One hundred eleven years ofeditonalfreedom
' CLASSIFIED: 764-0557
April 2, 2002
V+ui. xli N Ki 'Ann Arbor, Michigan 02002 The Michigan Daily
resident dies Friday
By Karen Schwartz
Daily Staff Reporter
The Ann Arbor Police Department is
awaiting the results of an autopsy following
the death of 21-year-old Ann Arbor resident
Dustin Goodman, who died sometime Fri-
day morning at the Zeta Psi fraternity on
East University Avenue.
Goodman was not a University student,
but he was a member of the fraternity. A
Zeta Psi alum who wished to remain anony-
mous said Goodman had not lived in the house
since 1999.
The fraternity, which is riot currently affiliat-
ed with the University's Inter-Fraternity Coun-
cil, held a party Thursday night that Goodman
AAPD Lt. Khurum Sheikh said the police
received a call from Zeta Psi at about 1:10 p.m.
Friday. When police went to the house, they
found Goodman's body in the basement.
"He could have had a medical problem we
didn't know about. There was no obvious trau-
ma to the body," Sheikh said. "The autopsy will
tell us what it was. At this point, there is no
indication of foul play."
Zeta Psi member and LSA sophomore Bill
Gitterman said Goodman was "definitely up dur-
ing the whole party" and "one of the last ones at
the party." Gitterman also said that at one point
Goodman "separated himself from the party."
Gitterman recalled Goodman as a "great
guy" with many friends. "He made a lot of
friends in Ann Arbor. He probably had
more friends than anyone," Gitterman said.
Zeta Psi Alumni Association President
Michael Hertzel said the organization has a
strong policy against drug abuse.
"This is a senseless tragedy," he said.
"The Zeta Psi alums are very concerned
about substance abuse on campus and that's
after partying
what it looks like." Goodman worked at Jimmy's Sgt. Pepper, a
Hertzel added that he has plans to contact the convenience store on East University Avenue.
national chapter and said he was not sure if "He had been with me for four years," Sgt.
anyone else already had. He said a decision Pepper owner Jimmy Elia said. "So that's a big
has not been reached yet as far as further action loss for me, not just of an employee but a friend."
because additional information has not been "I walked in, talked to him for a couple of
released by the police. minutes, had a drink with him and then walked
"The death of someone that is part of a out around midnight," Elia said. He added that
fraternity is always a concern and so the he had been to other parties at the house and
fact that the police are involved is notewor- that they were not the kind of events where bad
thy," he said. "We're cooperating and we're things happened.
waiting to hear from them what happened." "Nobody ever got hurt there, nobody ever
"I don't know what happened that night," hurt anybody," Elia said. "They're all nice guys
Hertzel said. "Its only been four days." and girls that just wanna unwind."
camp hit
with fire
RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) -
Israeli forces moved into Bethlehem
early today after inside: A wave of
attacking Palestin- anti-Semitic senti-
ian security head- ment emanates
quarters near through Europe.
Ramallah with Page 2.
tanks and machine
guns, Palestinians said, signaling further
intensification of an offensive the
Israelis say is aimed at stamping out ter-
Tanks entered Bethlehem from
two directions, witnesses said, head-
ing toward the center of town,
where the Church of the Nativity
marks the traditional birthplace of
Jesus. Witnesses heard exchanges of
gunfire a few hundred yards from
the church.
The Israeli military said forces
took up controlling positions in the
town and were searching for suspect-
ed terrorists and weapons. A state-
ment said Israeli forces also
searched three Palestinian villages in
the northern West Bank.
Earlier, the Israelis attacked the
headquarters of Palestinian Preventive
Security outside Ramallah, firing tank
shells and machine guns, Palestinian
officials said. They said Palestinian
security chief Jibril Rajoub had given
orders to the 400 men inside to resist.
Palestinians said the building had
been set on fire and there was an
unknown number of casualties.
The battle wound down just before
daybreak, they said.
See MIDEAST, Page 2
° ,m
Webber says he did
not accept money
from Ed Martin
Mf sr "F74'A O R ?
By Steve Jackson
Daily Sports Editor
the Diag
LSA junior Viviana
Rodriguez views a display at the mock Palestinian refugee camp on1
Diag display shows
mock refugee camp
Michigan Athletic Director Bill Martin has urged
* people to remember that the allegations in the Ed
Martin case have yet to be proven. But most people
didn't listen.
Now former Michigan basketball player Chris
Webber has made them take notice - by publicly
denying he accepted any money from former
Michigan booster Ed Martin.
"There's no way in the world that I took
$280,000 from someone," Webber told ESPN Clas-
sic. "I've said this a million times. We had to actual-
ly go to court to testify about it, so if the judge, if
the lawyers, if everyone else respected it, I thought
it would get out to the media outlets as well. So, no,
I didn't take anything."
Webber, now a member of the NBA's Sacramen-
to Kings, was accused of receiving $280,000 in
loans from Ed Martin, who allegedly loaned more
than $600,000 to four Michigan basketball players..
According to the indictment, Ed Martin used the
loans to conceal the money he made in an illegal
gambling ring, which he allegedly operated out of
Detroit auto plants.
"And in no way do I want to mess up the name
of college basketball, especially my university, the
University of Michigan, which is the greatest uni-
versity ever in the world," Webber said on the pro-
gram. "I don't want to put a bad mark on my
family's name, so as I said before, no, I did not
accept the money. And how can you take the word
of a criminal anyway?"
