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September 10, 2003 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-09-10

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10 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 10, 2003


Bowman sheds hoops to play for 'M' spikers

By Eric Ambinder
Daily Sports Writer

leyball pla
One or
man's ac(

It took just two practices for Michi- see that sh
gan freshman Meghan Bowman to lit- Bowma
erally face the reality of collegiate ball in h
volleyball. school, w
"My second day here I was nailed started mi
in the head six times," Bowman said the enjoy
of her first attempts at blocking kills recruited b
in practice. "I start
But a few headaches, the fact that she then I sta
is replacing one of Michigan's all-time from coil
best blockers and a last minute decision intending
to play collegiate volleyball instead of lege, I was
basketball haven't impeded Bowman's Bowma
progress on the court thus far. ships from
"I think right now she is only scratch- Luckily
ing the surface of how good she can be," play voile
Michigan coach Mark Rosen said. "If The 6-f
she can continue to work as hard as she rina Lehm
is working, she can become a great vol- dominatin
Krenzel looks
to rebound
vs. Wolfpack

nly needs to look at Bow-
celerated learning curve to
he has great potential.
an began playing club volley-
er sophomore year of high
hile most serious players get
uch earlier. And she played for
ment of the game, not to be
by colleges.
ed playing club volleyball, and
arted getting all these letters
Leges," she said. "I was not
on playing volleyball in col-
s going to play basketball."
an received basketball scholar-
n several "small schools."
for Michigan, she chose to
foot-1 Bowman replaces Kat-
man, one of Michigan's most
ng middle blockers in team

history, as the only new starter this
Lehman, who graduated last year, is
the Michigan record-holder for career
blocks and block assists and is ninth
all-time with 933 kills.
"Not only was Katrina a good
blocker, but she was our best player
getting us in transition," Rosen said.
"She was good everyday. Every
game you knew what you were
going to get."
While Lehman leaves behind a
seemingly unparalleled legacy, Bow-
man has shown so far that she has the
ability to be a dominating presence in
the middle.
In four of the past five matches, she
has registered five blocks and current-
ly ranks second among freshmen in
the Big Ten for blocking.
Rosen admits that Bowman is a

work in progress. To facilitate her pro-
gression into the collegiate game, she
plays in the middle between Erin
Moore and Nicole Poquette, two of
the best blockers in the Big Ten.
"We haven't put much offensive
pressure on her," Rosen said. "Every-
day we're trying to get a little more
out of her offensively."
Rosen says increased responsibility
on Bowman throughout the next few
weeks should prepare her for the
upcoming Big Ten schedule.
And one last road-trip, Rosen stat-
ed, wouldn't hurt his team in prepar-
ing for Big Ten play. Michigan (3-3)
will travel to Tennessee this weekend
to compete in the Toyota LV Classic.
The Wolverines will battle East Ten-
nessee State (1-5) on Friday and Cal-
State Fullerton (5-2) and Tennessee
(5-1) on Saturday.


Ohio State running back Maurice Clarett was charged yesterday with a
misdemeanor of falsification.

AP PHOTO By Ryan Sosin and Evan McGarvey
For the Daily

Claretts days at O0hio
c~i 1 1

No. 22 N.C. STATE (1-1) AT No. 3 OHIo STATE (2-
0) - 12:10 P.M., ABC: Maurice Clarett, Maurice
Clarett, Maurice Clarett. Ok, now that we've gotten

State may
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Mau-
rice Clarett was charged yesterday
with lying about items stolen from
his car, and Ohio State coach Jim
Tressel said the school is ready to cut
ties with the star running back.
Clarett was charged with misde-
meanor falsification, city attorney
spokesman Scott Varner said. If
convicted, Clarett would face up to
six months in jail and a $1,000
fine. But probation is likely the
harshest sentence a judge would
impose, city prosecutor Stephen
McIntosh said.
Tressel said he does not expect
Clarett to return this season to the
defending national champion Buck-
eyes. He would recommend that
Clarett be released from his scholar-
ship if the request was made by
Clarett, the coach said.
Clarett has already been suspended
indefinitely from the team, and prob-
ably will not play for the Buckeyes
this season. He is also being investi-
gated by the NCAA.
Tressel was asked if it was time for
Clarett to move on.
"I think that he needs to make,
along with his family, whatever deci-
sion he thinks is best for him," Tres-
sel said.
If Clarett's career at Ohio State is
over, the running back's last carry
would rank among the most memo-
rable in school history. He scored on
a 5-yard run in the second overtime
in a 31-24 victory over Miami in the
Fiesta Bowl, giving the Buckeyes
their first national championship in
34 years.
Alan C. Milstein, the Clarett fami-
ly attorney, said he wasn't surprised
by Tressel's comments or the misde-
meanor charge.
"Nothing Ohio State does surpris-
es me," he said. "I don't think the
family recognizes what Ohio State's
actions and motivations are, either."

