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02002 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 13
One-hundred-eleven years of editorzilfreedom
Isolated thun-
throughout the
day and contin-
uing throughout
the night.
81 i4
Saltiel expected to be new LSI director
By Tyler Boersen
Daily Staff Reporter
For the third time before the Life Sciences
Institute has even opened its doors, the Univer-
sity has selected new leadership for the research
initiative rising along Washtenaw Avenue. Alan
Saltiel will likely be approved as director of the
LSI, alongside six "charter faculty," at today's
meeting of the University Board of Regents.
"I am excited. It is a great challenge, but also
a great opportunity for me to have a major
impact," Saltiel said.
Saltiel follows Jack Dixon and Scott Emr,
who were originally slated to serve as co-direc-
tors of the LSI. Emr left before he arrived
because of uncertainty after former President
Lee Bollinger resigned to become president at
Columbia University. Early this summer, Dixon
announced he would leave
the University to become
dean of scientific affairs at
the University of California
at San Diego. Former
Deputy General Counsel,
Liz Barry has ben serving
as managing director of the
LSI since January.
University President
Mary Sue Coleman con-
sulted with Dixon during Saltiel
the search for a new director. She said she chose
to hire from within the University after Dixon
showed her what Saltiel could "bring to the
table" as a highly regarded researcher.
"I am extremely happy because (Saltiel) is a
very distinguished scientist, and with this char-
ter faculty, I think they are going to give us the
jumpstart we needed," Coleman said.
"I think it is a tremendous asset to heave
someone from the inside because they can hit
the ground running," Regent Andrea Fischer
Newman (R-Ann Arbor) said. She.said she
plans to vote in favor of Saltiel's appointment.
"He will be setting the scientific direction of
the institute, administering and developing its
resources, helping with education, research,
outreach and building links to the other aca-
demic departments in the University," she said.
Saltiel has spent most of his career doing pri-
vate sector pharmaceutical research. Most
recently, he was the senior director of cell biolo-
gy at the Parke-Davis Pharmaceutical Research
Division in Ann Arbor. Most of his research has
focused on uncovering how insulin controls cel-.
lular sugar levels, but this research has emerged
into a study of cell signaling. In 1995 he co-
authored a paper on cell signaling which
remains the most cited paper from the Proceed-
ings of the National Academy of Sciences. In
March 2001, he was appointed the first faculty
member of the LSI.
Saltiel, who will earn $270,000 a year, said it
will be difficult to continue this research while
serving as director of the LSI, but he plans to
ensure that his lab continues to move forward.
"I think it is impossible to be a director with-
out doing research yourself because you
(would) lose touch with the critical issues in sci-
ence,"he said.
While at Parke-Davis, Saltiel had to work to
coordinate researchers trained in different disci-
plines. Barry, who has worked with Saltiel since
her appointment to the institute, counted this
experience as one of his strong qualifications to
take this administrative position.
"I have been working closely with Alan since
I came on board and I am extremely impressed
with his leadership abilities," she said. "I think
he is going to ensure that the institute is a suc-
cess. He is an experienced leader in the private
sector, and he has led multi-discipline science
teams. So that experience will certainly benefit
See LSI, Page 7A
Cancer center begins
lung screening trial
By Kylene Kiang
Daily Staff Reporter
In its early phases, the symptoms of lung cancer are virtual-
ly imperceptible - a chronic cough or chest pain may not be
enough to send most people to see a doctor. Yet when symp-
toms do become noticeable, the cancer is often in its advanced
In an effort to improve lung cancer detection, the University
of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center announced yester-
day its participation in a national lung screening trial headed
by the National Cancer Institute. The trial, which involves the
participation of other cancer study centers across the nation,
will recruit 50,000 smokers and ex-smokers between the ages
of 55 and 75 whose health will be journalized for the next sev-
eral years.
The study will focus primarily on evaluating the strength of
spiral computed tomography scans and X-rays in detecting
small tumors in the lungs. Researchers will scan patients'
lungs for the first three years and then follow their health pro-
gression for up to eight years. If the findings show significant
effects in detection and mortality rates, it will serve as a stimu-
lus for doctors to encourage smokers to get their lungs scanned
"In the last few years, CT scans have been shown to pick up
small cancers, and it's become much easier to see those small
cancers with a CT scan than with a chest X-ray," said Ella
Kazerooni, study leader and director of thoratic radiology at
the University.
Effective and reliable detection are ultimately what the
study hopes to achieve in the face of the nation's high mortali-
ty rate for lung cancer. Eighty-five percent of people diag-
nosed with lung cancer will die from it.
"People may be familiar with mammography, used to
screen for breast cancer, or physical exams, blood tests
and endoscopy that are done to look for prostate cancer
or colon cancer," Kazerooni said. "But currently there is
no way to screen for lung cancer."
Kazerooni said that oftentimes lung cancer is found when
symptoms like a new cough arise. She added that "the
majority of people with lung cancer are diagnosed when the
disease is advanced, making a cure very difficult. Unfortu-
nately, when lung cancer is very small, say the size of a fin-
See CANCER, Page 7A
John Payton, lead counsel for the University in the, lawsuits challenging its admission practices, speaks during an
affirmative action forum at the Michigan League.
