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November 19, 2002 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-11-19

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November 19,2002
02002 The Michigan Daily
S Ann Arbor, Michigan

One-hundred-twelve years ofeditornalfreedom

Light rain in the
morning with
partly sunny F 49
skies in the LOW; 38
becoming Tomorrow.-
cloudy again in 4",Jl3
the evening.

Vol. CXIII, No. 53

CIA: Bin




WASHINGTON (AP) - The new audio-
tape of Osama bin Laden is an authentic,
unedited and recent recording of the al-
Qaida leader, U.S. intelligence officials
said yesterday after completing a technical
and linguistic.analysis.
The CIA and National Security Agency,
which conducted the study, concluded the
tape is what it seems: bin Laden himself,
reading a statement that promises new ter-
rorism against the United States.
"It is clear that the tape was made in the

last several weeks as well," said White
House spokesman Scott McClellan.
It was the first definitive evidence in
almost a year that bin Laden survived the
U.S.-led war on his home of Afghanistan in
the months after Sept. 11, 2001.
While noting "it cannot be stated with
100 percent certainty," McClellan told
reporters that intelligence experts were sure
that bin Laden had spoken.
"It's a reminder that we need to continue
doing everything we can to go after these

terrorist networks and their leaders wherev-
er they are, and we will," McClellan said.
The audio message gives little clue to bin
Laden's location or his health, intelligence
officials said, speaking on condition of
anonymity. Some have wondered if he used
audio, instead of video, to conceal injuries,
sickness or a change in appearance.
Officials believe he is probably hiding in
a remote mountainous region along the bor-
der of Afghanistan and Pakistan. There
have been rumors that bin Laden was

wounded or suffered some kind of kidney
Officials are unsure why bin Laden chose
now to speak.
Perhaps he has recovered from an injury,
or at last feels secure enough in his location
to put out a message to his followers.
He also refers to the ongoing U.S.-Iraqi
conflict, and may have spoken in anticipa-
tion of a coming war.
Previous public statements from bin
Laden have served as preludes to terrorist

attacks he masterminded, officials said, and
the broadcast of the message was a deter-
mining factor in a spate of terror alerts in
the United States and elsewhere last week.
"It is time we get even, You will be killed
just as Jou kill," bin Laden said, after
accusing the United States and its allies of
a litany of wrongs.
Officials also worry the tape could
inspire his followers to strike, even without
orders from the al-Qaida hierarchy.
See BIN LADEN, Page 7

man found
on EastU.
Cause of Daniel
Skodak's death still
By Maria Sprow
* Daily Staff Reporter
The body of a homeless man dis-
covered Nov. 5 on the sidewalk in
front of In and Out party store and
Bella Napoli Pizza and Italian
Restaurant on East University
Avenue has been identified by the
Ann Arbor Police Department as
51-year-old Daniel Skodak.
AAPD officers could not release his
name until they had notified next of kin,
which they said was a difficult process
because he had no home address.
Before his death, Skodak was
seen by passer-bys drinking with a
friend outside the stores.
The two apparently fell asleep on
the sidewalk.
When AAPD officers arrived at
the scene around 9:20 p.m. that
night, Skodak was already dead.
The body, covered with a white
sheet, continued to lie on the side-
walk for hours while police collect-
ed evidence from the scene.
"I know a lot of students walking
by thought it was a terrible thing,"
AAPD Detective Dave Monroe said.
"It doesn't look nice when it's on the
Monroe said AAPD officers knew
Skodak drank alcohol at times, but
he was not known for doing any
other drugs or substances.
Toxicology reports from the
Washtenaw County Medical Exam-
iner's office are not yet available
and the exact cause of Skodak's
death is still unknown.
But Monroe said there was "noth-
ing suspicious" about the death.
"I don't know if we can con-
tribute the weather to his death,"
Monroe said.
"We know that he would drink,
but if you are looking for some
other elicit drug, there is no con-
nection at this time."

Dinner debate

Students find
it difficult to
keep hentage

By Allison Yang
Daily Staff Reporter
Though students face many chal-
lenges while being away from home
for the first time, some minority stu-
dents said that maintaining their her-
itage is just as difficult as keeping up
with their course work.
Some minorities, including LSA
junior Leslie Goo, feel they are in a
confusing situation where they are
stuck between cultures.
Goo spent her first 15 years growing
up in Indonesia, before moving to
China. Her mother is an Indonesian citi-
zen while her father is a Malaysian citi-
zen. Goo said she never really got to
know any of her extended family
because they all spoke Chinese while
her immediate family spoke Indonesian.

