2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 11, 2002
Arabs ask Iraq to allow inspection
GOP makes plans for control of both houses
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - Arab for-
eign ministers urged Saddam Hus-
sein yesterday to accept the U.N.
Security Council resolution order-
ing new, tougher weapons inspec-
tions and demanded that Arab arms
experts be included on the U.N.
The ministers adopted the eight-
point statement shortly after the
Iraqi leader ordered his nation's
parliament to meet to recommend a
response to the U.N. resolution,
which was adopted Friday and gives
Baghdad a seven-day deadline for
acceptance. Iraqi Foreign Minister
Naji Sabri said parliament would
convene today
The United Nations is not obliged
to heed the Arab ministers' demand
on weapons inspectors, adopted at
the end of a two-day meeting of the
22-member Arab League in Cairo.
The United States, meanwhile,
warned it will not tolerate any Iraqi
failure to cooperate with weapons
inspectors: "We do not need to
waste the world's time with another
game of cat and mouse," National
Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice
warned while making the rounds of
yesterday's news talk shows in
Arab foreign ministers, including
Sabri, worked into the evening on a
final communique that demanded
Iraq and the United Nations work
together and called on the United
States to commit to pledges Syria
said it was given that the resolution
would not be used to justify mili-
tary action.
The Arab ministers "called on the
permanent Security Council mem-
bers who presented Syria with
assurances to commit to what they
presented, that the resolution is not
used as an excuse to wage war on
Iraq and does not constitute auto-
matic military action," the state-
ment said.
The Arab League document did not
specify how many Arab experts it wants
on inspection teams or say which coun-
tries they should represent.
However, Mohamed ElBaradei,
"We do not need to waste the world's
time with another game of cat and
- Condoleezza Rice
National Security Advisor
director of the International Atomic
Energy Agency, is an Egyptian, and
would be on the advance team of
inspectors headed to Iraq if Saddam
accepts. the resolution.
El Baradei's agency is in charge
of looking for clandestine nuclear
arms programs.
A spokesman for the U.N. inspec-
tion operation said a list of inspec-
tors and their country of origin was
not immediately available.
The Arab League document also
demanded "the continuation of
U.N.-Iraq cooperation to solve all
standing issues peacefully in prepa-
ration for the lifting of sanctions
and the end of the (U.N.) embargo
as well as the suffering of the Iraqi
It put forward a united Arab posi-
tion of "absolute rejection" of any
military action against Iraq, saying
it represents a threat to the security
of all Arab nations.
In addition, it called on the Secu-
rity Council to require Israel to rid
itself of weapons of mass destruc-
tion because they "constitute a seri-
ous threat to Arab and international
peace and security."
Arab foreign ministers have said
they fully expect Iraq to accept the
U.N. resolution.
Senate Republicans are pulling out wish lists that grew tattered and faded over
the past 17 months and busily underlining and highlighting and prioritizing.
Among their favorites: cutting taxes, approving conservative judges and drilling
for oil in the Alaskan wilderness.
By early next year, the Republicans will once again be running it all - the
White House and both chambers of Congress - as they did during President
Bush's first few months in office.
Ideas that seemed like pie in the sky while Democrats controlled the Senate
suddenly look doable again.
That does not mean it will be easy. The Senate remains closely divided, and
Democrats can use parliamentary maneuvers to delay and even block bills.
"Some people say, 'Full steam ahead, just get it done.' That's easier said than
done in the Senate," noted Trent Lott, who will once again be Senate majority
leader. "But we do have an opportunity now."
Many of the president's initiatives have been passed by the House, only
to languish in the Senate, which shifted to Democratic control after Ver-
mont Sen. Jim Jeffords defected from the GOP to become an independent
in the summer of 2001.
Mass. Sen. John Kerry eyes White House
U.S. Sen. John Kerry said yesterday that only objections from his family or
political elders would deter him from running for the presidency in 2004.
The Massachusetts Democrat denied reports that he might file a statement of
candidacy as early as this week, but he said he believes America needs new lead-
"On almost every issue in front of this country, including foreign policy, there
are a better set of choices," Kerry said on ABC's "This Week." "We are costing
America its reputation in the world today. We're costing American businesses
Asked what would stop him from running, Kerry said: "I guess a revolution
within my family, certainly, would stop me. Broad dissent from people that I
respect who tell me that they think it's a mistake or something."
