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November 14, 2003 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-11-14

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 14, 2003 - 3

Party, live music
to benefit African
children and UNICEF
Anyone looking for an excuse to
try the huge tire swing hanging
from a tree in front of the Jones
House on South Forest Avenue will
have the opportunity this Saturday.
UNICEF and Amnesty International
are hosting a fundraising party to
help children in Africa and support
human rights internationally.
The event will begin at 8 p.m.
Entrance is $5 and will feature live
Chicago media
agency will meet
with seniors
Graduating seniors who have yet
to find a job are invited to meet rep-
resentatives from Chicago-based
media agency Starcom Worldwide.
There will be a presentation in the
Pond Room of the Michigan Union
Monday and Tuesday from 5:30 to
7:30 p.m.
RC students to
give French
poetry reading
Students in the RC French pro-
gram will read poetry by Jaques
Prevert today in the East Quad
Auditorium beginning at 7:30 p.m.
The poetry will be read in French,
with subtitles and pictures. Prevert's
poems deal with a variety of issues,
including war, religion, language
and the absurd, education and love.
The event is free and hosted by
the RC French program.
Comedian and TV
writer performs at
the Trotter House
Comedian Charlie Hill, a writer
for the "Roseanne" show and a reg-
ular on "The Steve Allen Show,"
will perform at the William Monroe
Trotter House on Washtenaw
Avenue at 7:30 p.m. tonight.
The event is free and open to the
Amazin' Blue
sings in 'naked'
A cappella group Amazin' Blue
performs "Co-Ed Naked A Capella"
at 8 p.m. tomorrow night in Rack-
ham Auditorium. The group will not
actually perform naked and requests
that you use your imagination.
Tickets are on sale for $7 at the
Michigan Union Ticket Office and
from group members.
New Yorker editor
to offer tips on
cartoon humor
Learn how to decide whether
something's funny by listening to
Bob Mankoff, The New Yorker's
cartoon editor, deliver the last of his
lecture series at the University. The
talk, titled "How to Create Cartoon
Humor," will be held today at 3:30
p.m. in 4448 East Hall and is spon-

sored by the Department of Psy-
Museum of Art
hosts flute concert
and tea ceremony
Master of the Shakuhachi flute
Michael Gould will perform a
Shakuhachi flute concert Sunday at
2 p.m. in the University of Michi-
gan's Museum of Art. Following the
flute concert there will be a Japan-
ese tea ceremony performed by Tea
Master Yoko Watanabe at 3 p.m.
The event is sponsored by the
Museum of Art.
Ann Arbor artist
showcases pottery
and paintings
Local artist Kathleen Shea will
display her works of pottery, water-
colors and oil paintings today from
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and tomorrow
from noon to 5 p.m. The event will
be at 2820 Canterbury Road.
Admission is free.
'U' Opera dept.
performs twice in
one night
fOnera thatre nrnfessor iosh Maior

Apple CFO lectures about
company's marketing methods

By Sara Eber
Daily Staff Reporter

Apple products may seem popular
now, but a few years ago, the company
was in a seemingly disastrous situa-
tion. Fred Anderson, Apple's chief
financial officer, explained the story of
the company's returned success to an
audience in Hale Auditorium yester-
day, focusing on popular innovations in
the digital lifestyle, particularly in
"People thought we were in a death
spiral - they didn't think we'd make
it," said Anderson, who joined the
company in 1996. He served as the
premiere speaker in a year-long series
sponsored by the Business School's
High-Tech Club. In his speech, which
was geared toward business students,
he helped explain how a company can
reinvent itself and turn profits around,
despite many pessimistic predictions
from experts.
Just three weeks after joining Apple,
Anderson was confronted with the
company's $325 billion loss, which he
attributed to a general decline in the
computer industry and the company's
poor connection with its customers.
In order to turn profits around,
Apple reorganized its leadership team
and focused on reinventing its image.
"Apple's an innovator, and we
refused to mortgage our future,"
Anderson said.
Master of Business Administration
student Ben Silverman said Apple has
"a great presence" in the minds of stu-

dents. "Many students want to work at
Apple and be associated with them,"
he said.
Seven years since its pitfall, Apple is
again a strong industry competitor,
introducing new products each year.
Apple is now the nation's No. 6 com-
puter maker, with 3.48-percent market
share, according to International Data
Corp.'s latest quarterly figures. Dell is
the country's top computer maker, with
26 percent of the market.
Between the new OS X Panther sys-
tem released this year and the new G5
processor - the first 64-bit personal
computer - Anderson said Apple is
building a system superior to Windows
and evolving faster than its biggest
competitor - the release of
Microsoft's next upgrade, Microsoft
Longhorn, has been delayed until
Currently Apple is enjoying the suc-
cess of the iPod, its most celebrated
The iPod is an MP3 player that can
hold up to 10,000 songs, and was
recently developed for Windows users
as well. This week, it was named Time
magazine's Invention of the Year.
Anderson predicts growth in the
success of the iPod, which he says will
translate into additional sales when
customers shop for personal computers
in the future.
Complementing the iPod's down-
loading capabilities is Apple's online
music store, launched last April, which
offers both Macintosh and PC users
the ability to download songs for 99

