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February 11, 2002 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-02-11

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 11, 2002 - 3A

"Art of Kissing"
9 lecturer profiles
smooching styles
After six years of research in 23
countries, Boston College English
Prof. Michael Christian has found
more than 20 different styles of kiss-
Christian will bring his presenta-
tion titled "The Art of Kissing" to
Eastern Michigan University tomor-
He will be discussing the differ-
ent kissing styles and using slides,
photos and even audience members
to demonstrate them.
The presentation will be held at 7
p.m. in the EMU McKenny Union, in
U.S. poet laureate
hosts public lecture
Former U.S. poet laureate Robert
Hass will give a poetry reading fol-
lowed by a reception today at 5 p.m.
in the Michigan Union ballroom.
Tomorrow at 7:30 p.m., Hass will
give a lecture titled, "The Egret
Fishing Through Its Smeared
Reflection: Poetics and the End of
Nature," in the Michigan Union
International law
series continues
The "Hot Topics in International
Law" series continues today with a talk
on "Competition Policy and the World
Trade Organization" by Columbia Uni-
versity International Trade Prof. Merit
The lecture begins at 3:40 p.m. in
116 Hutchins Hall.
McCarthyism, war
on terror compared
Southern Illinois University history
graduate student David Snyder will
lecture on the parallels between the
war on terror and the anticommunist
"witch hunts" led by Sen. Joseph
McCarthy in the 1950s.
The lecture, sponsored by the Ann
Arbor Jewish Cultural Society, will be
held Sunday at the Jewish Community
Center, 2935 Birch Hollow Dr., at 10
LGBT holds lecture
on health education
The University's Queer Visibility
Week continues tomorrow with
"Health Education and Awareness
for LGBT People." The event will
be held in the Michigan League at
11 a.m. and will continue through-
out the day.
Lecturer explores
Arboretum's history
"The Shaping of Nichols Arbore-
tum," a lecture by Arb director Bob
Grese, will address the early history
of the Arb in the late 19th century
and focus on its landscape design. It
" will be held tomorrow in the Uni-
versity's Detroit Observatory meet-
ing room, 1398 E. Ann St.
Counselors offer
guidance on
balancing work
A discussion titled, "The 24/7

Tightrope: Work and Personal Life
Balance," will be held Thursday at
noon in the Michigan League
Michigan Room. Counselors from
the University's Center for the Edu-
cation of Women will give advice
on how to deal with multiple
Speaker connects
jewelry, paleontology
The connections between jewelry
and paleontology will be discussed
in "The Nature of Art and Science:
Jewels of the Fossil World."
Local jeweler Matthew Hoffmann
and invertebrate paleontologist
Tomasz Baumiller will lead the dis-
It will be held at 7p.m. Wednesday
in the University's Exhibit Museum, on
the corner of North University and
Geddes Ave.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Jordan Schrader

Boykin stresses the need for LGBT awareness

By Karen Schwartz
Daily Staff Reporter
Johanna Owens-Ream and the other mem-
bers of Olivete College's Lesbian Gay Bisex-
ual Transgender organization drove over an
hour from Olivete to Ann Arbor this weekend
with a mission in mind - to learn how to
break down barriers.
Queer Visiblity Week keynote lecturer
Keith Boykin, former special assistant to
President Clinton and current black lesbian
and gay issues author, promoted awareness
and understanding as he spoke about the
black and LGBT experience and the common
experiences of people in both groups - urg-
ing people to embrace the notion of love in
their lives and move past the things that hold
them back.
"The most important message is about love -
unconditional love and self love," Boykin said. "It's
important for people who've been told for years not
to love themselves that it's okay to love and to love
Boykin stressed the importance of thinking criti-

