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February 07, 2001 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-02-07

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The Freeb... Iht~ l~II
W/1ant to find out what happened
before the brawl at Friday's Everlast
concert? Gso online and check out AR
the opening act. WEDNESDAY

Steve Earle goes
way Trancendental
at Michigan Theater
By Sheila McClear anid sense of crall.
Daily Aiis itrs Earle's music is often described as
"country-rock:" hut to leave the descrip-
Ann Arbor residents bid their daugh- tion at that would be trite and overly sim-
lcrs "and locked their liquor cabinets pie. Earle is an acid student of all music
wein Steve Iarle nolled into town last which he decms sincere and draiws from
Sunday. I-eet planted on each side of the the great American musical traditions:
'microphone with Country, bluegrass, folk, and rock n'
detenrination, the nill, save for some Beatles and Stones
.rc perfonrmance was thrown in for melody's sake. I lis lyrics
kicked nIP' with a are full oif stories about women (he sane
Steve "One. tics, one- two songs in a row dedicated to the same
3. Earle two-fuck-you!" sine), heartbreak and appreciating happi-
MibgnTerw Alongside impec- ness, among a variety of tispics.
MichganTheater cably tight back- Earle certainly isn't exaggerating
February 4, 2001 ing band the when he sings about hasing a rough time
D~ukes, the inex- isf it. Jailed for drug use iud haunted by
haustible Earle addictioin. he has been increasingly dri-
> gave a rousing per- yen andI prolific since his release from
formance lasting prison in 1994. Besides touring and
( 1 nearly twvi-and-a- making records, Earle has started his
half hosurs. "I dos't own record label, teaches a course on lie
knsow if' you've art of songwriting, and is a tireless death-
noticed, but the last few' years I've been penalty abolitionist. Earle's voice, ray-
writing a lot ntore chick songs:" said the aged slightly by the aggregations of
six-tiines divorced musician. "That's a whisky and cigarettes, recounted tales
gooid thing, or otherwise my audience that were sometimes swaggering. some-
gets exponentially hairier" tinies regretful, occasionally haunting
Like good wine (although a pre-ssober and woody, and always hosnest. One oif
Steve probably wvould have preferred the the evening's many highlights included
harder Stull), Earle's performances "Another Towns," a piece that cojured
becosme inure refined with age, wchile the usage oif sitting on a porch at ight
maintaining their trademark edginess somewhere in the South, contemplating
ad bite. Earle and his band still play fite and life.
loudly, but with a heightened sensitivity E arle stopped briefly to speak abosut
RC resents 'Te
Bytaura Deneau string, woodwind and bras
IDaily arts i/intor h5,nihnc to del a

Komposit brings you
'Bliss': Respect Game

Lock up your daughters, Steve Earle's in the house.

his continuing campaign against the
death penalty befIsre perf'ormingy
'Jonathan's Song'" a true story about a
friend tin death rosyeswhose execution he
actually witnessed. Aware of the dainger
in preaching to a crowd that had gathered
simply to hear his music, Earle explained
the song's background in a touching and
straightforward manner.
"Transcenidental Bluies, a single from
Earle's newest release with the same title,
was truly beautiful ansI fragile under-
neath its steady rhvthmsic veneer. The
matching chromatic guitar andI vocal
reprise was nothing short of hearobreak-
ing. Interestingly, a Celtic influence wvas
present in a few newsvonsgs. lisi sister
(anod opening artist), Stacey Earle, joined

its on thc choiu' of" Whcn I Fall." With
a channing, lilting twang. shte also
proved to hc in iccomplislied soiigwriter
in tier own rtuht.
There's nut much nonsense involved
in a Steve IFuarl show. The man is all
business. keeping stige hinter to a mini-
mtum aind his songs pleasingly short and
sticcinict.IEirle knowvs his audience and
himself iellaindlrecoiztts that neither
sine hasthr paitiecc r drsrawni-oiut jams
iir ramblinw solos. Alter all, there are
lives to be lived and fun to be had.
Like asnyone beginsiing to grow older,
Earle has a hittersweet way of looking at
Isis presenit life: "Maybe Isis is as good
as it's gonna get Anid I'll always be this