be encnng

our requisite Claretts out of the
way, let's get to what this game
really means to Ohio State.
Last week was ugly for the
defending national champion
Buckeyes, who squeaked
past unranked San Diego State.
The Buckeye offense was
abysmal thanks to quarterback

' '

Milstein declined to comment on
whether Clarett would consider
If Clarett transferred to another
Division I-A school, he would have
to sit out a year in addition to any
suspension or ineligibility handed
down by the NCAA. He could trans-
fer to a Division I-AA, II or III and
be immediately eligible to play, but
any possible penalties would also
NCAA spokeswoman Kay Hawes
would not speak about the Clarett
case, but did say that if a suspended
or ineligible player transferred, the
athlete's new school would first have
to declare him ineligible, and would
then seek his reinstatement through
the organization.
Ohio State has been working for
more than two weeks on a response
to "several pages" of allegations sent
by the NCAA to the university.
Ohio State athletic director Andy
Geiger wouldn't comment Tuesday
on the progress of the response, and
said he didn't know when it would be
Hawes said the NCAA had not
received Ohio State's formal
Ohio State and the NCAA have
been looking into Clarett's finances
since springtime. Clarett acknowl-
edged earlier this summer that he
filed an exaggerated theft report after
his car was broken into in April. The
car, a Chevrolet Monte Carlo, was
borrowed from a local dealer.
Clarett said he lost more than
$10,000 in items in the theft, includ-
ing $800 in cash, $300 in clothing,
hundreds of CDs and thousands of
dollars in stereo equipment.
Clarett has until Oct. 10 to enter a
plea and won't have to appear in
court to plead innocent, McIntosh
said. If he pleads guilty or no contest,
he can be sentenced the same day.

Craig Krenzel's unprecedented poor performance.
Krenzel was 5-for-20 and couldn't generate a touch-
down, in the air or on the ground. Ohio State needs
to play a much tighter game this week and prove it is
really more than a one-man team.
N. C. State is coming off a similarly concerning
week after a stunning loss to Wake Forest. N.C.
State senior quarterback Philip Rivers was excep-
tional last weekend, but he needs to get his team in
the end zone earlier in the game. San Diego State
backup quarterback Matt Dlugolecki threw for 193
yards on the Ohio State secondary last week,
which could translate to 450 yards from a talented
quarterback like Rivers.
The pressure will be on both teams to prove last
week was just a freak occurrence, setting the table
for an excellent game.
Ohio State 37, N.C. State 34
UNLV (1-1) AT No. 15 WISCoNSIN (2-0) -
12:00 P.M., ESPN2: It's too bad most score-
boards only go up to 99, because this game is
going to get out of control fast. The offensive
numbers in this matchup could give the NBA a run
for its money.
Wisconsin is coming off a barnburner with
Akron in which it further diminished the outlook
on its defense. Despite its terrible defense, the
offense is something of a marvel. Wisconsin quar-
terback Jim Sorgi is second in Big Ten passing
yards, thanks in part to Lee Evans and Brandon
Williams on the receiving side, and Anthony Davis
is a serious backfield threat.
It's the same story of defensive misfortune from
UNLV If safety Jamaal Brimmer ever went down,

Ohio State quarterback Craig Krenzel, who looked like a smooth operator against Washington, fell apart last
weekend against San Diego State, going 5-for-20 through the air.

