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March 22, 2001 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-03-22

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 21, 2001


Continued from Page 1A
Other candidates have made signs to compete with
Tsutsumi's famous campaign trademark, but the cur-
rent MSA president argued that it only proves he has a
chance to win re-election. "I can lead! I can lead!
When I (10 something. others follow!" Tsutsumi
shouted on the Diag yesterday.
Defend Affirmative Aiction representative candidate
Agnes Aleobuai said the final hours of the election will;
be tiring. "Because we are a party that does stuff al l
year round this won't be my first hatch of* sleepless
*nights," Aleobua said.
The main goal of some candidates during the next
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few days is not just to get students to vote for them, feel they h
but also to increase the percentage of students who are: students sti
involved in the MSA\ elections. "We've spent the last dates.
two weeks showing campus that Nolan/Cash and Blue "I haven
are the educated votes. ... Now we're spending 48 I'm plannir
hours trying to get campus to the polls," said Blue non 013ri
Party presidential candidate Matt Nolan. they (don't
Aleobua also said she believes her party has Second
increased student involvement in MSA. he is not vc
"I think we have really gotten the word out there ed about th-
about how the trial has propelled the consciousness of' LSA sor
students on the campus:' Alcobua said. "I think ever campaign it
since DAAP started running the interest of students in "I think
campus politics has risen:' who wou[
Despite enthusiastic outlooks From candidates who involved in
- Continued from Page 1A
ta I estrogen and the risk of breast cancer.
;es "For any women who's been through
les!!menopause, it's much better because
ir 6 Breaks you're rid of periods," said women's
A y!1 studies Prof. Anne Herrman. "Some
women don't suffer from menopause,
'@k and some people suffer from periods so
tions terribly that it's the best thing that ever
happened to them."
our Bt forthe women and their families

cave gotten their message out to voters, some
ill feel uninformed on the issues and candi-
n't really looked into their policies yet, but
ing on doing it" said LSA sophomore Shan-
ian. "A lot of people say vote for me,' but
say why."
year Medical student Rohit Tendulkar said
noting because he does not feel he is educat-
he candidates:' said Tendulkar.
homore Christine Crosby said the endless
in has gzotten her attention.
it is just entertaining, and it gets students
Idn't normally be involved in MSA more
n it" Crosby said.
that do suffer from menopause, a reduc-
tion of symptoms or the elimination of
menopause would be beneficial.
"My mom has been (going through
imenopause) for around a year or so,"
said LSA sophomore Matt Ross.
"She's easily set off. She can be fine
one minute and then the next she's a
rIf there was a way to reduce the symp-
toms of menopause or eliminate it com-
pletely, "everyone would probably say
that's a good thing" Ross said.

Bush would veto 'patients rights' biwi'.
President Bush, demanding "a new approach." vowed yesterday to Victo any
patients' bill of rights legislation unless it strictly limits the ability of cotinrrI~cr. to
sue insurers or health maintenance organizat ions. '
Bush's uncompromising stance on liability was clearly meant as a dMredt o
threat to the bipartisan legislation sponsored by Seni. John McCain (R-Ariz.,.n.
Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.), the strongest* palent
protection legislation in Congress and the only one currently that has a strong~la'ili-
ty provision.
Addressing a convention of' cardiologists in Orlando, Bush said he fin(dtl?~the
current proposals objectionable but foCused the brunt of his criticism on the -bi ~rti-
san legislation that has won majority support in the I louse and has the support-c all
Senate [)emocrats and a handful of Republicans, Ile described it as lacking whatlie
considers sufficient deterrence against "excess and frivolous litigation.".And- the
resulting lawsuits, he predicted will further drive up health care costs. "
"To make sure health care coverage rernains affordable, I will insist any-ktitral
bill have reasonable caps on damage awards. The caps in the proposed legiti1° n
before Congress are too high." the president said during a morning addre..K,,le
50th scientific session of the American College of C'ardiologyv.,..

