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September 17, 2002 - Image 1

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September 17, 2002
©2002 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Vol. CXIII, No. 11

One-hundred-eleven years ofeditorialfreedom

Partly sunny for
most of today
and tomorrow,
changing to

H~ 3
LOW: 57


online, not
in stacks
95 percent of college
students use e-mail at
least once a week
By Lydia K. Leung
For the Daily
The Internet has become an
essential component of college life,
both for communication and aca-
demic purposes, according to a
recent survey done by the Pew
Internet & American Life Project.
The survey of 2,054 college stu-
dents nationwide found that 42 per-
cent of students use the Internet
most often to communicate socially.
In addition, 95 percent of stu-
dents surveyed said they use e-mail
for social communication at least
once a week while 21 percent of
them said they send social related e-
mails at least once a day.
LSA sophomore Nicole Vanneste,
who checks her e-mail a couple of
times a day, said she uses e-mail
over 75 percent of the time for e-
mailing and communicating with
"My cell phone bill went up, once
I couldn't get the Internet access for
two weeks," Vanneste said.
The most commonly used Internet
communication tool by students
who responded to the survey is e-
mail, followed by instant messag-
ing, which accounts for 62 percent
and 29 percent of the students,
In addition to using the Internet
for social purposes, the study also
found many students turning to the
Internet to help with work for their
._.~The survey found that 73 percent
of the students use Internet more
than the library for searching for
information while only 9 percent of
the students do the opposite.
"The library is overwhelming,"
said LSA freshmen Alex Leb, who
said he prefers doing his research at
home on the Internet because he can
have more personal space there and
thinks it is more controllable.
Due to the convenience and avail-
ability of information on the inter-
net, the library is no longer the only
place for searching for different
kinds of information, which is the
r main cause for the switch in
research habits, student said.
"Going online is much simpler,"
first-year Dental student Scott
Behnan said.
He added that using search
engines such as Google and Yahoo
is better than going to the library
because of its convenience.
The Internet also acts as a bridge
for students and professors to com-
Seventy-seven percent of the stu-
dents who participated in the survey
said they have used e-mail to ask
their professors questions about an
See INTERNET, Page 7

A clean slate

Trial to begn
for suspected
carport felon

By Maria Sprow
Daily Staff Reporter
The preliminary trial for one of
the people suspected of robbing two
victims at gunpoint in the Church
Street parking structure begins
Keith Mitchell-Lucas, a 23-year-
old Ypsilanti resident, was
arraigned Sept. 4 on four counts of
Charges, include possession of a
firearm by a felon, which carries a
possible sentence of five years in
prison and/or $5,000 and posses-
sion of a firearm while committing
a felony, which carries a possible
sentence of two years.
In addition, he faces two counts
of armed robbery, which can carry a.
minimum sentence of two years to
life in prison.
His preliminary hearing is sched-
uled for tomorrow at 1 p.m. at the
22nd Circuit Court on Huron Street.
Judge Lloyd Powell will dversee the
The charges stem from a July 28
incident on the second floor of the
Church Street parking structure.
According to Department of Public
Safety reports, two suspects, one of
which had a small caliber handgun,
stole a small amount of money from
two people before fleeing on foot.

Mitchell-Lucas was arrested early
Sept. 4 following a DPS investiga-
tion. DPS spokeswoman Diane
Brown declined to comment on the
Brown said Sunday that there is a
possibility the victims knew the
men who robbed them.
The first suspect, allegedly
Mitchell-Lucas, was described as
being a black man, 19 to 20 years
old and of stocky build.
The other suspect, who is
described as being a 19- to 20-year-
old black man standing 5-foot-9 to
5-foot-11 and weighing 160 pounds,
has not yet been apprehended.
Brown said she could not comment
on whether any other arrests will be
made in the immediate future.
According to reports, he was not
carrying a handgun.
A suspect in an unconnected
attempted robbery Thursday, which
also took place in the Church Street
parking structure,.has not been
Despite the robberies that have
taken place in the carport, some
people who park there say they will
continue to do so.
"It's the only place to park," said
Ann Arbor resident Jared Smith,
who uses the structure about once a
week when visiting the South Uni-
See TRIAL, Page 7

Members of the Jewish community gather at Hillel yesterday for a Yom Kippur break-fast dinner
following a day of fasting and prayer services.

