September 3, 2002
02002 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 1
One-hundred-eleven years of editorialfreedom
in the morning
with skies partly
cloudy in the
becoming clear
by evening.
Ed Martin
speaks to
'U' about
loans, gifts
By Steve Jackson
Daily Sports Editor
The parties have met, but the wait-
ing game continues.
Those close to the Ed Martin
case have confirmed that Ed Martin
and his lawyer spoke at length with
representatives from the University,
the NCAA and the U.S. Attorney's
Office on Aug. 2.
Martin, who pleaded guilty to
counts of money laundering, con-
spiracy and illegal gambling on
May 28, was forced to reveal all the
details surrounding his relationship
with the basketball program's play- .
ers and coaching staff as part of his
plea bargain.
Martin gave loans totaling $616,000
to four former Michigan basketball
players - Chris Webber, Maurice Tay-
lor, Robert Traylor and Louis Bullock
- to launder money that was made
through his illegal gambling ring from
1988 to 1999.
University officials refuse to
comment at this stage of the inves-
tigation, and it is not known when
the NCAA will rule on what penal-
ties, if any, will be levied on the
basketball program.
The key to the testimony will be
Martin's description of how much
information University officials had of
his actions.
If the NCAA gets information that
shows that a person with authority at
the University knew about violations
and refused to act, severe penalties
could follow.
Should the facts prove that
Michigan violated NCAA guide-
lines, the basketball program could
face television or postseason bans.
The NCAA could also take away
scholarships or force Michigan to
forfeit games.
"(The NCAA is) troubled
because there were things going on
that someone should have seen,"
said a source that was present at the
"They're convinced that if some-
one would have said something, it
would have ended, and nobody
spoke up.
"(They were) just a bunch of blind
Although progress appears to have
been made this summer, the timetable
for action in this case remains murky.
The date of Martin's sentencing
was moved from Aug. 29 to Oct. 8
by Federal District Court Judge
Robert Cleland.
The Detroit News reported this sum-
mer that Webber, who plays for the
Sacramento Kings, would face charges
of lying to a grand jury, but he has not
been charged.
On Aug. 20, Clarence Malvo, who
was indicted in March on illegal gam-
bling charges in connection with Mar-
tin's illegal gambling ring, was
sentenced to two years of probation
and fined $2,000.
- Daily Sports Writer J Brady
McColough contributed to this report.
leader of the best
Freshmen gain
advice, widom
from leaders
By Maria Sprow
Daily Staff Reporter
The rush from shouting "Hail to the Victors" and the
words of University President Mary Sue Coleman marked
the way the Class of 2006 will remember Thursday's Fresh-
man Convocation at Crisler Arena.
"I get this feeling when they all start doing 'Hail to the
Victors.' It's like adrenaline," Nursing freshman Jackie
Schrot said.
"I'm definitely psyched," LSA freshman Shannon
Dougherty said, adding that her first impression of the new
president, who started in her position Aug. 1, was positive.
"She was all into it. She did a nice job."
Members of the Class of 2006 united as they sat together
in Crisler and listened as University figures gave them
advice for the future and welcomed them to Michigan.
University President Mary Sue Coleman had words of
praise for the class, but focused the majority of her time on
giving advice.
"It's wonderful to have you here at last - our fabulous
class of 2006. Even from this distance, I can see the spark
in your eye that says 'Here I am, bring it on!' I know exac-
University President Mary Sue Coleman speaks at the New Student Convocation Thursday atCrisler Arena. Coleman, former president of the
University of Iowa, took office Aug. 1.
Coleman speaks about affirmative action, tuition icrease
Unanimously selected by the Universi-
ty Board of Regents because of her
strong natural science background,
strong commitment to public education,
and a long trail of supporters, Mary Sue
Coleman made history May 29, becom-
ing the University's 13th president, and
thefirst female to hold the office.
Coleman, former president of the Uni-
versity of Iowa, stepped into her new role
Aug. 1. On Aug. 26, she spoke to Daily
staff reporters yler Boersen and Maria
Sprow about her future plans-p7st ewpe
riences, and what she thinks makes this
University one of the best in the country.
Following are excerpts from their
The Michigan Daily: You have showed a lot
of interest in the Undergraduate Experience
Report. How much time have you spent look-
ing at the report and how do you plan to
implement the different goals?
