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February 11, 2002 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-02-11

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 11, 2002



Israeli warplanes bomb Gaza City

BEERSHEBA, Israel (AP) - Two Palestinian
gunmen sprang from a car and sprayed automatic
gunfire at Israelis outside a military base in the
southern desert city of Beersheba yesterday, killing
two soldiers and seriously wounding five people'
before the attackers were shot dead by troops.
In apparent retaliation, Israeli warplanes and heli-
copters struck the main Palestinian security installa-
tion in Gaza City and what Israel said was a rocket
factory in the nearby Jebalya refugee camp.
Although the security building had been evac-
uated before the strike, at least a dozen people
were taken to the hospital, most suffering from
shock and cuts, hospital officials said. The
injured included two workers at the nearby
offices of the United Nations, where all the win-
dows were blown out. The Israeli army declined
to comment.
The U.N. envoy to the region, Terje Roed-Larsen,

condemned the Israeli strike in a statement express-
ing "outrage" over such a heavy bombardment so
close to civilian areas and U.N. offices.
"Israel's security needs will not be met by hit-
ting civilian targets or by destroying the Pales-
tinians' ability to police and maintain order," the
statement said.
For the first time in more than 16 months of
fighting, Palestinians fired two high-powered
Qassem-2-type rockets into Israel from the Gaza
Strip, Israel's military said. The rockets landed
in farm fields and no one was injured,'but Israel
said it regarded Palestinian use of the weapon as
a serious escalation.
The shooting attack in Beersheba came just hours
before Prime Minister Ariel Sharon returned home
from a U.S. visit. During the visit, the Americans
said they would press Yasser Arafat to clamp down
on militants but turned down Sharon's request to cut

contacts with the Palestinian leader.
The gunmen started shooting with automatic
weapons outside a cafe near the gates of the army's
southern command headquarters in the center of the
city, police said.
Many soldiers were on the streets during their
lunch break yesterday afternoon, and they quickly
began firing back at the attackers, who were shot
dead within minutes, witnesses and officials said.
The seven people shot by the attackers included
soldiers and civilians, and two women soldiers died
shortly thereafter, according to Israeli officials.
"I was on the street and suddenly the two got out
of a car and started firing in all directions," Israeli
army Capt. Guy Shaham told Israel Radio. "They
were spraying from the hip in all directions."
"I whipped out my gun and started firing back at
them," Shaham said, adding that he felled one of the

KARACHI, Pakistan
Musharraf wants economic, political aid
When he meets with President Bush this week, Pakistani President Pervez
Musharraf will be looking for more than a pat on the back for helping the war on ter-
rorism. He wants economic aid and political support to strengthen his hand against
Islamic extremists who have challenged him over the war in Afghanistan and Pak-
istan's crisis with India.
Musharraf, who meets Bush on Wednesday, needs to show both friends and foes at
home that he has the firm support of the United States as he seeks to steer Pakistan
away from the fundamentalist course his predecessors followed for nearly 20 years.
To succeed, analysts believe Musharraf will have to show his people that the new
relationship with America will bring tangible improvements to their lives. Some Pak-
istanis want Washington to forgive Pakistan's $3 billion official debt, encourage U.S.
investment in Pakistan and open the huge American market to Pakistani exports.
"He needs more of a reassurance from the Bush administration that the relation-
ship that Pakistan is now forging with the United States is a permanent one and that
after the war on terrorism is over, the United States is not going to abandon us," said
Riffat Hussein, a professor of international relations at Qaid-e-Aam University in
Experts say Enron lawyers may be sued *

Fight against terrorism
sparks hunt for Hussein

WASHINGTON (AP) - Emboldened by success
in Afghanistan, some lawmakers are beating the
drum for quick action to get rid of Iraq's Saddam
Hussein. They take a different view of other nations
singled out by President Bush as trouble.
Saddam should be removed, and soon, Sen. Joseph
Lieberman (D - Conn.) said yesterday. "He is a time
An Iranian official, speaking for a government
also labeled part of an "axis of evil" by Bush, bris-
tled at the president's threatening language but
pledged cooperation in keeping al-Qaida terrorists
out of his country.
"What we have experienced in the past couple of
weeks has been a great deal of U.S. rhetoric, outright
animosity and hostility, that has been put by various

U.S. officials against my country," Javad Zarif, Iran's
deputy foreign minister for international affairs, said
on "Fox News Sunday.
But he said al-Qaida terrorists are "enemies" of
Iran and if any are found in his country, "we will
return them to their own countries or to the govern-
ment of Afghanistan."
Bush's State of the Union speech, lumping Iran,
Iraq and North Korea together as an axis threaten-
ing international security, continues to resonate -
through Congress and around the world - almost
two weeks after its delivery.North Korea called
off a visit by a group of former U.S. ambassadors
in reaction to Bush's harsh words, two members
of that unofficial delegation said over the week-

