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January 27, 2003 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-01-27

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, January 27, 2003


U.S. says time running out for Iraq

DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) - Secretary of
State Colin Powell, citing Iraq's lack of cooper-
ation with U.N. inspectors, said yesterday he
has lost faith in the inspectors' ability to con-
duct a definitive search for banned weapons
A U.S.-led war to oust Iraqi President Saddam
Hussein, however, is not imminent, Powell told
business and political leaders, and he did not
explicitly call for the inspections to end.
President Bush and heads of state were await-
ing today's report by the chief weapons inspector
to the U.N. Security Council. The summary of
their findings is intended to help determine
whether Iraq has programs for chemical, biologi-
cal or nuclear arms.
Bush will "listen with great interest" to what
the inspectors have to say and will talk to the
American people about it in his State of the
Union address tomorrow night, going into detail
about why Washington considers Saddam a threat
to the United States and other nations, White
House aides said.
Polls show that most Americans do not believe
Bush has made his case for military conflict in
Iraq, and the Senate's top Democrat said yester-
day, "We ought not be rushing to war." South
Dakota's Tom Daschle also urged the White
House to work harder to assemble an internation-
al coalition before deciding to go into Iraq.
Powell said in his address at the World Eco-
nomic Forum in this Swiss resort that only a
strong international response will deter Saddam
from sharing his weapons with terror groups or
using them himself.
Even though Iraq has responded to weeks of
inspections "with evasions and with lies," the sec-
retary said, "We are in no great rush to judgment
tomorrow or the day after, but clearly time is run-
ning out."
In Washington, Bush's chief of staff said that
military force is "the last option, but it's one that
the president will be ready to use."
And Andrew Card, raising the threat of a U.S.
nuclear strike, warned: "Should Saddam Hus-

sein have any thought that he would use a
weapon of mass destruction, he should antici-
pate that the United States will use whatever
means necessary to protect us and the world
from a holocaust."
Powell said Iraq should not be in doubt that "if
it does not disarm peacefully at this juncture, it
will be disarmed at the end of the road."
U.S. officials have said war against Iraq could
be a month or more away. They said they believe
that extra weeks of unsuccessful inspections
could weaken the resolve of key Security Coun-
cil members - Russia, France and Germany -
to maintain their opposition to military force.
against Iraq.
In London, British Prime Minister Tony Blair,
Washington's staunchest ally on Iraq, said it
should not take the inspectors months to deter-
mine whether Saddam's government is cooperat-
ing fully.
"I don't believe it will take them months to find
out whether he is cooperating or not, but they
should have whatever time they need," said Blair,
who meets with Bush on Friday at Camp David, the
presidential retreat in Maryland.
The European Union's foreign policy chief,
Javier Solana, said inspection team leaders
may ask for additional time and resources to
complete their assignment and should get that
"We are talking about a question of weeks,
about months, but not an infinite amount of
time," Solana said. "The contribution, the cooper-
ation of Saddam Hussein with the inspectors, has
to be proven very, very rapidly."
The inspectors could say in their report that
Iraq's arms declaration is incomplete and its
scientists are not cooperating with inspectors.
But they have been unable to confirm U.S.
contentions that Iraq is rearming, nor do they
know what happened to Iraq's stockpiles of
banned weapons.
"Without Iraq's full and active participation,
the 100 or so inspectors would have to look under
every roof and search in the back of every truck

