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April 15, 2003 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-04-15

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 15, 2003


Bush administration criticizes Syria NEWS IN BRIEF;|



umphant in Iraq, the Bush adminis-
tration looked across the border to
Syria yesterday, accusing it of har-
boring remnants of Saddam Hus-
sein's government and supporting
terrorism. Secretary of State Colin
Powell raised the possibility of
diplomatic and economic sanctions.
Sharpening the Bush administration's
rhetoric, Powell said, "They should
review their actions and their behavior,
not only with respect to who gets haven
in Syria and weapons of mass destruc-
tion, but especially the support of terror-
ist activity."
National Security Adviser Condoleez-
za Rice, in a parallel thrust at Damascus,
said Syria's support for terrorism and
"harboring the remnants of the Iraqi
regime" were unacceptable.
But she indicated the administration

was not contemplating military action. and ultimately, of
Using the same formula the have to include fi
administration has applied to North the outstanding i
Korea and its aggressive nuclear well," Powell saida
weapons program, Rice said at the news conference.
Washington Institute for Near East Syria seeks to
Po 1 i cy,
"The presi- (Condoleeza Rice) indicated
dent has
made clear the administration was not
every prob-
lem in the contemplating military action.
Middle East
cannot be dealt with the same way." Department as a s
And Powell signaled President Bashar ever since Richard
Assad that the Bush administration still 30 years ago the
would like to include Syria in the sought to interest
Mideast peacemaking it intends to ing with Israel.
accelerate between Israel and the Pales- I tam ar Rabin
tinians. Israel's chief neg
"As we go down the road to peace, we from 1992 to 199:
want it to be a comprehensive peace, ed States has be

f course, that would
inding a way to settle
ssues with Syria, as
at a State Department
recover the Golan
- Heights, a strategic
area it lost to Israel
in the 1967
Mideast War.
Although it
long has been
- listed by the State
ponsor of terrorism,
d Nixon's presidency
United States has
Syria in peacemak-
novich, who was
gotiator with Syria
95, said, "The Unit-
en fascinated with

the possibility of getting Syria to
switch sides and become an ally of
the United States."
Under the late President Hafez
Assad, Bashar Assad's father, Syria
operated on two tracks - negotiating
with the United States for peace with
Israel while hosting the heads of mili-
tantly anti-peace groups and support-
ing Hezbollah, the guerrilla group
that has fought a cross-border war
with Israel, Rabinovich said.
Now president of Tel Aviv Universi-
ty, Rabinovich said, "The bottom line
is that I don't think the United States
plans to go to war with Syria."
Assad met with British and Saudi
envoys yesterday in Damascus as his
government denied charges by U.S.
officials that Syria has weapons of
mass destruction and is sheltering
Iraqi leaders.

Shooting spree kills one, wounds three
A gunman with an AK-47 rifle opened fire in a high school gym yesterday,
killing a 15-year-old boy and wounding three teenage girls in a spray of more
than 30 bullets that sent students scrambling for cover.
Four suspects, ranging in age from 15 to 19, were arrested in a sweep of the
neighborhood near John McDonogh High School. Police Chief Eddie Compass
said he did not know if the suspects attended the school.
Students said the shooting was apparently gang related and may have been
retaliation for a previous fight.
"They started shooting and I started running," said ninth-grader Garick Jacob,
who was in the gym when the shooting began. "I was really scared."
The gunman managed to slip out of the gym and the suspects were arrested
about three blocks away. Two were in a getaway vehicle and two others were in
a nearby house in the Mid-City neighborhood, about a mile north of the French
It was not immediately clear how the gun got through metal detectors and
guards at the school. Students and school security officers said there was a hole in
the fence near the gym.
School board member Elliot Willard said students told him that the boy was the
target and the girls were accidental victims.
KARACHI, Pakistan
Four convicted in bombing of U.S. consulate
An anti-terrorism court yesterday convicted four members of an outlawed
Islamic militant group of orchestrating a truck bombing outside the U.S.
Consulate in Karachi last year that killed 12 Pakistanis.
Two defendants were sentenced to death by hanging and two were sen-
tenced to life in prison. All four remained defiant after the verdict, and one
called his sentence "a blessing."
The June 14 bombing, which also wounded 43 people, was one of several aimed at
foreigners and Pakistan's small Christian minority. It was believed to be retaliation for
the government's alliance with the United States in the war against the al-Qaida ter-
rorist network and Afghanistan's hardline Taliban regime.
The court sentenced Mohammed Imran and Mohammed Hanif to death
by hanging. Mohammed Sharib and Mufti Zubair were sentenced to life in
prison, while a fifth defendant, Mohammed Ashraf, was acquitted. The four
convicted men also were fined about $9,000 each.
Imran and Hanif made the V-for-victory sign with their hands and passed
out sweets to their lawyers, who promised to appeal.

