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January 27, 2003 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-01-27

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January 27, 2003
02003 The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan


One-hundred-twelve years of editorialfreedom

Mostly cloudy
during the day
with light snow
showers in the

LOW: 12

Vol. CXI I1, No. 81


1 11 111 1111 Jill III I

UAC gives
push to
By Margaret Engoren
Daily Staff Reporter
What do Amazin' Blue, The Michi-
gan Every Three Weekly, Laughtrack
and 12 other student programs have in
common? They are all funded and
programmed by the University Activi-
ties Center.
UAC, founded in 1965 as a campus-
wide, student-run programming initia-
tive, now provides programs and
leadership opportunities, while man-
aging 15 organizations and allocating
*$250,000 a year.
"The University started UAC in
order to provide large-scale projects
for students," said Engineering senior
and UAC President Brian Netter. "We
provide a variety of programs and
keep a tight watch over those we man-
age because there is so much money
being spent."
University funding for UAC - pro-
vided by tuition dollars - increased
this year from $180,000 to $250,000.
"UAC hadn't gone up for a funding
increase since 1986," said Susan Wilson,
director of Student Activities and Lead-
ership and primary advisor to UAC.
"They were able to convince the Vice
President of Student Affairs (E. Royster
Harper) and the regents that they needed
more money because there had been a
dramatic increase in student involvement
and no corresponding funding increase."
Mandated to provide campus-wide
programs, Wilson said UAC is differ-
ent from other student organizations.
"UAC is not just another student
group - its mission is to provide
campus-wide programs," Wilson said.
"Other groups may define their scope
that way, but they are not obligated to
reach out - UAC is.
"It is using the new funds to broad-
en its base and better engage student
groups by providing more social, edu-
cational and cultural programs outside
the classrooms."
Like the Michigan Student
Assembly, UAC funds student pro-
grams, but offers more than just
financial assistance.
"A student group goes to MSA with
a proposal and leaves with funds,"
Wilson said. "A student group goes
to UAC with a proposal and engages
in a much more collaborative
process: If it wants to bring a pro-
gram to campus, for example, it
could work with UAC, which would
do the programming and publicity,
while the student group provides the
ideas and talent. In this way, UAC
provides more than just funding -
it is a true programming body."
Although MSA funds the majority
of campus student groups, UAC funds
15, which, according to Netter,
"require significantly more oversight
and money to operate."
"MSA isn't designed to program
events - it is a political organiza-
tion," Netter said. "It allocates funds,
but it is unable to organize student
programs. That isn't its role."
See UAC, Page 7A



turns tide

against State
with victory

By Seth Klempner
Daily Sports Writer
Senior Gavin Groninger ran out to
center court to meet freshman Daniel
Horton and hoist him above his shoul-
ders seconds after the Wolverines
clinched their first victory against
Michigan State in five years. The
image of the two embracing at center
court for a moment before they were
rushed by fans and players alike, arms
stretched towards the heavens, will
surely be implanted in the mind's eye
of the Michigan basketball program for
years to come.
The sold-out crowd in Crisler Arena
was on its feet in anticipation of
redemption in the waning seconds of
the Wolverines' 60-58 win over Michi-
gan State - a win that ended five
years of dominance on the part of the
Spartans, who hadrattled off eight.
straight wins and several blowouts.
With six and a half minutes left,
Michigan State sophomore Chris Hill
slashed to the hole for an uncontested
lay-up. The bucket capped a 12-2 run
by the Spartans and gave them their

biggest lead of the game at 52-47. Hill,
who did not start the game, finished as
Michigan State's leading scorer with
20 points and six assists.
But that would be the top of the hill
for the Spartans, who relinquished the
lead to the Wolverines at 4:36 and
never got it back.
Michigan countered with a run of its
own, scoring 11 unanswered points and
holding Michigan State scoreless for a
six-minute span.
"We had the five-point lead, I don't
think we did the best job of taking the
best shots that we could get," Michigan
State coach Tom Izzo said. We "pan-
icked and threw up a couple of long
shots (at the end of the) shot clock a
couple of times."
Referring to a play where freshman
Daniel Horton out-hustled Michigan
State freshman Paul Davis for a loose
ball late in the game, Izzo said it was
"embarrassing and disappointing to me
and our program and those little things
are what this team hasn't learned yet."
In the Big Ten season, staunch
defense has been typical for the

Freshman guard Sherrod Harrell, a Kalamazoo native, celebrates with fans after Michigan's 60-58 win over Michigan State
yesterday. Fans rushed the court for the second time this season with the first coming after a win over Wisconsin.

