NV 11ri , 2002
@2002 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 47
One-hundred-twelve years ofeditorialfreedom
Cloudy in the
morning, with
rain showers in
the afternoon
and turning
partly sunny in
the early
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NBA players respond to
By Seth Klempner
Daily Sports Writer
The Michigan Athletic Department
announced Thursday that in punishing itself
for its former players receiving money from
former booster Ed Martin, it would expunge
the existence of four of its players from its
history. That effort began when four champi-
onship banners were taken down, and it will
continue when the Wolverines reprint this
season's media guide without the statistics
from the violated seasons.
But whether erasing statistics or vanquish-
ing their legacy will change history is some-
thing many of the accused players doubt.
Chris Webber, a lead-
ing figure in the investi-
! MAgation who allegedly
received $280,000 in
cash and' gifts while
attending Detroit Coun-
try Day School and
Michigan, believes that
he will remain a part of
Michigan basketball
"You can't erase my
personal stats out of the
NCAA record books, because what I did in
the Final Four, first rookie, first freshman, all
that, you can't take that away," said Webber,
now an all-star with the Sacramento Kings. "I
knew for a long time that they wanted to do
(this). It hurts, that's all."
Jalen Rose, a member of Webber's Fab Five
team who now plays for the Chicago Bulls,
said he was also disappointed with the self-
imposed sanctions implemented Thursday.
"The reality of it is you can try to erase it
from the history books or.pull it from the
rafters, but you can't erase the most famous
college team in the minds of people," he said.
Rose said he and former teammates hope to
issue a formal statement denouncing the self-
imposed sanctions.
The other players who are said to have
received a portion of the $616,000 that was
given to Michigan players by Martin are
Maurice Taylor (1995-1997), Robert Traylor
(1996-1998) and Louis Bullock (1996-1999).
Taylor, who now plays for the Houston
Rockets, extended his criticism of the sanc-
tions beyond Michigan to the NCAA and col-
lege basketball.
"The NCAA uses kids all the time," he
said. "The NCAA gets paid off of every
major guy that is in college. It's definitely
hypocritical. How can you be making money
off somebody else and not giving anything
to them?"
"If you look at anybody that can play
nowadays, coming out of the top 20 to 25
(recruiting wise), they look at college as a pit
Former coach Steve Fisher, who was fired
in the fall of 1997 amid speculation that his
players were receiving money from boosters,
denied knowing anything about the pay-
ments. Fisher, who won Michigan's first
National Championship in 1989, issued a
public statement following the University's
"I want to emphatically state once again
city to
charge for
trash left
on grass
By Chdstophef Johnson
Daily StaffReporter
Ann Arbor residents who fail to
maintain their property may now find
themselves under pressure from the city
government. The City Council unani-
mously passed an ordinance Thursday
night implementing a fine for repeated
cleanup of private land.
As a result, the Solid Waste Depart-
ment will now fine property owners
whose land requires sanitation workers
to remove thrown-about garbage at least
three times in a single year.
Asserting that the new ordinance will
improve the appearance of the commu-
nity, interim Solid'Waste Director Bryan
Weinert said sanitation workers in
extreme instances found trash complete-
ly covering a resident's property
"We're not talking about a gum wrap-
per or paper cup on the lawn but serious,
over-the-top issues;' he said. "We're try-
ing to work with residents to get things
corrected permanently."
Weinert said most complaints send
workers to Greenwood Avenue, East
University Avenue and the area between
State Street and Packard Street, popular-
ly known as the "student ghetto."
"This is student housing primarily but
not exclusively" he said.
The fines will range from $200 to
$500, in addition to the minimum cost of
$70 for the city's services in cleanup.
Weinert said that although the city will
send the bill to the owners of the proper-
ty, they could pass the payment to their
tenants through legal means.
LSA senior Matt Ross noted his
disgust for the properties on Green-
wood Avenue, a road he often takes
to work.
"I actually have to swerve garbage
and old, beat-up, smelly chairs," he said.
"They actually prove to be obstacles in
the winter time. I'd be embarrassed to
live on one of those streets that looked
like that.
Ross added that he approved of the
new ordinance because it would encour-
age greater community action against
the problem.
Mayor John Hieftje expressed his
enthusiastic support for the ordinance.
"This is just to encourage a cleaner
community," he said. "People who live
in that neighborhood (with neighbors
who failure to maintain the upkeep of
their property) are the people we're try-
ing to help."
Many council members shared similar
beliefs in the promise of the ordinance.
"There are many properties that are
not maintained well," Councilwoman
Jean Carlberg (D-3rd Ward) said.
"I've had a lot of adults and students
complain about how bad they look.
The next step is to put a fine on peo-
ple and hope that makes them more
Coleman works
toward benefits
for 'U'
By Megan Hayes
Daily StaffReporter
LSA junior Sheryl Busell (center) walks through the new Haven Hall Lobby and looks through the glass at the "Posting
Wall" with her mother Phyllis and sister Hayley Saturday.
Havenconstruction alm -ost
done, Mson still ongoing
After a mere 100 days, University
President Mary Sue Coleman has
reduced the gap between students and
herself and plans to continue to expand
upon available opportunities in order to
enrich the already thriving University
"I've really enjoyed getting to know
the people here," she said. "They're just
really good people."