He said he would consult with colleagues, including the state's senior senator,
Edward Kennedy, and his family before making a final decision.
Submitting a statement of candidacy to the Federal Elections Commission
would allow him to begin raising money for a campaign.
Chinese. cling to Communist past
BEIJING (AP) - The setting matched that of
eras past: ranks of China's Communist Party
leadership, some in military regalia, seated
before a backdrop of hammer and sickle flanked
by crimson flags.
But the message from party leader and Presi-
dent Jiang Zemin was revolutionary for a leader-
ship that still claims loyalty to Marxism,
Leninism and "Mao Zedong Thought": admit
capitalists to your ranks.
In short, adapt to'the times or risk failure.
"Competition in overall national strength is becom-
ing increasingly fierce," Jiang told 2,114 communist
faithful Friday in the Great Hall of the People. He said
entrepreneurs are "builders of socialism."
Caught in a curious time warp, China is
becoming capitalist in almost everything but
name, clinging to a political dictatorship estab-
lished in long-ago revolution while struggling
with the realities of a mutating, increasingly
open society.
The communist pomp and pageantry of the
party seems oddly misplaced in today's Beijing,
a landscape dominated by billboards, skyscrap-
ers and expressways. The subway line across
Tiananmen Square is decorated not with political
slogans, but with ads for Nescafe and Kodak.
"Their communism is only lip service. It's
capitalism 'in the starkest form that I can imag-
ine," said Takashi Inoguchi of the Institute of
Oriental Studies at Tokyo University.
The flood of political fanfare in the state-run
media barely hints at that reality. At critical
times, the party invariably reverts to propaganda
and scripts aimed at preventing any risk of dis-
ruption or embarrassment.
On Friday, government television showed
legions of soldiers, farmers, students and shop-
pers sitting rapt before televisions as Jiang made
his 90-minute speech, and celebrations featuring
ethnic Mongolians and other groups in minority
dress dancing and waving flags.
"These ways were used before, and did not
create any controversy. But they're very boring,"
says Ding Xueliang, a former Communist Party
official and professor of social sciences at Hong
Kong's University of Science and Technology.
Underscoring the party's struggle to remain
relevant in a post-Cold War world, television and
newspapers carried the usual congratulatory
messages from fellow "workers' parties" in the
handful of other countries still professing to be
communist: North Korea, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam.
Though it once trumpeted the call, "Workers
of the world unite!," China's 66-million-member
Communist Party long ago gave up any pretense
of leading a worldwide proletarian revolution.
Instead, at Jiang's behest, it is inviting capital-
ists to join up. The congress is also due to amend
the party constitution to include his pet theory
- the "Three Represents," a call to expand com-
munism's traditional "vanguard of the working
class" role to represent all parts of society.
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The University Activities Center needs MOTIVATED,
DETERMINED individuals to help fill a number of available spots
for next semester. Interested in bringing national and local artistic
talent to campus? How about putting the spotlight on foreign affairs
and prevalent national issues? Or do you wish to serve the
community by giving them an outlet to explore their interests
outside of academics?
If any of these sound like activities you'd like to pursue, come to the
University Activities Center
Committee Co-Chair Informational Meeting
6:30 p.m., Wednesday, November 13, 2002
4th floor Conference Room, in the Michigan Union
Specific co-chair positions looking to be filled for the for next semester:
Big Ticket Productions: B.T.P. is dedicated to seeking out and
highlighting local comedic and musical talent. Additionally, B.T.P.
also attempts to do an annual show to bring in a nationally
recognized band or comedian. Past shows include Lewis Black, D.L.
Hughley, Jim Breuer, and Dave Chapelle.
Speaker Initiative: Always abreast of the current political and
social issues, S.I. brings in speakers to debate or lecture on
prevalent topics. It is through these mediums that S.I. provides a
forum for students to voice their opinions as well as an opportunity
to learn more about the stories they read in the news.
