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January 22, 2001 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2001-01-22

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January 22, 2001

H 8







43rd president

sees a


of character

By Nick Bunkley
Daily News Editor

Bush this weekend officially launched
his crusade to mold "a nation of char-
acter," reiterating the message of unifi-
cation that powered his campaign
through a bitter primary season and
one of the closest and most divisive
presidential elections in U.S. history.
But this time, as his words echoed
from high atop the west steps of the
Capitol to the several hundred thousand
spectators lined far along the National
Mall, it was the president - no longer
a candidate -making that promise.
Bush took the presidential oath at
noon Saturday, after which he began
the nation's 54th inaugural address by
thanking President Clinton "for his
service to our nation" and former rival
Al Gore "for a contest conducted with

spirit and ended with grace."
The newly inaugurated 43rd presi-
dent told the crowd of supporters as
well as detractors that he will strive to
create unity within the government as
well as among all Americans.
"Our unity, our union, is the serious
work of leaders and citizens in every
generation," Bush said. "And this is
my solemn pledge: I will work to build
a single nation of justice and opportu-
Bush, who billed himself as a "com-
passionate conservative" during the
campaign, stressed Americans' moral
responsibilities, also making a number
of references to God and the Bible.
"Today we affirm a new commit-
ment to live out our nation's promise
through civility, courage, compassion
and character' the president said. "We
will speak to the values that gave our
See BUSH, Page 7A
. k

Protesters descend on inaugural

Hanna LoPatin
Wily Staff Reporter
WASHINGTON - Pennsylvania Avenue separat-
ed two different worlds as the motorcade of the 43rd
president made its way past the National Archives
during Saturday afternoon's Inaugural Parade.
In front of the Archives, several hundred Bush
supporters waved Texas flags and cheered for Presi-
dent Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. On the
north side of the street, police in riot gear were lined
p three deep, keeping the crowd behind metal barri-
cades and trying to prevent the limousines from
serving as a target for tennis balls, eggs and plastic

bottles. At one point, officers held down an arrested
protester, his face pressed to the wet pavement.
Although the presence of protesters was the great-
est since the 1973 inauguration of President Richard
Nixon during the Vietnam War, police reported mak-
ing only eight arrests. About 7,000 officers from
numerous agencies were on hand for the inaugura-
tion, and police lined the entire length of Pennsylva-
nia Avenue only a few feet apart during the parade.
The melee near the Archives began after four pro-
testers in ski masks pulled down flags and replaced
them with their own red and black flags as the
crowd around them cheered. Once a line of police
arrived at the scene, the men dove into the crowd.

Eventually, other protesters were able to raise an
upside-down American flag while one waved a
burning flag in the crowd. Although there was not
an outbreak of violence, the protesters remained
vocal throughout the parade, as they had all day.
One of the largest groups of protesters gath-
ered a few blocks northwest of the Archives in
Freedom Plaza, although it took them a while to
get there. Originally slated for a rally beginning
at 10 a.m., about 1,000 protesters were shut out
until nearly 11, when they were shuffled through
two of the 16 security checkpoints surrounding
Pennsylvania Avenue.

Photos by DAVID KATZ/Daily
TOP: Police hold back the crowd Saturday as the Inaugural Parade passes the
National Archives on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington.
ABOVE: A giant television near the Capitol shows George W. Bush being sworn in.

Prof: Can't quantify use o

By Jen Fish
Daily Staff Reporter

DETROIT - Arguing that a race-blind system
would "dramatically reduce" the number of minority
Law School students, Edu-

cation Prof. Stephen Rau-
denbush testified Friday for
the University in the lawsuit
challenging Law School
admissions policies.
Answering claims made
by CIR expert Kinley Larntz

....;: ,N~i

cally possible" to construct a statistical model that
can measure the extent to which race is used.
"We only have access to a fraction of the informa-
tion" about each applicant, he said. Given the infor-
mation was available - mainly Law School
Admission Test scores and undergraduate grade
point averages - Raudenbush testified that he did
not believe one could quantify the weight that race is
given in admissions decisions.
Raudenbush said it is easier and more informative
to calculate what would happen if race was not used
as factor.
"A switch to a so-called race blind system would
have a substantially negative effect on the probability
of admission of minority students and a modest, pos-

itive effect on majority students;' he said.
Specifically, he said, the probability of a minority's
admission into the Law School would drop about 25
percent if race was not a factor. In comparison, he
said, a non-minority applicant's probability of admis-
sion would rise about 6 percent.
These kinds of figures, he said, show that taking
race into account does not significantly lower the
number of seats offered to non-minority applicants.
Raudenbush said that while race as an admissions
factor may tip the balance in the favor of a minority
applicant who has similar test scores and undergrad-
uate GPAs to a white applicant, the size of that factor
does not matter.
See TRIAL Page 2A

on Wednesday that race is disproportionately applied
to minority groups, Raudenbush said it is "not logi-


The dance group 'FunKtion' finishes its routine at this year's Encompass cultural
show. They performed to Hip-Hop music.
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Autopsy indicates
girl took own life

By Elizabeth Kassab
Daily Staff Reporter

A structured drum beat and shifting
bamboo poles guided performers
rough a traditional Filipino dance as
ey acted out the story of a Muslim
princess rescued by a sultan. But a hip
hop number set to contemporary
singer Mya's "Case of the Ex" round-
ed out the Filipino dance group's per-
The performance embodied the

modern in nature in front of a sold-out
audience at the Michigan Theater on
The Filipino group presented a style
of dance called SINGKIL with the
intention of "giving people a taste of
traditional Filipino culture" while
"connecting it to the American experi-
,ence," said Engineering junior Jennifer
Jaramillo, a dancer in the SINGKIL
group. "We fused them together,"
Jaramillo said.
The show is "exactly as it says -

By Kristen Beaumont
Daily Staff Reporter
Autopsy reports from the Washte-
naw County Medical Examiner's
Office indicate that School of Art and
Design sophomore Candy Wei took
her own life last Tuesday afternoon.
Chief Medical Examiner Bader
Cassin declared asphyxiation by smoth-
ering as the cause of death. Department
of Public Safety spokeswoman Diane
Brown said a suicide note was not
found in Wei's room and that the inves-
tigation into her death is now closed.
"When there is no note, you're just left
to speculation," Brown said.
Wei was found unresponsive by a fel-
low student in her Mosher-Jordan Resi-

privacy the community has granted
them. "Candy knew this would cause us
pain, but she would want people to
remember her positively and think of
her with happy memories," Prof. Wang
said in a written statement.
Wei's father said Candy had great
artistic gifts and dreamed to become
the art director of a magazine.
"The University community is great-
ly saddened by the death of Candy. I
want to convey the condolences of the
entire University community to the
family, friends and classmates of Candy
as they begin to deal with their incon-
ceivable loss," Provost Nancy Cantor
said in a written statement.
E. Royster Harper, the University's
Vice President for Student Affairs,


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