"The recording industry has experi-
enced a 10- to 15-percent decline in
revenue over recent years, and they say
it's due to stealing music," Anderson
"But it's really consumers saying
they did not have a way to purchase
music that was compatible to their
needs. We came up with a new concept
that more consumers wanted."
MBA student Jose Lopez said he
was eager to hear the inside story from
"This presentation was key - we've
seen all the ads and the PR, and it's
great to hear him talk about these
things, especially when he almost
shared too much inside information,"
he said.
Apple has reversed its slump
through new retail outlets and a larger
advertising campaign.
On Nov. 30, they will open their first
international retail store in Tokyo, and
currently have 70 stores around the
country. Nevertheless, Anderson
admitted they have not been very suc-
cessful in converting PC users.
"There has been no real market-
ing effort and poor distribution, and
now we're making changes to
address that," he said.
Silverman, a High-Tech club
member, agreed with Anderson's
assessment. Though he said the
company has a "very uplifting pres-
ence," he said that they historically
have a problem reaching out to cus-

Tom Powell looks up to a tree in a neighbor's yard as another tree lays on
another neighbor's house and a car in Hazel Park yesterday.
In wake of store,
crews begin.n repair
on electrical lInes

Continued from Page 1
have suffered a lifetime of rape, battering, molestation
and abuse," she said to the crowd.
Fair echoed her comments in her speech."By and
large, women in prison are there because of prior
abuse." But Fair also offered hope for these women.
"We're at a point in Michigan's history where we can
turn things around."
She identified the budget crisis as a possible source
of clemency, saying, "Prisons are as much on the cut-
ting block as any other program."
Brooks recited a poem inspired by the women in the
Scott Correctional Facility in Plymouth. In the poem, a
victim of abuse gave preference to the relative security
of prison over "the hell" of spousal abuse.
The piece decried the appalling medical conditions
of the facility and presented a chilling portrait of the
debilitating horrors of abuse.
Audience members were selected to recite similar
stories of real women in the prison from printed slips
of paper.
One recurring theme included in the stories was the

cycle of violence that led women into a series of abu-
sive relationships.
In her film "Clemency," art and women's studies
Prof. Carol Jacobson told the painful stories of 11 of
these women. The women in the documentary recount-
ed how society had failed them.
"It's a man's world," said one inmate. "Put them in a
skirt and let them get beat on."
Alycia Welch spoke as a representative of the V-day
campaign, which aims to stop violence against women.
Welch reported how the effort raised $20,000 last year.
The annual production of "The Vagina Monologues" is
one of V-Day's many events.
This year, V-Day will be donating proceeds from the
campaign to First Step.
At the event, V-day also presented RC student Coert
Ambrosino, who performed a piece of slam poetry that
addressed rape and the consequences of an unwanted
Brooks said that these issues are relevant because "a
large proportion of female prisoners in Michigan com-
mitted crimes against abusers."
"They are the victims of a misogynist society,"
Rosenberg said. "Battering is one place where law and
justice don't meet."

By the Associated Press
Winds that knocked down trees
and power lines, closed schools
and halted boat traffic on the Great
Lakes tailed off yesterday, allow-
ing repair crews to restore service
to most of 370,000 Michigan elec-
tricity customers.
Outages caused by wind gusts of up
to 74 mph forced scores of school dis-
tricts to cancel classes yesterday.
A live power line fell across Inter-
state 94 about 7 a.m. yesterday, forcing
the closure of the freeway at Telegraph
Road and a monster traffic jam near
Detroit Metropolitan Airport. The line
was repaired by 10 a.m., DTE Energy
spokesman Len Singer said.
Consumers Energy Co. reported
that 220,000 of its 1.6 million cus-
tomers lost power Wednesday night
or yesterday. As of 9:30 p.m. EST
yesterday, 32,000 remained without
power, including 5,000 in the
Muskegon area, 4,200 around Pru-
denville, 3,100 in Rose City and
2,700 around Harrisville. Service to
most customers was expected to be
restored by late Saturday.
About 160,000 of DTE Energy's
2.1 million customers lost power dur-
ing the storms. Service to all but
45,000 was restored by 9:45 p.m.
yesterday, Singer said. Most cus-
tomers were expected to have service
restored by late today, he said.
Reports of new outages dimin-
ished yesterday evening as winds
fell below 25 mph across most of

the state, Singer said.
"Now that the weather's settling
down, we're making pretty good
progress," he said.
Winds gusting to 60 mph were
reported Wednesday in Marquette
and Alger counties in the Upper
Peninsula. Six inches of snow fell
in a 24-hour period ending yester-
day morning at the weather service
office in Marquette County's
Negaunee Township.
Stiff winds caused damage
Wednesday night at a mobile home
park in Munising.
"Two trailers were starting to
blow apart because of the strong
winds," Alger County sheriff's
deputy Matt Waldron said. "Two-
by-fours from a neighboring trailer
blew right through the wall (of one
mobile home) like a spear."
The wind shut down the shipping
passage on the St. Mary's River by
Sault Ste. Marie and forced police to
escort tall vehicles across the Mackinac
Ron Kooper, the public affairs offi-
cer for the Coast Guard's Sault Ste.
Marie station, said the river passage
was opened at 10 a.m. yesterday, but no
ships would risk the trip until later in
the day.
Steve Considine, a meteorologist at
the National Weather Service office in
Oakland County's White Lake Town-
ship, said the strong winds were the
result of a jet stream moving up
and down like a wave across the



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