Corf'erence events

address Roe v.


reproductive health

Keynote speaker Laura Kaplan
discusses her experience with
1960s women's rights group Jane
By Sara Eber
For the Daily
Abortion rights supporters gathered in the
Michigan Union on Friday to commemorate
the 30th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the land-
mark case giving women the right to have an
abortion, as part of the "Giving Voice to
Reproductive Empowerment" conference,
sponsored by Students for Choice.
Coordinator and Rackham student Katrina
Mann said she hoped that the two-day event
would provide participants with information
about a wide range of reproductive issues.
"We want to think about reproductive
health care and policy in a more social con-
text. What most people interact with on a
daily basis is just rhetoric," she said.
SFC attracted nearly 100 people to hear
abortion rights activist Laura Kaplan, the
keynote speaker for the conference.
Kaplan, author of "The Story of Jane: The
Legendary Underground Feminist Abortion
Service," spoke primarily of her experience
as a member of Jane - a group of 125

women who, during the 1960s, provided safe
but illegal abortions to women in Chicago,
prior to the Roe decision of 1973.
"The circumstances of abortion at the time
were disgusting," Kaplan said.
"Men telling dirty jokes during the proce-
dure, requesting sexual favors in exchange, or
charging huge amounts of money and then
feigning the abortion."
Though no formal records were kept due to
the group's illegal status, it is estimated that Jane
performed 11,000 abortions during its time.
While participants celebrated the anniver-
sary of the personal freedoms granted by Roe,
they also discussed the present speculation'
that the decision could be overturned, given
the current administration and possible retire-
ments in the Supreme Court.
Kaplan emphasized the importance of
maintaining reproductive control.
"Even back in 1969, the feeling was that
once you allow the legislature to start making
laws, even if they are very lenient, you give
the legislature or the courts the power to bend
or limit abortion further and further," she said.
Art and Design senior Serene Arena, a
member of SFC, echoed Kaplan's concern
about the future of Roe. "I don't think people
take it seriously enough," she said. "We're a

Virus Busters, a division of the Information Technology Central Services, is committed to handling the
virus protection of the University community.
Virus BustersofersU
escomputer protection

By Katie Glupker
For the Daily

[Family moment

BAMN conference
comes draws to end,
activism continues

Big businesses and University students alike
felt the firsthand effects of a virus-like computer
worm this weekend.
Some viruses spread through e-mail attach-
ments, but the worm that recently affected many
computers around the world traveled through net-
work connections without using e-mail as a trans-
mitter. Businesses, governments and other users of
the database software SQL were attacked by the
worm through vulnerability in the software.-
Microsoft, the manufacturer, recognized the weak-
ness and made a product update available in July,
but many system administrators had not yet
installed the update. The major effect of the worm

was network congestion, which increased down-
load times by an average of 50 percent and made
some websites completely unavailable Saturday.
Yesterday, the FBI said the origins of the worm
were still unknown.
But Bruce Burrell, the director of Virus Busters,
a University taskforce that handles viruses, said
the worm, called "Slammer," is unlikely to affect
the campus community at large.
"Did it hit the University? Yes," he said.."Did it
hit students? For the most part, no. End user
machines are much less likely to be at any risk
than corporate user-type machines."
Virus Busters is a special division of the Infor-
mation Technology Central Services committed to
virus protection for University network users.
See VIRUS, Page 7A

By Carmen Johnson
Daily Staff Reporter
The U.S. Supreme Court's decision on
the University's race-based admission
policies will represent either the progres-
sion or decline of civil liberties to some
activists defending affirmative action. A
week-long push by activists calling for
integration and equality through affir-
mative action - and the organization of
a civil rights march to the Supreme
Court - wrapped up Saturday with an
indoor rally in Rackham Auditorium.
Organized by the Coalition to Defend
Affirmative Action and Integration and
Fight for Equality By Any Means Nec-
essary and United for Equality and
Affirmative Action brought speakers to

address various issues that involve sup-
porting affirmative action.
"Under-representation of Hispanics in
college is a national disgrace;' of the
League of United Latin American Citi-
zens President Hector Flores said Satur-
day. "Seventy percent of Hispanics
attend low-income schools - there is
no level playing field for these students."
Flores added that affirmative action
was fair and necessary to create a
diverse student body.,
Speakers also included James Zogby,
president of the Arab American Institute,
who said while he could not claim the
American history of segregation and
oppression as African Americans, His-
panics and women could, affirmative
See BAMN, Page 7A

King-inspired event calls

for increased,
By Rahwa heore-Ab
Daily StaffReporter

Jacob Meck and his half sister Megal Gillespie
watch the Super Bowl at All Children's Hospital.

"We can't teach what we don't know and we
can't lead where we won't go," was the message
brought to the Michigan Union Ballroom Saturday
morning by Ray Johnson, one of the youngest exec-
utive directors of the Southern Christian Leadership
Conference, the civil rights organization once head-
ed by Martin Luther King, Jr..
The event, titled "The Call to Manhood: A Trib-

ute to Martin Luther King, Jr.; featured Johnson as
the keynote speaker and was sponsored by Alpha
Phi Alpha Fraternity, the first African-American fra-
ternity - of which King himself was a member.
Johnson addressed major issues concerning the
black community, primarily the lack of social
awareness, acquaintance with personal history and
the role of black women within their community.
"Here at the University of Michigan ... our com-
munity needs black men who recognize and con-
See KING, Page 7A

Inside: More Super Bowl coverage. Page 1B.




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