2A - The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 12,,2001
One anthrax victim returns to work
BOCA RATON, Fla. (AP) - One of
the three supermarket tabloid employees
who were exposed to anthrax returned
to work yesterday while investigators
awaited test results that might help them
find the source of the bacteria that killed
one of her co-workers.
The 35-year-old woman "is back at
work and taking her medication," said
Gerald McKelvey, a spokesman for
tabloid publisher American Media.
The employee, identified by police as
Stephanie Dailey, tested positive for
anthrax after a nasal swab test.
Police Sgt. Tom McCabe said the
woman planned to speak to reporters
later yesterday. "I'm sure she's freaked
out," he said.
The case has prompted fear in south
Florida and raised concerns across the
country about a biological attack using
anthrax. Authorities say the contamina-
tion is limited to the American Media
building in Boca Raton and that there is
no evidence of terrorism. Federal
authorities have begun a criminal inves-
Bob Stevens, a 63-year-old photo edi-
tor for the Sun tabloid, died Friday of
inhaled anthrax, an especially rare form
of the disease. Traces of anthrax were
later found in the nasal passages of
mailroom employee, Ernesto Blanco,
73, and on Stevens' computer keyboard.
The three-story, 66,000-square-foot
American Media building has been
closed for 30 days and hundreds of
employees are awaiting test results to
see if they've been exposed.
Also waiting is the FBI. Bags of evi-
dence from the building have been sent
to federal Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention laboratory in Atlanta for
Dailey's neighbors said the case has
made them more aware of their vulnera-
"Everything that's happened so far in
the last month is hitting closer and clos-
er to me, and now it's right across the
street," said Jason Tengbergen, who
lives three doors away from Dailey.
Markets recover from September losses
Boosted by some healthier-than-expected earnings reports, Wall Street surged
higher yesterday, carrying the Dow Jones industrials and other market indexes to
levels last seen before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
The Dow's close left it just 195 points below its close of Sept. 10; the blue
chips have now recovered 85 percent of the 1,369 points they lost after the
attacks. The Nasdaq composite and Standard & Poor's 500 indexes finished just
above their closes of a month ago.
Analysts again cautioned that the advance, which followed another spurt high-
er Wednesday, should not be read as a fundamental market recovery or a sign
that investors are no longer worried about fallout frc,.' the terrorist attacks or
U.S. retaliation.
"I think the market is still going to be pretty reactive to both good and bad
news," said Matt, Brown, head of equity management at Wilmington Trust. "If
there were further developments domestically on the terrorism front, that would
be very negative for the market."
The Dow closed yesterday up 169.59 at 9,410.45, extending a 188-point rally
from Wednesday. The Nasdaq shot up 75.21 at 1,701.47, also making back all of
272 of the points it lost.
Green wins New York mayoral runoff
NEW YORK (AP) - Mark Green defeated Fer-
nando Ferrer in the Democratic runoff for mayor
yesterday, held exactly one month after the World
Trade Center tragedy that transformed both the
city and the campaign.
With 99 percent of precincts reporting, Green,
the city's public advocate, had 418,824 votes, or
52 percent, to Ferrer's 389,263 votes, or 48 per-
cent. Ferrer, the Bronx borough president, had
been seeking to become the city's first Hispanic
Green will face Republican Michael Bloomberg
in next month's general election to determine who
will succeed popular Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and
guide the nation's largest city, which is largely
Democratic, through its biggest crisis.
"The final question for the verdict of voters is
who's the strong independent Democrat to lead the
New York comeback, to bring us together, keep
jobs here and educate our kids," Green said after
Said Ferrer: "I'll rebuild our city and revitalize
our economy, but I won't abandon our commit-
ment to improving education, expanding after-
school programs, strengthening police-community
relations and making health care and affordable
housing more accessible."
Before Sept. 11, the candidates concentrated on
education, affordable housing and keeping crime
low. But since the attack, the top question has
become who will be strong enough to lead New
York through the rebuilding.
The candidates suspended campaigning imme-
diately after the attacks and often found them-
selves-in Giuliani's shadow when the contest
Yesterday was the city's third round of mayoral
balloting in a month. The first primary was on
Sept. 11, but was suspended after the terrorist
attacks. In the rescheduled primary two weeks
-later, none of the Democratic candidates received
the necessary 40 percent of the vote, setting up
New York's first runoff in 24 years.
Turnout was light yesterday, said Naomi Bern-
stein, spokeswoman for the Board of Elections.
Robin Aufses, a 51-year-old school administra-
tor, said she voted for Green but wasn't sure he
was equipped to handle the crisis.
"I hope so," she said, "but what one person
Giuliani, a two-term Republican who must step
down after Dec. 31 because of term limits, has been
lauded for his leadership after the attack. He flirted
with the idea of somehow trying to stay in office
and won support from Green and Bloomberg for a
three-month extension. Ferrer rejected the idea and
the mayor eventually backed off.
Ferrer, 51, advanced to the runoff with support
from Hispanics, blacks and members of the
health-care and municipal employee unions.
Green, 56, was the Democratic front-runner for
much of the summer. He spent the last several
days seeking support in the black community
while trying to energize white voters, his base.