Vlarriage of Figaro'

* A personal trip
through a raging
multicultural Di set.
Daily Arts gets its
groove, swerve, mack
and stroke on.
By Dustin Seibert
IDalt'Art,, Write
10:201 p.m. - JInmi.The i nui's'iii ~
cunttcIt was ikc'hisil/st tisie I unis
toi a Kaitii pit atnsut1li/ididn 7 t/ih
s-r giing i. As I exit th world for t.
Iirst tit., I iwalk ito asvirtally cimpty
BWid Pig whlere I zecIJDis inotiig up
birteniders settins" up aiid bystnidrs
chilling. IW/at i/s'eicheall? hi itat
pluckisA sit/i iissoiiboiiht st udnits
its, 1ihisenlf" The eimptiiessimmsic
diatly tuns mnit., itl it I as calrady
ip tithlit.dalWisltilsKinpossut partis
See, they diiistIgt jminig until
ariiuiid 11:311 ayway. Sit I swallow
sitioe pride, atid gii searchiiig ir le
msati f lie evening.
Liter Nihar Kukarii, Presidett aid
cit-Iligmder f Kiopsis. and miy guide
tritughi le fanstastic voyage that is le
ight stio cm. Ihelire lie cais eveniget
ini mtany wirds edgewise, a grup f
lovely young ladies approaches le
door, and Nihar has t divert hi aiei-
tutunlior the first tiime that eveiig io
cater toi his guests, but ntiiwiithoutumsi
gettiing in a wird Helo.Hi w / oisiro''um
lais i nuug imith siiseig? lie leu
taikcssic back insidcitoimeet the rest if'
hr Kiimpisit ces cvhol isit oithle side-
lies its anticipxtiiiniil'ssoethig that I
only pic~ke~d sp isistroughs hearsay.
I/s's uqt Ilowui(iisiuu? 11i. I'iii
I)nini c tii oi meeii u si. issnediately,
I get iiithing but lve frtn a grosup sif
isiilti-etinic strangers whoss I icer imet
beforeinl ife I~. Yui se, Ilad le ii-
tia iprssuionthat iKmposit rwas a
sicstlyItdiaiiihisedsoranizatini, iind
sr tirslint ieI siiitht t.dirsi
ty that le griip stindslsflis is 'lssrep
rescntedin t it s mmuobrship Ater
friiitiing toe a siwe'tshirt Niar gace
hlly textcusstseslisto attrs a lit.
doiorasid laves ttos rap a tstt.Wislili
lie eveining; s 'soireeRaw I/tg
11:15 Pm f//imsts' s/ssssii /iavi
si't'rens o Maisn'iyisiiss /rssiifs /ions a
tiis Uiverssityiioneuit ce/t/ithe siti/i neiis
tus't Shosrtly ater 11 it.e incis.asnit
bitip. Sly speculsationssave beets visi-
f/irmed. atd it's officially a flil-blownus
party. IiI'/knowssc o/i,'s'! /,d'riiris'gsa
giet'im us resnonst! The hiest part aboust
it is that there is actually ssoe gosd
shit coitig fron thottse speakers. I lip-
hotp asid R & 13 tothle te (f sld-
schoolssiasd tnewschoosl, altng witih a
it orI reggae trisssfisr goosdtosea-
sure.Torosntos's iest, D itz (iaid 1)1
Sits, eid downsth le wheels tie etire
evesitig, atid tmucho like a high-priced
Ilslyiwooid call girl, ever lelItie
masses sdisappitsed. Is t/atInv iis' /i
Kins' A/tAis 'isa tstsso?
12:1111 am. - Ohi.s/it is/recarsis'suit
ks'ic?!? iWh/iis: i/etho/si'gs. I ad tsr
exit lie wordfor just a mosmsoessts
sake Sure that Sirime stcker witih a tuow
truck did sirs feel teteed i tis'to y
car away, trnly tor coe back aidid
citric to a sunred petole tryiig tr
squteee their way itste Pig. Yo. I
/hadu iri ide t/si /ssKrsiii/isii iwais ositi
like' s/isi! Samoslliad, trie sf le

