2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 26, 2001
State Dept. employee has anthrax
WASHINGTON (AP) - A State Department
mail handler lay ill with inhalation anthrax yes-
terday and the besieged Postal Service set up spot
checks at facilities nationwide as the bioterror
scare widened. "We still don't know who is
responsible," said Homeland Security Director
Tom Ridge.
At a White House news conference, Ridge also dis-
closed that the anthrax contained in mail addressed to
Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle had been
altered to make it more of a threat. "It is highly con-
centrated. It is pure and the spores are smaller," he
said. "Therefore they're more dangerous because they
can be more easily absorbed in a person's respiratory
Ridge identified the strain of anthrax used in the
U.S. attacks as Ames, a substance named for the uni-
versity city in Iowa, and used in American bioweapons
research and in vaccine testing.
Three weeks into the nation's unprecedented
bioterrorism scare, lawmakers were permitted to
return to several of their office buildings on Capitol
Hill. And White House spokesman Ari Fleischer
said there had been no evidence of anthrax exposure
among officials there who came in contact with mail
that went through an offsite machine where anthrax
was detected earlier in the week.
"We are here to conduct the nation's business.
We will not be frightened," said Secretary of
State Colin Powell as he appeared before a Sen-
ate committee.
But there were words of caution elsewhere. "We
are very concerned about additional letters. We
would be naive to think this is over yet," said Julie
Gerberding of the Centers for Disease Control and
There was further jolting news, a disclosure from
officials in New Jersey that a postal worker was being
watched for suspected inhalation anthrax,.the discov-
ery of two more areas of contamination in a still-
closed Senate office building -- and then the
announcement fron the State Department.
Spokesman Richard Boucher said a department
employee who works at a mail handling site in Ster-
ling, Va., had become the nation's latest victim of a dis-
ease last seen more than two decades ago.
Ivan Walks, head of Washington's public health
department, said the man was hospitalized in guarded
Rumsfeld: airstrikes disa
Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON - U.S. airstrikes
in Afghanistan have significantly
reduced the Taliban's ability to defend
itself against Afghan opposition forces
but have moved the United States only
marginally closer to finding Osama bin
Laden, Defense Secretary Donald H.
Rumsfeld said yesterday.
"The Taliban's ability to effectively
oppose the forces on the ground that
are in opposition to the Taliban is
degraded and diminished,"Rumsfeld
said at a Pentagon news conference.
Rumsfeld's relatively upbeat assess-
ment appeared to contrast with the
Pentagon's appraisal only a day before,
when Rear Adm. John D. Stufflebeem,
a senior official with the Joint Chief's
of Staff, said that the United States
faces a tough struggle against a sur-
prisingly resilient Taliban foe.
But with the military campaign still
relatively young, both assessments
may be true, defense analyst Harlan
Ullman said. Progress against Taliban
defenses may not lead immediately to
the overthrow of the extremist Islamic
regime, he said.
And progress against Taliban troops
does not necessarily mean progress in
finding leaders of bin Laden's al-Qaida
terrorist network, as Rumsfeld
stressed. The defense min
lack of good intelligence o
ist leader's whereabouts
persistent problem.
"There isn't any progres
have him or you don't,":
news briefing. "Until yo
you do not have him-
progress? Until he is no1
tioning as a terrorist, he is
as a terrorist."
Rumsfeld said the U.S
has succeeded in hitting
Taliban's surface-to-air r
aircraft, including transpor
and Soviet-made MIGs.
He acknowledged thatt
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condition with inhalation anthrax. Unlike other area
residents who have been hit, this patient had been
asked whether his job required him to go to the Brent-
wood postal facility that serves as the main mail pro-
cessing center for the nation's capital.
A second man who works at the same mail
facility as the infected worker has flu-like symp-
toms and is being tested at a hospital, Boucher
said last night.
