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Tha __ t sari nai - Weepnc. Maazine - Thursdav, Ober 19. 2000
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Mr4 and Mrs. Ph.d.
The life of married professors.
Before a touchdown, chow down at Greek C
ly Meredith Keller
)aily Arts writer
Amidst the hustle and bustle of
eading our lectures, handing out
omework and administering exams,
narriages among University profes-
ors make the grade. Ignoring the
vorkplace wives-tales and marital
nvths, which advise colleagues
gainst couplehood, these partnered
rofessors prove that it does work.
Psychology Prof. Charles Behling
aid, while it is a plus to have a
pouse with similar academic inter-
sts and career understandings, these
vere not his marital motives when he
ict fellow Psychology Professor
ennifer Ctocker on a blind date.
This was just the person that I want-
d to be married to. who I was head
ver heels in love with," he said. A
married couple since 1987 and
University colleagues since a joint
transfer brought them from the
University of Buffalo in 1995. Both
professors' fields of interest are cen-
tered on issues of social diversity and
social justice.
However, there is not a direct
crossover between their actual work.
As Behling suggests, while he and
his wife share similar professional
interests, Crocker "is more of a
researcher ... and I am more interest-
ed in applied programs and action
related to social justice." So while
their work does not overlap, in true
marital fashion, they "compliment
each other" nonetheless.
This relationship characteristic is
particularly helpful when faced with
common work-related demands.
which Behling suggests can "feel like
we're both in a pressure cooker."
Sharing similar work-related pres-
sures, however, provides for a more
intuitive understanding of each
other's needs, as both colleagues and
as a couple.
"We're just clear on our commit-
ment to our relationship," Behling
said, "And clear that work is impor-
tant to each of us."Similar to Behling
and-Crocker's relationship, this notion
of professional understanding is
equally prevalent and relevant within
the Saxonhouse's marriage as well.
Political Science Prof. Arlene
Saxonhouse said one of the greatest
advantages in being married to a fel-
low professor is having a companion
who "understands the unique pres-
sure of the job."
Married for 36 years to Economics
Professor Garv Saxonhouse, the part-
nered professors suggest that in addi-
tion to having comparable lifestyles.
lone of the greatest benefits of havinz
a common career is the luxury of
svnchronized scheduling. "The flexi-
bility of the profession is a real
upsji<' Avlonp Said.
Her husband said he fully agrees.
"Being a professor is not a nine to
five job, so you have a lot more con-
trol over your time," he said. Despite
the flexibility of their schedules.
however, in their 28 years of teaching
together at Michigan. the
Saxonhouses have only attended each
other's lectures once.
"It's one thing (to lecture) in frcnt
of my students," Arlene Saxonhouse
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t Vocalese masters Annie Ross and Jon
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the greatest vocal jazz group of all time.-
Lambda Chi Alpha
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(makes 1 gallon)
~ 2 cans kidney beans
~ 2 cans tomato paste
~ 2 lbs of ground beef
V l/2 on ion
~ I garlic clove
~ chilli pOwder salt,
The chili powder, salt
and pepper will be
added to taste. The rule
with the chili powder is
to cover the top with it,
stir it in and taste it.
-i1ented by Lambda Chi Alpha
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By Corinna Christman
For the Daiily
Vhile students on campus will be
firing up for the big game against
IMichigian State University this week-
end, seven Greek houses, various busi-
nesses around the area and any other
students interested in a Lood cause
will collaborate to have a good time.
eat some chili and raise money for
While walking to the game. all stu-
dents. alunni,tlanily and friends are
imited to partake of seven different
chilis from seven different Greek
houses, including Alpha Delta Pi, Chi
Psi, Delta Gamma, Lambda Chi
Alpha, Pi Kappa Phi and Sigiia Phi
Epsilon and Gamma Phi Beta. This
event is located at Elbel Field (on the
corner of Division and Hill) and will
be taking place from I to 4 p.m.
The event costs S2, which includes
a taste of each chili as well as a full
bowl of the one that wins your top
vote. The Greek house with the most
votes and the most house members
attending vil! be named the cook-off
champions. All profits go to the Ann
Arbor YMCA Camping Services and
Canp Heartland.
Besides eating more chili then you
could ever desire. participating in this
event also enters you in the raffle for a
chance to win git ccrtificates from
area busi nesses such as Bivouac's and
Stuehi 's. lany other businesses
around town are participating.
Bruegcers Baoels is donating 38
dozen bagels and Great Bread Harvest
is donatinu 40 loaves of bread. as well
as a ton o nachos. This food will be in
addition to the chili already provided.
Besides this, there are at least 20 other
businesses from around Ann Arbor
supporting this cause.
Although food, raffles and competi-
tion are fun, the main reason this event
should attract many people is bec.ause
ofthe worthy cause. The Ann Arbor
YMCA Camping services are dedicat-
ed to providing scholarships so
underprivileged children have
opportunity to attend summer ca
Camp heartland is dedicated to ht
ing childreiiinfected or affected
HIV/ AIDS. The camp provides re(
ational opportunities. support
education for these children. Botl
these are worthy causes, and the wl
event is expected to raise aro
T his all depends on hov much s
port the event receives. The real s
cess of the cook-off is measured
how many students choose to be a I
of it. Evervone attending the game
the chance to paiticipate and iii
this event really wonderful. W
could be better than enjoying so
great, cheap food and helping child
in need?
If you're going to the game
Saturday, there is no excuse for
stopping by on the way there to sz
ple some great food and put a smile
children's faces.
it's all fine until they get a divorce and she takes half the icing.
said, "but it's another thing in front of
my husband, because lie's also my
sharpest critic."
Aside from intellectual critique,
however, is there a downside to mar-
rving a fellow professor?
Gary said one of the greatest dhal-
lenges is "job mobilitv" and in par-
ticular finding jobs at the samie uni-
Arlene notes, "We have both had
other offers, (but) you have to evalu-
ate all the issues and assess the inter-
ests of each of us."
And above all, Arlene said that, as
vith most marriages, it often requires
"a lot of compromise." So students,
take note, there will be a test on this
material (perhaps later in your own
married lives).
Family Stats
O In 1998 there were
70.9 million family
and 31.6 nonfamily
h 49 percent of family
households had own
children under 18
living at home
O 14.4 percent of
family households had
own children 18 and
older living at home
O 27.3 percent of
family households with
children under 18 are
managed by single
El 2.1 million father-
child family groups
9.8 million mother-
child family groups
(42.2 percent of
mothers had never
been married)
El Families had an
average of 3.18 mem-
- compiled by Elizabe h Punsler
Weekenl, Etc. edimi-
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Jahja log, conductor
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Food For Thought
Manipulating Opinion
Yung Krall, author of A
Thousand Tears Falling; per-
sonally described to this writer
how the Viet Cong and North
Vietnamese used Eastern-Bloc
allies to infiltrate American
groups to spread misinforma-
tion. They especially played
on the strained race relations
of this country at the time, say-
ing, "Poor Blacks are fighting a
White man's war."
Gary Lillie & Assoc., Realtors
Bush ickets for UofM Students
Full-time college students with student 10 mag purchase "rush"
tickets for as low as $10 one hour prior to concerts at the N50
lax Office, 3711 Woadward Ave.
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