Kioposit origintoahrs is dingit"sle best
lie canrstosrlrd Ie doosr dowsniisithouti
getinisg saidwirihed betweenrs it aidhIlit.
crowsds. I finally get bairk i, trly tosrecr
lie crorwd high-owrerd at its tpak
Metod Slams just camoiratd te ig
is siroihtrights snsw, hlks start tsr regret
that "dress ts imoprss"sipultionmiasr
sake srI' estsexhaustirns YustinhkIis-
ptt a damoper oiris hns H1l.11tt
Freaks dioinatelthe siet- tdrched
floosr, asid shit is livr ntshnirtsilt
beets alleveninis .rta t limsis Kit
12:45 am.- Nilar is si very gra4
citrusihos forrte evenings prircced'
igs. Ansy rossts sepiisga sit eis rceye
tnt hstundreds (f hoirione-icdrisencol-ii
lege studensihiailisg Isitisfr 'way
its MichiganSta iste m i nti id isiscl
losisirg copoistre wisith rheqicitketss,'
Yet le strikes toe as vry camosasd ciii
ceeted, still moasagig tsr cater is le.,
desiressf tlose swhossrtquest Ihis r
sires, atdst the smoe timoe ejying
lie party himosef As ie stand tgeher
in si remoite corserosif ie IPig, helighs
ilo a square and ssres cotemopatiey
trier slie diverse crowrd, asrid uer wuld
lhi isswn kingdomus, asa uys cslmoly, 1I
thi it f'sr this. I w'sssnteer iso it fir tie
monciey. I rusy dii it Ifr Iis here'
Kioirposit is telr yitiosrgnimitinsth ti
I hisve eser iitnessed accomusplishisuhs
a thing assiu itiy saurd diversity.
thirtough ip ~-hotp mutsic, std I quickly
let himsow whai' rst a eattilil tinig it is4
tht Ie hass tor Iis credit.
2:0011am. Party over! The swheels
are corslinug downsu, andthe alersel
rumsors are suflsat. Dassm, /boo ../ussate
tsta.- u5 gs, b/ruI l//sat's-iiwa'st'/mu
desersu's!Ist waitasoisis there was ni t
right, sourasltercationusof aiy kind,
nsoody gettisig their ssses wrhiphped Ir
spillinsgsIt drinrk irissomireone's soues..
wshast's iwronsg withirhIsispicure'? I r I
thousghst that ihip-hio its AnnuArborr was
supposed tsr yield violence, sir what's4
tire sdesl' Nihiar gives Iis persornal
viewsioisin ts ite acksof draumoa at
Kopusi's events: "Knosck iriswoud,
we hasve neer hasd any moajr prbes
intes rsso'frights at str prties ritul
At' s/ia 'suithsi/ktai/s'? " Wiestyut
get a hbuchs tf peope whos are alike-a
sa gahserinig suds as Iis, tiens everyone
liss ssoehing tsr prove. I/st wiestyuu
save sir umany dilfressi kinds if peioe
conmgregaed together, eeryorne just
wa'nsts us hare a "std limoe, ad it's ll
Is all stared wiih ie "Church sln
Church- lusecparties that wled lhe
camopus aborut fusr years ago,std tie
eady o1' Kuoposit slsl contoiue,
essen rilowing" thedeparture if Nihsa
amid the theuisrssr se o embers at the
cud orlthit.yrar Almost every flavr
sial yoru mosy rinud uri this campusis
represented at thur party, ahid lusts factpr
alontoohk sy breaths away. Ay oi-
guided souuitythh ~e noutionsmthat ilo-
suit is strictly a cultiural bssed art
shouruld make it a puists tsr coeonsout
tsr the Pig iri a Turday" ight. This i
iray lau i was slssysmoeant us e, ad
I cuomoed Kormposit fir being le
originaors srI'tIis thitg lure. Te
"bliss" lfred uto tee ilhis eesitg,
thosuughinhigring is uover, std its sissy
tisse frltohmre-cuter the o urld. I 's
/imui sgr'u hiel/h..smuts gmatis's t/llas sI
titu huiuaiut? -

