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September 20, 2001 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-09-20

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September 20, 2001

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Aircraft deployed
to Persian Gulf

Bush will address Congress
and the nation tonight but won't
ask for a declaration of war
WASHINGTON (AP) The Pentagon
ordered dozens of advanced aircraft to the Per-
sian Gulf region yesterday as the hour of military
retaliation for deadly terrorist attacks drew closer.
President Bush announced he would address
Congress and the nation tonight.
"I owe it to the country to give an explana-
tion," the president said in the Oval Office.
Bush spoke after meeting with congressional
leaders to discuss the economy, weak before the
attacks and buffeted by thousands of layoffs in
the airline industry and elsewhere in the eight
days since. "No question it's tough times," he
said. "This is a shock to the economy and we're
going to respond."

The president will ask Congress to give the
nation's airlines $5 billion in immediate aid, plus
help with their insurance liability, an administra-
tion official said, but not $12.5 billion in loans
the industry says it needs to avert bankruptcies
- at least for now.
Federal Reserve Board chairman Alan
Greenspan was quoted as telling lawmakers earli-
er that they should focus on restoring economic
confidence and not rush into passing legislation
of uncertain impact.
The president's announcement that he would
go before a joint session of Congress marked a
quickening in the pace of events as the adminis-
tration worked on military, diplomatic and eco-
nomic responses to the attacks that killed
A Pentagon official outlined the first steps of
"Operation Infinite Justice," the decision to send

Hijackers may have
stolen or faked IDs

The Washington Post

WASHINGTON - FBI officials said yester-
day that some of the 19 terrorists who carried out
last week's assault on New York and Washington
may have stolen the identities of other people,
and their real names may remain unknown.
Saudi government officials also said yesterday
that they have determined that at least two of the
terrorists used the names of living, law-abiding
Saudi citizens, and thatother hijackers may have
faked their identities too.
FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III said Friday
that the bureau had "a fairly high level of confi-
dence" that the hijacker names released by the FBI
were not aliases. But one senior official said yes-

terday that "there may be some question with the
regard to the identity of at least some of them."
The uncertainty highlights how difficult it may
be to ever identify some of the hijackers who par-
ticipated in the deadliest act of violence on
American soil. Most of the hijackers' bodies
were obliterated in the fiery crashes
"This operation had tremendous security and
using false names would have been part of it,"
said John Martin, retired chief of the Justice
Department's internal security section. "The
hijackers themselves may not have known the
others' true names."
The identity problem adds to the steep chal-
lenges facing the FBI and other federal investiga-
See PROBE, Page 7A

A flag is waved as the USS Roosevelt leaves Norfolk, Va., yesterday. The aircraft carrier's departure for the Mediterranean was planned before the
attacks last Tuesday in New York and Washington, but the Pentagon also began deploying advanced aircraft to the Persian Gulf yesterday.

Senate votes to repeal tuition
tax credit; bill heads to House

By Louje Moizlish
DailyStaff Reporter
The Michigan Senate voted yesterday to repeal
the state's tuition tax credit, a move that, pending
approval by the House of Representatives, would
allow tuition rebates for students at the University
and other public colleges across the state.
A spokeswoman for Gov. John Engler said Engler,
would sign the bill if it is sent to his desk in the cur-
rent form.
The final vote tally was 21-14 in favor of the bill,
with Democrats and Republicans taking both sides
on the issue.
In addition to repealing the credit, the Senate
approved a bill appropriating $5.9 million to the
University of Michigan's Ann Arbor campus and
additional funds to its Dearborn and Flint campuses,
as well as to the state's 40 other community colleges
and four-year universities.
The bill, as passed by the Senate, requires the
schools to affirm that they will use the funds for

rebates - something that must be confirmed by the
State Budget Office - before the allocation of the
Spokeswoman Julie Peterson said the University
supports the repeal of the tuition tax credit.
"We are very pleased that the Senate took this
action and we believe that in the long run this will
be in the best interest of our undergraduate stu-
dents," she said.
But the bill faces an uncertain future in the
Matt Sweeney, a legislative aide to Rep. Sandy
Caul (R-Mt. Pleasant), chairwoman of the House
Appropriations higher education subcommittee, said
the bill in its present form is unlikely to pass the
House and does not have Caul's support.
Sweeney said Caul takes issue with two aspects
of the bill. She believes rebates should only be
issued tdin-state students, which the bill does not
require. Since the tax credit is only available to
Michigan residents, Caul feels the rebates from its
repeal should not extend to students residing out-of-

Sweeney also said the legislation should require
colleges to lower their tuition. Because of state
funding increases that varied from only 1.5 percent
to 1.7 percent, many universities raised tuition sub-
stantially for this academic year, some as high as 20
percent. The University of Michigan raised tuition
6.5 percent.
Sweeney said large funding increases in previous
years should have cushioned the universities from
raising tuition so high this year and the legislation
should have demanded a decrease.
"This year (state) revenues are down and the uni-
versities received 1.5 percent, but over the long run,
they should have received record increases," he said.
But Sen. John Schwarz (R-Battle Creek), sponsor
of the bill and Caul's counterpart in the Senate, said
he expected the bill to be amended in the House and
sent to a conference committee to reach a compro-
mise on sticking points. Schwarz said although he is
opposed to language requiring the schools to roll
See TUITION, Page 7A

$2 million gift will
fund lobby in Hill

University professors Richard Hall, Kenneth Lieberthal and David Thatcher discuss
the consequences of Tuesday's attacks yesterday.
Profs. eXamine
major issues in
light of attacks

By Sarah Scott
Daily Staff Reporter
A $2 million donation from the
Elizabeth E. Kennedy Fund will allow
the University to construct a lower
lobby in Hill Auditorium, which is
planned to undergo renovations
beginning next May,
The money will provide for the
construction and furnishing of the
lobby, which does not presently exist

rent one.
"The lobby will be a gathering
place for people before and after con-
certs and during intermission," said
Ken Fischer, president of the Univer-
sity Musical Society. "The creation of
a lobby in her name will enhance the
patrons' experience."
The Kennedys have always been
supportive of UMS, said John Dob-
son, secretary of the Elizabeth E.
Kennedy fund.

By Karen Schwartz
Daily Staff Reporter
When Jude Hays, a professor of
political science and public policy,
decided to organize a panel discussion
in response to last week's attack, he
had no idea that the event would draw
a crowd that would fill all the chairs in
the room and spill out into the hall.

the current and future political atmos-
phere in both the domestic and inter-
national spheres.
"I thought it was a good way to get a
discussion going about what appropri-
ate responses to this attack should be,"
Hays said. "And as many of the panel
members pointed out, the role of the
University community is to begin dis-
cussion like this. I agree with that."


Courtesy of the Elizabeth E. Kennedy Fund


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