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April 05, 2002 - Image 1

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April 5, 2002

I ..

Mitchell: Peace is possible


By Louie Meizlish
Daily Staff Reporter

As hopeless as the situation in the Middle East
may appear, peace is still possible in the region, for-
mer U.S. Sen. George Mitchell of Maine told an
audience at Hill Auditorium yesterday afternoon.
Mitchell, whose lecture was entitled, "Is World
Peace an Impossible Dream?" was the architect of
the Good Friday agreement in Northern Ireland,
credited with ending most sectarian violence in the
country while making way for a semi-autonomous
national government.
Mitchell was also the chairman of an international
fact-finding committee in the Middle East, which
was established to find a way of ending violence and
restoring confidence between the Israeli government
and the Palestinian Authority.
After warming up the crowd with humorous sto-
ries of his early days in the Senate, Mitchell quickly
addressed the global response to the events of Sept.
11. Earlier in the day, Mitchell spent a half hour
with students in a mini-course entitled, "Religion,

Security, and Violence in Global Contexts."
"We have always felt that the terrible things that
happen in distant lands could never happen here," he
said. "No place is immune to terrorism."
Mitchell emphasized that the 21st Century will be
the second century when the United States is the
leading world power, a circumstance Americans can
use for either good or bad.
After the fall of the Soviet Union, Mitchell said he
asked numerous world leaders, "Do you believe the
United States should withdraw its forces to its own
territory? Without exception, the answer was imme-
diate and emphatic - No."
Mitchell said, while he did not believe all conflicts
and disputes in the world would ever cease, there is a
possibility of avoiding major conflicts and wars.
"I believe the direction of human history is more
knowledge and more broadly-shared prosperity," he
said. "It took 75 years and a bloody war to extend the
votes to all males in this country" and another 55
years to extend the vote to women, he said.
The United States should strive for "a world large-
ly at peace with education and prosperity extending

to more people in the world. To America that is our
challenge, and as Americans, it is our destiny."
Following his opening remarks, Mitchell opened
himself up to questions from the audience.
In one instance Mitchell invited LSA junior
Ahmad Kayali to climb onto the stage and ask
his question from the podium so that the audi-
ence could hear.
Kayali questioned the United States' policy sup-
porting economic sanctions on Iraq and also asked
whether the U.S. government is treating the Palestini-
ans fairly in attempting to mediate the. dispute.
Other audience members questioned whether the
Israeli government, given that it has been using mili-
tary forces to attempt to curb violence, should have
received U.S. support. while saying there "is no mili-
tary solution to violence," Mitchell said he supported
the United States' "long-standing policy for Israel's
sovereignty and independence." He also said he only
supported a peacekeeping force in the region if both
sides supported one.
After the event, Mitchell said he supported Presi-
See MITCHELL, Page 7

Former U.S. Sen. George Mitchell (D-Maine) gestures during his lecture on the
future of peace in the world at Hill Auditorium yesterday.

Bush urges. Israeli withdrawl

WASHINGTON (AP) - Under pressure
to curb Middle East violence, President
Bush urged Israel on yesterday to pull its
troops back from Palestinian cities and dis-
missed Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat as a
failed leader who "betrayed the hopes of his
people." He ordered Secretary of State
Colin Powell to the region next week seek-
ing a cease-fire.
With Powell standing at his side in the
Rose Garden, Bush pressed Arab leaders to
do more to end terrorism and emulate the
peacemaking traditions begun by the late
President Anwar Sadat of Egypt and King
Hussein of Jordan and carried forward by

their successors, Hosni Mubarak and King
"As Israel steps back, responsible Pales-
tinian leaders and Israel's Arab neighbors
must step forward and show the world that
they are truly on the side of peace," Bush
said. "The choice and the burden will be
As Bush spoke, Mubarak urged the
administration to "exert its maximum
effort" to secure an Israeli withdrawal. In an
address to his natioi l1ubarak said Israel's
military campaign will create hatred among
300 million Arabs.
The Mideast crisis was sure to dominate

Bush's weekend meeting with British Prime
Minister Tony Blair at the president's ranch
near Crawford, Texas.
The Israel-Palestinian bloodshed has put
Bush under enormous political and diplo-
matic pressure to do something to stem the
violence. He sought yesterday to spread
blame and issue challenges evenly between
the parties.
Arafat and his Cabinet issued a statement
early today unconditionally accepting the
renewed U.S. effort, but Cabinet minister
Saeb Erekat rejected Bush's criticism of
Arafat as "unjustified and unacceptable."
See BUSH, Page 2

