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January 22, 2002 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2002-01-22

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One hundred eleven years ofeditorad freedom


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January 22, 2002

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at Beta
By Rob Goodspeed
For the Daily
Prosecutors have decided not to
pursue charges against two Beta
Theta Pi fraternity members for a
pair of alleged rapes last semester.
"They didn't believe they could
prove it beyond a reasonable
doubt," said Ann Arbor Police Sgt.
Rich Kinsey. "It's a tough situation
for the prosecutor barring some
sort of physical evidence."
The prosecutor's office decided
not to pursue charges on Jan. 8
after reviewing evidence collected
by the AAPD, Kinsey said. The
police sent more evidence to the
prosecutor's office, but after
reviewing the additional evidence,
prosecutors again decided on Jan.
10 not to pursue charges. AAPD
has completed its investigation of
the incident, although police did
not confirm that the investigation
was closed until Friday.
Two women alleged they were
drugged and sexually assaulted at a
Beta Theta Pi fraternity house party
by members of the fraternity on
Oct. 25.
One victim later decided not to
press charges, but police decided to
continue their investigation into
both reported incidents.
In response to the allegations, the
fraternity placed itself on social pro-
bation and decided to ban alcohol in
See BETA, Page 2A
sug ests
By Ted Borden
Daily Staff Reporter
Economists and investors are
optimistic as yet'another report sig-
nals the U.S. economy is on its way
to recovering from recession. The
preliminary measure of the Univer-
sity's Consumer Sentiment Index,
released Friday, increased to 94.2
by a larger-than-expected 5.4 points
in January, after a 4.9 point
increase in December. The rise was
the largest monthly increase in two
years and the fourth consecutive
monthly gain, putting the index at
its highest level in a year.
The numbers are "surprising and
encouraging," said John Schmitz,
head of equity strategy at Fifth
Third Bank in Cincinnati. "This is
very important right now because
Wall Street and investors are trying
to look for signs that will affirm
the economy is in a recovery."
The index is now up 12 points
from its post-Sept. 11 low. It is
widely considered a harbinger of
consumer spending, which accounts

for about two-thirds of the econo-
Despite sluggish holiday sales
and retailers' lowered earnings
forecasts, Schmitz said consumers
might be feeling more positive
because of improving labor mar-
kets. Weekly jobless claim reports
have offered evidence that the large
number of layoffs since the Sept.
11 terrorist attacks has been subsid-
The expectations component of
the index also showed an increase,
rising 9.4 points to 91.7. It has
risen more than 15 points in the last
two months.
Economics Prof. Saul Hymans
said he felt the factors that will
lead to improving sentiment in
coming months are "no further ter-
rorist incidents on U.S. soil, general
progress in the antiterrorism cam-
paign, evidence that job losses are
hevinnino' to ahate and monetarv








Family of
Haddad may
By Jeremy Berkowitz
Daily Staff Reporter
For the family of Rabih Haddad, it may seem that equal-
ity has passed over them on a day which is supposed to
represent freedom.
In a new twist in the case concerning Haddad, a Muslim
community leader jailed on an expired visa violation,
Haddad's wife and her four children were served removal
papers Sunday. At a time which has yet to be disclosed,
there will be a hearing where a judge will determine if
Haddad's family will be deported from the United States.

Haddad is current-
ly being held in
Even before
Dec. 14, when
Haddad was
arrested, his family
had already
applied for an
adjustment of sta-
tus under the LIFE
Act, which allows
aliens to apply for
permanent citizen-
ship even if their

"If they are being
singled out
because they are
it is unethical"
- Haaris Ahmed
Vice president of the Muslim
Community Association

Salma AI-Rushald, wife of detained Muslim leader Rabih Haddad, speaks to reporters yesterday at Hutchins Hall. Haddad's family has been
served with deportation papers and may be forced to leave the country for allowing their visa to expire while applying for citizenship.
Tactics. used to fight terror
just-ified, U.S.atreysy

By Danlel Kim
Daily StaffReporter
U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Collins yesterday
def ld the tactics used by the U.S govern-
ment i its fight against terrorism, which have
been labeled as racial profiling by critics.
"We are here to honor one of the greatest
shepherds who ever lived, and that is Dr. King.
And the things and the values that Dr. King
stood for - equality, liberty of all people -
are the same principles that have caused our
enemies, the terrorists, to hate us," Collins said

as he began his discussion, "Maintaining &
Enforcing Civil Rights in the New Age: Bal-
ancing Civil Liberties and National Security."
, Collins reassured the 150 people in atten-
dance that the Justice Department's top priori-
iies after Sept. Ii are "to protect American
lives, to prevent future terrorism attacks, and
torotect vulnerable communities from delib-
erate backlash."
He used the lack of information available to
the public about those who have been arrested
and detained in relation to the Sept. 11 attack
as an example of the necessary balance