Bush's State of the Union to discuss Iraq
As war talk intensified, President Bush yesterday rehearsed a State of the
Union speech that is meant to confront Americans' doubts about an attack on Iraq
and to sell his plans for new tax cuts and a Medicare overhaul.
Bush attended church and jogged yesterday morning, then spent time practic-
ing the address with confidant Karen Hughes. He had no public appearances
scheduled, giving himself plenty of time to prepare for tomorrow night's speech.
But today was sure to be a landmark date in Bush's deliberations on whether to
attack Iraq: U.N. weapons inspectors were to turn over their report on whether
Iraq has cooperated adequately. The president's communications director, Dan
Bartlett, called submission of the report the start of "this last phase" in the show-
down between the United States and Iraq.
White House officials have sought to play down expectations that the
inspections might turn up hard evidence Iraq maintains stockpiles of
weapons of mass destruction, a message they brought to the airwaves again
"I think the real headline is no proof that Saddam Hussein is complying with
the United Nations in disarming," White House chief of staff Andrew Card said
on NBC's "Meet the Press."
Report will show no evidence of Iraq weapons
Iraq's arms declaration is incomplete, its scientists aren't cooperating with
inspections and Baghdad is obstructing the use of a U-2 plane which could be
helpful in the hunt for weapons of mass destruction.
After two months on the job, the chief weapons inspectors, who will issue their
current assessments to the Security Council today at 10:30 a.m. EST, can't con-
firm claims by the Bush administration that Iraq is rearming. Inspectors still don't
know what happened to Iraq's stockpiles of biological and chemical weapons or
how much time they have left to find the answers.
Still, with all the open questions, the reports by Hans Blix and Mohamed ElBa-
radei will likely be key to Washington's efforts to bolster international support for
a war on Iraq, or efforts by skeptics to avert one.
According to Security Council Resolution 1441, crafted by the Bush adminis-
tration and adopted in November, inspectors don't need to prove Iraq is rearming.
Any false statements or omissions in Iraq's arms declaration, coupled with a
failure to comply with and cooperate fully in the implementation of the resolution,
would place Baghdad in "material breach" of its obligations.


U.S. Secretary of State ColinPowell delivers a
speech during the fourth day of the World
Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland yesterday.
in a country the size of California," Powell said in his
After weeks of inspections, he asked, "Where is the evi-
dence that Iraq has destroyed the tens of thousands of liters
of anthrax and botulinum we know it had before it expelled
the previous inspectors?
"What happened to the 30,000 munitions capable of
carrying chemical agents. The inspectors can account
for only 16."
Reflecting his impatience with the process, Powell
asked, "How much more time does Iraq need to answer
those questions?"
Card said assuming that the inspectors' report will find
that Saddam has not cooperated properly, "that will then be
the challenge. What can we do to encourage Saddam Hus-
sein to cooperate fully?"

SEOUL, South Korea

A look at the
underside of U of M

. . mlioJ ary spy
Ir naircraft crashes




2 0 0 3

SUNDAYS 4:30 p.m. - 6 p.m.
East Room
2/2, 2/9, 2/16, 3/9, 3/16, 3/23
no class 2/23 or 3/2
.............................. .......................... .............


SECTION 1: MONDAYS 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Boulevard Room
2/3, 2/10, 2/17,3/3, 3/10,3/17
no class 2/24
SECTION 2: THURSDAYS 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Boulevard Room
2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20
no class 2/27

JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel locked
down the West Bank and Gaza Strip
yesterday ahead of its national electioni
to keep putPalestinian attackers, after a
large-scale military incursion into Gaza
and warnings that Palestinians may tryi
to disrupt the voting with violence. 1
-AoAw 24,at police-&44dier&..
were deploying to guard against Pales-
tinian attacks during tomorrow's vot-
ing, police spokesman Gil Kleiman
said. There were general warning of
attacks by Palestinians over the next 48
hours, but no more than usual, he said.
However, Israeli Defense Minister
Shaul Mofaz told Israel's Cabinet
yesterday that there has been an
increase in warnings about possible
attacks by Palestinian militants dur-
ing the election.1
"The defense minister emphasized
that Israel is in the midst of an 'assault
of terror' in the run-up to the election,1
and the scope of the warnings and the
attempts to carry out terror attacks is,
very high," a Cabinet statement said.
Yesterday afternoon, Israel imposed
a blanket closure on the West Bank and
Gaza Strip, barring all Palestinians
from entering Israel and confining
most to their communities. Israel has
enforced stringent travel bans on Pales-
tinians since the outbreak of fighting,
but yesterday's restrictions, to be in
effect until Wednesday, impeded move-
ment even further.
The military said the Allenby Bridge
between Jordan and the West Bank and
the Rafah crossing between Gaza and
Egypt would remain open.
Palestinians drew a connection
between the Israeli election and a
large-scale Israeli incursion into Gaza
City early yesterday in which 12 Pales-
tinian gunmen were killed and 67
wounded. Palestinian Information
Minister Yasser Abed Rabbo said it
was part of Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon's re-election campaign.
The Gaza City raid began shortly
after 10 p.m. Saturday, and ended yes-
terday morning. After Israeli troops
withdrew, about 30,000 Palestinians
joined the funeral procession for the 12
gunmen killed in the fighting - the
highest death toll in Gaza in five
months. Those killed included mem-
bers of the security forces and various
Palestinian militias.
It was the deepest Israeli penetra-
tion into the Palestinian city of
300,000 in more than two years of
fighting. The raid came in response to
the firing of crude, short-range Qas-
sam rockets at the Israeli town of
Sderot in the southern Negev Desert,
near Gaza, on Friday.
"The Israelis will pay a heavy
price for every drop of blood shed
last night," Abdel Aziz Rantisi, a
leader of the I1amic militant omun