The race had turned nasty recently. A Green TV
advertisement questioned Ferrer's leadership skills
and suggested he would "divide our city." Ferrer
-who had emphasized reaching out to the "other
New York" of minorities left behind by the Giu-
liani administration - fired back with an ad
accusing Green of breaking his pledge against
negative campaigning.
Militant killed while planting roadside bomb
A Palestinian militant from the Hamas group blew himself up while trying to
plant a bomb along a road used frequently by Israelis in the West Bank, Israel
said yesterday. Hamas said he died under "heroic" circumstances.
Meanwhile, a top Palestinian official linked the Palestinian fight against Israel
to terrorist suspect Osama bin Laden for the first time.
Though casualties have been low on both sides of the Mideast conflict in
recent days, Israel says the Palestinians have failed to arrest militants and meet
other commitments under a truce reached three weeks ago.
Israel has been "compelled to deal with Palestinian terrorism directly and use all
means at its disposal in order to foil planned attacks," a government statement said.
In the latest incident, the dismembered body of 22-year-old Hamas activist Hani
Rawajbeh was found early yesterday near a road used by Israeli soldiers and Jewish
settlers. A soldier was slightly wounded Wednesday in a bomb explosion on the road.
Hamas said in a statement that Rawajbeh died while carrying out a "heroic
operation," but did not give details. Hamas has planted numerous roadside
bombs in the past year of Israeli-Palestinian fighting.
Mass killing of 241 n Colombian
village tied to paramilitary group
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The Washington Post
ALASKA, Colombia - What may be the largest mass
killing this year in Colombia began when a squad of uni-
formed troops of the right-wing paramilitary group United
Self-Defense Forces of Colombia entered this one-street vil-
lage just after lunchtime on Wednesday afternoon, witnesses
said yesterday.
The mass execution that followed wasn't as methodical as
previous massacres committed by the group, known by its
Spanish initials AUC. There were no lists of names or fright-
ened informants pointing out supposed guerrilla collaborators.
from lines of friends and neighbors.
"Indiscriminant," was the word most survivors used to
describe the hours-long killing spree. That would seem an
accurate portrayal except for the fact that the 24 bodies were
found in two carefully sorted groups by the turquoise-painted
kindergarten building - young victims in one, old victims in
the other. Among them were three minors and a Christian
evangelist who was deaf and dumb.
The AUC fights Colombia's leftist guerrillas on the same
side as the army. Wednesday's killings were a typical paramili-
tary strike against civilians in a key transportation corridor
used by leftist guerrillas - except for the death toll, which
compares to only two other AUC massacres this year that
exceeded 20 victims. A half-dozen villagers remain missing.
"I've lost my friends. Really when I think of it, I've lost all
of them," said Mecias Rodriguez, a farmer here who had the
good fortune to be working at a nearby farm during the
killings. He arrived at 4:30 p.m. to find the corpses and a town
in mourning. "What could I possibly do? The sight was unbe-
Senate OKs airport
security legislation
The Senate voted unanimously yes-
terday to boost the security of airlines
and airports and, as an important
byproduct, restore the nation's confi-
dence in flying.
With the 100-0 vote for aviation secu-
rity legislation, the Senate then moved-
to an anti-terrorism bill to give law
enforcement new powers to pursue ter-
"I hope that Congress can and should
act quickly," said Senate Judiciary
Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.).
The security bill was seen as essen-
tial to ending the current slump in air
travel. "People are going to feel better
about flying," said Sen. John D. Rock-
efeller (D-W.Va.), head of the Senate
Commerce aviation subcommittee. "It
will put people back in planes."
The Senate also approved by 100-0
a resolution designating Sept. I1 as a
national day of remembrance.
Remote monitoring
pacemaker approved
The government has approved a
pacemaker outfitted with a tiny trans-
mitter that can tell your doctor how
your heart is doing - the first medical
implant capable of such real-time mon-
The Biotronik Home Monitoring
System essentially provides a house
call any time of day without doctor or
patient taking any special steps. It's the
first in an expected wave of medical
devices that will let doctors track the
chronically ill day-by-day in an effort
to keep their conditions from worsen-
ing between office visits. "This is an
exciting development," Dr. Stuart Port-
noy of the Food and Drug Administra-
tion said of the Biotronik device,
which won FDA approval yesterday.
Pacemakers contain recorders that
continually track heartbeat, how often
the devices zap the heart back into
rhythm, and other information.
PBS stations able to
show advertisements
As television makes the switch to dig-
ital broadcasting, public TV stations can
run commercials for the first time.
The Federal Communications Com-
mission, in a 3-1 vote, ruled yesterday
that the stations can display advertise-
ments on some of the new data or sub-
scription services - more likely to be
viewed on computers and special TV
attachments than on the family set.
Digital is a new, more efficient tech-
nology that allows broadcasters to trans-
mit much more programming over the
same channel than is possible with tradi-
tional analog technology. Examples of
how some stations plan to use their extra
digital capacity include fee-based ser-
vices such as college courses aired in
rural areas, subscriptions to televised
lectures, and even textbooks.
The nation's 354 public television
stations ndw are funded solely through
donations and government subsidies.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.
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NEWS Nick Bunkley, Managing Editor
EDITORS: David Enders, Lisa Koivu, Caitlin Nish, Jeremy W. Peters
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ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Johanna Hanink, Aubrey Henretty, Manish Raiji, Josh Wickerham
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