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April 12, 2002 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-04-12

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One hundred eleven years ofeditorilfreedom


CLASSIFIED: 764-0557

April 12, 2002


East Quad
area hit by
two crimes
this week
By Jeremy Berkowitz
and Robert Goodspeed
Daily Staff Reporters
A two-week pause in peeping tom
and home invasion incidents ended this
week with an armed robbery early
Tuesday morning and another peeping
tom incident reported in East Quad
Residence Hall yesterday.
A student was held up at gunpoint
early Tuesday on Church Street,
according to reports from the Ann
Arbor Police Department.
The victim was walking near the
intersection of Church and Willard
streets around 2:15 a.m. when con-
fronted by a man carrying a black pis-
tol, according to reports from the
AAPD. The assailant forced her behind
a building where he stole $400, credit
cards, a cell phone and a jacket. The
jacket and cell phone were later recov-
ered by police at the scene.
After receiving information from
the AAPD, the Department of Public
Safety issued two crime alerts yester-
day for the incident and the East
Quad peeping tom.
DPS spokeswoman Diane Brown
said a resident was observed in the
shower around 8 a.m.
"She reported that she had locked
the bathroom door," Brown said. She
added that the victim heard the door
open and saw an intruder when she
looked down a minute later.
DPS suspects the intruder obtained a
key to the women's restroom in a back-
pack theft from another female earlier
yesterday morning.
"It's likely the person went into her
room, took the backpack and used
the key to get into the shower,"
Brown said.
Also this semester, DPS issued
crime alerts for a home invasion in
East Quad Feb. 18, and a home inva-
sion and assault Feb. 3. The crime alert
othe Feb. 3 incident was canceled
after DPS apprehended two suspects.
"I don't feel really unsafe ... I just
think it needs to stop," said East Quad
resident and RC freshman Rebecca
The locks in the women's bathrooms
in East Quad have already been
changed once this semester, but Brown
said officials planned to change the
locks again.
"The housing staff will be re-keying
all the restrooms this week," she said.
Brown said the locks on female
bathrooms have been changed after
peeping tom incidents in South Quad,
West Quad, Alice Lloyd and Stockwell
residence halls.
"I think that it's convenient," Frank
said, who added that she didn't mind


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Neuman headed


Toronto, steps

down as dean


Former music student Maureen Johnson stands outside of the Michigan Union yesterday after
speaking at a sexual harassment forum. Johnson has a harassment lawsuit against the University
which goes to trial Monday.
Sexual harassment
victim speaks out

By Tyler Boersen
and Shannon Pettypiece
Daily Staff Reporters
The University will lose another administrator
this summer as LSA Dean Shirley Neuman
announced yesterday that she will leave the Uni-
versity July 1 to become provost at the Universi-
ty of Toronto. She will be the ninth University
administrator to leave or change posts at the
University in less than a year.
"While the attractions of
this position are obvious, it is
nonetheless wrenching to
leave Michigan at this junc-
ture," Neuman said in a state-
ment. "If much remains to be
done, we have also done
much over these last years -
all of us, working together. I
feel privileged and proud to
have been a part of that." Neuman
Neuman is a native of
Canada and expert in Canadian literature. She
was educated at the University of Alberta and
served as a professor at the University of
British Columbia before coming to the Univer-
sity of Michigan.
"She is the leading Canada academic who is
coming back from the U.S. to help us achieve
our vision of making (the University of Toronto)
one of the world's top public research universi-
ties," University of Toronto President Robert
Birgeneau said in a written statement.
Former University President Lee Bollinger
appointed Neuman two years ago. She was
unavailable for comment on whether Bollinger's
resignation had an affect on her decision to
leave, but administrative turnover is not uncom-
mon during an interim period.
Neuman was the subject of public opposition
in 2000 when she changed the grading policy of
the Residential College. Many students and pro-.

fessors were upset at the time, but yesterday RC
Prof. Herb Eagle said, "It's sort of water under
the dam and we'll look to move forward with
another dean."
RC sophomore Adrian Esquivel, a member
of Students Organizing For Labor and Eco-
nomic Equality, criticized Neuman for this
change. "I would hope that the next person
who comes around would show a commitment
to allowing the RC to continue along with its
ideology and allow our directors to make deci-
sions without imposing them on the RC,"
Esquivel said.
He added the next dean "should understand
the University's role in human rights." Two years
ago, SOLE stormed and occupied Neuman's
office for three days in protest of the Universi-
ty's refusal to join the Worker's Rights Consor-
fium, an anti-sweatshop organization of students
and national experts.
One of Neuman's most significant achieve-
ments was the merger between LSA and the
School of Natural Resources and Environment,
which was finalized this semester.
Women's Studies Director Pamela Reid said
she was shocked to find out Neuman was leav-
ing, but said "she is an emanate scholar and an
outstanding leader," and was not surprised that
she would be asked to leave.
Paul Rasmussen, associate LSA dean for
research and graduate studies said, "I think it is a
significant loss for the college. She has been a
very dynamic and forceful leader. She will be
sorely missed and difficult to replace."
An interim dean has not been named, but
interim Provost Paul Courant said he plans to
assemble a search committee soon.
"The strength of the college lies in its faculty,
staff, alumni and many friends, and we look for-
ward to working with them to make this wonder-
ful institution even stronger," Courant said. "It is
my intention to name an interim dean and search
.advisory committee expeditiously."