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Sheep seized in connection with mad cow
Federal agents seized a Vermont farmer's flock of 234 sheep yesterday ,for. fear
they are infected with a version of mad cow disease the first such acflrii~er
taken against livestock in the United States.ab
The U.S. Agriculture Department "has no choice but to take this decisivea' )n
based on the threat the sheep pose to the health of America's livestock n aw-
wide?" said Craig Reed. administrator of+ USDA's animal and plant health'inspec-I
A team of+ federal agents and agriculture officials arrived at f loutthton -Free-
man's farm at daybreak. Two cattle trucks were loaded up by 1 I a.m. and willtake
the sheep to lowa, where they will be tested and destroyed. -,t~
Freeman and another farmer had wagzed a court battle to save their she'ep'tfter
the Agriculture D~epartment ordered theflocks seized last July.
The flocks consisted of sheep that were :zither imported from IBlgium i: #tt9
or were descendants of those animals.
The seizure went peacel'ully,4but Thomas Amnidon. a la\\ver foar Freemanz.,4-ll':dt


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it "sa,, depressing andi a rushledl juuei li~ti.
Albanian rebels,
declare cease-fire
Fthnic Albanian rebels yesterday
declared a unilateral cease-fire as ai
step toward talks to end the figiht -
ing. Just hours before the expiration
of a tuovernment ultimatum
demanding they lay down their .,
The c oncewsion was3 of fircct by
Alli Abmet i, the political head Iof' the
National Li be rat ion A rm5. in a tc e-
vision broadcast in neicrhborintI
"We, the general staff' of the
National Liberation Army. announce
a unilateral cease-fire and we openl
the road for dialogue so heads can
cool down and to find the best sol u-
tion:' he said.
Ahmeti said the cease-fire was
open-ended. but warned that if' the
army or police attack the rebels, the
more than four-week struggle would
continue and possibly widen.
Dutch confirm case
of foot-and-mouth
The Netherlands~ confirmed its
first cases of* foot-and-m1outh disease
yesterday, making it the second coun-
try on the Furopean continent to
detect the livestock ailment.
Tests concluded that four cowes had
contracted the disease on a farm near
01st. in the eastern part of* the coun-
try. All 60 head of' cattle and 20
sheep were being destroyed i mmedi -

atte ly. x
The t -incilibe I 'uropea o 4-~ion
quickly banned all livestock exports
from the Netherlands, as weii as
meat, dairy and other animnat-,piod-
uet s from four D~utch p rovjjices
unless they are treated to ensgqthey
cannot be carrying the dliseases~
The inove extends restCrel'ons
:Atready imposed on Britain,' ,
the outbreak origrinated. and. France,
where it vis first discovered' the
cant ierit-=
Free tacos promised
if Mir hits target'
If' Mir hits the bull's-eye. everyone
wins a taco. Thats what Taco Bell iPs
promising 281 million Amenicaib ie71
core of the Russian Mir spacj.'station
hits a floating target the last fuodod pa-
ny has anchored tO miles offhhwt rus-
tralian coast. The 135-ton Mir is
expected to come crashing back io- -Earth
tomorrow, ending 15 years in orbit.
Russian controllers expect as mucIh-us 25
tons of Mir's wreckage vkill ;surviVe re-
entry to hit a remote area of tht Pacific
Ocean well east of Au stralia.*:_J
One expert said the odds thce'stttIion's
core will come (town on Taco iBeW, J4_
by-40 foot vinyl target emblazoned
with the company' logo and theinwords
"Free Taco lIlt.re!" are slim to .n6he.
Taco Bell estimates it would have to
.spend less than S$10 million to 1*rfvery-
one in the U.S. a coupon for a Xyl.taco.
Just in case, the company has p ~ihased
ar' insurance policy to cover the cam.
C(onl1il'd/roimDuii - s.CJ .

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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall andiwinter terjos~by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fail term, starting in SeptembervaUS. mail a re-
$100. Winter term (January through April) is $105, yearlong (September through April) is $180. On-ctrApi~s
subscriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
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NEWS Nick Bunkley, Managing Editor
EDITORS: David Enders, Use Kolvu, Caliin Nish, Jeremy W. Peters
STAFF: Kristen Beaumont, Kay Bhagat, Ted Borden, Anna Ciark, Courtney Crimmiris, Whitney Elliott, Jen Fish, Samantha Ganey, -wet
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