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October 26, 2001 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-10-26

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It I fl1att U
One hundred eleven years ofedItorialfreedom

i CLASSIFIED: 764057

October 26, 2001

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By Lizzie Ehrle
ily Staff Reporter
Recommendations for improving under-
graduate education at the University include
requiring students to live in residence halls
for two years, no longer allowing freshmen
to choose their residence hall and room-
mates and converting all on-campus housing
to be more like the Residential College,
according to a report released yesterday.
The President's Commission on the Under-
graduate Experience, which was appointed by
University President Lee Bollinger last year,
released its final report assessing the chal-
lenges of a large-scale public research univer-
sity and recommending long-term changes

Inside: An in-depth look at the commission's
recommendations for improving undergraduate
education at the University. Page 10.
intended to improve undergraduate curricu-
lum and student life on campus.
Along with the student residence propos-
als, other recommendations include creat-
ing "pathway" minors such as pre-med or
other pre-professional tracks, integrating
faculty more fully into student life and
overhauling the advising system.
The report says the proposals aim to stimu-
late discussion about the core goals of under-
graduate education in general and are not
necessarily proposals that will be adopted
"I'm particularly excited about the vision of

programs and buildings that will encourage
richer connections between formal learning
and campus life," said Architecture Prof.
David Scobey, a member of the commission.
Bollinger, who will step down in Decem-
ber to become president of Columbia Uni-
versity, soon plans to appoint a steering
committee to lead formal and informal
campus talks and begin raising the funding
needed to help faculty, students and staff
bring about the most promising ideas.
"The most immediately important next
step is a campus-wide conversation on the
shape of what undergraduate education
should be," Scobey said.
The commission was convened in winter
term 2000 and met regularly between

March 2000 and May 2001. Chaired by for-
mer Provost Nancy Cantor, the commission
was composed of academic and non-acade-
mic administrators, faculty, alumni and
undergraduate students.
"I think we're really aiming to link the
campus community and to continue the
momentum around many of the successes
at our University already, like the UROP
program," said Assistant Provost Linda
Gillum, a commission member.
"I think President Bollinger's decision to
convene the commission allowed a number
of conversations to illuminate an under-
standing of what it is the University wants
to be in the future."
The commission's work was in part a

response to criticism from educators in the
1990s of the shortcomings of baccalaureate
Bollinger asked the commission to take
into account the- social aspects of student
life and the physical makeup of campus,
not just academic curriculum.
"I think one interesting thing is as much
what is not in it as what's in it," said Asso-
ciate LSA Dean Philip Hanlon. "That's
very important but it's the responsibility of
the colleges, not a provost mandate."
In addition to the undergraduate experi-
ence commission, Bollinger also last year
appointed an information-technology com-
mission that is examining how students use
technology on campus.


Officials say
food could
.be targeted

_ k: :

attacks from the air and the mail, offi-
cials worry the nation's food supply
could be next. The government consid-
ers the most likely targets to be fruits
and vegetables that people eat raw, and
cattle that could be infected with fast-
spreading foot-and-mouth disease.
To deter potential terrorists, Congress
is considering proposals to hire hun-
dreds of new food inspectors and lab
technicians and empower the govern-
ment to seize or recall tainted products
and inspect food makers' records.
The Agriculture Department has put
veterinarians on alert and wants more
guards to protect its labs around the
country that work with food pathogens.
"Food security can no longer be sepa-
rated from our national security," Sen.
Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) said yesterday.
Terrorists could poison a limited
amount of food and still "create a gener-
al atmosphere of fear and anxiety with-
out actually having to carry out
indiscriminate civilian-oriented attacks,"
Peter Chalk of the Rand Corp. think
tank recently told Congress.
Fresh produce may be the food most
vulnerable to attack because it's often
eaten raw and is subject to little inspec-
tion. The only known terrorist attack on
U.S. food occurred in the 1980s, when a
cult in Oregon contaminated salad bars
with salmonella bacteria.
There are dozens of labs that work
vows to
use new
WASHINGTON (AP) - Attorney
General John Ashcroft pledged yester-
day to use new powers granted by Con-
gress to pursue terrorist suspects
S relentlessly, intercept their phone calls,
read their unopened e-mail and phone
messages and throw them in jail for the
smallest of crimes.
Echoing a threat then-Attorney Gen-
eral Robert Kennedy made four decades
ago to pursue mobsters for spitting on
the sidewalk, Ashcroft said: "Let the ter-
rorists among us be warned."
"If you overstay your visas even by
one day, we will arrest you; if you vio-
~late a local law, we will hope that you
will, and work to make sure that you are
put in jail and be kept in custody as long
as possible,' he said in a speech to the
nation's mayors.
Justice officials said they intend to
use the new surveillance and wiretap
powers granted by Congress yesterday
to build cases against many suspected
terrorists already in custody on immi-
gration issues or technicalities. Presi-

