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September 05, 2001 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-09-05

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 5, 2001


Suicide bomber injures 13 near school

The Washington Post
JERUSALEM - Dressed in the skullcap, white
shirt and black pants of a devout Jew, a Palestinian
suicide bomber was just blocks from the heart of
,downtown Jerusalem yesterday morning when a pair
,of Israeli policemen became suspicious. As they ran
up to him yelling "Stop!" the bomber turned, smiled
from behind a beard and blew himself to bits.
The blast sent the suicide bomber's head hurtling
into the courtyard of a French international school,
badly injured one of the policemen and left a dozen
wther people with less serious wounds. It was the fifth
.bomb to explode in Jerusalem in two days and poten-
tially the most lethal: Had the bomber reached a busy
intersection or snack bar a block or two away, many
people could have died.
The bombings this week have left Israelis in
Jerusalem on edge. When the European Union's for-
eign policy chief, Javier Solana, toured the scene of
Yesterday's bombing and denounced the "terrible
-.criminal act," he was booed and heckled by Israelis
* nd hustled back to his limousine by bodyguards.
Some of the hecklers evidently associated Solana
with the United Nations, whose conference on racism
in Durban, South Africa, has become a forum for crit-

icizing Israel.
"Anti-Semite, go back to Durban!" one of the heck-
lers yelled at Solana.
The bombings, coupled with clashes throughout the
West Bank and Gaza City, Gaza Strip, have cast a pall
over efforts by Solana and other diplomats to arrange
talks between Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres
and the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat. Arafat,
speaking in Gaza, issued an expression of regret at
attacks that hurt either Israeli or Palestinian civilians.
But Avi Pazner, an Israeli spokesman, said: "Is it use-
ful today to meet with (Arafat), who has continued a
policy of hate and incitement?"
The Jerusalem explosion occurred during the morn-
ing rush hour on the Street of the Prophets, a block
from a pizzeria where a Palestinian suicide bomber
killed 15 people last month. At least one pedestrian
noticed the man, who seemed out of sorts and was
nearly running down the street, and alerted a pair of
policemen on patrol.
"We began chasing him ... and at a distance of four
(yards) we ordered him to halt," one of the patrolmen,
Guy Mughrabi, told Israel Radio from his hospital bed
a few hours later. "He stopped and at the same time
moved his right hand to his bag, pushed a button and
blew up. He didn't speak-he just smiled."

Israeli police investigators inspect a car damaged
when a suicide bomber disguised as an observant
Jew blew himself up in central Jerusalem yesterday.
Mughrabi's partner, who was nearest the bomber,
suffered severe injuries and was listed in critical con-
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for
the attack. Israeli officials immediately said they sus-
pected the Islamic Resistance Movement, or Hamas,
which has been behind previous such bombings.
*Man dies
after shark
attck on
MANTEO, N.C. (AP) - A man
was killed by a shark and his girlfriend
was critically injured as they swam
along the North Carolina shore, the
latest in a series of East Coast shark
attacks and the second deadly one of
the holiday weekend.
Authorities made two aerial search-
es yesterday of the area along the Cape
Hatteras National Seashore. Spotters
on one flight did see sharks, but the
nearest ones to the scene of the attack
were about 10 miles away, said Mary
Doll of the National Park Service.
A medical examiner determined the
man died of massive blood loss caused
5, Univ 7 by multiple shark bites, Doll said.
Three types of sharks are common
in the area along the Outer Banks:
sand tiger, bull and scalloped hammer-
Monday's attack, the first fatal one
off North Carolina's coast in more than
40 years, came less than two days after
Comm 4 a 10-year-old boy was killed by a
Arts 5, shark near Virginia Beach, about 135