between civil liberties and national security.
He explained the Justice Department does
not "want to advertise to the enemies who is in
Colihs at rred to the recent conduct-
ing of voluntary interviews of people from
countries with some form of terrorist activity.
"Their interviews are nothing more than a
request for help and an attempt to gain intelli-
gence information. ... And if we gain one
direful piece of information doing these 500
interviews and prevent the horrific act of 9-11

visa has expired. Hassan said he feels that Haddad and his
family are being treated unjustly.
"There is no instance of anybody who applied under
this law and was prosecuted," said Nazih Hassan, a close
friend of Haddad's and vice president of the Muslim Com-
munity Association in Ann Arbor.
The Muslim community is upset by this weekend's
events. Haaris Ahmed, executive director of the Michigan
Council of American-Islamic Relations, said that if what
the Haddads are going through is normal procedure, it is
fine. But if the Haddads are being singled out, it is a viola-
tion of due process.
"If they are being singled out because they are Muslim-
Americans, it is unethical," Ahmed said.
As part of the University's Martin Luther King Jr. sym-
posium yesterday, Jeffrey Collins, the U.S. attorney for the
Eastern District of Michigan, spoke about balancing civil
liberties and national security in a post-Sept. 11 world.
When asked specifically about the Haddad case, Collins
assured the audience that Haddad was being taken good
See HADDAD, Page 7A

have a lot in
By Jennifer Misthal
Daily Staff Reporter
As a neurosurgeon, Dr. Benjamin Carson said he has often
encountered people who are surprised by the color of his skin.
"People interpret ignorance as racism or hatred'when it's not. We
must have tolerance," Carson said. "The fallout of September 11
has made people, look, talk to each other differently. Why are we so
interested in dividing ourselves into so many groups? We have a lot
in common. Everyone is trying to emulate us (the United States).
We should be proud of who we are."
Carson, director of pediatric neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins
Medical Institute in Baltimore and the keynote speaker for this
year's Martin Luther King Jr. symposium at the University of
Michigan, echoed King's dream to not be judged by skin color.
"Martin Luther King Jr. would not recognize someone for the
color of their skin, if it was black, white, yellow, or red, but he
would recognize people for who they are. It's about character, not
skin," he told a packed Hill Auditorium yesterday. "Our brain
makes us who we are, not the color of our skin. When I operate, I

Dr. Benjamin Carson, a neurosurgeon at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institute In Baltimore, gestures while giving the keynote address of
the University of Michigan's Martin Luther King Jr. symposium yesterday.+

can't tell where my patients are from.
Carson, an alum of the University's Medical School, was chosen
to be the 15th annual symposium's keynote speaker because he has
done outstanding work in the medical profession, authored three
books and embodies the theme of the symposium - "honoring,
challenging and living," said Juanita Merchant, an associate Med-
ical professor at the University, when introducing Carson.

"He honors his mother, who insisted he have the best education,
he overcame the challenges of growing up in extreme poverty, and
keeps Martin Luther King's dream living and breathing," Merchant
Carson focused on the achievements of the country's diverse
population. "There have been tremendous contributions by many
See CARSON, Page 7A

Group worried holiday has lost focus

By Jeremy Berkowitz
Daily Staff Reporter
When members of the Black Student Union gath-
ered on the Diag yesterday, there vere no rallies or
acts of community service. The only speaker was
never seen and his words came from inside a white
Chevrolet truck.
Students listened to recorded speeches given by
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in hopes of achieving
what they said the day's real purpose should be: to
remember the life of King and his achievements.
"I truly feel that the U of M has taken MLK Day

name of MLK without recognizing MLK."
Unlike other events yesterday, this remembrance
of King was very low-key. His speeches were played
from speakers with the intention of gaining the per-
spective of his dream. Hot chocolate was given out,
and most students gathered around the "M" to con-
verse. Everybody gathered together for a few min-
utes to sing the Negro National Anthem.
"I grew up with that song. My mother taught me
that all African Americans should know that song,"
said LSA senior Christa Wimberly, who led the
singing. "I highly urge (black students) to learn it.
Even if you don't know it, you need to know of it."

"My only big thing is that as I've been here, I've seen
his name, his principles, his values, slowly being
removed from this day. It's nice to see him back."
Thirty-four years after King's death, many stu-
dents said that they feel his ideas of freedom and
equality are as relevant today as they were in the
The civil rights problems of the 1950s and '60s,
like bus segregation and housing segregation, have
been replaced with the civil rights problems of the
21st century, including affirmative action, police bru-
tality and institutionalized racism. In troubled times
such as these, many look back at King's messages of

I eAn nmi r

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