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March 06, 2001 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-03-06

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One hundred ten years ofeditorifredom


CLASSIFIED: 764-0557

March 6, 2001


__ __. *

has heart
0 Vice president checked
himself into hospital after
feeling 'chest discomfort'
WASHINGTON (AP) - Vice Presi-
dent Dick Cheney underwent surgery
yesterday to reopen a partially blocked
artery after checking into a hospital with
*st pains. It was the same artery that
had been cleared last November after
his fourth heart attack.
There was no evidence that Cheney
had suffered anoth-
er heart attack, said
his cardiologist, Dr.
Jonathan Reiner.
The doctor also
said he did not
believe Cheney
had suffered more
heart damage,
though the vice
president was
Cheney spending the night
at the hospital for observation.
Cheney, 60, had quickly resumed a
fill schedule after a heart attack and fol-
low up surgery last November.
"There is a very high likelihood he
can finish out his term in his fully vigor-
capacity, the doctor said after yes-
rday's procedure - an angioplasty.
But he added, "He has chronic heart and
artery disease."
Reiner said there was a 40 percent
risk the artery would narrow again. He
said Cheney could be released from the
hospital as early as today and be back to
work this week.
President Bush, playing down his top
adviser's latest health scare, called the
surgery "a precautionary measure."
*sh spoke by telephone to Cheney,
who reported from the hospital that he
was feeling fine and looking forward to
returning to work, the White House said.
Cheney is an unusually active and
influential vice president. He headed
Bush's transition team, played a major
ole in Cabinet and top personnel selec-
tions and has helped Bush forge foreign
policy as well as a national energy poli-
eWhite House officials say Cheney is
ie adviser Bush most relies upon to
make sure his agenda is carried out.
His hospitalization came less than a
week after the president's first address to
Congress, just as Bush is trying to gen-
erate attention and support for his tax-
cut plan.
White House press secretary Ari
Fleischer said there was no word on
See CHENEY, Page 7




Los Angeles Times
SANTEE, Calif. - Carrying a black
revolver and wearing an enigmatic smile, a
tiny 15-year-old boy opened fire on the cam-
pus of a suburban San Diego high school yes-
terday morning, killing two students and
injuring 13 other people in a lightning assault
at the start of the school day.
Charles Andy Williams terrorized Santana
High School, firing randomly inside a bath-
room and around a courtyard, reloading at
least two times as students, teachers and staff
members dived and scrambled for cover,
authorities and witnesses said.
Finally cornered in the restroom where the
shooting spree began, the slight boy known as
"Andy" surrendered meekly, just a few min-
utes after he first opened fire. "It's only me,
he told sheriff's deputies, who were momen-
tarily concerned that there might be a second
The pop and echo of gunfire had barely
faded when a portrait of gut-wrenching famil-
iarity began to emerge: Friends and classmates

said Williams was a disaffected a
young man, frequently taunted b
He had told other teen-agers and
adult as recently as last weekend
prepared to go on a shooting ramp
pus. But he laughed it"off and, m
Two friends were so concer
threats that they confronted Willia
food restaurant before school ye
frisked him for weapons. But
appeased when they didn't find a
Williams insisted that he had on
They could only guess later th
weapon, a .22-caliber revolver,
been hidden in his yellow backpac
A highly placed law enforcer
said prosecutors were "exploring
may have planned to participate
backed out at that last minute. If
confirmed, there was the potent
greater mayhem."
San Diego County District Ai
Pfingst said late yesterday that

hurt inr
and unhappy believe the victims were "targeted" in retalia-
)y his peers. tion for any recent skirmishes with the shoot-
at least one er.
that he was Williams was being held at a county Juve-
age on cam- nile Hall. Pfingst said the teen-ager would nor-
ostly, so did mally face 25 years to life if convicted with
special circumstances. However, he said that
ned by the sentence could be enhanced by 10 to 20 years
ins at a fast- for each additional count of attempted murder.
esterday and Pfingst said his office did not contemplate
they were bringing any charges against Williams' par-
ny guns and ents.
ly been jok- Authorities said they were methodically
interviewing dozens of students and other wit-
at Williams' nesses, with 36 sheriff's investigators leading
might have the effort, assisted by agents from both the
;k. FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and
ment source Firearms.
friends who According to one report, authorities had
in this but already served a search warrant at the house
that can be where the boy lived with his father. The results
ial for even of the search were unknown.
San Diego County law enforcement offi-
ttorney Paul cials identified the dead students as Brian
he did not See SHOOTING, Page 7


Grief counselors console a woman across the street from
Santana High School where a student opened fire yesterday.

