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November 07, 2000 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-11-07

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 7, 2000 --

Students unhappy with University Health Services physicians
H..I had to wait four or five hours just to get tion recommends using antibiotics as little as pos- "When you look at the small number of com- go about doing this. UHS could report to the sta-
seen, and when I finally was seen they told me sible because of concern that viruses and other plaints, you don't know ... every human being dents, or students could conduct their own inves-
Continued from Page 1 there was nothing they could do for me at all. My infectious diseases tend to develop antibody- that works at a job will not always do as well as tigations into UHS."
"It seems like when I run into people, one per- throat was swollen nearly to the point I couldn't resistant strains the more an antibiotic is used. they would like from time to time," he said. Erickson also said awareness is a problem,
son out of five or six was misdiagnosed or had breathe. "Private physicians are in a situation where UHS Patient Relations Coordinator Carol along with stigmatizing experiences.
ad treatment at I1HlS," LSA sophomore Ryan "My boyfriend at the time had mono too.-Hlie they may feel more pressure to prescribe because Tucker receives most of the complaints, which "Most people don't know that the complaint
ason said. went to Eastern, and he was put on steroids a patient has paid their fee," e said. "i think it she passes on to the associate director of whatev- form exists ... most students also are just irked
Mason said he needed surgery after a UHS almost immediately and he got better," Kali- creates a dynamic tension for some students who er department is concerned. by something, but don't take the time to fill out a
doctor failed to notice fracture in his wrist last nowski said. are used to getting antibiotics easily." "The associate director can talk with the staff complaint card.
fall. "When I went home to Boston in December Winfield said UHS has made efforts to member and if the person (who made the com- "Another complaint I've heard from upper-
"They took an X-ray, gave me an ace bandage my family doctor told me I should have been put streamline service and address student concerns plaint) wants us to get back to them, we will," classmen is that freshmen year they went there,
and sent me home, Mason said. on steroids, and this summer I had to have my after five years of studies. Tucker said. didn't like it, and their way of dealing with it is
"It continued to hurt, and when I went home tonsils taken out. IHe said UIS reduced wait times in the past Complaints can be made by e-mail, phone or not going back," she said.
for Thanksgiving oy mom took me to the hospi- "As a result of the whole thing, I don't actually two years by extending their hours and recom- in person. An SA junior who asked that her name not
tal. I had to have surgery because of the four plan on going back to UHS. After hearing about mends making phone appointments instead of "We encourage comments and concerns," be used had an experience that typified that
weeks I had gone undiagnosed." what happened to other people, I got a doctor at walk-in visits. The last two years UH-S has also Tucker said. description.
Mason said the incident did not deter him the University hospital," Kalinowski said. hired an extra resident physician to increase staff, Michigan Student Assembly Health Issues "I was having irregular periods, and I went h
om returning to UHS when he had a head cold. Winfield said many students complain about supplementing the regular crew of 10 physicians, Commission chairwoman Elise Erickson is help- for a regular gynecological checkup. She dia
'That was properly diagnosed,"he said. the UIS antibiotics policy. "One of the things three physician's assistants and six nurse practi- ing to create the proposed committee. nosed me with polycystic ovarian syndrome ad
ISA sophomore Kate Kalinowski did not file that I think is frustrating for students is our poli- tioners, Winfield said. "We all know that there are complaints out she said when she gave me an exam ste could
a complaint after what she said was a misdiagno- cy to not use antibiotics excessively," Winfield "We're going to institute a student health advi- there - some people think they wait too long, see my undeveloped eggs. She said she could se
sis that resulted in a tonsillectomy. said. "We try to treat only when it's completely sory council in January," Wifield said, adding some people think that clinicians are incompe- them with her naked eye, and when I gave this
"I didn't actually know that you could file a necessary, such as an ear infection." that it is difficult to address cases such as Stoops' tent," Erickson, a third-year Nursing student said. diagnosis to my dad, (who is a doctor) he said -
complaint," she said. "I got mono last September The Centers for Disease Control and Preven- or Mason's when no complaint is filed. "There's a couple of different ideas about how to there was no way she could see this."


Ift W.- 4
ff6l Pr Sid

for President

Continued from Page 1
a Democrat, she is a progressive. She empha-
sized the need for progressives to unite togeth-
er to spread their ideas in conservative areas as
well as within the Democratic party.
Rivers and Kolb admitted that they do not
agree with Gore on all of the issues.
But Rivers emphasized that even in the clos-
est election since 1960, the candidates are dif-
"That's the bottom line, who's sitting in the
chair. I'd rather it be a Democrat I agree with
at least part of the time than a Republican I
agree with none of the time," Rivers said.
Nader has repeated many times that no dif-
ference exists between the Republicans and
Democratic presidential candidates.
"I don't agree with Al Gore on all the
issues ... but I know I'll have a chance to
i influence the Gore administration," Kolb said,
adding that the Bush administration would
not be as receptive.
Rivers said she wasn't trying to convince
anyone not to vote for Nader.
"The argument they've made is they dis-
agree strongly with the two major parties and
!Dil I can respect that. My argument is, come
B Wednesday morning, we'll have a new presi-
dent and it won't be Ralph Nader," Rivers

