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January 06, 2003 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-01-06

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 6, 2003 - 3A


Showcasing the latest

Lehman takes Cornell
presidency, leaving 'U'

No calls reported
on New Year's
The new year got off to a slow
start for the Department of Public
Safety. According to the DPS daily
incident log, officers did not receive
any calls Wednesday.
Previous New Year's Days have
not been as slow, according to the
log. On Jan. 1, 2002, DPS officers
made four arrests - two-for break-
ing and entering into an office in
the Institute of Social Research, one
on an outstanding domestic vio-
lence warrant and the last for pos-
session of illegal fireworks.
North Campus fire
prevented despite
smell of smoke
A resident of Northwood IV on
North Campus reported Thursday
afternoon that he smelled smoke
and heard a fire alarm sounding
from a neighboring unit. Upon
arriving at the scene, DPS officers
found that there was no fire, but a
pot had been left on the stove.
Explosion keeps
Media Union warm
during blizzard
DPS was alerted Thursday after-
noon that the air conditioning in the
Media Union on North Campus
stopped working, causing a comput-
er room to overheat. Several com-
puters were damaged, according to
the report.
Co-worker calls in office harass-
ment A School of Social Work
employee reported being harassed
by another employee, according to
the DPS incident log.
The employee told officers Dec.
23 that the form of harassment had
been "in every way possible that a
human being can be harassed,"
according to the log.
The allegations are under investi-
Resident of North
Campus discovers
keys were stolen
A resident of Northwood IV
reported Dec. 20 that his keys had
been stolen sometime between 6:30
and 7:45 that night.
The man believed that he acci-
dentally left his keys in his door
after returning home. DPS officers
searched the area but were unable to
find the keys.
Going to hospital
cause of concern
for man
A man staying at University Hos-
pital reported Dec. 15 that money
and credit cards had been taken
from his wallet.
Upon meeting with DPS officers,
the caller said he did not wish to
file a police report on the missing
Instead, the man reported that he
believed the hospital staff was "all
against him," according to the inci-
dent log.
Caller suspects
* accident, finds
proof later
A woman reported Dec. 20 that
another car had been parked so that
its front bumper was touching the
back bumper of her car.

According to the incident log, the
woman could not tell if any damage
had been done to her car, though
she later discovered a small scratch
on her rear bumper.
The car was parked on Thompson
* Street.
Woman slips on
ice outside main
hospital doors
A pedestrian walking near the
main entrance to University Hospi-
tal called DPS officers Dec. 18,
reporting that she had slipped on ice
and fallen at the hospital's entrance.
Parked car leads
to stolen jewelry
A woman reported that $4,000 in
jewelry was taken from her vehicle
while she was in the University
Hospital Emergency Room on Dec.
18. It is unknown whether DPS has
any suspects.
* Woman treated for
injury after assault

By Emily Kraack
Daily Staff Writer
University Law School Dean Jef-
frey Lehman is about to don a new
cap in the academic world. On Dec.
14, Cornell University's Board of
Trustees announced Lehman as the
successor to Cor-
nell President
Hunter Rawlings,
who plans to
retire June 30.
stressed the simi-
larities between
the University of
Michigan and
Cornell Universi-
ty. "They're both Lehman
complex, diverse
campuses that are committed to
excellence," he said.
"Cornell, like Michigan, is com-
mitted to having a diverse intellectu-
al community where people have the
opportunity to learn from others who
have had different life experiences,"
he added. "I intend to continue to
support Cornell's commitment to
remain a racially and ethnically inte-
grated intellectual community."
University President Mary Sue
Coleman praised Lehman for his
commitment to the Law School's
race-conscious admissions policies.
"Jeff has been a valued colleague,
providing strong leadership for the
University of Michigan's Law

School," Coleman said in a state-
ment. "In addition, Jeff is a distin-
guished and articulate voice in the
University's defense of its Law
School admissions policies with an
unwavering commitment to educa-
tional diversity."
Lehman said his departure would
have no impact on the University of
Michigan's admission policies. He
said he plans to continue supporting
the drive for educational diversity
at Cornell.
Lehman said he recognized the
magnitude of assuming the presi-
dency of Cornell.
"I was thrilled, I was flattered and
I was humbled by the challenges and
responsibility of leading such an
important institution," he said.
University of Michigan adminis-
trators expressed confidence in
Lehman's ability to handle the
responsibilities of his new job.
"I salute the Trustees of Cornell
for their excellent judgment in
choosing Jeffrey Lehman as their
next president," Provost Paul
Courant said in a statement.
Coleman praised Lehman's work
in the Law School, saying, "During
his tenure the school has maintained
its stellar academic stature and sig-
nificantly expanded its programs in
transnational law, legal writing and
clinical education."
Lehman graduated from Cornell
in 1977 with a mathematics degree,
and will be the first Cornell alum to

serve as president. He earned his
advanced degrees in law and public
policy in 1977 from Michigan.
After completion of his education,
Lehman worked as a law clerk and
He became a faculty member at
the University in 1987 and became
Law School dean in 1994. "I'm
obviously sad to leave Michigan,
which has been my home for 15
years," he said.
But even as a vacancy in the Uni-
versity was opened, another vacan-
cy was filled. Last month, a search
committee chaired by Gerald R.
Ford School of Public Policy Dean
Rebecca Blank recommended John
May as the University vice presi-
dent for Development. May, who
has been the development chief at
The Ohio State University for the
past 10 years, is expected to be
approved by the Board of Regents
at their Jan. 16 meeting.
May's biggest responsibility will be
running a new fundraising capital
campaign the University is expected
to begin in the next couple years.
Money raised from the campaign is
expected to go to endowments, con-
struction, scholarships and other pri-
orities in each of the colleges.
"He's considered one of the top
people in the country in fundraising,"
Coleman said. "He was described to
me as the 'best of the best."'
--Daily Staff Reporter Jeremy
Berkowitz contributed to this story.