us istsrumenots as wsell as si

The Michigan Opera Works gave an intimate per-
' rmanre (f Moszart's classic opera "The Marrisage of'
Figaros" lsast sieekesid as the
Resisdential Collhege Thseater.
'u' Theatergosers pscked the tiny,
250-seat auditrim tos expoeri-
The Marriage ece a great cosllaboration sf
of Figaro msusical talent on catwpus.
-esidetCuteg Thte While it night pruise difficult
to translate the lageness uof- an
Through February 10 operatic perfornasce such as
"Figarts" us the 'smoall RC.
S Theater, thoe O/tiera Wornks,
UK. hudrected by Timothoy Semsanik,
wade a graceful connectiorn
betsseen thseir space andu tous-
tioin by toning duown busthi cuts-
- ~tumoes atid set us reflect a mod-
enn and insre approachable take sin thse shurn'. A pit
corchestra situated in the auditosriunm's ell wving. where
a sectio of seats had been turn orut, brorughot an ele-
sent of clourness to the msusic rarely experienced in
othen the'atens.
Semanik, also the conductoir, led ass ensemble (if

lutre is) the suings. This ellect, when accomopsanied by
sisgers standing sin a stage fesser than fifleen feetinit
depth, press'tso sn aswesomue tmuisil effect. Noutes of
hoe instrumettmselsditng sith lie svice seeetesh u us-
ble ovser itusthesutdsitnce's lass.ansIthen ciiitninMmsIes
at a touint in the Ifortshsact swhen Figsanrdruossedthshe
bunsdary of the stage toi sinog amosng lhouse scaled its
the frsont rowss.
At thse oera's beginning, Figarnatd his fisancer
Susanna plan for their isedding night_ Figsaro is
moeasuring the length o f their umarriage bed - bust
their happiness is interrupted wshess Sussanna remsisnds
Figaroi of the ('ount Alusavisa's sdesire tos exercise his
feudal right by speniding lie wsedsding night witi her.
Laser. %vith shoe esitrasnce sf Nlsrcelliuma, Figarus's midsih
a secoundh obstacle ts she wsesing is presesntesd.
Marcelhsa claimms thosts Figuristitmarry lien if he
csannost repayv sicertsain debtiwhtichi le sisses. The Ilove
pluss thickens cccin further whien lie page Cliertubitiu. a
swouman dressed as a man whos later dresses asa
wvoan. enters the scene lansenting his love h/sr the
Countess Alinasiva.
With the rural scorre ranoging frusm ensemsble tsr sumet
is) suratellsi. accsottpaniedh by lull oirchestrsitsr a light
tappinig if' she harppsichourd. a series oif jests and mix-

otis inslur cluoset hreashtheurhramuncrrsion stage us a fase
inening in thue uorestsshecrethr Couuness and
Sussannasdisguisesd as usnucanouherntrkitse Cuountintis
mstasskin the ICountes~ss ir Susannia.scily humoblinog
his t trenctance. At thorsussatmoe FinsurusansI
Mtasrcellinau discr thtn I 'ruu us lien lsog lust suits:
Cheiruhinius uma~rrdust o ustus iwoma saed Babainsa,
ish saes,5 im stunInsituirsnestre arov. Amid sthreeswesd-
tissus liter.Iintro ansid Su'sanai 5reunite in a paussionate
scener us rushtheoruper'a uris'sjurful snote.
A strosn ele ca dst hinhl~igh ste hepenlunnance.
Mlusiua Siwartut-Iebsssv as I3haharnus gaise an arrest-
ig anid hilsuriusus perfisrmsance that raniged betwseen
beutuiful luove arias us gestusral cusoedy. frusom umning
user a piece sif ribbuon usoumarchinug arorund inane syith
a brsosm sirerie shouulder ansI a duster tucked under
her srm. IFinfly hBentnersi pouwserfl'sospraunuoplaying
the betrsayed couutess.,stoukthue perfosrmoance is)ass
emwotiusnal Iheight ithisan effectig perfoinnanre (if
songs abuout suirrussatushforgiseness. swhich cosunteresd
thne sopera's high-pacd eniergy. Mlutch oif thss utIn,
riuotouus energy grews'ouituof* Kathryn Alexander's viva-
cious performance as Susannsa.
Allen Schrustt as Figaros ansI John Gltann as the
Cuout Almoavisa botnh gave suolisd perfiomances, coinw-
matding the inane iihltheir physicality anud selves,
baritonie voices.

