One hundred ten years ofed:torfreedom
CLASSIFIED: 764-0557
March 8, 2001
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By Benjamin Singer
Daily Sports Writer
On the one-year anniversary of
becoming the University's interim Ath-
letic Director, now permanent Athletic
Director Bill Martin gave a lecture yes-
terday at the Busi-
ness School on
managing his
department's bud-
get and the NCAA
as a whole.
Martin said ath-
letics are "the
most highly visi-
ble department" at
the University,
Martin accounting for "99
percent" of Michigan's public image.
I'm not saying that is right, I'm
saying that is life," Martin said.
A 1965 graduate of the Business
School, Martin discussed the reasons
for the Athletic Department's $5 million
deficit and how he plans to erase it.
As one of his proposed solutions to
eradicating the deficit, Martin said very
limited advertising in Michigan Stadium
is being considered and made it clear
Sfurther commercialism throughout
chigan athletics is a possible step.
Martin said the problem of over-
spending on athletics exists across the
country because of pressure to com-
pete with each other.
Martin cited several schools cutting
teams as casualties of the need to
increase revenue. Michigan, meanwhile,
has added men's soccer and water polo
to this year's list of varsity clubs.
Salaries for coaches in revenue sports
*also escalating, a trend that Martin
said he does not see any way to reverse.
"Lloyd Carr earns every penny of
his salary," he added.
Martin reiterated that football ticket
prices were on the rise. "Prices are
going up, and they're going up for
everybody' he said.
When asked if students were
included in ''everybody,'' he
lied: "If students want to come
the games, why shouldn't they go
up for students?''
He also praised the new Nike
contract signed earlier this year.
Martin said the money from that
deal alone is sufficient for funding
seven varsity sports and the cheer-
leading squad for the year. Equiva-
lent to that amount of money,
Martin added, would be a $5 dollar
increase on every football ticket.
goal for Michigan is to do a better
J~on the endowment of scholarships.
Martin said he was jealous of Stanford,
where companies donated stock years
ago, and now total $125 million.
Martin wants to reconnect with for-
mer athletes who he hopes will also
donate money for the endowment of
scholarships. Michigan, he said, has not
gone out of its way to maintain good
itions with its players. He pointed out
*Michigan has retired just one bas-
ketball jersey, that of Cazzie Russell, a
player in the mid 1960s, as opposed to a
school like Duke which, as he put it,
may run out of numbers.
By Jon Fish
Daily Staff Reporter
Harvard University was expected to name its
new president by today, although the school's
search committee has given little indication of
when an announcement will be made.
Two weeks ago, The Boston Globe quoted
sources close to the process as saying the commit-
tee was poised to announce their choice by today,
adding another rumor to a search plagued by
numerous leaks and endless speculation in recent
weeks. That report came only days after University
of Michigan President Lee Bollinger was inter-
viewed by the committee for the third time at a
Manhattan hotel.
Bollinger is rumored to be the committee's top
choice for the post out of the three finalists.
Officials at the Cambridge, Mass., university told
The Michigan Daily yesterday they had no knowl-
edge of any announcement today, a statement Uni-
versity spokeswoman Julie Peterson and other
University officials reiterated. Bollinger appeared to
be at home last night, and earlier in the day he
refused to comment.
A woman who answered the phone at the New
York City home of one search committee mem-
ber last night said he was unavailable because he
was traveling to Cambridge. Another search
committee member declined comment.
Several members of the University Board of
Regents said they had no knowledge that Harvard
had extended an offer to Bollinger, saying they
have been operating under the assumption that he
would remain at the University.
"Right now, Lee's the president, and I look for-
ward to seeing him at our meeting next week,"
said Regent Dan Homing (R-Grand Haven).
Horning and several other members of the
board expressed some impatience about the
issue, saying they were looking forward to having
the issue resolved as soon as possible.
Regents Larry Deitch (D-Bloomfield Hills)
and David Brandon (R-Ann Arbor) said the
board has not had any discussions as to who
would be named the interim president if
Bollinger were to depart.
But Bollinger still maintained his silence about
his candidacy at Harvard. "I really can't talk
about the search process,"he said yesterday.
Bollinger also refused to comment on whether he
would accept the position if it were offered to him.
Princeton University President Harold T.
Shapiro, who served as the University of Michi-
gan's president until 1988, said last night that his
decision to leave Ann Arbor for an Ivy League
university was a "tremendous struggle."
"It was very difficult to leave the people and
places that had meant so much to me," he said.
In addition to Bollinger, the other top candi-
dates for the Harvard post are former U.S. Trea-
sury Secretary Lawrence Summers and Harvard
Provost Harvey Fineberg. Harvard education pro-
fessor Judith McLaughlin, an expert on presidential
searches, told The Harvard Crimson last week that
the search committee is likely to ensure that their
nominee will accept the position before submitting
a name to the Board of Overseers for approval.
