4B - The Michigan Daily - FOOTBALL SATURDAY - Wendesday, November 21, 2001
Rivalry needs to be competitive,
but is Tressel the man for the job?
UTII tdimtDai
Before I go any further, let me
get one thing straight. Michigan
does notiave a rivalry with any
of the following teams: Illinois,
Indiana, Iowa Minnesota,
Northwestern, Penn State, Purdue or
Wisconsin. No
matter how much
those teams want f
one, it isn't going
to happen.t
Now, Michigan
does have a rival-
ry with Ohio State
and - sometimes
-Michigan State. JEFF
The Michigan- PHILLUPS
Ohio State feud is
considered by Ramble
many college On
football fans this
side of the Mason-Dixon line to be the
greatest rivalry in all of sports.
But in recent years the rivalry has
lost some of its luster as the
Wolverines have dominated the series.
In the past 13 years - the John
Cooper era - Michigan holds a 10-2-
1 record against the Buckeyes. In the
two victories Ohio State needed
national championship-caliber talent to
win - but there were years where
even that didn't help..
Needless to say, despite stellar rank-
ings and regular season records, a hor-
rible record against "That School Up
North" was enough to get Cooper the
axe. He had the resources, but couldn't
get the job done in the biggest game of
the season.
For the sake of the rivalry, the move
was probably a good one. If one team
wins every game, the series fails to be
a rivalry (see: Minnesota-Michigan.
Enter Jim Tressel. The former
Youngstown State coach was brought
in to beat Michigan and restore the
rivalry. He made this goal clear on the
day he was introduced as Ohio State's
coach. During halftime of a basketball
game, Tressel announced that Ohio
State fans would be happy come Nov.
Happy about what?
Happy because Ohio State would
enter this Saturday's contest with
Michigan with a 4-3 Big Ten record
and 6-4 overall record?
Happy because Ohio State has a
decent shot at the Alamo Bowl after
getting smoked in the Outback Bowl
last year?
Happy because Ohio State's loss to
Penn State earlier this season gave leg-
endary coach Joe Paterno his all-time
wins record?
Clearly, Ohio State fans are not
happy about any of these things, but
they could find solace in an Ohio State
win in Ann Arbor for the first time in
14 years. It would make up for a sea-
son of disappointment for fans who
had such high hopes for Tressel.
But it is going to take a lot more
than a guarantee for the Buckeyes to
win in the Big House. Tressel made a
promise in order to separate himself
from his predecessor, but so far he has
done a poor job of distinguishing him-
self in any other way.
Tressel used his connections and
experience in Ohio to quickly get ver-
bal commitments from most of the top
recruits in the state and built a class
that was immediately recognized
nationally. He proved that he could
convince top-flight recruits to come to
a program that had lacked success in
recent years.
But recruiting was never a problem
for Cooper. He could consistently get
top-10 recruiting classes that didn't
rely upon stars from the state of Ohio.
Cooper was fired because he could-
n't win the big games.
Tressel has already struggled with
the same problem. The Buckeyes blew
an opportunity to knock off UCLA in
the second game of the season and suf-
fered a horrible letdown at home
against Wisconsin after destroying Big
Ten favorite Northwestern a week ear-
Even after all of this, Ohio State still
could have won a share of the Big Ten
title and qualified for a BCS game, but
last week the Buckeyes - playing
without suspended starting quarterback
Steve Bellisari - were embarrassed at
home by Illinois, 34-22.
Actually, when you think about it, a
season of disappointment has made
this season just like any other for the
Buckeyes - a campaign where only
one game really matters.
Regardless of Saturday's outcome,
Tressel cannot be judged on one sea-
son. We will see how he does when he
has a few seasons to get warmed up.
Unfortunately for Tressel, Ohio
State fans aren't going to give him a
few seasons to warmup. If they
accepted losses to Michigan, Cooper
would still be coach. Tressel knows he
has to perform or suffer the conse-
Speaking as a college football fan,
the Michigan-Ohio State rivalry needs
to again become a competitive one;
Tressel just might not be the right man
to make it happen.
We'll find out Saturday.
JeffPhillips can be reached at
aI rrg s v Rackham dean to lead
advisory panel; 2 students
to get spots on committee
By Elizabeth Kassab
Daily Staff Reporter
A big part of the Michigan dominance in recent years has been the rushing
defense of the Wolverines.
Moving toward its goal of naming
successor to University President Le(
Bollinger by spring, the Universit
Board of Regents
announced last
week that the
eight regents
themselves will
serve as the presi-
dential search
Regent Larry
Deitch (D-
Bingham Farms)
will chair the Lewis
committee, and Regent Danie
Horning (R-Grand Haven) will serv
as vice chair.
The regents also named Rackhar
Dean Earl Lewis chair of th
Presidential Search Advisor
Committee. The advisory committe
has not been formed, but Deitc
announced that the committee wit
consist of seven faculty members, tw
staff members, two students, tw
alumni, and one representative fror
the Dearborn and Flint campuses.
Bollinger will leave the Universit
at the end of the semester and becom
Last season the Ohio State secondary could not contain David Terrell, who scored
two touchdowns.
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HOME TEAMS IN CAPS. Goodstein . Gopal Phillips Schwartz
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Best bet Colorado Minnesota Nebraska Georgia Tech
Record last week (Best bets) 8-7(1-0) 7-8(1-0) 8-7(0-1) 6-9(0-1)
Record to date (Best bets) 84-66(6-4) 71-79(5-5) 75-75(4-6) 74-76(6-4)
Photo illustration by DANNY MOLOSHOK/Daily
Many University students sold their tickets for the Michigan-Ohio State football game because they were going home for
the Thanksgiving break.
Stu ents orce to Sel ticets
or change Thanksgivin lans
By Lsa Hoffman
Daily Staff Reporter
Although a number of students will be watching this
weekend's football game from the comfort of their couch-
es back home, many rearranged their trips back to school
to attend Saturday's sold-out Michigan-Ohio State foot-
ball game.
"A lot of people seem to be going home tomorrow and
will be back for the game," said LSA sophomore Calvin
Bell, a wide receiver on the football team. "The game is
for the Big Ten championship and it's against OSU. It's
The significance of the game persuaded first-year Law
student Scott Minder to plan an early drive back from his
Thanksgiving Day festivities.
"I would stay at home if it wasn't the Ohio State game,"
Minder said. "I'm from Grand Rapids, so it's just a quick
For many other students, the game made them hesitate
a little in deciding to stay home, but ultimately they decid-
ed not to come back.
"Earlier this year, I was interested in finding a ticket,
but I was more interested in spending some Q.T. (quality
time) with the family," said LSA senior Juan Buford, who
will be at home in Detroit for the holiday break.
LSA sophomore Lindsey Stricter said she too has cho-
sen to stay home.
"I hesitated a little bit, but would much rather go home,"
said Strieter, who will be traveling to California. "My
friends who live around here are coming back, but every-
one who lives out of state is going home."
For many out-of-state students, this will be the first
time they've been home since the'start of the semester.
"I'm ready to go home," said LSA freshman Justin
Kleeberg, who is from Williamsville, N.Y. "I definitely
thought about (staying), but I haven't been home since
August, so I sold my ticket to my big brother in my fra-
ternity for $20."
Kleeberg said he felt that he should sell the ticket for
equal value because it was his fraternity brother. Other
students, however; are selling pairs of tickets on eBay for
upwards of $170 each. Michigan law prohibits ticket sales
for more than face value.
"I sold my ticket for $60," said Sara, an LSA senior,
who did not want her last name to be printed.