Whether Nader wins the presidency is
insignificant, many Greens have said. What
matters to them is Nader's receipt of the popu-
lar vote.
If this figure tops 5 percent, the Green Pgrty
will be eligible for federal funding in the next
presidential election.
Those loyal to Nader are confident he will
reach this goal.
"We're in this to form a third party," said
Michigan's Nader 2000 coordinator Joe Sex-
auer who led a Nader rally on campus earlier
yesterday afternoon. "Look, we're pulling 5
percent in Michigan right now and nationwidd,
to get that, is very realistic."-'
Nader's numbers in most national, indepen'-
dent polls have struggled to reach the 5 percent
mark. As of yesterday, Gallup's daily tracking
poll and the latest NBC News/Wall Street Joufr-
nal poll had the longtime consumer advocate at
4 percent while The Washington Post had hit
with 3 percent of the popular vote.
-But for all the attention he's drawn, NadeYfs
poll numbers seem insignificant.
He rallied 10,000 supporters at the MCI
Center in Washington on Sunday and has
drawn as many as 30,000 to venues like Madi-
son Square Garden.
- Duily Stgff Reporter Yuel Kohen cont ibuteid
to this repcl.

Green Party members show their support at a rally yesterday at the comer of North University Avenue
and State Street,

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~ anouncemen$s
The Michigan Daily
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on Nov. 23 and Nov. 24.
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Wednesday. Nov. 29
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ARE AT 11:30

Candidates make
final bid for votes
been endorsed by the people of this
B U~ n good land. Now, let's get it done!"
Continued from Page 1 "I like what I feel, but we can take
past few days. nothing for granted," Bush told sup-
- But Bush spokesman Ken Lisaius porters. He repeated his charge that
said that even though notification is Gore is "of Washington, by Washing.
often short on events, they have no ton and for Washington."
problem getting a crowd. "We feel differently about govern-
"Voters are incredibly energized. ment than my opponent does," Bush
They're eager to get out there," he said. "ie thinks that wisdom exists
said. "The base Republicans in this in Washington, D.C. He forgot his
country are extremely motivated." roots. Hie forgot where he's from, He
Lisaius also took a jab at Gore, trusts Washington. We trust the peo-
saying, "We don't need to rely on pie!"
movie actors or musicians. In these Bush's second stop was Green
events, they're coming to see the gov- Bay, Wis., where the balloons were
ernor" Packers green and yellow. Bush was
Recently Gore-has enlisted the aid making his 1I th stop in Wisconsin
of several of Hollywood's most well- since March. "Laura and I have been
known faces to stump for him. here enough times to maybe pay a
Bush said yesterday he looks for- few taxes," Bush joked. Then he
ward to taking his proposals - tocut headed to Davenport, Iowa, and on to
taxes, improve school standards and Bentonville, Ark., in President Clin-
make changes to Medicare and ton's home state. He finished with a
Social Security - to Washington late-night rally in Austin, the Texas
and saying, "I bring the voice of the capital, which the campaign sent live
people." by satellite to groups of supporters in
"We've had a long election," he five California cities.
continued. "I've been saying the Though Gore made two appear-
same thing on these issues since I got ances in Michigan yesterday and
started. I haven't tried to reinvent my Sunday, Bush made his last annear-
campaign when times got tough. ance on Saturday. Lisaius said that
We've run a consistent campaign the campaign is confident that Bush
because I understand the job of a will win Michigan.
president is to say to the Congress: "There are still several key battle-
Here's the legislative agenda that has ground states, he said.

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Continued from Page 1
Michigan, "The saying used to be 'As
Maine goes the country goes,"' Levin
said, saying that now it would change
to "'As Michigan goes, the country
Michigan Attorney General Jen-
nifer Granholm, U.S. House candi-
date Dianne Byrum and Senate
hopeful Debbie Stabenow also
appeared at the event.
"This is a once-in-a-generation
time to get it right," Stabenow said.
Singer/songwriter Kenneth "Baby-
face" Edmonds also made a guest
appearance at the event.
"This is not what I usually do, but
who am I not to come out and support
this?" Edmonds asked.
Speaking on Gore's opponent,
Republican Texas Gov. George W.
Bush, Riegle bashed the tax plan of
the governor, which Democrats say
gives half of the money to the wealth-
iest I percent of the population.
"We're not going back to trickle
down" economics Riegle said. "I
think we've been trickled on
Gore covered many issues in his
speech, concentrating on social secu-
rity and tax cuts. Both resonated with
the crowd of mostly union workers
and retirees.
The vice president said he would
veto any legislation that takes money
out of social security and criticized
Bush's tax plan.
Saying that Bush promised the

same Sl trillion from the budget to
young workers and senior citizens,
Gore said the numbers don't work out
and then held out the microphone to
the audience as they called it "fuzzy -
Gore also touched on local and
state issues.
"I have made a commitment to
move heaven and Earth to get Flint,
Michigan lifted up," he said.
Speaking on vouchers, Gore said if
Bush is elected, he could still enact
the voucher system, even if Michigan
votes it down.
Gore mentioned briefly his plan to
make college tuition tax deductible
for middle-class families.
Former Gov. Jim Blanchard said
before the event that voter turnout
patterns have focused much of the
Gore campaign on older voters.
"Young people don't vote in mite
same numbers as older people," he
Still, the student population will
have a large effect on Gore's cam--
paign, Blanchard said.
"Gore has to carry Washtenaw
County, Ingham County and Kalama-.-
zoo County. There are three big uni-,
versities right there," he said.
Gwyn Atkinson, who is a recent
graduate from Michigan State Uni-
versity and is now working on the
Congressional campaign for Byrum,
said Gore has donea good job.
reaching students.
"Gore's really reached out (by)f
going to universities and Iaving-
forums with the students,"she said. -

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