I Through the looking glass

City Council
approves new
living wage

By James Restivo
Daily Staff Reporter

following a brief snowfall.

ootbal ticket prices 0on the rise

After lengthy public commentary
last night, the Ann Arbor city coun-
cil passed the second reading of the
resolution for a living wage with a
9-1 vote.
The new ordinance requires com-
panies contracted by the city to pay
$8.70 per hour to workers receiving
health insurance or $10.20 per hour
to all others in government con-
tracts with the city.
Now that the proposal has passed
through two votes, the first on a
Feb. 20 meeting, it is ready to be
enacted as law.
The ordinance must be imple-
mented within the next 10 days for
all future city government con-
As stipulated in the ordinance,
those already under contract are
exempt until renewal.,
Ann Arbor is the 55th city in the
country to pass the living wage and
the sixth in the state of Michigan.
Other communities with a living
wage ordinance include Detroit,
Warren, Ferndale, Ypsilanti and
Ypsilanti Township.
There is a bill currently being
formed in the state Legislature that
would prohibit local governments
from passing ordinances that man-
date a wage higher than the state
minimum, but city officials said
they hoped Ann Arbor would be
protected by a "grandfather clause"
allowing those places with a living
wage already in effect to be exempt
from the legislation.
Mayor John Hieftje said after last
night's public commentary that it
was obvious what members of the
community wanted to see happen.
"We are going to pass the living
wage and are happy to do so,"
Hieftje said.
"Anyone who was watching
tonight saw the groundswell support

"Even though
people are working
full time, they are
still below the
poverty line.
- Councilman Robert Johnson
D-Ward I
from the community," he said.
Hieftje's support of the living
wage contrasts -the views of his pre-
decessor, Ingrid Sheldon, who
vetoed the proposal after it passed
through the city council last spring
with a 6-5 majority.
Councilman Robert Johnson (D-
Ward I) said passing the living wage
is simply "the right thing to do."
"Even though people are working
full-time, they are still below the
poverty line," Johnson said. "I don't
want to be part of a city that does
Ann Arbor resident Scott Wojack
said the aims of the living wage
may run counter to the efforts of the
people living in Ann Arbor.
"They should be addressing the
high cost of living and how we can
bring it down instead of trying to
match it with wages," Wojack said.
"Rental agencies are able to force
students to sign a lease six months
in advance, which then drives the
price up for others."
The city reviewed numerous stud-
ies supported by local organizations
before passing the ordinance.
One of these groups was the
Washtenaw Coalition for a Living
Wage, a blanket organization that
includes the University's Students
Organizing for Labor and Economic
SOLE president and LSA senior
Peter Romer-Friedman ssaid the

By Benjamin Singer
Daily Sports Writer
On the last day of classes before spring break,
students received an e-mail from Athletic Director
Bill Martin warning them that new policies
Solving football tickets may come into effect
next fall.
The message is part of a campaign in which
Martin has tried to give sufficient warning of a
ticket price increase since he officially took over
Michigan's Athletic Department last summer.
Another e-mail, divulging the specifics of the
new policies, will come later this month, likely
sometime after the University Board of Regents
meet on March 16.
With the Athletic Department projected deficit
of $2 million, Michigan is looking for ways to
*ke up the money.
"Bill has been quite open that we're looking at all

sorts of options to keep our revenue up," said Ath-
letic Department Ticket Manager Marty Bodnar.
Raising the ticket prices for students is on the
list of possibilities for how to help erase the
department's deficit.
As far as other season ticket holders, a price
increase is definite. New policies may also
include tiered donations, where better seats
require a higher fee to be able to purchase the
The department is even cutting corners with its
methods for getting ticket applications to students.
"We basically felt that by sending an e-mail that
(students) could go to the website and different
sections on campus - getting that information
out there -- we can get (the application) in the
hands of the students and in cost effective ways,"
Bodnar said. "With the postage going up again,
we're trying to save money."
Part of the department's justification for the

increase are the higher prices of tickets for Big
Ten powerhouses such as Ohio State and Penn
Naturally with changes in pricing, there is the
possibility of negative reaction from ticket hold-
But the Athletic Department is trying to take
precautions by softening the blow.
"We've done a lot of focus groups," Bodnar
said. "It's a matter of education. We've found the
more they know about it, the more there's accep-
tance of it.
"Fans appreciate knowing what's going on and
where we're at," he said.
Despite the Athletic Department's efforts to
educate ticket holders, some students say they are
not yet certain why ticket prices may increase.
"If they're already bringing in over 100,000 peo-
ple a game, they can't be losing that much money,"
See TICKETS, Page 7

Nor'easter snarls travel nationwide

Snow causes 50-car crash on US. 23,
New England braces for more snow

connections in, several northeastern cities.
Residents in parts of Michigan were expected to
wake up to as much as 6 inches of snow today as the
fringes of a storm that walloped the northeast
passed over the Great Lakes.
The powerful storm plastered the Northeast with
snow and ice yesterday, snarling air travel across the
country and overseas in an expected two-day assault
that could be the region's biggest blast of winter in
One to 3 feet of snow was forecast across much

From staff and wire reports
Two people suffered minor injuries in a chain-
reaction 50-car pileup on U.S. 23 last night that shut
down the southbound lanes of the highway near M-

crashes. It was like that quite steadily from early
afternoon to the later part of the evening, 10 or 11
p.m.," said State Police Trooper Michael
McCormick at the Ypsilanti post.
"We were just going from crash to crash all after-

a.A.,.. " .yi ..."..

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