Ed Martin and his wife plead innocent to charges
of conspiracy, running an illegal gambling ring and
money laundering after the two were arrested
March 21. These charges led many people to call
for immediate action within the athletic depart-
ment, but Bill Martin urged patience, saying that
any University action would be "premature" at this
"These are allegations, and we can't lose sight of
that," Bill Martin said last week. "Our judicial sys-
tem talks in terms of proven guilty, and we're deal-
See MARTIN, Page 7
By Ted Borden
Daily Staff Reporter
By Shabina S. Khaui
Daily Staff Reporter
University students received a taste of the latest
strife caused by boiling tensions in the Middle East
yesterday as they walked through a Diag filled with
display tents and mock refugee camps.
The displays, which consisted of graphic photos
of suffering Afghani, Iraqi and Palestinian people
as well as literature on the respective conflicts, drew
campus-wide attention. Many of the canvas refugee
camps bore inscriptions about real Palestinian
One mock campsite read, "This is the tent of Ali
El Khatib. Displaced from Tarshiha, 1948. Re-dis-
Khan Y
ment of
sands o
Israeli o
ize thee
as a trib
by the I
Profiled ProfI: Mike H arnum
T V r
This was the year photo Prof. Mike Padt
Hannum, fresh out of Art School at the University wast
asked to begin the photography program in the Resi- 0 -
dential College. Since then, he has seen many stu-
dents gravitate toward different areas of photography.=
Hannum feels it is important to make students feel comfortable with differ-
ent techniques and materials.
He also believes that you have to be careful not to give students too
much to grasp at one time. "It is important to get the student where they
want to go in the shortest amount of time.You can't teach them everything."
In line with the general philosophy of the Residential College and their
focus on small class size and personal attention, Hannum tries to treat
each student on a case by case basis and adapt a personal curriculum for
the semester to the individual.
"The bottom line is the student. Finding out with the student what they
need to do and how we are going to get them there is what's important."
from Imwas, 1967. Re-re-displaced from
bunis, 2001."
ther listed a timeline explaining the move-
f Palestinian refugees as well as the thou-
f home demolitions that resulted from
ccupation policies.
junior and Students Allied for Freedom and
y President Fadi Kiblawi, who helped organ-
exhibit, said the mock refugee camps serve
ute to the forgotten rights of the Palestinian
rnational law has been completely ignored
sraelis, and Israel needs to end its terrorism
the 3.5 million Palestinians they've been
See CAMPS, Page 5
Search for
should end
By Kara Wenzel
Daily Staff Reporter
Though it remains shielded from the
public eye, the search for someone to
replace former University President Lee
Bollinger, who left to become president
of Columbia University in December, is
expected to be completed sometime
before the summer begins.
"I think we're sticking with the plan
set forth a few months ago," University
Regent David Brandon (R-Ann Arbor)
said. "If we can name a new president by
late spring, we will have achieved our
"Yes, it's gonna happen." University
Board of Regents' Search Committee
chairman Larry Deitch (D-Bingham
Farms) said.
The regents themselves comprise the
presidential search committee. To aid
them in the process, they also appointed
a 16-member Presidential Search Advi-
sory Committee in December to help
review nominees and make a final list of
candidates. This committee, made up of
faculty, staff, students and alumni, has
been at work since January.
Rackham Dean Earl Lewis, chair of
Tonight, Michigan Student Assembly President Matt Nolan
and Vice President Jessica Cash will step down from the
positions they've held for the past year.
Nolan, Cash
reflect on
By Tomislav Ladika
Daily Staff Reporter
With an economic recovery underway
and unemployment claims slowly sub-
siding, consumers feel the most opti-
mistic about the economy and their
finances then they have in over a year,
according to University surveys. As a
result, consumer spending attitudes are
stronger, the University's Index of Con-
sumer Sentiment announced Friday.
"Record numbers of consumers
expected the economy to improve during
the year ahead, and a falling unemploy-
ment rate was expected by more con-
sumers than any other time in nearly 10
years," Richard Curtin, director of the
University's Surveys of Consumers, said
in a statement.
The survey has received increased
attention in recent months as economists
and market analysts look for continuing
signs that the economy is sustaining
growth. Consumer sentiment is widely
considered to be a forecaster of con-
sumer spending, which accounts for
about two-thirds of all economic activity.
The Index of Consumer Sentiment
rose to 95.7 in March, from a reading of
90.7 in February. This is the highest level
since December 2000. The Index of
Consumer Expectations, a component of
the Index of Leading Economic Indica-
tors, increased to 92.7 in March, up from
87.2 a month earlier.
John Schmitz, head of equity strategy
at Fifth Third Investment Advisors in
Cincinnati, said the consumer is vital to
the recovering economy.
"Sustained growth is what we're look-
ing for and the growth rate will be
muted. The consumer is still extended
from a credit perspective and demand
for technology is not expected to match
While sitting in his office for one of the last times, Michigan
Student Assembly President Tonigt:Michig Student
Matt Nolan reflected on his Assernbly PresidentMatt
term and said his and MSA Nolan oficially hands the gavel
Vice President Jessica Cash's over to Sarah Boot at 7:30 p.m.
greatest accomplishment was in AssemblyChambers.
converting an assembly "on life- -
support" into a governing body responsive to the concerns of
"The big thing that Jessica and I have done this year is take
MSA and make its focus making tangible results for students
on this campus," Nolan said.
During Nolan's presidency, MSA played a direct role in cre-
ating several visible changes on campus, including instituting a
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