Mail to federal agencies passes through the Brent-
wood facility, and the latest diagnosis added to the
mounting evidence that investigators have not yet
found all the anthrax-tainted mail in the area's postal
system. Postal Service Vice President Deborah Will-
hite said the agency would begin testing all govern-
ment mail intake facilities in the region for signs of
In addition, the State Department announced it
would test employees at all of its mail annexes and
its main facility several blocks from the White
House. In all, he said 250 to 300 people are being
tested for anthrax exposure, and about 80 people
who work at the Sterling facility are receiving the
antibiotic Cipro, Boucher said.
ble Taliban
ister said the iban Northern Alliance has not made
n the terror- significant progress in efforts to cap-
has been a ture Kabul, the Afghan capital, or the
key northern crossroads town of
s. You either Mazar-e-Sharif, despite U.S.-led
he said at a airstrikes in these areas.
u have him, But the anti-Taliban ground forces
- so what is "are better off today than they were
longer func- before (the bombing began Oct. 7),
functioning and they are in a position to be more
successful,"he said.
. air attack Haron Amin, spokesman for the
many of the Northern Alliance in Washington, on
missiles and Thursday continued to criticize the
t helicopters United States for a military strategy he
said has included only limited assis-
the anti-Tal- tance to the opposition army.
for killers
JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli
forces maintained their grip yesterday
on West Bank towns but pulled out of
a village where a raid a day earlier
sparked a bloody gunbattle in which
five Palestinians were killed. '
Amid growing U.S. criticism, Israeli
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon convened
his top Cabinet ministers to consider
ending the weeklong invasion, which
has killed dozens of people but failed
to net the assassins of an Israeli Cabi-
net minister.
A day after the Oct. 17 assassina-
tion, Israeli troops moved into parts of
six West Bank towns, and violence
continued in some of those areas yes-
terday. Four Palestinians were killed in
-. incidents in Bethlehem and Tulkarem.
Israeli troops pulled out of the vil-
lage of Beit Rima, where villagers
were confined to their homes for more
than a day while Israeli soldiers
searched for those who killed
Rehavam Zeevi, the ultra-nationalist
minister of tourism.
Five Palestinian policemen were
killed Wednesday when the Israeli
sweep through the village erupted into
a bloody gunbattle. Villagers said
three others who were taken to an
Israeli hospital also died, but hospital
r officials said the three were wounded
o-one seriously and two slightly. Two
others were being treated at Ramallah
hospital, villagers said.
The Israelis said they arrested 11
Palestinians, two of them connected to
the assassination, which was claimed
by the Popular Front for the Liberation
of Palestine as vengeance for Israel's
Aug. 27 killing of their leader Mustafa
Zibri. Zibri was accused of plotting
attacks on Israelis.
Israeli forces also blew up three
houses, including the home of Basel
Asmar, the 25-year-old local PFLP
leader. Villagers said he left two days
before the killing and had not
returned. "He called me the day of the
assassination and said that he's fine,"
said his mother Itisam, 50.
Another of the houses was home to
four families. Ahmed Barghouti, 73,
said soldiers kicked a 5-year-old girl,
and she had been crying ever since.
The Palestinian Cabinet called the
Israeli sweep an "ugly massacre" and
declared yesterday a day of mourning.
Palestinian students stood for a minute
of silence, with flags flying at half-
staff, and businesses and offices
Israel released a statement saying
two members of the four-man cell that
carried out the assassination were
Low sales, layoffs indicate recession
Home sales and orders to factories for big-ticket items plunged in September,
and the number of Americans drawing unemployment benefits now stands at an 18-
year-high - the strongest evidence to date that the country has entered a recession.
"The bad news just keeps on coming," said Melani Jani, an economist at
Salomon Smith Barney in New York. "The economy was already weak before Sept.
11, and these figures show the deterioration has become much more intense."