Teach for America hopes

to increase
By Rahwa Ghebre-Ab -



Daily Staff Reporter
After receiving the largest number of
applications to their program last year
from University of Michigan students,
Teach for America representatives are
hoping for an equal response this year.
The program will begin recruiting in
Ann Arbor next week with campus repre-
sentatives, mass meetings and program
Teach For America recruits about 2,000
recent college graduates a year, trains
them during summer institutes and places
them as full-time, paid teachers in urban
and rural public schools for a two-year
Many of the schools where Teach For
America places students are located in
low-income and under-resourced commu-
nities, making the need for teachers all the
more necessary.
"I'm interested in Teach for America
because it gives me an opportunity to give
back to my community," LSA senior Aun-
drea Johnson said.
Johnson, who said she plans to apply
for Teach for America, said there is a

"It's been three years since I left teaching and I'm
still reflecting on my experience. It made me more
confident and made me realize what I really want
to do in life."
- Michelle Debaroncelli
Former corps member and Social Work student

need for more students of color to work
with the Teach for America program to
aid the many minority-based public
"One of Teach for America's biggest
problems is getting minorities to sign on
to teach," Johnson said.
"It would mean a lot to me to be able to
do something for a child of color," she
Teach for America representatives said
they are particularly interested in recruit-
ing blacks and students with backgrounds
in math, science and engineering.
"The University of Michigan is one of
our main focus schools for both areas and

we hope to attract a lot of students," said
Erica Burroughs, national recruitment
director for Teach for America.
Teach for America organizers on cam-
pus said they believe they will see as
many or more applicants this year as in
the past.
Last year, 188 students applied.
"We're only just getting started and
already the response has been excellent.
We hope that Michigan will be a strong
contributor this year as it has been in past
years," said LSA senior Meagan Carlock,
a Teach for America campus coordinator.
Many seniors do not know what they
See TEACH, Page 7

Bill would provide thousands
to city fire protection, services,

Kappa Kappa Gamma, a sorority located on Hill Street, will
participate in Fall 2002 Rush activities under new policies
beginning this week.
make rush
-more open
By Jennifer Misthal
Daily Staff Reporter
As Greek organizations begin recruitment this week,
they are implementing new policies to make the system
more approachable for perspective members.
For the Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Asso-
ciation, rush is a three-week process beginning this
week with open houses and mixers, culminating with
Bid Days in early October.
IFC is taking a different approach to rush this year
with the creation of the recruitment task force to attract
potential rushees, IFC Vice President of Major Events
Matt Van Wasshnova said.
The task force, composed of 20 Greek members not
affiliated with the recruitment process, serves as an
informational resource for perspective members, Van
Wasshnova said.
Prohibited from answering house-specific questions,
task force members answer general questions about IFC
and the Greek community designed to match potential
members with a house they will be comfortable with,
Van Wasshnova said.
The new IFC system more closely resembles the Pan-
hel system's Rho Omegas, responsible for chalking
sidewalks and advertising Greek events, Van Wasshno-
va said.
"The recruitment task force is one tangent of what
the ladies already have," he added.
Panhel began revising recruitment rules last winter,

By Louie Molzlish
Daily Staff Reporter
The state Senate is expected to
take up a bill today which would
restore more than $850,000 in state
funding for fire protection to the
city of Ann Arbor. The funds would
make up about 8 percent of the Fire
Department's annual budget.
City Administrator Roger Fraser,
who until this morning was serving
as interim Fire Department chief,
said the city would have to elimi-
nate some operations should the
funds not be restored. The depart-
ment currently operates six stations,
some of which maintain several sets
of firefighters ready to respond to

slower to respond to any particular
emergency," Fraser said.
The fire protection grants, which
go to many cities with large state
institutions, were vetoed in May by
Gov. John Engler. The House over-
whelmingly voted to restore the
funds last month, but it is unclear
whether Engler would veto the
funds again if the Senate votes
Recipients of the grants usually
are the sites of prisons or state-sup-
ported colleges, which are exempt
from local taxes that support local
fire departments.
Senate Majority Floor Leader
Joanne Emmons, the No. 2 Republi-
can leader from Big Rapids, said

"Those fire protections grants are
spread so far across so many places
in Michigan that we've got a lot of
support," said Emmons, whose dis-
trict encompasses' both Ferris State
University in Big Rapids and Cen-
tral Michigan University in Mt.
Engler had vetoed the fire protec-
tion grants earlier this year, saying
the budgetary impact of the poten-
tial passage of three statewide bal-
lot proposals - one of which will
not be on the ballot - required him
to free up dollars in the budget.
His veto of general revenue shar-
ing payments to counties and
municipalities was overridden by
the Legislature last month in the

r! TONY DING/Daily


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