cally about issues of race and sexuality and exam-
ining preconceived prejudices and biases instead of
accepting and parroting society's stance.
He addressed issues including the racism within
the LGBT community, religion and the "as long as
you don't tell anyone" attitude he said many institu-
tions adopt with regard to sexuality.
"I've heard far too many people suggest there is
no racism in the LGBT community. My personal
experience suggests the opposite," he said.
Boykin said society should be paying more
attention to the AIDS crisis.
"Twenty-two to 25 million people have died of
AIDS since it began. ... It threatens to overtake the
Bubonic Plague as the largest ever health crisis in
human civilization."
Boykin cited statistics about the nation's budget
and national spending to show that more money is
being spent on the Olympics than on funding for
HIV and AIDS patients.
"What kind of priorities do we have as a society
that we won't spend the money we need to save
people's lives," Boykin said.
School of Art and Design senior Ben Fife
said he was glad Boykin addressed racial com-

ponents, homophobia and the need to priori-
tize funding with regard to HIV and AIDS in a
real and applicable way.
"I work for the HIV-AIDS resource center in
(Ypsilanti) as an outreach worker," Fife said. "It's
really great to have someone on campus talking
about, among other things, the AIDS epidemic and
how it still affects the LGBT community."
The event was co-sponsored by the office of
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Affairs
and the Minority Peer Advising Program in cele-
bration of Black History Month and Queer Visi-
bility Week.
Kelly Garrett, LGBT affairs coordinator of
programs and student development, said the
event was a chance for everyone to learn
about race, ethnicity and sexual orientation
and how they intersect.
"The LGBT community is very diverse and
a lot of people honestly don't know that. I've
heard a student say they didn't know there
was such thing as someone who was black and
gay," she said.
Owens-Ream said Keith Boykin's experience as
an activist and as an author and role model for the

LGBT community is encouraging to students who
want to speak out and promote understanding of
the LGBT community.
"It's energizing to hear a speaker like this, for
addressing issues on small campuses, rural cam-
puses where there still be homophobia and closed
minds;' Owens-Ream said. "It's nice to hear some-
one talk about successful campaigns for rights -
it's affirming."
The event was one of many cultural discussions
taking place this week as part of Queer Visibility
Week, which will culminate Friday with a Kiss-In
Rally on the Diag.
A black LGBT panel and an Asian LGBT panel
with are planned for later this week to give students
the chance to talk about their experiences of being
LGBT and from these backgrounds.
"We try to get programs that represent every-
one" Garrett said. "You have to include all popula-
tions. ... I think for people of color on this campus
... you have to be an advocate to make people
aware that even within the LGBT community there
are people of color. We know that but they need to
be recognized and accepted as who they are and for
their heritage."

Refssum: pharmaceutical
industry is in d ire straits

By Margaret Engoren
Daily Staff Reporter

Construction on the University's Life Science Insti-
tute continued in the background as a symposium held
Friday in the Michigan League Ballroom stressed the
importance of small companies in Michigan's life sci-
ence industry.
The University's commitment to the life sciences is
exemplified by the Life Science Initiative and its inter-
disciplinary research faculty.
The Initiative will serve as a physical and intellectu-
al bridge between the Central Campus and the Medical
Designed for small, emerging and established life
science companies and their investors, the lecture enti-
tle: "Life Science: An Industry in Transition"
addressed research and development alliances, the suc-
cessful management of collaborative partnerships and
business strategy options.
"The (pharmaceutical) industry is in crisis," said
Erling Refsum, keynote speaker and head equity ana-
lyst of United Kingdom and European pharmaceutical
and biotechnology companies for Nomura Internation-
"The individuals who create drugs can't operate with
the people who sell them," he said.
Refsum stressed that mergers in the pharmaceutical
industry are becoming increasingly popular.
These unifications create new hierarchies for scien-
tists and business members to address.
Compounding the problem of complicated business-
es, many companies have overused new technology to
speed research.
"Industrialized research and development technolo-
gies do not deliver," he said. "They give a scientist
piles of new data, but little information."
Biotech companies, especially emerging businesses,
feel pressure for fast results and something to sell.