The Commerce Department reported yesterday that orders to factories for big-
ticket durable goods fell for a fourth consecutive month in September, a decline of
8.5 percent that was six times larger than economists expected. It pushed orders for
durable goods down to $165.4 billion, the lowest level'since August 1996.
Sales of existing homes, one of the economy's few bright spots, fell by 11.7 per-
cent, the biggest one-month drop in six years, the National Association of Realtors
reported. The association said the shock of the terrorist attacks caused housing
sales, along with a lot of other economic activity, to come to a standstill.
The Labor Department said the number of newly laid-off workers filing for
unemployment benefits rose to 504,000 last week, a level usually associated with
recessions, while the total number of unemployed collecting benefits rose to an 18-
year-high of 3.65 million people, 66 percent above the level of a year ago.
ZAKI-IAM. Nigeria
Nigerian soldiers wipe out rural villages
The smell of death lingered yesterday over the deserted streets of this burned out
village - one of seven where state officials say soldiers bent on revenge destroyed
homes and killed at least 130 people in eastern Nigeria.
State officials say the raids were in reprisal for the abduction and killing of 19 sol-
diers by Tiv tribal fighters earlier this month in Benue state, where villagers have
been waging a decade-long ethnic feud.
Uniformed soldiers traveling in armored personnel carriers destroyed seven set-
tlements, killing 130 people in just one village, state Gov. George Akume said yes-
terday. The figures could not be independently verified. Defense officials deny they
ordered any revenge attacks.
The soldiers who arrived in Zaki-Biam on Tuesday told residents they were
peacekeepers and instructed people to stay in their homes, according to the few resi-
dents who started straggling back yesterday.
"We thought they were coming here to protect us, but suddenly they took up posi-
tions and started firing at us," said Titus Madugu, a nurse, hovering nervously in the
garden next to his burned house.
Settlement reached
in suit against Ford
Ford Motor Co. agreed yesterday
to pay for repairs on millions of
cars and trucks prone to stall
because of a flawed ignition sys-
tem, settling one of the industry's
most costly defects cases.
The deal approved by a Califor-
nia judge could cost the automaker
$2.7 billion, the plaintiffs said.
Ford attorney Richard Warmer dis-
puted that estimate, without offer-
ing specifics.
"This will not be something that
will have a material effect on the
company's financial position,"
Warmer said.
As many as I I deaths and 31 injuries
have been linked to stalling Ford vehi-
Ford has maintained that its igni-
tion devices and vehicles are safe
and admitted no wrongdoing in the
Pentagon ostpones
missile de ense tests
The Pentagon announced yesterday it
has put off several missile defense tests
this fall in order to avoid being accused
of violating the Anti-Ballistic Missile
Treaty that prohibits nationwide missile
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rums-
feld made the announcement at a Penta-
gon news conference.
"We will not violate the treaty
Watchful and still, a monster croco-
dile waited in the waters of an African
river for a large animal to lean over and
drink. When the momerit was right, the
predator lashed out and grabbed the
prey in his toothy jaws. The struggle
was brief.
That's a scene researchers believe was
routine in a lush river valley some 110
million years ago. The prey could have
been a large dinosaur, but the crocodile
was immense - longer than a school
bus and weighing about 10 tons.
Dinosaur hunters led by Paul C.
Sereno of the University of Chicago
uncovered fossilized remains of the
giant croc and for the first time. assem-
bled them into a replica of the ancient
"When this thing grew into an adult it
was really a monster," Sereno said in an
interview. "This thing could have easily
pulled down a good-sized dinosaur."
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.
while it remains in force," Rums-
feld said. "In recent days, to keep
from having it suggested that we
might not be keeping that commit-
ment, we have voluntarily
restrained our ballistic missile
defense test program."
Rumsfeld described the decision as
providing an impetus for further discus-
sions. President Bush is scheduled to
discuss it with Russian President
Vladimir Putin in Texas in mid-Novem-
Bones of prehistoric
crocodile discovered 4
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