with pathogens, but terrorists wouldn't
necessarily need to get their bacteria
there. Salmonella can be found on
supermarket chicken and grown in a lab.
A strain of E. coli is commonly found in
cattle manure.
But it would take a lot of bacteria to
contaminate food, and some bugs are
dangerous primarily to people who are
sick or old, said Susan Sumner, an
authority on food safety at Virginia
Tech. "You could pour it on stuff in the
supermarket. But if your goal is to dis-
rupt economics and make a lot of peo-
ple sick you're not going to do it that
way," she said.
Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman,
meeting with Republican lawmakers
yesterday, assured them the food supply
is safe. "We have been looking at where
the critical points are and taking all the
precautions that we can in dealing with
the private sector," she said.
Her biggest concern, she said, is that
terrorists would contaminate a big feed-
lot with the virus that causes foot-and-
mouth disease. It's harmless to humans
but it could be devastating economical-
ly. This year's outbreak in Britain forced
the slaughter of nearly 4 million ani-
mals. The virus is not found in the Unit-
ed States outside of a- high-security
Agriculture Department lab in New
York, so a terrorist would have to bring
it into the country, possibly in contami-
nated meat.

A student walking toward State Street from the Diag looks at a truck driven by a member of the Center for Bio-ethical Reform to protest abortion yesterday.
Trucks bring anti-aborin
display. back to An Arbor.

By Tyler Boersen
Daily Staff Reporter

Trucks covered with pictures of aborted fetuses
circled Central Campus yesterday as part of a
national campaign to create a debate surrounding
The massive pictures adorned two trucks that
trolled campus streets for nearly seven hours yes-
terday, beginning at 9 a.m. The images of aborted
fetuses depicted next to dimes and quarters are part
of the 'Reproductive Choice' campaign sponsored

by the Center for Bio-ethical Reform, a grassroots
education foundation based in Anaheim, Calif.
"It's part of a rolling-out of a national tour that
started in Los Angles in June and has been running
every business day singe," said Mark Harrington,
the center's Midwest executive director.
The campus group Students for Choice met the
trucks with some anger,
"The nation is in a delicate position right now,"
said LSA sophomore Clair Morrissey of Students
for Choice. "We feel it is grossly inappropriate and
uncalled for. It is incredibly harmful to the state of

mind of women on campus.
"It won't change the mind of someone wanting
to have an abortion, it only hurts women who
The tour has been making its way across the
nation since June, making appearances in Florida,
Ohio and Indiana.
"The state of Michigan, politically speaking, is
very influential. Ann Arbor and U of M are very
influential and large," Harrington said. .
The center visited the University last September
See DISPLAY, Page 7

Tax credit repeal on hold

By Louie Meizlish
Daily Staff Reporter

An expected $462.5 million shortfall
in Michigan's general fund budget may
kill a bill that could potentially lower
the tuition of college students. A pro-
posal to repeal the state's tuition tax
credit is currently stuck in the House of
Representatives and, some legislators
say, may never come up for a vote.
Rep. Chris Kolb (D-Ann Arbor) said
he believes the repeal is stuck in the
House because legislators fear Gov.

John Engler would sign a repeal and
use the money to cover the budget
shortfall instead of giving the money
back to higher education.
"Until there's a solid guarantee that
that won't happen, it's sort of stuck;"
Kolb said.
Matt Resch, a spokesman for the
governor, laid that while Engler sup-
ports in principle a repeal of the tax
credit, no final decision has been made
as to whether Engler would sign it.
"We'll wait and see what the Legis-
lature does,"he said.

The bill would repeal the tuition tax
credit, which provides credits of up to
$375 for students attending colleges
and universities that keep their tuition
increases under the level of inflation.
Since most colleges have been unable
in recent years to keep tuition increases
under the level of inflation, only stu-
dents at Lake Superior State University
and a handful of community colleges
have been able to take advantage of the
credit. Supporters of the repeal have
said the money earmarked for the cred-
See CREDIT, Page 7

Antonio Jose Williams, who is homeless, stands on State Street last night. He has
been in Ann Arbor for 10 years.
Progam aims to


Page 8


* e
By Kara Wenzel
Daily Staff Reporter
A program that ask
help homeless people i
refusing to hand out m
on at area businesses
aided several panhandl
Mayor John Hieftj

Real Change," a program designed to
take panhandlers with substance abuse
problems off the street and into treat-
s pedestrians to ment.
n Ann Arbor by "There are some people who make
oney is catching panhandling their occupation," Hieftje
and has already said. "They live with relatives or live in
ers. apartments paid by their Social Security
je's Downtown checks. Some of them reportedly make

tomorrow 1 3:30 p.m. I kinnick stadium I1abc
The Hawkeyes haven't beaten Michigan
since 1990, but they're undefeated at
home so far this season.
The Wolverines did not play. Iowa
snapped a two-game losing streak
with a 42-28 victory over Indiana.
Iowa has the Big Ten's highest-scoring
nfffns_ i t RMicn on'.s t&npv defense



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