the defense would suffer a loss against a team of
mascots. The offense can light up the scoreboard
behind running back Larry Croom and wide
receiver Earvin Johnson. Both are top-notch play-
ers, and quarterback Kurt Nantkes has shown
flashes of brilliance. Last week's performance
looks to be an anomaly not to be repeated this
This one is going to look more like an old school
basketball game than a football game.
Wisconsin 51, UNLV 44
No. 19 IowA (2-0) AT IOWA STATE (2-0) -
12:30 P.M., No TV: Think that the war between
Michigan and Michigan State is something? Well,
you should be introduced to Iowa-Iowa State. It
has become more of a bitter recruiting war that
spills over into the football stadium.
For the Hawkeyes, quarterback Nathan Chandler,
who is replacing Heisman Trophy runner-up Brad
Banks, has performed above what has been expected
of him thus far. It will be a true test for the senior
quarterback. Iowa's defense, which took a serious hit
in the NFL draft, has looked just as solid in yielding
just 10 points thus far against MAC competition.
Who knows which Iowa State team will come
out to play Saturday; it could be the one that exe-
cuted on offense all day long behind quarterback

Austin Flynn, or perhaps the one that snuck past
Northern Iowa. If it is the former, there could be
some real fireworks. Flynn, also replacing a former
Heisman Trophy runner-up, was helped by a
Michael Wagner 121-yard rushing day last week-
end. Wagner and Flynn will need to be on again for
the Cyclones to keep up with the Hawkeyes.
Both teams have looked forward to this one all
winter, and it's going to be something straight out
of Farley Speedway.
Iowa 27, Iowa State 24
PENN STATE (1-1) AT No. 18 NEBRASKA (2-0)
- 9:00 P.M., ABC: Penn State's loss to Boston
College made coach Joe Paterno look even more
faded and elderly, and now the Nittany Lions must
open old wounds as they face the resurgent
Huskers. Zack Mills looks shaky behind center for
Penn State (21-of-45, one touchdown, and one
interception last week) and the always "welcom-
ing" home crowd in Lincoln, Neb. should rattle the
inconsistent junior. Nebraska's Jammal Lord was
no better, and both teams could go to their backup
quarterback anytime during the game. It should
come down to a battle of the clipboard holders.
Paterno and Nebraska coach Frank Solich both
have more to lose than to gain in this one.
Penn State 19, Nebraska 17

A2 shopping and ice cream help freshmen

By Phil Kofahl and Devin Sullivan
For the Daily
For most freshmen, making the
academic transition from high
school to college is hard enough.
Now imagine making that same

transition in terms of collegiate ath-
letics. Midfielder Judy Coffman
describes it as harder than she could
have possibly imagined. But Coff-
man joins six other freshmen mak-
ing that leap to the Michigan
women's soccer team.

As many freshmen are discover-
ing, college life is just a little bit
faster-paced, and that's no different
from on the field.
"Everything's fast," said defend-
er Brenna Mulholland. "It's a lot
more difficult, and every player out

