Grinshpun, Brandon Hang, Lynn Hasselbarth, Mary Hillemeier,
Joel Hoard, Andrew Horowitz, Lia Izenberg, Megan Jacobs, Alexandra Jones, Michelle Kijek, Jiwon Lee, Ryan Lewis, Vanessa Miller, Jared Newman,
Charles Paradis, James Pfent, Christopher Pitoun, Rebecca Ramsey, Scott Serilla,Jaya Soni, Anthea StoIz, Justin Weiner,.Todd Weiser



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PHOTO Tony Ding, Managing Ed
764.0563, photo@mlchIganda/Iy.com
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Elise BergmanrRyan Weiner
ASSISTANT EDITORS: Jason Cooper, Seth Lower
STAFF: Trevo' Campbell, Forest Casey. Joel Friedman, Dory Gernan, Mire Husebus, Jefy Lehnert, Danny Moloshok, Brett Mountain,
Brendan O'Donnel, Alir Olsen, Shabra Ohri, Eugene Robertson. Laura Snlecter, Jordan Steckloff. Jonathan Triest, David Taman
ONLINE Janna Hutz, Managing Ed
763.2459, online@mIchIgandally.com
STAFF: Geoffrey Fmk, Kate Green, Ashley Jardina, Mira Levitan, Julie Pannuto, Laura Wong



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