'.Games' encapsulates murky reality of rape

ty Laura Deneau
Daily: As Repuurtsr
While living abroad in Israel last year
Binan Losbel. an
LSA freshnm,
flur attended thc
700th production
Dames in the Of Tel Aviv play-
Backyard wright Edna
Mayza's play
Arn Teater "Games in the
- February 811 licarad" - a
true story abutu
. the masirpeof a
'. young wosman
atsd the laissuit
- that esnsued. This
wseekend Losbel

i w

swil put sin a translatedpouductiorsi(f*
'('sanises' in the Arena theater.
An houur-long production, the dramsa
is quarteresd inso fusur scessarioss iso
swhich fosur actors asnd a susie actress
each alternate betwseen two different
charascters. In the first scensarius the
actoursiretpresent a grup o(f cciiis who
commit the crime ouf raping IDvori,si
yosung, lonely n/rlswhso seeks their atten-
tion. In the second scenario the 'our
men act as their own defense council
swhile the wusman stands as prosecuting
atuirney representing the young girl,
brinsging the 'our on one dynamic issoa
ness sphere. The third scene sows the
actors pomrtraying the yosuth defenders
and thoe actress examining their case.
Then with she inal Mazva culmoinates

The cast of "Games in the Backyard" explore a controversial subject.
these events by putting Dvosri on trial to 'Games' shosws this side of rape where
be cross-examined by the four attor- motisations are hard to determine in
neys. vhuo push her isso corners ofcsn- both the victimn and the abusers. A feel-
leisiun. swhirh strangely parallel the ing that the characters wsade through
rape. msurky realities psermoeates throughout
"Is's not a melodama," Lusbel said, and turns thme 'Barkyard' oif the tithe.
refutingn she idea that there are blauck andf usually assosciatesd with gardens and
swhictenueres and villains in the play. innuscent play. intis a clank underwsorld oft
"Thusgh there's nos denying tit raise is hidden need and aggresssion.
the wornstcrinme that can hapspen tos a Lead/tog up us she raipe is a series if'
sissman. rape is nt nalssays clean 'us" suggestise gaines, sihich Drori and the

yuths ensact as thevyrcosx and lease sine
anuother. While line buys tysw/th Dvsori
she tssys hack a as upithle atteniomn
until, at a peak ls fcsqiucuny, site relates a
snuory abuu taking hen cilthes sill' for an
osld massn. The slurry's suggestiv'eness,
tsaken tinernsng way, linen leastohitne
ensuinog crise.
"Sly gosal was usosnake every chasrac-
hen real. I/very charsucter has a histosry, a
passion, a love: no sine is a stereotype"
Lurbel satid.
Resposibility alsos plays a big part in
the dramoa's thenre. By examsiniung the

icies tshut D/trimay shsare sistie of the
respounsibility .1/sr her ow'n' victimoizra-
I/in, sand by shoswing that sloe I/sun
yosuths wihoscommuuit shoe cr/toesine nsot
rcsoplete monsers, Mayza presents ass
initerestinog tis/s sn assbutlysdisiputed
luop/c. Esp~ecialily interesting it yosuruin-
shder lust Mszysi is a femiis/t wsri4
knownir ncreasing strung 'emoale rushes.
"Yosu'd expert hard sun raupe," Losbel
said. "But the wuuoan is notiwsyak, ansi I
Isink thsat'sswhere feminismw comues isso
play, becaiuse tbere's nil/ile resposibil-
ity fisnhoer iouo."

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