'U' lawyers: Court should
not hear lawsuit's appeal
By Megan Hayes
Daily Staff Reporter
The U.S. Supreme Court should
refuse to hear an appeal in the lawsuit
challenging the Law School's admis-
sions policy, outside counsel for the
University said yesterday during the
University Admissions Lawsuits pro-
gram yesterday.
"We will ask the court to deny the
appeal and not to hear the case," Uni-
versity attorney Maureen Mahoney
said. She said the 6th Circuit Court of
Appeals based its decision on the
Supreme Court's 1978 ruling in Uni-
versity of California Board of Regents
v. Bakke, which found diversity to be
a compelling interest, and therefore
simply approved the status quo.
"The Law School has won the
case," she said, referring to the appel-
late court's decision in Grutter v.
Bollinger. "It just won't get any better
than that no matter what the Court
The event headlined panelists
including University interim Provost
Paul Courant and General Counsel
Marvin Krislov, as well as outside
counsel for the University and those
filing amicus briefs.
"The whole country has a stake in
these cases," President Mary Sue
Coleman said. She said the event was
a way to present an overview of
where the admissions lawsuits cur-
rently stand as well as a way to illus-
trate the University's deep and
unwavering commitment to diversity.
"I am proud of Michigan's lead-
ership in developing admissions
policies that are fair and equal,"
Coleman said.
Courant said there are enormous
concrete educational benefits to a
diverse student body, but these advan-
tages require the University to have
representatives from minority groups.
"If you want to solve any problem,
you need a team of people with many
skills," he said. "A diverse student
body provides our students an experi-
ence within the world we live."
In regard to the specifics of the
admissions policy currently under
consideration in the Grutter case,
Law School Dean Jeffrey Lehman
said the University desires in each
entering class a "critical mass" of
minority students who feel comfort-
able in their environment.
In doing so, he said the University
looks at each application individually,
using race as one of many factors in
evaluating applicants.
"It is important to us to be able
to say unequivocally that anyone
who is here is qualified to be here,"
Lehman said.
The event marked the first oppor-
tunity the public had to hear directly
from the outside counsel representing
the University in both the Law School
should O
Iraq attack
administration pressed Congress to take
the lead in authorizing force against Iraq
yesterday after the U.S. campaign for a
tough new U.N. resolution was undercut
by Saddam Hussein's offer on inspec-
tions. As the White House talked tough,
United Nations weapons inspectors
began planning their return to Baghdad.
"It serves no U.S. or U.N. purpose to
give Saddam Hussein excuses for fur-
ther delay," Defense Secretary Donald
Rumsfeld asserted.
Iraq's announcement that it would
accept the return of international
weapons inspectors nearly four years
after they left divided the Security Coun-
cil. The United States and Britain pur-
sued a resolution to force Iraq to disarm.
But Russia and France were opposed, as
were Arab nations.
Rumsfeld, in testimony to the House
Armed Services Committee, and Presi-
dent Bush, in a White House meeting
with top congressional leaders, dis-
missed the Iraqi leader's 11th-hour over-
ture as a stalling tactic.
"He's not going to fool anybody,"
Bush said.
Rumsfeld suggested that Iraq had
See IRAQ, Page 7A
While many students on campus work, some choose alternative jobs such as nude
modeling in the School of Arts.
Work study 'offeirs
students choices
in unusua fields
Peters: Atty. gen. should serve consumers
By Kylene Kiang
Daily Staff Reporter
By Jordan Schrader
Daily Staff Reporter
As Michigan's "watchdog," one of the attorney
general's most important jobs is to protect con-
sumers from fraudulent business practices, state
Sen. Gary Peters said. 0
The Democratic candidate for attorney gener-
al, a Bloomfield Township resident, said by
standing up for customers he would continue in
the footsteps of the position's current occupant,
Jennifer Granholm. Granholm is a gubernatorial
County Prosecutor's Office, who wants to
increase the office's violent
crime prevention efforts and
give greater assistance to
county prosecutors.
Peters said that while 83
prosecutors' offices handle
criminal proceedings, the
attorney general is the only
official who is effective in
restraining fraud.
"The consumer protection
"We have to represent all the other areas of
state government, but I will continue to make
that the focus of the office."
Putting a stop to telemarketing scams and
inflated prices are among the successes of the
Granholm administration that Peters would con-
tinue, he said.
Although violent crime prevention is a local
responsibility, the attorney general can aid pros-
ecutors in cases that require specialized expert-
ise or added manpower, Peters said.
"I'm there to assist county prosecutors," he
Students considering temporary or
work-study employment should not feel
their search is limited to merely slopping
food to hungry students in the South
Quad Residence Hall cafeteria.
In addition to earning money toward
educational and living expenses, some
student employment opportunities can
provide rare experiences that are unique
to the University community.
According to the University's Student
Employment Office, the most popular
student jobs include library assistants,
recreational assistants, residence hall
service workers and research assistants,
which range from baking bread in the
Michigan League to nude modeling in
the School of Art - are often over-
looked and lost in the employment list-
ings. More than 1,500 jobs were posted
on the SEO website last academic year.
As a figure drawing model, Ann
Arbor resident Kaite Ripple performs
natural life poses for figure drawing and
painting classes. Duration of poses may
vary from a series of short "gesture"
poses of two to five minutes, to longer
poses of 20 to 30 minutes. Models are
paid $10 per hour.
At first, Ripple was apprehensive
about posing nude in front of a class-
room of art students. "I decided that I
was comfortable with it so I decided to