Although she gives credit to the tal-
ented and friendly staff she works with,
Coleman said it is her previous experi-
ence that has allowed her to assimilate
so quickly into her role as president.
After working as president of the Uni-
versity of Iowa for seven years, she said
she understands that complicated situa-
tions will inevitably arise, but said she
has learned to confront these challenges.
"I look at them as great opportunities
too," Coleman said, adding it is impor-
tant not to let current problems impact
future success.
She said she is constantly trying to
increase her awareness of pressing
issues facing students. Coleman said she
combines this willingness to listen with
an ability to determine the right time to
act in a way that facilitates resolution.
"It's always a challenge, but I love
doing it and will continue to do it,"
she said.
Coleman said she tries to recruit new
faculty members, to listen to the inter-
ests of student groups and to raise
money in order to enhance the under-
graduate experience.
"Almost everything I do is ultimately
for the benefit of students," Coleman
said. She has made an effort to attend
campus events in order to support stu-
dents and learn more about the Universi-
ty community, she said. Coleman added
she believes it is important not only to
be a visible figure on campus, but also
to maintain a presence across the state
so that people in Michigan know more
about the University and have reasons to
support it.
"It's so positive for our entire environ-
ment," she said. "This is a real decentral-
ized place.'
She said her role as president
demands that she maintain a stable edu-
cational environment, but she admits
that the strength of the-University stems
from the accomplishments of the stu-
dents. "It's exciting to me to see this
energy," Coleman said. "Students here
are so engaged."
She said it is the students' interests in
a range of areas, including world issues,
that set them apart from students attend-
ing other universities.
The main difference between the Uni-
versity of Iowa and the University of
Michigan, Coleman said, is the
increased size of Michigan's student
body, which provides additional com-
In the future, she said she hopes to
encourage students to take advantage of
all the opportunities available to them at
the University. But if the student body
continues to do what it has always done,
Coleman said, it will remain on a path
toward success.
By Elizabeth Anderson
Daily Staff Reporter
Good-bye yellow construction tape and cumbersome
dirt piles, hello glass wall paneling and polished tile
floors. This month, completion of Haven Hall will com-
mence, as part of the University's $38 million Haven
and Mason Hall construction projects.
Gray paneling and red brick now make up the fagade
of the building, while a shining gray staircase and cher-
ry wood accents decorate the inside.
Haven's redesign includes improvements and renova-
tions to the mechanical, electrical and telecommunica-
tions systems of the building in addition to remodeling of
the lobby and office space. A well-lit glass posting wall,
one of the new features of the lobby, gives student groups
"an opportunity to post flyers and other things," said
facilities and operations spokeswoman Diane Brown.
University academic departments, including the Cen-
ter for African American Studies, American culture, his-
tory and political science, will be moving their offices
into Haven through the end of December. History
department administrator Jane Nye said her department
will be finished moving in Nov. 20, after their two-year
relocation to University Towers.
True colors
Dessert lures
students into
By Soojung Chang
Daily Staff Reporter
What do ice cream, a popular music group, an environ-
mental coalition and a University student group all have in
The answer? The groups came together to bring the One
Sweet Whirled Campus Tour to the University last Thursday
and Friday, when students on the Diag were treated to free
samples of ice cream while they learned about what individ-
uals can do to address the problem of global warming.
The One Sweet Whirled Global Warming campaign is a
new Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavor named for the Dave
Matthews Band, which has partnered with the environmen-
tal coalition SaveOurEnvironment.org in order to educate
the public about the damaging effects of carbon dioxide
emissions on global warming.
The campus tour plans to visit 20 colleges and universi-
ties nationwide, and worked with the University student
chapter of Public Interest Research Group In Michigan, to
bring the tour to the University. PIRGIM works.for public
interest issues, including governmental reform, consumer
rights and environmental concerns.
"The One Sweet Whirled campaign tied in really nicely
with our campaign; it brought really good visibility to what
we are doing on a campus-wide level to fight global climate
Sophomore Jay ManLean runs with brother Lee Babcock through
the leaves to the Central Campus Recreation Building Saturday.
Bush pledges 'zero tolerance'
WASHINGTON (AP) - War plans
in hand, Bush administration officials
yesterday promised "zero-tolerance" if
Saddam Hussein refuses to comply with
international calls to disarm.
A new U.N. Security Council resolu-
tion demands that Iraq eliminate its
weapons of mass destruction and open
up to inspectors or face "serious conse-
Saddam cooperates.
"We do not need to waste the world's
time with another game of cat and
mouse;' national security adviser Con-
doleezza Rice said.
Under the resolution, the Security
Council would assess any violations
and decide how to respond. But several
administration officials made plain that
"We have the authority by the presi-
dent's desire to protect and defend the
United States of America," White
House chief of staff Andrews Card said
on NBC's "Meet the Press." "The U.N.
can meet and discuss, but we don't need
their permission."
Added Secretary of State Colin Pow-
Ben Thompson gives out free ice cream and information on
Global Warming in the Diag Friday afternoon.
paign's visit to campus.
PIRGIM member and LSA senior Duncan Hwang said
PIRGIM is currently working on a petition to urge the Uni-
versity to adopt the measures of the Kyoto protocol which
would reduce greenhouse gases 7 percent by the year 2008,