An internal Enron Corp. report and a request for more information by the bank-
rupt company's creditors have heightened the possibility that Enron's outside
lawyers could be sued, legal experts say.
The Houston law firm of Vinson & Elkins is vulnerable to lawsuits by Enron's
creditors, shareholders, former employees and even the company itself, the
observers say.
Last week's report by a special committee of Enron's board provided new
details about partnerships that inflated Enron's profits and hid losses. The report
also gave a rare glimpse at the work done by a major corporation's law firm. The
authors said Vinson & Elkins helped Enron obscure details of the partnerships that
seemed designed to enrich insiders instead of benefiting Enron.
"The report didn't paint a pretty picture for Vinson & Elkins," said James Fin-
berg, a San Francisco lawyer representing pension funds that lost money in Enron
investments. "A lot of things were brought to their attention, and they didn't do
anything to stop the web of transactions."


40-year-old Mohammad Sadeq, who tried to commit
suicide, lies In his hospital bed in Mazar-e-Sharlf.
, Afghan-

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to fight
KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - An
Afghan warlord who led the worst fac-
tional fighting since the fall of the Tal-
iban vowed yesterday to fight rather
than step down as governor of an east-
ern province. In the north, warlords
agreed to create a "security belt" to
keep unauthorized weapons out of a
major city.
Under a plan reminiscent of stories
about taming the American Wild West,
travelers entering Mazar-e-Sharif will
have to check their weapons upon
entering - getting them back only on
the way out. Checkpoints encircling
the northern 'city will keep out guns
under a pact by warlords to create a
security force run by the central gov-
ernment, not local militias, an official
said yesterday.
Since the fall of the Taliban in
November, warlords have been
reasserting their authority in several
regions. The interim government led by
Hamid Karzai has been, working to
extend its influence and reduce the role
of the militias.
Yet with no national army, Karzai's
administrationhas little power to
impose peace on feuding warlords.
At a news conference yesterday in
eastern Afghanistan, warlord Bacha
Khan said he has 6,000 fighters ready
to do battle again with forces loyal to
the town council, or shura, of Gardez,
who oppose his appointment as gover-
nor of surrounding Paktia province.
"They are no town council," thun-
dered Khan, with a bandoleer of bul-
lets across his chest. "They are an
al-Qaida council and a Taliban coun-
He addedp "We are ready to fight a-
Qaida today, tomorrow or any time."
Gardez shura leaders deny being al-
Qaida or Taliban members and accuse
Khan of being unscrupulous and cor-
Fighting between the two sides in
January killed at least 60 people. The
town council's refusal to accept Khan,
whose appointment was confirmed by
the government only after he had
declared himself governor, threatens
efforts by Karzai's administration to
extend its authority.
The fighting ended with a cease-
fire. Khan and shura members held
talks with the government in Kabul,
the capital, this weekend to seek a
longer-term solution.
But Khan later said he would not
step down if Karzai appoints another
The efforts to extend the central
government's authority continued as
refugees in Pakistan yesterday

Asian terrorist group
linked to al-Qaida
When Yazid Sufaat arrived home to
Malaysia after months in southern
Afghanistan, police were waiting.
Authorities say his arrest has helped
expose a Southeast Asian terror net-
work that has surprised governments
and security experts. They say its struc-
ture and capacities are frighteningly
similar to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida
Since December, Singapore,
Malaysia and the Philippines have all
announced arrests of purported cell
members suspected of involvement in a
plot to blow up the U.S. Embassy in
Singapore, Navy ships and other pro-
Western targets in the wealthy city-state.
Philippine National Security Adviser
Roilo Golez said there are indications
that the militant group, which uses the
name Jemaah Islamiyah, has become
"very active."
Scalia discusses
assisted suicide laws
Supreme Court Justice Antonin
Scalia said yesterday that Oregonians,
not the high court, should decide.
whether to uphold the state's assisted-
suicide law.
In a speech at Lewis & Clark Law
College, Scalia said Oregonians
should decide democratically whether
ill residents have the right to take their

own lives.
He said the law shouldn't be the
subject of a constitutional battle
because it was not based on federal
Someone in crowd of about 1,000
yelled, "We did that! We did that
twice!" referring to two votes by Ore-
gonians to uphold the law.
"That's fine," Scalia responded.
"You don't hear me complaining about
Oregon's law."
Oregon's law still faces obstacles.
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia
Milosevic's trial set
to begin tomorrow
Barely two miles from the apartment
houses that mark the northwest limits of
this capital lies a training compound.for
elite police forces where last summer
workers unearthed the bodies of scores of
ethnic Albanians killed in the province of
The mass grave brought the ugly side
of the Balkan wars close to home for
many Serbs, the people of Yugoslavia's
dominant republic.
And that sentiment is at risk of deep-
ening as the trial of former Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic opens
tomorrow before the International
Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia in The Hague.
"Every single person I talk to here is
very strongly against the Hague tribu-
nal," said Biljana Kovacevic-Vuco, a
human-rights lawyer who supports the
tribunal's work.
Compiled from Daily wire reports.


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