Bush reveals plan to boost economy
President Bush opened the door yesterday to a future cut in the capital gains
tax, a longtime Republican prescription for reviving an ailing economy, but said
he first wants to see the effects of last spring's income tax cut.
Bracing for an autumn of wrestling with Democrats over the sluggish econo-
my and diminished budget surplus, Bush told reporters that before reducing the
capital gains tax, he wanted to give the income tax 'cut time to stimulate the
economy. White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said the idea could be consid-
ered for the fiscal 2003 budget, to be sent to Congress early next year.
"But I'm open-minded," Bush said before meeting with Senate leaders as Con-
gress returned from its summer break.
Bush said trimming the capital gains tax rate - now 20 percent for most peo-
ple - "would pile up some revenues" for the government. That would be a huge
help for the administration as it scours the tight budget for money to pay for its
proposals to boost defense, education and other spending.
. Many economists say the government could make money in the early periog
of a capital gains tax cut - as additional people sell their property to fake
advantage of the lower takes - but the reduction would be a money-loser forihe
government in the long run.
Fox to push immigration plan while in U.S.
President Vicente Fox will be playing his favorite role as Mexico's salesman' in
chief a visit to Washington, hoping to sell the U.S. Congress on the first "inte-
grated" approach to the immigration problem.
But Fox, who arrived in the U.S. capital yesterday evening, is not just trying t'
wow the United States with his vision of a more modern, more assertive, nore
open Mexico. In his first six months in office he visited 26 countries with the
same message, earning himself the nickname "the frequent flyer president."
Whether the former Coca-Cola executive is trolling Asia for new investment,
pursuing more work visas for Mexicans or the loftier aim of obtaining a rotating
seat for his nation on the U.N. Security Council, Fox wants all the world to know
that Mexico is ready to take its place on the global stage.
"Mexico's image in the world has changed," said Foreign Affairs Secretary
Jorge Castaneda, the conservative'ihtellectual Fox picked to lead the nation into
the embrace of the United States. "The country has an image of democracy,
openness and honesty," he said, referring to Fox's victory over the Institution
Revolutionary Party, which ruled Mexico for 71 years.


Scientists coax stem
cells into blood cells
Scientists for the first time have
coaxed human embryonic stem cells
into becoming blood cells, an advance
that may eventually offer a safe and
inexhaustible source of blood for
transfusions and new treatments for
many blood diseases, scientists
announced yesterday.
Researchers at the University of
Wisconsin in Madison guided stem
cells into blood cells by surrounding
them with chemical cues and nutrients
that signaled the immature cells to
morph into every type of regular blood
cell - red blood cells, white blood
cells and platelets.
"Because (embryonic stem) cells can
be expanded without apparent limit,
(their) cell-derived blood products could
be created in virtually unlimited
amounts" the scientists reported in yes-
terday's issue of the Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences.
Gramm announces
new career plans
Sen. Phil Gramm announced yester-
day he will not seek re-election next
The Texas Republican said his deci-
sion followed "a long and difficult peri-
od of soul searching."
Gramm's retirement will conclude a
career that spanned two political parties
and a quarter-century of unflinching

"Remarkably, the things I came to
Washington to do are done," Gramm,
59, told a news conference, his voice
breaking with emotion.
He mentioned tax cuts passed under
President Reagan and the current Pres-
ident Bush and a federal budget now
in surplus.
He predicted a Republican would bW
elected to replace him in increasingly
Republican Texas. The former Democ-
rat was first elected to the House in
1978 and to the Senate in 1984.
CAEN, France
Bishop convicted of
concealing abuser
A court convicted a Roman Cathol
bishop yesterday of concealing knowI-
edge that a priest was sexually abusing
children, sentencing him to a three-
month suspended prison term.
Pierre Pican, 66, bishop of Bayeux-
Lisieux in Normandy, had faced up.to
three years in prison.
Pican's lawyers had argued that the
bishop had been motivated by what
amounts to professional secrets eve
though he learned of the priest's act
outside the sacrosanct church confes-
The prosecution said that Pihan
failed to assure that the case be
brought to the attention of judicial
"This is not the trial of the
church, but of a man of the church
who failed in his duty," Prosecutor
Jacques-Philippe Segondat told the

"No one saw
any animals
in the water.
They saw
people in
distress but
nothing in
the water."
- Mary Doll
National Park Service

miles up
the shore.
were open
but officials
to be cau-
tious, espe-
cially near
dusk and
dawn when
sharks look
for food
near the
"I don't
know if I
would use

the word 'afraid,' " said David Griffin,
director of North Carolina Aquarium on
Roanoke Island. "'Respect' is better."
Doll identified the victim as Sergei
Zaloukaev, 28, and his companion as
Natalia Slobonskaya, 23.
They lived together in Oakton, Va.,
a suburb of Washington, neighbors
Slobonskaya was alert and stable
but remained in critical condition yes-
terday, said Sandra Miller, spokes-
woman for Sentara Norfolk General
Hospital in Virginia. She was on a
ventilator to assist her breathing, said
Dr. Jeffrey Riblet, a trauma surgeon at
the hospital.
Residents and workers along the
popular stretch of beach were stunned
"My son fishes and surfs these
waters all the time," said Carlene
Beckham, an employee of the Avon
Fishing Pier. "But after seeing what
happened today he said he's not so
sure anymore."
Sharks had been reported in the area
in recent days but not at the time of
Monday's attacks. "No one saw any
animals in the water. They saw people
in distress but nothing in the water,"
Doll said.
Officials were uncertain how far out
the couple were swimming when
Bystanders had already dragged
them to shore and were administering
first aid when rescue workers arrived,
said Skeeter Sawyer, director of emer-

J JilillJ4 4
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