Contraceptive Injection 5

con~trol you ~-tin~k a~cxrt ju~st + x a year

medroxyprogesterone acetate injectable suspension

DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection
(medroxyprogesterone acetate injectable suspension, USP)
This product is intended to prevent pregnancy. It does not protect against HIV
infection (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases.
What is DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection?
DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection is a form of birth control that is given as an
intramuscular injection (a shot) in the buttock or upper arm once every 3 months (13 weeks). To
continue your contraceptive protection, you must return for your next injection promptly at the
end of 3 months (13 weeks). DEPO-PROVERA contains medroxyprogesterone acetate, a
chemical similar to (but not the same as) the natural hormone progesterone, which is produced
by your ovaries during the second half of your menstrual cycle. DEPO-PROVERA acts by
preventing your egg cells from ripening. If an egg is not released from the ovaries during your
menstrual cycle, it cannot become fertilized by sperm and result in pregnancy. DEPO-PROVERA
also causes changes in the lining of your uterus that make it less likely or pregnancy to occur.
How effective is DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection?
The efficacy ofDEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection depends on following the
recommended dosage schedule exactly (see 'How often do I get my shot of DEPO-PROVERA
Contraceptive Injection?"). To make sure you are not pregnant when you first get
DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection, your first injection must be given ONLY during
the first 5 days of a normal menstrual period; ONLY within the first5 days after childbirth if not
breast-feeding; and, if exclusively breast-feeding, ONLY at the sixth week after childbirth. It is a
Iong-term injectable contraceptive when administered at 3-month (13-week) intervals.
DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Iniection is over 99%effective, making it one of the most reliable
methods of birth control available. This means that the average annual pregnancy rate is less than
one for every 100 women who use DEPO-PROVERA. The effectiveness of most contraceptive
methods depends in part on how reliably each woman uses the method, 1he effectveness of
DEPO-PROVERA depends only on the patient returning every 3 months (13 weeks) for her next
injection. Your heath-care provider will help you compare DEPO-PROVERA with other
contraceptive methods and give you the information you need in order to decide which
contraceptive method is the right choice for you.
The following table shows the percent of women who got pregnant while usin different kinds of
contraceptive methods. It gives both the lowest expected rate off.pregnancy the rate expected
in women who use each method exactly as it should be used) an the typical rate of pregnancy
(which includes women who became pregnant because they forgot to use their birth control or
because they did not follow the directions exactly).
Percent of Women Experiencing an Accidental Pregnancy
in the First Year of Continuous Use
Method Expected Typical
implants (Norplant) 0.2 0.2
Female sterilization 0.2 0.4
Male steriization 0 i0.15

if you have had cancer of the breast
" f you have had a stroke
- if you have or-have had blood clots (phlebitis) in your legs
+ if you have problems with your liver or liver disease
- if you are allergic to DEPO-PROVERA (medroxyprogesterone acetate or any of its other
What other things , should I consider before using DEPO-PROVERA
Contraceptive Injection?
You will have a physical examination before your doctor prescribes DEPO-PROVERA. It is
important to tell your health-care provider if you have any of the following:
* a family history of breast cancer
" an abnormal mammogram (breast x-ray), fibrocystic breast disease, breast nodules or lumps, or
bleeding from your nipples
" kidney disease
- irregular or scanty menstrual periods
" high blood pressure
" migraine headaches
Sepilepsy (convulsions or seizures)
" diabetes or a family history of dabetes
- a history of depression
" if you are taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications
This product is intended to prevent pregnancy. It does not protect against
transmission of HIV (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases such as
chlamydia, genital herpes, genital warts, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, and syphilis.
What If I want to become pregnant after using DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive
Because DEPO-PROVERA is a long-acting birth control method, it takes some time after your last
injection for its effect to wear off. Based on the results from a large study done in the United States,
for women who stop using DEPO-PROVERA in order to become pregnant, it is expected that
about half of those who become pregnant will do so in about 10 months after their last injection;
about two thirds of those who become pregnant will do so in about 12 months; about 83% of
those who become pregnant will do so in about 15 months: and about 93% of those who become
renant will do so in about 18 months after their last injection. The length of time you use
REPO-PROVERA has no effect on how long it takes you to become pregnant after you stop using it
What are the risks of using DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection?
I rregulor Menstrual Bleeding
The side effectreported most frequently by women who use DEPO PROVERA for
contraception is a change in their normal menstrual cycle. During the first year of using
DEPO-PROVERA, you might have one or more of the following changes: irregular or
unpredictable bleeding or spotting, an increase or decrease in menstrual bleeding, or no bleeding
at all. Unusually heavy or continuous bleeding, however, is not a usual effect of DEPO-PROVERA;
and if this happ ens, you should see your health-care provider right away. With continued use of
DEPO-PROVERA, bleeding usually decreases, and many women stop having periods completely
In clinical studies of DEPO-PROVERA, 55% of the women studied reported no menstrual
bleeding (amenorrhea) after I year of use, and 68% of the women studied reported no menstrual
bleeding after 2 years of use. The reason that your periods stop is because DEPO-PROVERA
causes a resting state in your ovaries. When your ovaries do not release an egg monthly, the