By Jeremy Berkowitz
Daily Staff Reporter

As a precursor for a trial involving the Univer-
sity that begins Monday in Washtenaw County
Circuit Court, the Defend Affirmative Action
Party and the Institute for Research on Woman
and Gender sponsored a sexualharassment forum

in the Michigan Union last night.
"I think it's important for people to feel that
they can fight sexism," LSA junior and DAAP
member Katie Stenvig said, adding that she feels
it is critical that "women feel like they can come
forward with these sorts of things."
The forum's primary speaker was former Music
See ASSAULT, Page 9

Ucity officials increase
security for Naked Mile

By Rob Goodspeed
Daily Staff Reporter
Recent warm weather has led
many students to leave coats and
jackets at home. According to tradi-
tion, some students will leave much
more next Wednesday night at the
annual Naked Mile, traditionally held
on the last day of classes.
In preparation for the mile, a commit-
tee of police and administrators has
stepped up efforts for the event. These

efforts include a marketing campaign in
residence halls, advertisements in The
Michigan Daily and coordination of
policing efforts for Wednesday.
"I feel like they're taking the wrong
approach to destroy something ... that
makes this school unique," LSA sopho-
more Morgan Cox said. "It seems like
the University is working against the
students." Cox added that she thought
the University's media campaign was a
waste of money and counterproductive.
"I think it's a shame that they're

spending so much money on it. ... I had
friends who were compelled to take part
(in the run) to make a statement."
Both Department of Public Safety
and Ann Arbor Police Department offi-
cers will patrol the run's traditional route
along South University Avenue.
The engineering arch through West
Hall will be closed April 17, and Univer-
sity parking lots and structures will be
available for permit holders only. Addi-
tionally, the parking garage on South
See NAKED MILE, Page 7

Bird's eye view

Israel not following
U.S. request to halt

JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel pulled
out of two dozen small West Bank
towns and villages yesterday, but swept
into others and rounded up more Pales-
tinian men despite U.S. calls and inter-
national pressure to end the 2-week-old
campaign to root out militants.
Israel's army says 4,185 Palestinians
have been detained in the operation -
nearly half of them in the past two days
as fighters in the key northern West
Bank cities of Jenin and Nablus, their
numbers depleted in battle, ran out of
ammunition and surrendered.
Among those in custody were 121
Palestinians on Israel's wanted list, the
army said.
Secretary of State Colin Powell
arrived in Israel in the evening and was
expected to meet with both Israeli
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Pales-
tinian leader Yasser Arafat, who has
been kept a virtual prisoner by Israel in
his besieged compound in Ramallah.
Yesterday, Sharon acknowledged the
fighting was causing the United States
difficulties, but refused to call a halt to

in response to Israel's offensive,
launched two weeks ago to crush
Palestinian militias after a series of
deadly attacks on Israeli civilians.
"They (the Americans) have prob-
lems in the region, that's true, but I
informed them that our activity will
continue - and it will continue,"
Sharon said.
The United States, along with the
United Nations and European lead-
ers, has demanded an immediate
Israeli pullout from the West Bank.
Powell was visiting the region in an
attempt to secure a cease-fire and
restart peace talks.
In what appeared to be a gesture
ahead of Powell's arrival, Israeli
forces withdrew from about two
dozen small towns and villages. But
in raids early yesterday, they entered
the West Bank towns of Dahariyah
and Bir Zeit and the Ein Beit
Hilmeh refugee camp. Later, they
pulled out of Bir Zeit after detaining
about 300 people, mainly students
in the university town.
. , , .

Hadassah National Director of International Affairs Amy Goldstein gives a lecture
last night in Angell Hall in which she addressed the politicizing of medical centers
and the conflict in the Middle East.
Goldstein discUsses
purpose of Zionism,
perception of s

By C. Price Jones
Daily Staff Reporter
Continuing the dialogue incited this
week with discussions and rallies in
support of Israeli and Palestinian caus-
es, a lecture last night examined the
relationship between Zionism and
"Zionism is the political movement
to secure self-determination for the
Jewish people," said Amy Goldstein,
the national director of the internation-
al affairs department at Hadassah, the
Women's Zionist Organization of
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Recalling a situation where a bomb
was found in an ambulance, she
addressed the effects of politicizing
medical centers.
"When medical facilities are used
and manipulated for political purposes
there are unseen consequences,' Gold-
stein said. "Now Israel doesn't want to
let ambulances in. They have to check
every ambulance ... an unseen conse-
Responding to questions posed
about the perception of Israel in the
rest of the world, Goldstein directed
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A groun of students sit outside of the Natural Science Building yesterday

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