Mary Sue Coleman: What I have done is
start to familiarize myself with that as well as a
number of other issues on the campus. I've
talked with people in the Provost's Office
because I think that is the right place to sort of
get some things implemented and look at what
the suggestions were given for the report.
I have been working with (S Vie Povost)
Lester Monts. He is going to be coming back to
me with some specific suggestions about imple-
mentation. I am quite eager to get involved.
TMD: Out of the goals listed in the report,
which one would you stress as the most
MSC: I would like to listen a little bit more
to the community before I make a judgment on
which is the most important. Sometimes, when
students come to the University, they don't
think about having the opportunity to do a little
bit of experimentation and maybe get out of
what they think they want to major in. And so
some of that is really a good idea and part of it
comes from advising students on how do you
make choices, what do you do, how do you go
into different areas. Some of those (questions)
will be very important.
I know that Michigan has a really good histo-
ry of introducing students to things like volun-
teer activities. I think through those activities
you learn a whole lot. Encouraging those (activ-
ities) and making sure students are aware of
them is really important.
TMD: Michigan already has one of the
highest tuitions for public universities in the
country and you are coming from the univer-
sity that has the lowest tuition in the Big Ten.
How do you feel about how much students are
paying for tuition here at Michigan right
MSC: One of the things that the University
has done really well, that I have looked at as
t'uition has increased (nationwide), is that it has
been good about providing financial aid, and
has devoted a lot of its resources to financial
aid. (It has) fundraisers and development efforts
See COLEMAN, Page 8A
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By Soojung Chang
Daily Staff Reporter
A new rule requiring a student ID or an MCard for
admission and fewer open entrances to Michigan Stadium
forced fans to endure longer lines and increased inspections
at the gate at Saturday's season opener against the Universi-
ty of Washington.
"We got in five minutes before kickoff so we waited in
line for almost 45 minutes, which we've never done before,"
Kinesiology sophomore Denny Busse said. "It's always been
show your ticket and walk in."
Fans were also unable to bring bags or containers of any
kind, including purses, backpacks and binocular cases.
LSA freshman Priya Bhasin experienced a wait of about
35 minutes. She complained about the prohibition of purses.
Inside: More football coverage. Page 13A.
"It's a pain in the butt to hold everything like your cell
phone and stuff," she said.
Athletic Director Bill Martin said several representatives
from the his department and the Department of Public Safety
met yesterday morning to review the situation at the gate.
Martin said the bottleneck at the gate was caused by the
reduced number of gates open at the game, though they had
exactly the same number of turnstiles operating as last year.
The number of gates was reduced to aid with package
inspection, which increased due to the newly prohibited
"DPS estimate was that this year, one out of every two
people had an item that had to be inspected," Martin said.
Michigan running back Chris Perry celebrates with team members during
Michigan's 31-29 win over Washington Saturday.
Student robbed, beaten in Law Quad
By Maria Sprow
Daily Staff Reporter
A female law student was choked and beaten at knife
point by a man in daylight on Saturday Aug. 17 at the
Law Quad.
He also stole her purse and backpack before running
away, according to police reports.
The Department of Public Safety was alerted, and the
victim was transported to the emergency room at Uni-
versity Hospital, where she was later released.
The extent of her injuries is not known, DPS spokes-
woman Diane Brown said.
The suspect in custody is 56-year-old Joseph Robin-
son, who was caught fleeing the scene. Robinson, who
does not have a mailing address but does not consider
himself homeless, is being held at the Washtenaw
County Jail on a $500,000 bail.
He was arrested and arraigned on two charges -
assault to commit robbery while armed and assault
with intent to commit murder.
A preliminary hearing to see if he will be charged
began Aug. 28 and will continue this month.
"if it's light, I feel safer. You
don't think something like this
happens during the day."
- Casey Crocket
LSA freshman
"It does make me a little more apprehensive, hear-
ing something like this," said LSA freshman Tessa
"It sounds pretty rare. I don't think it'll happen to me
because I don't go anywhere alone at night."
Others said they believed it was an isolated incident
that couldn't happen to them.
Brown said students should not be afraid of being
assaulted but should be mindful that it does occur.
"I think as always, students need to be aware of their
surroundings and follow good security procedures,"
Brown said.