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September 19, 2002 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-09-19

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 19, 2002


French release Nazi collaborator NEWS IN BRIEF
PARIS (AP) - Frail but now a free man, wartime After the longest trial in French history, Papon Sante prison into a waiting car. "My father, my mother KARACHI, Pakistan d;;O
collaborator Maurice Papon walked out of prison yes- was convicted for complicity in crimes against and my uncle were killed at Auschwitz because of peo- km akes arestibing
terday and into a storm of public outrage"after judges humanity for his role in deporting 1,690 Jews to ple like Papon, who now have the right to rest in their PakistaCma earb
ruled him too old and sick to finish his 10- ear sen- Germnv d i.-P d.,~...A fm' BAP-.,....of d-A ld a"


tence for helping send Jews to Nazi death camps.
To victims of France's wartime regime and
their families, the decision by appeals court
judges to release the 92-year-old Papon after
serving less than three years of his sentence
erased the huge moral victory they won with his
conviction in 1998.

uizimany as secon- -n-commana o t or eaux
area police. Most were sent to Auschwitz death
camp and only a few survived.
Papon fled to Switzerland after his conviction, but
was arrested and began serving his sentence in October
"I can't believe this is, happening," said Colette
Guttman, as she watched Papon shuffle out of Paris' La

oi age.
Papon's lawyers hailed: his release as "a great victo-
Papon had triple coronary bypass surgery several
years ago and has a pacemaker. His imprisonment set
off a debate about the ethics of jailing the elderly.
Jewish groups accused France of turning its back on
Holocaust victims.

Attacks resume in
Israel following
six-week respite

Pakistan's government announced the arrest yesterday of a Pakistani suspected
of masterminding the May 8 car bombing that killed 11 French engineers and
three other people - the deadliest terrorist attack on foreigners in Pakistan this
A government statement said the suspect was among seven Pakistanis seized in
raids throughout Karachi, and a large quantity of weapons was also seized. It did
not identify the suspect.
A senior police official said he was also believed involved in the June 14
car bombing at the U.S. Consulate in Karachi and two attempts to kill Pres-
ident Pervez Musharraf. Twelve Pakistanis were killed in the consulate
attack. Some of the arrests were made near a Karachi convention center where
Musharraf visited Tuesday, said the official, who spoke on condition of
All those arrested were believed to be members of an offshoot of the al-Qaida-
linked group Harkat-ul-Mujahdeen, a militant organization fighting Indian rule in
the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir.
The announcement followed the arrest last week in Karachi of about a dozen
al-Qaida suspects, most believed to be Yemenis.
Reports of intelligence failures on Sept. 11
Intelligence agencies failed to anticipate terrorists flying planes into buildings
despite a dozen clues in the years before the Sept. 11 attacks that Osama bin Laden or
others might use aircraft as bombs, a congressional investigator told lawmakers yes-
terday as they began public hearings into the attacks.
Just a month before the attacks, intelligence agencies were told of a possible bin
Laden plot to hit the U.S. Embassy in Kenya or crash a plane into it.
The preliminary report by Eleanor Hill, staff director of the joint House and Senate
intelligence committee investigation of the terrorist strike, showed authorities had
many more warnings about possible attacks than were previously disclosed.
The reports were generally vague and uncorroborated. None specifically predicted
the Sept. 11 attacks. But collectively the reports "reiterated a consistent and critically
important theme: Osama bin Laden's intent to launch terrorist attacks inside the Unit-
ed States," Hill said.
Despite that, authorities didn't alert the public and did little to "harden the home-
land" against an assault, she said. Agencies believed any attack was more likely to
take place overseas.

UMM EL-FAHM, Israel (AP) -
Palestinians ended a six-week lull in
attacks on Israelis Wednesday when a
policeman died after challenging a sui-
cide bomber and Palestinian militants
killed a motorist and a settler in the West
Two Palestinians also died yesterday
- one killed by Israeli troops and the
other apparently by Palestinians who
suspected him of being a collaborator.
The renewed attacks on Israelis came
a day after Israel rejected a Palestinian
proposal for a two-stage truce. Israel
said the Palestinian offer to halt attacks
in Israel proper during the first phase
implied Palestinians still would feel free
to strike Israeli soldiers and settlers in
the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Speaking at the start of a Cabinet
meeting Wednesday, Israeli Prime Min-
ister Ariel Sharon said no progress could
be made without "total cessation of vio-
lence and terror."
Just hours later, a blackened, burned-
out police van bore witness to the power
of the latest suicide blast, which was
apparently planned for the bus station
near the Israeli Arab town of Umm el-
Fahm, one mile from the Israel-West
Bank border.
It was the first suicide bombing since
Aug. 4, one of the longest lulls in such
attacks in a two-year conflict marked by
more than 70 Palestinian suicide bomb-
ings that have killed more than 250
After back-to-back suicide attacks in
Jerusalem killed 26 people in mid-June,
Israeli soldiers poured into the West
Bank and took control of most of the