d0ttier Risks
Women who use hormone-based contraceptives may have an increased risk of blood clots or
stroke. Also, if a contraceptive method fails, there is a possibility that the fertilized egg will begin
to develop outside of the uterus (ectopic pregnancy). While these events are rare, you should
tell your health-care provider if you have any of the problems listed in the next section.
What symptoms may signal problems while using DEPO-PROVERA
Contraceptive Injection?
Call your health-care provider immediately if any of these problems occur following an injection
sharp chest pain, coughing up of blood, or sudden shortness of breath (indicating a possible clot
in the lung)
- sudden severe headache or vomiting, dizziness or fainting, problems with your eyesight or
speech, wealness, or numbness in an arm or leg (indicating a possible stroke)
- severe pain or swelling in the calf (indicating a possible clot in the leg)
" unusually heavy vaginal bleeding
. severe pain or tenderness in the lower abdominal area
persistent gain, pus, or bleeding at the inection site
Whatarer te possible side effects of DEPO-PROVERA Contraceptive Injection?
I.Weight Gino
You may experience a weightgain while you are using DEPO-PROVERA. About two thirds of
the women who used DEP0-PROVERA in clinical trials reported a weight gain of about 5 pounds
during the first year of use. You may continue to gain weight after the first year Women in one
large study who used DEPO-PROVERA for 2 years gained an average total of 8.1 pounds over
those 2 years, or approximately 4 pounds per year Women who continued for 4 years gained an
average total of 13.8 pounds over those 4 years, or approximately 3.5 pounds per year Women
who continued for 6 years gained an average total of I6.5 pounds over those 6 years, or
approximatelyy 2.75 pounds per yeac
[3 e ieEfects
In a clinical studysof over 3,900 women who used DEPO-PROVERA for up to 7 years, some
women reported the following effects that may or may not have been related to their use of
DEPO-PROVERA: Irregular menstrual bleeding, amenorrhea, headache, nervousness, abdominal
cramps, dizziness, weakness or fatigue, decreased sexual desire. leg cramps, nausea, vaginal
discharge or irritation, breast swelling and tenderness, bloating, swelling of the hands or feet,
backache, depression, insomnia, acne, pelvic pain, no hair growth or excessive hair loss, rash, hot
flashes, and joint pain. Other problems were reported by very few of the women in the clinical
trials, but some of these could be serious. These include convulsions, jaundice, urinary tract
infections, allergic reactions, fainting, paalysis, osteoporosis, lack of return to fertility, deep vein
thrombosis, pulmonary embolus, breast cancet, or cervical cancer If these or any other problems
occur during your use of DEPO-PROVERA, discuss them with your health-caren provider
Should any precautions be followed during use of DEPO-PROVERA
Contraceptive Injection?
I.Missed Periods
During the time you are using DEPO-PROVERA for contraception, you may skip a period, or your
periods may stop completely If you have been receiving your DEPO-PROVERA injections
regularly every 3 months (13 weeks), then you are probably not pregnant. However if you think
that you may be pregnant, see your health-care provider
2Loborotory Test Interactions
If you are scheduled for any laboratory tests, tell your health-care provider that you are using
DEPO-PROVERA for contraception. Certain blood tests are affected by hormones such as

there is good, and they know the
tactical and technical aspects of the
Midfielder Katelin Spencer
agrees that it's sometimes hard to
keep up. These athletes have to
worry about academics as well, just
like any other student. Many of the
same issues that face all of the
freshmen face the athletes.
"It took us a while to learn (our
teammates') names," said Coffman.
Coffman also said how hard it is
to be ahead in class and how little
free time the freshmen have. But
what little time the Wolverines do
have, they make the most of it.
After practice ended during the pre-
season, the freshmen found ways to
take their minds off their troubles.
"There are way too many ice cream
places in Ann Arbor," said Spencer.
"I know it's so bad, but it's so good.
The team also went on a canoeing
trip; it was a lot of fun, and it gave
the entire team a chance to bond."
Forward Lauren Fifield also
praises the great team atmosphere.
Nightly trips to Urban Outfitters
were one of the ways the team came
together in the weeks before class.
As the freshmen get into the
rhythm of class and practice, things
are getting easier. Extended playing
time has allowed them to get more
comfortable on the field.
And when times do get tough, the
upperclassmen are always there to
help out. Keeper Megan Tuura cred-
its senior Susie Grech and all the
anallkPanero with hAlnin a her rlinct_



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