Clash in Tikrit marks end of major combat.

Forces suspected about 2,500
members of the Republican Guard
and Fedayeen to be in the city
TIKRI, Iraq (AP) - U.S. Marines overran loyalists
staging a last stand yesterday at Saddam Hussein's
hometown of Tikrit, ending the major combat phase of
the Iraq war.
Saddam's presidential palace was seized with-
out a fight, the military said, and large numbers
of U.S. troops were in central Tikrit by yesterday
"There was less resistance than we anticipated," said
Brig. Gen. Vincent Brooks, U.S. Central Command
spokesman, noting that Tikrit defenders had been sub-
jected to airstrikes for several days. He said Marines
attacked Tikrit from the south, west and north, captur-

ing a key Tigris River bridge in the center of town.
Massive explosions, billowing smoke and flashes of
light could be seen and heard from Tikrit late yesterday.
"I think that's a city going down," said Capt. Christo-
pher Aaby, 33, of Menominee, Mich.
US. forces had suspected about 2,500 holdouts from
the Republican Guard and the paramilitary Saddam's
Fedayeen - and possibly officials from the Iraqi presi-
dent's regime - were holed up in the city, 90 miles
north of Baghdad.
By late afternoon, however, people began to venture
from homes and walk in the streets, with families and
children enjoying a beautiful spring afternoon. Shops
remained closed. There were no reports of looting.
North of the city, Brig. Gen. John Kelly of the 1st
Marine Division, commander of the Tikrit operation,
said Tikrit was "the heartland of the beast," the beast
being Saddam.

"If you were a committed regime ... guy, I guess
you'd come here,"he said.
Describing a pattern in cities taken over by coalition
troops, Kelly said Tikrit was no different.
"It was a ghost town when we first arrived," he said.
"Then they (residents) start sticking their noses out and
approaching us and start pointing out where Baathists
are, and the Fedayeen and the caches of weapons."
Baathists are members of Saddam's Baath Party.
Some Marines in the streets yesterday were wearing
pink flowers on their uniforms, peace offerings from
neighborhood residents.
Unlike other major cities, however, many portraits,
banners and statues of Saddam remained undamaged.
Abdul al-Jabouri, part of a large group of men gath-
ered at a gas station, said: "We like Saddam Hussein
and he has educated our people and we will support
him to the end."


- ;

Erik Abraham
Stacy Baker
Krysta Bartnick
Asif Bhimani
Megan Bidgoli
Jennifer Birch
Joel Block
Jessica Borow
Jennifer Bostrom
Arnaub Chatterjee
Jennifer Chau
Casey Cohen
Andrea Campbell
Kristin Cunningham
Jessica DeBartolo
Jennifer Denbow
Stacy Dodd
Nirav Doshi
Anne Eisenberg
Aaron Ensinger
Omar Ezziddin
Jackie Feldner
Leigh Frinkle
Larissa Galan
Arianna Gavzy
Heather Gillespie
Priya Gopwani
Amy Greenfield
Dominica Groom
Tara Ha beck
Megan Harris-Linton
Gretchen Hilburger
Mary Beth Hojnowski
Rachit Jain
Melissa Kasoff
Klint Kesto
Andrew Kim
Jeffrey Kominsky
Lauren Konchel
Monica Kwong
Megan Maciasz
Michael Maguire
Nicolette Mastrangelo
Kate Meyer
Sean Meyers
Rodney Nacier

Gabrielle Rooney
Monica Rose
Shabeta Sahore
Melissa Schmitt
Nancy Short
Maria Simon
Debra Smouse
Rachel Sorrick
Matt Sporer
Kristina Stasiewicz
Kyle Stock
Kenneth Su
Paquenia Suggs
Ruchi Talati
Sara Teimorzadeh
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Elizabeth Thomas
Robbie Tran
Matthew Viaches
Elizabeth Wakefield
Emily Walkowiak
David Weinberg
Jacqueline Weiner
Emily Wittbrodt
Rodney Wittbrodt
Stephanie Wooten
Lisa Yang
Enrique Alvarez
Naomi Andre
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David Baum
Kevin Benham
Vik Bhatia
Xavier Corona
Aline Cotel
Mamadou Diouf
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Charmise Knox
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Ismat Mangla
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Stephen Meraw
A.T. Miller
Laura Miller-Purrenhage
Kay Millett
Dr. Lester Monts
Kristen Moore
Lew Morrissey
Catherine Niekro
Mbala Nkanga
Kathleen Nolta
Richard Ohye
Laura Olsen
David Ostreicher
Paula Payton
Bridget Pearce
Mary Piontek
Nick Rine
Mabel Rodriguez
Lisa Rudgers
Christopher Ruf
Kathy Stolaruk