A U.S. military reconnaissance
plane crashed in South Korea yester-
day, the South Korean Defense Min-
istry said.
"We are receiving reports that a
reconnaissance plane of the U.S. mili-
tary has crashed," a ministry spokesman
said on condition of anonymity. "We
have no further details yet."
Lee Ferguson, a U.S. military
spokeswoman, said she had no infor-
South Korea's Yonhap news agency
said the plane crashed in Hwasung, 31
miles south of Seoul. It did not give
further details.
The condition of the pilot was not
immediately known. It was also not
known if anyone else was on board the
aircraft. - - ,-- - -.
The United States keeps about
37,000 troops in South Korea, which
shares the world's most heavily milita-
rized border with North Korea.
ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast
Peace deal provokes
attack on embassy
Loyalist mobs, enraged by a French-
brokered peace deal they say gives too
much power to Ivory Coast rebels,
attacked the French embassy and army
base yesterday and beat foreigners.
President Laurent Gbagbo urged his
people to accept the agreement for end-
ing the four-month insurgency.

"There are two ways to end a con-
flict. Either you win the war" or submit
to negotiation and compromise, the
Ivory Coast leader said in Paris, where
two weeks of talks between his govern-
ment and rebels led to the power-shar-
ing peace deal which Gbagbo's own
security forces called "humiliating."
"I did not win the war," he conceded.
As he spoke, smoke from fires and
explosions filled the sky over the high-
rises of Abidjan, a sprawling commer-
cial hub of 3 million people and Ivory
Coast's main city.
SEALs perform anti
terrorism experiment
Cruise shipsre shagh qqegff
the Baiaimas with something menacing
and stealthy: an enormous black sub-
marine carrying Navy commandos
hunting for termrorists. ~ ,a _
The sub and its contingent of SEALs
(for Sea, Air and Land) are part of a
Navy experiment exploring ways to
clandestinely confirm and eliminate
threats from terrorist cells.
"This is a different kind of enemy'
said Capt. William Toti, who is running
the $6 million exercise, Giant Shadow.
"They don't just stand there and
fight," Toti said Saturday of terrorists.
"They scatter like cockroaches. If they
know we're onto them, they're gone."
The centerpiece of the 10-day exer-
cise, due to end tomorrow, is the USS
Florida, which formerly carried Trident
nuclear missiles.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.


Instructor: JIM KNAPP
................................................ ...................-.
TUESDAYS 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
East Room
2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18
no class 2/25


...........,.-..........-.....-..-. .-.-- ------------------- - - - - - - -'

SECTION 1: TUESDAYS 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Boulevard Room
2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18
no class 2/25
SECTION 2: THURDAYS 7 p.m. -9 p.m.
Valley Room
2/6, 2/13, 2/20, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20
no class 2/27

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---- - --- ------------------------------------------------------------ '
WEDNESDAYS 7 p.m. -8 p.m.
Valley Room
2/5, 2/12, 2/19, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19
no class 2/26
Instructor: LUKE GYURE
Classes run 6 weeks and are held at The Pierpont Commons on North Campus.
*classes are not held during the week of Spring Break (2/22 - 3/2)

STAFF: Pamela Baga, Jeffrey Braun, Lashonda Butler, Rachelle Caoagas, Lynne Chaimowitz, Belinda Chung, Joanna Eisen, Laura Frank,
Christine Hua, Kyungmin Kang, Elizabeth Kuller, Julie Lee, Lindsay Ott, Tarah Saxon, Julie Sills, Leah Trzcinski, Lindsay, Ullman



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