I On the rise
discuss free
By Jacquelyn Nixon
Daily Staff Reporter
In an effort to broaden resources available to stu-
dents, the Department of Parking and Transportation
Services is considering a program named Unlimited
Access, one which could increase the University's part-
nership with the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority.
Patrick Cunningham, director of Parking and Trans-
portation Services, said if the department chooses to
negotiate with AATA, the proposed program, which
would cost more than $600,000 annually, would offer
increased bus services to students.
"Anyone with an M-Card would be able to ride regu-
lar AATA buses fare-free;' Cunningham said.
"Unlimited Access would offer transit routes seven
days a week," Cunningham said. "Downtown Ann
Arbor, Briarwood Mall, and other entertainment and
social places in the city can be opened to students on
See AATA, Page 7A
The moon rises over the Business School yesterday afternoon. After growing from a small crescent last week, there will be a full moon in
the sky this weekend.
City rejects finalists, restarts
search f r new oice 1
By James Restivo
Daily Staff Reporter
Ann Arbor City Administrator Neil
Berlin announced this week that the city
has decided to continue its search for a
new chief of the Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ment, even though it had narrowed down
the list to five finalists last month.
Since Carl Ent's resignation last January,
the position has been occupied by former
Deputy Chief Walter Lunsford acting as
interim chief. The search commenced fol-
lowing Ent's resignation and reached Janu-
ary of this year without a decision.
"Even though they were all good candi-
dates, they did not seem to be a very good
match," Berlin said. "The goal is to have a
police chief at the earliest possible
moment, but the right person."
The Police Executive Research Firm, a
national organization, was hired last year
"The goal is to have a police chief at th
earliest possible moment, but the right person."
- Neil Berlin
Ann Arbor city administrator
to recruit from a national pool of appli-
cants, eventually choosing 52 applicants
for the position. PERF then submitted 14
semi-finalists, from which five were
selected for extensive interviews in Janu-
ary, but city officials felt none were a good
Berlin said that at this point the former
candidates were not going to be reconsid-
Mayor John Hieftje, who participated in
the questioning of candidates earlier this
year said the city wasn't comfortable with
the applicants.
"We are a unique community," Hieftje
said. "There are lots of issues that deal
with students, diversity - when we started
to look into backgrounds we didn't see
Marcia Higgins (R-Ward IV) said she
felt the characteristics Ann Arbor was
looking for weren't evident in the first
"We were all a little disappointed in the
process," Higgins said. "I don't believe that
some of the things we were looking for and
for the community were represented in the
See CHIEF, Page 7A
Not enough faith in the
government, Klein says
Kathleen Frankovic talks in Angell Hall yesterday about
problems during the 2000 election.
CBS pollnsmg
guru explinls
missed calls
By Ted Borden
Daily Staff Reporter
Four months after the 2000 presidential election, the
specifics of the use of polling in the election still remain
elusive to most of the American public. Kathleen Frankovic,
a television news producer for CBS News, helped shed light
on the subject last night with her speech "Polls and the
Election of 2000: The Ambivalent Electorate."
The speech was part of the Telluride Association's annual
lecture series in which alumni of the nationwide honors
program speak to "enrich the debate on issues of political
and social content," said Telluride Association Program
Director Tom Hawks.
In her presentation, Frankovic showed the audience the
exit poll used for Florida voters and the notorious Palm
Beach County butterfly ballot. She went on to analyze the
many results of nationwide exit polls, as well as election-
related surveys conducted by CBS and The New York
Times. The survey results revealed why the election battle
was as close as it was.
Overall, most respondents held contradictory feelings on
By Louie Meizlish
Daily staff Reporter
"We as a nation put too much faith in the free
market and not enough faith in government,"
Joel Klein said at the start of his lecture yester-
day in Hutchins Hall.
Klein, the former head of the Antitrust Divi-
sion of the U.S. Department of Justice and now
the chief executive officer of the Bertelsmann
media company, gave the William W. Cook lec-
ture at the beginning of a three-day conference
at the Law School titled "Law, Policy and the
Convergence of Telecommunications and Com-
puting Technologies."
Klein was the lead attorney in the Justice
Court of Appeals.
During the lecture, Klein said too many peo-
ple underestimate or undervalue the role of gov-
ernment. But he also stressed that there are
certain limits as to where and when the govern-
ment should begin to regulate business.
Klein said what is important is "how we cre-
ate a society where markets do what they do
best and governments do what they do best,"
adding that without government intervention,,
too many companies would be able to merge
and thus gain a monopoly in their respective
He also said the two most important viola-
tions of antitrust law that must be prosecuted
are exclusionary behavior, which, he said, "is