Car lovers caught a glimpse of automakers' latest creations at the
North American International Auto Show in Detroit yesterday.

Creation of prvate dorm causes controversy

By Andrew McCormack
Daily Staff Reporter

Integroup Realty Trust, a private developer
based in Jacksonville, Fla., is seeking to build a
private residence hall on Broadway Street no later
than the fall of 2005. The $35 million complex,
which will be named "North Quad," has quickly
sparked the drawing of battle lines between its
developers and the Broadway Street community.
The building is intended for students on North
Campus who want the freedoms of off-campus
living and the amenities of dorm life.
"The single biggest attraction is what students
want - their own bedroom and bathroom," said
Wayne Senacal, chief executive officer of Inte-
group. He added the building will be divided into
units that share a common kitchen. Each-bed-
room in the unit will have its own bathroom, and
also boasts state-of-the-art security. "You will
enter the building and your unit with a card and
your room with a key," Senacal said, adding that

the unique setup and location will make North
Quad a profitable enterprise for Integroup, which
has similar housing complexes in other college
towns, including East Lansing.
"Ann Arbor is a major University market,"
Senacal said. "You only have to look at the aerial
to see that this is a great location and a much
needed product in the area."
But some feel that the project will do more
harm than good.
"What so many neighbors are concerned about
is that their driveway exits on to Broadway," said
Norm Kerr, a five-year resident of the area who
voiced his opinions to the Ann Arbor City Coun-
cil. "We've got North Quad going on in one end
and on the other, a mall, so a lot us are concerned
about increased traffic in the area."
. "If you've ever tried to pull on to Broadway,
especially during rush hour, you can't even make
a left turn, and they want to put this thousand-
person dorm right at the end of it," Kerr added.
"Broadway has a history of traffic problems.

There are three houses I know of that have actual-
ly been struck by cars. I don't have children but I
know many of my neighbors do. It's surprising
the speed with which the cars go up and down
that hill."
Local developer Bill Conlin is helping Inte-
group get its site plan approval. His spokesman,
Bonnewit Marcel, said traffic in the area will not
be affected drastically.
"You get two forms of mass transit, the Univer-
sity bus line and the city bus line," Marcel said.
"The proximity to mass transit will encourage the
use of buses." Marcel added that North Quad will
have far less parking than a typical apartment
complex, so the area will not experience a huge
increase in traffic.
But many residents aren't convinced that this is
a solution.
"If you don't provide enough parking spaces,
the students will try to park all up and down our
street," Kerr said. "Having fewer parking spaces
doesn't change human nature. This is America,

everyone wants their own car."
The City Council will vote on the project early
this year, and many members are unsure about
which sides they will take on the issue.
"It should have a favorable impact on the
market for single-family housing," Mayoi
pro-tem Jean Carlberg (D-3rd Ward) said.
"But there is another area of concern, which
is the neighborhood around the area."
Councilwoman Kim Groome (D-1st Ward)
said that, on the one hand, she supports the con-
struction of North Quad because it will give a
boost to the city's tax base, while on the other
hand, she understands the concerns of the resi-
dents in her ward.
The community, however, is willing to com-
promise. "We all agree that change and devel-
opment is inevitable, but we are worried thai
we'll loose what is appealing about living
here," Kerr said. "I don't think anyone is say-
ing, 'No, don't build it,' we're just saying.
'Work with us when you do."'

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After receiving a honorary Doctorate of Human Letters, 1995 Pulitzer Prize winner and poet Philip Levine delivered a
commencement address on Saturday, Dec. 15, 2002.
Graduates mark departure
at winter commencement

By Min Kyung Yoon
Daily Staff Reporter

Voices cheering on the graduation
of their loved ones rang throughout
Crisler Arena during the Dec. 15 win-
ter commencement ceremony.
Students receiving doctoral, mas-
ters and bachelor of arts and science
degrees from all of the University's
colleges joined to commemorate the
accomplishments of graduating stu-
Jacob Roth, the student speaker
who received a bachelor of arts in
English and philosophy, referred to
notable figures such as Julia Roberts,
Henry Ford, members of Led Zep-
pelin, Tom Cruise and Martin Luther

ures, emphasizing how all graduating
students have the potential to accom-
plish many things after college.
"Welcome to your 20s," Roth said.
"I entice you to dream and to keep
dreaming, to learn and to keep learn-
"We are intelligent and beautiful. We
are scholars and human. We are state-
certified thinkers and provokers."
In order to reach this milestone of
graduating from the University, Roth
stressed the importance of not only
personal dedication but the support of
loved ones and family.
"In our quest to learn and mature,
we have neglected to appreciate our
parents," Roth said. "So today we
thank each of our own dear ones who

to the boundless opportunities that
now lie ahead.
"Cherish your thoughts. Hold fast to
your soul. Never underestimate the
impossible," Roth said.
University President Mary Sue
Coleman said every graduating stu-
dent will encounter new doors open
wide with opportunities and this will
lead students to undertake greater
responsibility in the future as they
move on from college.
Lasting close to two hours, many
found the brevity of the commence-
ment appealing, including Shirish
Commencement "was short and
sweet and the fact that my niece was
graduating was moving," he said.

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