"Both cash and science are
-Erling Refsum
Equity analyist for Nomura International
They industrialize their laboratories and turn to new
technologies. "Biotech is the industry for the new mil-
lennium," Refsum said. "I think biotech is in danger of
being sucked into the technology-chasing whirlpool.
They need to be patient."
David Einum, a post-doctoral fellow working with
New Business Development at the University, helps
inventors create start-up companies.
"I work at the department of technology transfer,"
Einum said. "A lot of what we do is to try to help
inventors at the lab identify commercialization path-
ways. Basically, I help them commercialize their prod-
ucts. Listening to industry perspectives from peoplt
like Erling Refsum has potential to help me in my
Evan Facher, a leader in establishing partnerships
with both biotechnology and pharmaceutical compa-
nies for Athersys, Inc., spoke about strategic alliances
in the biotech industry.
"Flexibility and patience are the two most important
aspects when working with a partner. It is important to have
common measures of performance and to provide for clear
accountability,".Facher said. "Alliance managemejt is the
most frequently overlooked part of the alliance."
Suggesting that biotech wants "cash, management
and science," Refsum said the field depends heavily on
efficient management for success.
"Both cash and science are commodities - you can
get them anywhere. Management makes the differ-
ence," he said.

Students crowd outside Hutchins Hall in an attempt to hear Jonathan Kozol speak
Friday afternoon.
Spe aer addresses
de facto segregation

By Christopher Johnson
Daily Staff Reporter
Spectators filled the seats, clogged
the aisles and lingered in the hallways
of Hutchins Hall Auditorium Friday
evening, searching for a place to hear
Jonathan Kozol, the keynote speaker
for the Michigan Journal of Race and
Law's symposium last weekend.
Kozol has written several books
and traveled extensively to describe
de facto segregation in the public
schools of America's northern cities.
"I think that every politician who
pontificates about the problems of our
public schools and every so-called
education value babbles in bad syn-
tax," he said.
Condemning the use of tax dollars
to fund private and charter schools,
which he said "skin our children from
the public schools, diminishing the
common ground of shared democra-
cy," Kozol described at length the
destitution resembling the conditions
of third-world nations in which many
children live.
For example, Kozol said inequities
in the environment have caused an
epidemic of asthma and many chil-
dren can only visit their fathers in
prison because high unemployment
forces them to commit crimes.
"Children, mothers, teachers ...
face challenges I couldn't even dream
of when I started out," he said.
In the area of the South Bronx
where Kozol works, only 21 children
are white of 11,000- a sign of gross
segregation - which he described as
"modernized millennial apartheid."
He added that children in New York

receive just $8,000 per year for their
education, while those in the wealthy
suburban schools of Long Island
receive an average of $18,000.
"These schools are not just segre-
gated but flagrantly unequal," Kozol
Kozol urged students to take action
against the social injustice in the edu-
cation system before they become too
comfortable with their own success,
noting that after an activist graduates
from Harvard's John F. Kennedy
School of Public Policy, he will
become more reluctant to take action.
Following the speech, students said
they felt invigorated by Kozol's
"I don't think you can listen to him
and not be inspired," said Katie Lock-
er, a third-year Law school student. "I
was impressed. I thought it was sort
of a call to action."
Third-year Law school student
Andrea Clark said, "I have never
heard him speak, nor have I read any
of his books, but I heard a lot about
him and that he's really inspirational,
so I thought I'd come take a listen....
I really liked listening to him."
LSA freshman Aaron Regberg knew
of Kozol before he heard him speak.
"My roommate read his book for a his-
tory class and I read it after he finished
with it. I thought it would be interesting
to see what he had to say."
Although Regberg said Kozol made
a significant impression on him, he
still did not know how to act on his
"I don't know what to do with the
information that I've been given. I
don't know how to help," he said.


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What's happening in Ann Arbor today

"At the Crossroads of
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U "Easy With It: US-China
Relations in the New
Millenium"; Admiral
Joseph Prueher, the for-
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Self-Perceptions, and
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ment in Early Adoles-
cence"; Sponsored by the
University Psychology

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