Israeli troops
move deeper
in West Bank
NABLUS, West Bank (AP) - Israeli tanks tightened
their chokehold on the West Bank's biggest city, and
battles raged yesterday at nearby Palestinian refugee
camps. The United States intensified its involvement -
sending a mediator to meet Yasser Arafat and ordering
in the secretary of state.
An Israeli soldier was killed in Hebron, one of just
two key West Bank cities still under Palestinian control.
The military called the Hebron action a pinpoint opera-
tion - not a takeover - that continued into the early
hours Friday. No other details were immediately avail-
President Bush demanded that Israel halt its week-
long military offensive and pull out of Palestinian terri-
tory. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon avoided a direct
public response. "Operation Defensive Shield will con-
tinue," his office said in a statement, although officials
said it was not a reaction to Bush's announcement.
Both the Israelis and Palestinians welcomed Bush's
statement and decision to send Secretary of State Colin
Powell to the region.
A statement from the office of Defense Minister
Binyamin Ben-Eliezer suggested Israel had no plans for
AP PHOTO an immediate withdrawal.
It said the military chief "emphasizes that Israel will
See FIGHTING, Paget.2

Josh Blackburn and his fellow teammates stand in defeat last night as the Wolverines lose to Minnesota
bringing their Frozen Four experience to a close.
season ends with
Frozen Fouir defeat

By Naweed Sikora
Daily Sports Writer
ST. PAUL, Minn. - All season long, the Michi-
gan hockey team had been accomplishing feats
nobody believed possible. With all its inexperience,
Michigan wasn't expected to reach the Frozen Four
for a second straight year. But the Wolverines
ignored the non-believers and focused on their
goals, as they fought their way to a CCHA regular
season title, a CCHA Tournament title and a berth
in the Frozen Four.
Last night against Minnesota, they had yet anoth-
er opportunity to win a game in which nobody was
ready to give them a chance. But after surprising so
many people down the stretch with their success,
the Wolverines just didn't have enough left to do it
again and lost to Minnesota 3-2 in the national
semifinals. The Gophers will face Maine in tomor-
row night's championship game.
Minnesota's speed, aggression and home-crowd

advantage, combined with a lackluster all-around
effort by the Wolverines, allowed the Gophers to
dominate the game at both ends of the ice.
"From our perspective, we didn't get the kind of
flow we needed," Michigan Coach Red Berenson
said. "I thought we struggled in finishing on (Min-
nesota goalie Adam) Hauser. We knew it would be
a big home-ice opportunity for them and a chal-
lenge for us, and they were a great team."
It became an uphill battle very early on for
Michigan, as a turnover by defenseman Eric Wern-
er in front of his own net led to Minnesota's first
goal by Grant Potulny just 4:20 into the game.
Werner attempted an outlet pass from behind the
net, but it hit Minnesota's Jeff Taffe and deflected
toward Michigan senior goalie Josh Blackburn. The
senior, who played in his final game for the Wolver-
ines, made the initial stop, but Potulny was on the
doorstep to hammer it home.
The early goal drastically shifted the momentum
See GOPHERS, Page 7

A group of demonstrators gathers near the Israeli embassy in Washington
yesterday afternoon to protest Israeli actions in the West Bank.

White takes a stance
on Martin scandal

[Hot rod

lights up
for Hash Bash
this weekend
By Rob Goodspeed
Daily Staff Reporter

By Jeremy Berkowitz
and Shannon Pettypiece
Daily Staff ReporterĀ§
Although Athletic Director Bill Martin said last
week that the University will not be imposing
sanctions on itself following the indictment of
former basketball booster Ed Martin two weeks
ago, interim University President B. Joseph
White is still trying to proactively respond to the
situation and deal with the University's past
"Our plan is to face themusic - no excuses,
no complaints, no hoping it will go away,"
White said.
White personally wrote a letter to the Universi-
ty community yesterday in which he expressed
his feelings on the situation, which threaten to
hinder the University's reputation.
"I am angry that the good name and athletic
traditions of the University of Michigan are being
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White said in the letter. "If the allegations in the
indictment are true, the amounts of money
involved are shocking, as is the corrupt behavior
of some former Michigan athletes."
If the allegations are proven true, White said he
would not sympathize with the former Michigan
basketball players who allegedly accepted
$616,000 from Ed Martin.
White said, if he could, he would tell Martin to
"fess up."
"Let's get this over, this things has been going
on for years," he added.
As to why he waited to make a formal state-
ment, White said he wanted time to reflect on the
situation. He also said he hopes the letter will be
as much about integrity as it is athletics.
"I think there is a teaching moment for all of us
on an issue about integrity," White said. "It's just
important for everyone to realize there are issues
about integrity facing us everyday."
Rdca kae FthaT Tnim '+v nmmnnity in+-

Marijuana aficionados nationwide will converge on
Ann Arbor this weekend for the 31st annual Hash Bash
planned for Saturday.
The planned activities include a vigil held at the Ann
Arbor Federal Building at 11 a.m., and one hour of
bands and speakers on the Diag from noon-1 p.m. In
addition, the organizers have scheduled six speakers
and two bands for the one hour slot on the Diag.
"There's going to be good weather ... we're expect-
ing big crowds," Hash Bash organizer Adam Brook
Forecasters are predicting partly cloudy skies and
temperatures in the 50s.
The University's Department of Public Safety has
also been planning for the event.
"There will be a full contingent of DPS officers
enforcing state law and University ordinances." DPS

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J.J. Masuda helps Art and Design sophomore Barbara Riso receive assistance



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