main Palestinian population centers,
imposing curfews and clamping down
further on travel in the West Bank.
Palestinians say the suffering of hun-
dreds of thousands confined to their
homes is breeding more hatred and a
desire for revenge, making a resumption
of bomb attacks inevitable. The Pales-
tinians' own security services, they say,
have been made powerless against the
militants because of Israel's occupation.
Reacting to Wednesday's bombing,
David Baker, an official in Sharon's
office, said, "Palestinian terrorists have
drawn up a road map of terror and are
content only when their campaign of
carnage is implemented."
There was no immediate claim of
responsibility, but Mahmoud Zahar,
a Gaza-based spokesman for the
militant group Hamas, welcomed
the attack. "The Palestinians have
every right to fight against the
occupation," he said.
Witnesses said the bomber blew him-
self up as police approached in their van
after receiving a report the man was
behaving suspiciously. Paramedic
Moshe Dahan said "the terrorist disinte-
grated on the spot."
In addition to the policeman who
died, another officer was slightly injured
and a bystander was seriously hurt.
"It was like an earthquake," said
Hamad Akbariyeh, an Israeli Arab who
runs a restaurant about 100 yards away.
"Our place filled with dust. We went out
to look and we saw the bodies of the
policeman and the civilian on the
ground, and the bomber himself in
pieces --in pieces."
aides for
foil robbers
WASHINGTON (AP) - Two con-
gressional aides abducted from their
Capitol Hill apartment foiled a robbery
attempt early yesterday by offering to
retrieve money from a House office,
where police made an arrest and took
custody of a second gunman waiting
outside in a car.
No one was injured. The assailants
were charged with kidnapping while
armed, said a spokesman for the U.S.
attorney's office. Additional charges
were possible.
Jerry Clarke, chief of staff to Rep.
Timothy Johnson (R-Ill.) said he and
Johnson's legislative director, Erik
Woehrmann, were in front of their apart-
ment at midnight when two men pulled
up in a Jeep and asked them for a light.
When the aides said they did not
smoke, the two men pulled out hand-
guns and ordered them into the car,
Clarke said.
"They told us to give money or
they're going to kill us," Clarke said.
Woehrman was ordered to retrieve
money from a nearby ATM machine, but
he entered the wrong code, Clarke said.
"They went insane," Clarke said.
"And then I told them to take us to
the Longworth Office Building, that
my wallet was in my office there, and
I'd give them all the money they
need." Clarke's wallet actually was in
his apartment.
The gunmen parked the Jeep a
few blocks from the office building.
One man walked withClarke
toward the, building while
Woehrmann stayed in the car with
the second man.
Clarke said he warned the man about
building security checkpoints and talked
him into stashing his gun in a garden

along the way.
Once inside the building shortly
after 2 a.m., Clarke said he told Capi-
tol police officers that he wanted to go

Bush yet to declare
tax cut proposal
President Bush still has not decid-
ed on a plan for stimulating the econ-
omy with a tax cut, the White House
budget chief said yesterday in
remarks that cast doubt on whether
Bush would propose one before Con-
gress adjourns for the November
The president wants to push such a
proposal and is actively seeking one,
White House budget director Mitchell
Daniels, but wants to balance it against
the need to keep revived federal deficits
under control. Daniels acknowledged
time may be running out in Congress,
where lawmakers seem likely to depart
by mid-October.
"The president is not into idle ges-
tures," Daniels told reporters.
"Maybe the greater reality is simply
the shortness of time, and the crowd-
ed calendar" of other business Con-
gress hopes to deal with in its
remaining weeks.
Holes remain in
bioterrorism defense
A year after the first anthrax-tainted
letters were dropped into a New Jersey
mailbox, the nation is vastly better pre-
pared to face bioterrorism. Yet experts
agree that major holes remain in com-
munications, emergency planning and
There have been no arrests and there
are officially no suspects in the criminal
investigation into the attacks-by-mail,
which killed five and sickened 18. While
the investigation appears stalled, efforts

to prepare for the next attack have moved
steadily forward.
"Public health has always been the
poor stepchild. It's never received the
dollars, it's never received the attention,"
said Health and Human Services Secre-
tary Tommy Thompson."One of the
good consequences of 9-11 is we now
have the resources available to build the
public health system."


Spending on drugs
for children increases
While parents then and now are often
nervous about medicating children, it is
becoming more common. Use of pre-
scription drugs is growing faster among
children than it is among senior citizens
and baby boomers, the two traditionally
high consumer groups, according to a
new study.
Spending on prescription drugs for
those under 19 grew 28 percent last year,
according to the survey by Medco Health
Solutions, a Franklin, N.J.-based pharma-
cy benefits manager.
Meanwhile, spending per patient rose
23 percent for those between the ages of
25 and 49 and less than 10 percent for
those above 65.
Children are also spending 34 percent
more time on medication than they were
five years ago, the study found.
Treating children is still relatively
inexpensive, costing an average of
$84.72 per patient each year. That com-
pares to an average expense of $944.40
per year for people aged 65 to 79.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.

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