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October 12, 2001 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-10-12

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October 12, 2001

f 4 E i e Q / E i

FBI issues warning that more
terrorist attacks could occur in
the next several days
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush said
Jast night "it may take a year or two" to track down
Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network in
Afghanistan, but asserted that after a five-day aeri-
al bombardment, "we've got them on the run."
At a prime-time news conference at the White
House, Bush said he did not know whether bin
Laden was dead or alive. "I want him brought to
justice," he said of the shadowy figure believed to be
behind the terrorist attacks in New York and Wash-
ington that killed 5,000 people one month ago.
Also yesterday, the FBI issued a stark warning
that it has received information there may be addi-
tional terrorist attacks inside the United States or
abroad in the next several days.





The bureau said its information does not identify
specific targets, but it has asked local police to be on
the highest alert and for all Americans to be wary of
suspicious activity.
"Certain information, while
not specific as to target, gives the
government the reason to believe
that there may be additional ter-
America rorist attacks within the United
remembers States and against U.S. interests
one month overseas over the next several
later. days," the FBI said in its warn-
Page 12A. ing.
The president said that the
warning was the result of a "general threat" of pos-
sible future terrorist acts the government had
received. "I hope it's the last, but given the attitude
of the evildoers it may not be," he added.
At the same time, he sought to reassure Ameri-
cans the government was doing all it could to make

them safe. "If we receive specific intelligence that
targets a specific building or city or facility I can
assure you our government will do everything pos-
sible to protect the citizens," he said.
He urged all Americans to report anything suspi-
cious to law enforcement authorities.
Despite the aerial pounding, Bush held out a car-
rot to the Taliban rulers of Afghanistan harboring
bin Laden. "You still have a second chance. Just
bring him in and bring his leaders and lieutenants
and other thugs and criminals with him."
And yet the president looked ahead to a day
when the Taliban would be pushed from power. He
suggested the United Nations could help form a
new government for Afghanistan after the U.S.-led
military mission is completed.
Asked whether he envisioned expanding military
action beyond Afghanistan to Iraq or Syria, Bush
said that the United States would "bring to justice"
See BUSH, Page 7A

President Bush addresses the nation from the East Room in the White House last
night, answering questions about the bombings in Afghanistan and issues related
to U.S. security.

stu days
on agenda
for MSA
By Kara Wenzel
Daily Staff Reporter
Need an extra day to study for
One of the more than 40 projects
that the Michigan Student Assembly is
currently working on is the addition of
midterm study days to the fall semes-
MSA President Matt Nolan said he
has gotten a positive reaction from
interim Provost Lisa Tedesco about the
feasibility of midterm study days.
Nolan said MSA members are try-
ing to craft a calendar with midterm
study days in it that would be accept-
able to the provost, registrar, faculty
and students.
"The biggest change would proba-
bly be instead of starting classes two
days after Labor Day, we would start
one day after Labor Day, which would
not decrease contact days," Nolan said.
The University is not required to
schedule a specific number of class
days, called "contact days," but "we
need to make sure the state of Michi-
gan and other people funding the Uni-
versity think we're giving students a
high-quality education," Nolan said.
He said there is a small chance the
break could go into effect next fall.
Other projects assembly representa-
tives are working on include expand-
ing the number of restaurants near
campus that accept Entr6e Plus and
providing student input on campus
improvements such as the planned new
residence hall and the Central Campus
Recreation Building.
"I think we've really created a col-
laborative atmosphere in terms of pro-
jects. University higher-ups really
recognize the work that we're doing
this year," said MSA Vice President
Jessica Cash.
Nolan said a design for a $50 mil-
lion renovation of the CCRB has been
See MSA, Page 7A
Rain does

targe ted
Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON - U.S. warplanes pounded terrorist
cave hideouts with powerful, earth-penetrating bombs
yesterday, while also targeting Taliban troops, gar-
risons and military maintenance facilities in heavy
airstrikes across Afghanistan.
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said war-
planes dropped precision-guided "bunker-buster"
bombs and other earth-penetrating munitions.
Marine Maj. Gen. Henry Osman, an official of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that the bombs were aimed at
caves,,tunnels and other underground targets - the
type of places where Osama bin Laden, the suspected
architect of the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States,
and other leaders of his al-Qaida terrorist network are
believed to hide.
Osman said the air attacks also are zeroing in on Tal-
iban and al-Qaida troop formations after several days
in which the objective was to soften up air defenses.
"Taliban troops will certainly be (targeted), he said.
"Up to now, the targets have been mostly air defense,
command and control and so forth."
Despite what the Pentagon considers to have been a
See ATTACKS, Page 7A