Continued from Page 1A
at a checkpoint south of Baghdad and a
third soldier was killed and another
wounded in an accidental shooting
near Baghdad International Airport,
Central Command said.
With fighting on the wane, troops
continued their search for remaining
POWs as well as evidence of weapons
of mass destruction.
Maj. Trey Cate, a spokesman for the
101st Airborne Division, said tests
were planned on 11 shipping contain-
ers found buried near Karbala with lab
equipment inside.
A team of experts from the CIA and
Defense Intelligence Agency also has
arrived in the Persian Gulf region to
search for clues to the whereabouts of'
Capt. Scott Speicher, a Navy pilot shot
down during the 1991 Gulf War, offi-
cials said.
U.S. official said an Iraqi nuclear sci-
entist, Jaffar al-Jaffer, had surrendered
to authorities in an unidentified Middle
Eastern country in recent days and was
being interviewed by Americans.
On Saturday, Saddam's top science
adviser, Lt. Gen. Amer al-Saadi surren-
dered to U.S. forces.
In Washington, Powell became the
latest senior administration official to
accuse Syria of harboring former
members of Iraq's regime and of main-
taining a chemical weapons program.
"Of course, we will examine possi-
ble measures of a diplomatic, econom-
ic or other nature as we move forward,"
Powell told reporters.
Fayssal Mekdad, Syria's deputy
ambassador to the United Nations,
denied it. "There is no cooperation. We
have no chemical weapons" he said.
In London, British Prime Minister
Tony Blair said Syrian President Basher
Assad had personally assured him that
his government "would interdict any-
body" crossing the border from Iraq.
Continued from Page 1A
It was not immediately known
whether the U.S. planes that enforced the
southern "no-fly" zone would remain at
bases in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
The first ship to leave the war zone
was the dock landing ship USS Port-
land, part of an amphibious task force
that carried 7,000 Marines to Kuwait in
February. The Portland arrived at Little
Creek, Va., on Friday.
At least two attack submarines also
have returned from the war. They and a
number of destroyers and cruisers
launched more than 800 Tomahawk
cruise missiles into Iraq from the Red
Sea, the eastern Mediterranean Sea and
the Persian Gulf. No Tomahawks have
been launched for several days.
McChrystal said it is too soon to say
the war is over. Allied troops on the
ground still face dangers from renegade
paramilitaries, remnants of the Republi-
can Guard and terrorists, he said.
Remaining missions include consoli-
dating U.S. control of some cities and
searching for illegal weapons.
"I think we will move into a phase
where it is smaller, albeit sharp,
fights-" Mchrvsctal21ai

SEOUL, South Korea
War in Iraq may deter
N. Korea from arms
U.S. military success in Iraq appears
to have shocked North Korea into try-
ing to peacefully resolve the standoff
over its nuclear activities, but some
experts warn a resolution to the crisis is
far from guaranteed.
After months of insisting on one-on-
one talks with Washington, North
Korea signaled over the weekend that it
would be willing to accept U.S.
demands for multilateral discussions
over the communist country's alleged
nuclear weapons program.
The change was welcomed by world
leaders, including President Bush, who
described it as "very good news for the
people in the Far East."
"This is the most positive statement
since this crisis started," said Paik
Hak-soon, a political analyst at the
Seoul-based Sejong Institute research
center. "Its timing shows North Korea
is really shocked by what has hap-
pened in Iraq."
LAGOS, Nigeria
Two dozen killed in
post-election violence
Nigeria's ruling party was leading
yesterday in legislative elections seen as
a key test of its young democracy, but
violence accompanying voting in the
oil-rich south left at least two dozen
people dead.
President Olusegun Obasanjo's
party won 69 seats in the House of
Representatives in returns from
weekend voting counted as of yester-

day. Two main opposition parties
took 52. In the Senate, the ruling
party won 22 seats compared to 10
for the opposition.
In all, some 3,000 candidates cam-
paigned for 360 seats in the House of
Representatives and 109 in the Senate.
The legislative race is a key gauge
of civil tensions a week ahead of presi-
dential elections that will pit Obasanjo
- a former military ruler turned civil-
ian leader - against 19 opposition
candidates, including three former
army generals.
Eye exam law leads
to earlier diagnoses
William Reynolds covered the 5-
year-old's left eye while the boy read an
eye chart. The boy's mother wondered
aloud why an exam from an eye spe-
cialist was now required to enter Ken-
tucky schools - especially since her
son seemed to see fine.
Then Reynolds covered the boy's
other eye, and the, youngster piped up,
"Oh, that's the eye I don't see out of."
Reynolds recalls the stunned mother
almost falling out of her chair.
Kentucky's new law, the first in the
nation to require a comprehensive vision
exam to enter school, meant the boy's
problem was caught in time to cure. Now
a study shows that nearly one in seven
youngsters examined thanks to the law
needed glasses, and an additional 5 per-
cent had major undiagnosed problems.
Lawmakers in other states and Con-
gress are considering similar action to
get more youngsters to eye doctors.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.



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