"I don't think I have a culture.
Well, it's not that exactly. I just don't
know what it is," Goo said. "The
hardest question anyone could ask
me is, 'where are you from?' I don't
feel like I belong anywhere. I am not
Malaysian, Indonesian or Chinese. I
wish I could identify with one."
Some students with various back-
grounds say that adapting to the Amer-
ican way of life can result in a loss of
their original languages, customs and
This loss is due to a number of caus-
es, which can vary between different
ethnic groups.
After living in the United States and
becoming part of its culture, some said
they became confused about whether
they belong to the culture of their
See HERITAGE, Page 3

Despite approaching deadlines for midterms and papers, Law students make time for dinner last
night in the Lawyer's Club. 1

Study urges policymakers

By Louie Melzltsh
Daily Staff Reporter

Michigan's public colleges and universities
need to do a better job of keeping costs down
and informing policymakers of the actions they
take in that regard, according to a report pub-
lished by an umbrella group representing the
state's 15 public schools of higher education.
A report by the University Investment Com-
mission of the Presidents Council-State Univer-
sities of Michigan, released last week, also
suggests that lawmakers and policymakers need
to come up with a better process of funding
infrastructure improvements at the universities.
It notes that funding for universities fluctuates
dramatically between years of strong economic
growth and those of little growth and that a

more stable source of funding may be needed.
Usually, when the schools receive small or
no increases in state funding, students see
higher tuition increases. Last year's increase at
the University of Michigan was 7.9 percent
for undergraduates when the state froze fund-
ing for all schools.
"Right now the capital outlay process is very
unpredictable," said Paul Hillegonds, who
chaired the authoring commission and serves as
a governor of Wayne State University. "It may
be we suggest that, for planning purposes, the
capital outlay process be scheduled more regu-
larly or that a statewide bond proposal is used."
Lately, bond issues have become a popular
method for lawmakers to fund projects as the
state encounters a budget deficit that prevents
the funding projects out of its general fund.

But state Rep. Chris Kolb (D-Ann Arbor),
who sits on the House subcommittee overseeing
higher education funding, said "the universities
are going to have to do a better job of docu-
menting what they've done to get a better han-
dle on their costs."
The report also suggested:
A yearly summit of lawmakers and univer-
sity officials to discuss funding issues and the
deliverance of a "state of the public universi-
ties" message
A more aggressive approach by the next
governor to secure federal funding for higher
That the state recognize the economic
impact of higher education funding, noting
a study by the Michigan Economic Devel-
See BUDGET, Page 7

UHS begins week-lIong
push for vaccinations
By Emily Kraack for those with the most extreme health
Daily Staff Reporter risk, like the elderly or those with Vaccine locations
chronic diseases, like asthma, heart dis- All drives begin at 10:30 am.
Remember the last time you had the ease or diabetes. He said now the focus and end at 4:30 n.m.

Chalk advertising candidates for the Michigan Student
Assembly covers the ground in front of the Michigan Union
yesterday, two days before elections begin.


flu? A runny nose, body aches and
fever? Winter is here and the flu is
And now the Michigan Visiting
Nurses Association is asking students:
Have you gotten your flu shot? The
association kicked off a week-long flu
and meningitis vaccination drive yes-
terday in the Michigan Union. Stu-
dents lined up out the door to receive
the shots.
LSA junior Matt Palazzolo chose to
get a flu shot to avoid getting behind
in his work. "Cause I don't want to be
burdened by the flu. ...You do not
want to study or go to class" with the
flu, he said.
University Health Service Director
Rnhkat Winield cnid health.rre

is more on preventing temporary dis-
ability due to influenza, like lost work
or school time. "More and more we are
seeing the influenza vaccine made
available to young people," he said.
Changed attitudes combined with
more reserves of flu vaccine mean
that health providers are increasing-
ly recommending flu shots for
younger people without existing
health problems.
"We really do encourage people
to get the influenza vaccine," Win-
field said.
Word of mouth convinced LSA
freshman Jennifer Apostol to get a
meningitis vaccine. 'Since we do live
in a residence hall, it's a good thing to
he nrenare'A" ch eida dding that it

hope c halk
draws votes
By Kyle Brouwer
For the Daily
As students take to the Internet armed with cursors and
enter keys to vote for the next class of Michigan Student
Assembly and LSA-Student Government
representatives, many candidates said they Inside: Can-
hope their chalk design will shine brightest didates run-
on walkways throughout the Diag. ning for
University students have learned a lesson MSA speak
in reading while walking during the past out on ballot
two weeks as their attention has been drawn proposals.
to the chalkboard that once was their path- Page 3.
way to class.
Many students said that they knew the names of some

The term meningitis applies to
instances of infection of the fluid sur-
rounding the brain. It can take either a
bacterial or a viral form - the viral
form has no vaccine, and the immu-
nization currently available covers
three of the four hacterial strains.

1 C A annh ...r . ..a Pihhe r.niln ~a flu sakM at h




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