Mini-Courses: Non-credit courses that allow students to explore
interests and hobbies that are not covered in the traditional
entrepreneurs were attacked as "running
imperialism" and targeted in political
nts during the anti-rightist campaign of
s and the 1966-76 Cultural Revolution.
days, entrepreneurs are feted as the van-
development, and the party is anxious
of capital leaves China because Chinese
nen don't have confidence in the political
ent," said Zheng Yongnian of the East Asian
it the National University of Singapore.
iang's meticulously worded speech depict-
ategy for winning their loyalty as an exten-
traditional "Marxism-Leninism, Mao
Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory." It
discarded communist economics, but the
iains wedded to itsrevolutionary roots and
d at political reforms.
ust never copy any models of the political
the West," Jiang said, ordering party mem-
ck to the "democratic dictatorship."
s contend the leadership is shunning
cy at its own peril amid mounting anger
mployment, lagging rural incomes and
constitution says power belongs to the
but in reality the rights of the people
o the Communist Party and its leaders,"
g, a top Communist Party official jailed
athizing with the 1989 pro-democracy
wrote in a commentary Friday in Hong
outh China Morning Post.
bill could
pass soon
Senate's incoming majority leader
said yesterday he believes a com-
promise is close on creating a
homeland security department and
is confident he has the votes to pass
it during the postelection session
beginning this week.
President Bush has demanded
immediate congressional action after
months of delay.
"We hope by Tuesday or Wednes-
day we could have a bill that would
be passed by the Senate by a wide
margin," said Sen. Trent Lott (R-
Miss). "It would be different than
probably either side proposed earli-
er." Negotiators worked over the
weekend on a deal, he said.
The Senate's top Democrat, Tom
Daschle of South Dakota, said he also
believes a compromise can be reached.
He said he would provide one of the 60
votes needed to stop a filibuster if one
"We are going to try to get this
done," said Daschle, who appeared
with Lott on NBC's "Meet the
One question is whether Lott or
Daschle, the current majority
leader, will run the Senate during
the session that starts tomorrow.
That depends on who wins the vote
of an independent temporarily
named to the seat of late Sen. Paul
Wellstone (D-Minn). Appointee
Dean Barkley has not said what he
will do.
Daschle and Lott did not say what
shape they expect a compromise to
take. A dispute over workers' rights has
held up the legislation in the past. Bush
has insisted that the department's work-
ers be exempt from collective-bargain-
ing rights.
Sen. Evan Bayh (D-Ind.) said he
Car explosion kills
two Palestinians
A car exploded and killed the two
Palestinians inside as Israeli police
moved to stop the vehicle, in one of
three incidents yesterday in which Israeli
authorities said they foiled suicide
Despite the tensions, the Israeli army
withdrew its tanks and troops to the out-
skirts of the West bank town of Jenin
after a two-week manhunt that ended
with the killing Saturday of an Islamic
Jihad militant accused of orchestrating
attacks that killed more than 30 people.
In yesterday's car explosion, police
spotted a car that aroused their suspi-
cions near a collective farm, Kibbutz
Netzer, just on the Israeli side of the
border with the northern West Bank.
Police shouted for the driver and his
companion to stop.
The car blew up moments later, police
said. It was not clear if the Palestinians
detonated the bomb intentionally or by
accident, police said.
Protestors against war
arrested in Belgium
Twenty-nine people were arrested
yesterday after dozens of demonstra-
tors clashed with riot police and
attacked American businesses during a
march to protest possible war in Iraq.
There were no reported injuries.
Police said up as many as a hun-
dred youths, many of them of Arab
or-igin, broke away from the main
body of the march through the city
center. Masked, stone-throwing
youths broke windows at a McDon-
ald's, a Marriott hotel, and a tempo-
rary employment agency.
They hurled stones at businesses
and police, who responded with
baton charges. They also targeted'
photographers and TV cameramen.
Witnesses said some of the march
organizers tried to stop others from
attacking the shops.
KABUL, Afghanistan
Karzai denies Afghan
divisions of ethnicity
The Afghan president, in the midst of
a risky campaign to whittle away at the
power of regional warlords, protested
yesterday against portrayals of his coun-
try as one that is riven along ethnic lines
- with Tajiks pitted against Pashtuns.
"It's just not true. We are a nation, a
united nation. There are individuals per-
haps, but believe me as a nation we are
one," Hamid Karzai said. With a note-
book in hand, Karzai carefully ran
through a roster of his government min-
isters. One by one he ticked them off the
list, noting they represented every ethnic
group, and most in fact belonged to
Afghanistan's majority Pashtun ethnic
group. Pashtuns often are portrayed as
under attack by the mostly Tajik forces
who ousted the predominantly Pashtun
and hardline Taliban late last year.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.
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