Soldiers of a tank division fighting Afghanistan's Talban rulers pray In Sasht-l-Qala, Afghanistan, six miles from the Tajik border yesterday. The
anti-Taliban opposition, known as the northern alliance, reported heavy fighting in several Afghan provinces yesterday and claimed to have
captured the central Gur province in overnight fighting.

Bollinger unsure when he'll step down

By Elizabeth Kassab
Daily Staff Reporter

Lee Bollinger does not know when he will step
down as president of the University but plans to
continue business as usual in Ann Arbor until that
time comes.
"I've been working extremely hard on Michigan
matters," said Bollinger, who was announced as
Columbia University's new president last weekend.
Prior to being selected, Bollinger missed a faculty
meeting and several sessions of the First Amend-
ment class he teaches while traveling to New York
for interviews with Columbia's search committee.
"It is true that the past two weeks have been
n't dampen

filled with other matters," he said yesterday. "I
haven't devoted the amount of time to matters here
that I would ordinarily. Otherwise I am fully
engaged and intend to be until I leave."
The outgoing chief executive has not announced
whether he will leave Michigan before July 1,
when he will take over for retiring Columbia Presi-
dent George Rupp.
"That's really up to the regents. I'll just be dis-
cussing with them over the next few weeks," said
Bollinger, a 1971 graduate of Columbia Law
School. "I'm here really to do what's best for the
University of Michigan Regent Olivia Maynard
(D-Goodrich) said the regents plan to hold.several

more special meetings to discuss when an interim
president might take over for Bollinger and whom
that person might be.
. "We are going to move sooner rather than later,"
Maynard said.
The regents usually convene once a month to
discuss the University's affairs. They held a special
meeting last Monday, two days after Columbia's
trustees approved Bollinger as the university's 19th
After Harvard University chose former U.S.
Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers to be its
president in March, Bollinger said he did not antic-
ipate leaving Michigan for Columbia.
"I do not intend to be a candidate," Bollinger

told The Michigan Daily in March. "I am deeply
committed to Michigan and I have no expectation
of leaving"
"As far as I was concerned, I would be staying,"
he said yesterday. "There were other searches
under way at that point, several'of them actually,
and I really was not interested."
But when the opportunity to serve as president
of his alma mater arose last month, Bollinger said
he could not pass it up.
"I said I wasn't interested in being a candidate,
but ... I certainly wasn't intending to foreclose on
receiving an offer from any place in the future," he
said. "They continued to contact me, and this is a

Coming Out rally

H O M C O M 1 N G

By Lizzie Ehrle
Daily Staff Reporter

More than 100 people gathered at
the Michigan Union yesterday to
rally for National Coming Out Day,
a day that has been recognized
nationally since 1988. The rally
was part of a weeklong set of
events on campus sponsored by the
Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual
and Transgender Affairs.
After the gathering moved from
the Diag to the Union because of
rain, a number of people spoke
about coming out, incorporating
such themes as societal acceptance,
personal comfort and safe sex.

to be themselves," LSA senior Jen-
nifer Gallinat said.
One of the goals of these events
is to create a supportive and com-
fortable environment for people,
Gallinat said. Several speeches at
the rally focused on the importance
of such support.
"Last year I would not have been
at this rally," said LSA sophomore
Bonnie Aumann as she spoke to the
group about the support she's
received in the year since she's
been at the University.
"I'm so glad we have a day that
celebrates that important life step,"
said Jim Etzkorn, staff psychologist
with Counseling and Psychological

& 4

w 1 12:10 p.m. I michigan stadium I espn
Undefeated Purdue is looking for its first 5-0
start since 1945. But the Boilermakers
haven't won in Ann Arbor since 1966.
Michigan stuffed Pennt fi,
20-0. The Boilermakers
defeated Iowa, 23-14.
Drew Brees is gone, but Michigan's
defense will still have its hands fuW


Due to rain, the rally in honor of National Coming Out Day had to be moved into



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