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October 19, 2000 - Image 17

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-10-19

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12B* The Michigan Daily - 'ekend, etc. Magazine - Th day, October 19, 2000

The Michigan Daly- -- Weekend, etc. M agazif Th'ursday, October 191600 -- 5B


tc Online Site of the Week
o d e l Continued from Page 4B
Pm nC. tro uces m
father-knows-best role, and no
\\ihere was this part skewered quite
as fietceiy as in Todd Solondz's
cheap enoufor stu entsHappinss199. His take-no-pris-
oners approach wailed on everyone,
including suburbanite daddy Bill
Kiran Divvela Maplewood (Dylan Baker).
nii arts wax tag and a cooler exterior than the write quick notes as you would on a Warnin: Baseball dads aren't
other hand-helds, like the compara- pad of paper. Also, a button displays aliays what they seem, so watch out
With your midterms stacking up ble Palm V Selling at S149 MSR., the time and date through a window for the tuna sandwiches and HI-C
and your papers undone you've real- The mI00 costs less, which allows on the cover of it. drinks.
ized that procrastination has left you the average student who needs a Unfortunately, the m100 has a sig- Oscar has been particularly kind to
in a hole of despair. You've also real- planner but doesn't want to shell out nificantly smaller screen than most those films that embody the story of
ized that you need to get organized. 5400+, a chance to get organized. other hand-fields. Considering that
to prevent this from ever happening In addition to its affordability, the most other screens already have a
again. That's ihere Palm Pilot's new shape, look and feel are very differ- miniature display, it may make it
m100 model becomes your best ent than the conventional PDA More difficult to work with and less
friend. (Personal Digital asistant). The hot- visually pleasintt
Geared toward college students toui of it has a cursed shape, which If you've been staring down the
and those who love gadgets, the new makes it easier to carry while walk- barrels of too many all-nighters, you
Palm x100 boasts a cheaper price ing. miglit iwant to consider putting your
Shape differences are not the only problems in place. For students, thisa
thing that makes this planner unique. product is probably the quickest and
Like the iMac, the mI100 can be a easiest way to do it.
variety of different colors. Palm has Howeser. if you have not moved in
introduced a number of different the 21st Century of technology I ThursdayOc
faceplates that allows the owner to don't recommend this product. It is -TuFyO
change its color on a whim. necessary to have some kind of corn-
The mln00 runs off the PalmOS puter background in order to pro-
aand has a new piece of software gram and use it. If you aren't careful
called Note Pad that allows you to this palm pilot could become your
worst iightmnare instead of your
dream come true. I caution all those
who dare go digital.
Jis R Wbn r 734-827-2837MA RTIN
One Mile West of Weber's Inn
$5.00Matinees ti pm & all day Tuesday
$4.75 Kids & Seniors at shows
$5.75 with SiudentD 0CD Release!
a $~5.75 Late Shoes, Fri & Sat'
ONo passes or Tuesday discountsA
Unlimited Free Drink Refils & .75e Corn Refills
Stadium Seating Gives YOU -
^ An tlnhtrnte iw ,',. M"


the traditional dvsfunctional family.
In 1980, Robert Redford's Ordinary
People took home multiple Academy
Awards for its look into the lives of a
family, troubled by the tragic loss of
their son. Mary Tyler Moore breaks
from her TV~ persona to play a
isicked iother whorefuses tofor-
give her surviving son.
Last spring, several statuettes went
to Sam Mendes' American Beauty,
a closer look at the troubled lives of
your everydas American family in
Suburbia. Kevin Spacey's Lester
Burnham becomes the archetype for
angry fathers in desk jobs every-
where whove found their Angela in

the form of MTV vixen Britney
Finally, we can't leave out the ulti-
nate family melodrama, Nicholas
Rav's Rebel Without a Cause
(1955). In a legendary starmaking
performance by Jamies Dean, his per-
formancee as Jiini Stark defines the
prototypical teen angst rebel, fight-
ing against his passive father and his
overbearing mother.
So take it from Will Smith,
"Parents just don't understand." But
maybe, just maybe if you curl up
with sour mom and dad with one of
these classics, you'll be a little clos-
er in seeing eye to eye.

- -

Ck sestof Drw
Look closer ... the kids of "American Beauty" are your basic peeps nest door.

A Strong Voice for
Excellence and Accessibility
Vote November 7
Paid for by the Regent Rebecca McGowan Committee x nnr
t21ttMetrose Avenue Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104-

Now Open
Nickels Arcade!
Caramel Crunch
Cheesy Golden Corn
Chicago Mix
16 Flavors in all!
Sweetest Day
is Saturday
Popcorn Makes A
Great Gift
Free Single Movie Corn
" or Popcorn ball "
Limit one/person expires 10/24/00
: Porter's, 10 Nickels Arcade 222-5220
112 Off Caramel Crunch
or Cheesy Golden Corn
. . Limit.ne/person eupires t10/24/
"Porier's, t0 Nickeis Arcade nan-san0

(t; stop by
-e- the UAC office and

f pick out.
Q bring hor

a fish to

- 144upp,


mreJdj niranx fennI : AMo1It nrm
A Sketch and Improvisational Comedy Epic
October 26, 27, and 28, 8:00 pm at the
Michigan Union U-Club.
Tickets are $5/$3 w/ student ID. Tickets may be
purchased at MUTO or Ticketmaster.
M4jilga f QrchesIr preyen{s:
100 ears 4; A qoard
November 2nd, 8:00 pm at Michigan Theater.
Tickets are $5 for students, seniors, and
children; $8 for Adults. Tickets may be
purchased at MUTO, 763-TKTS, or at the door.

rM R egenI: Ea
November 3,4, and 5, at the Power Center.
Tickets ore $7 for students and seniors;
$12 for adults. Tickets may be purchased
at the League Ticket Office, 764-0450..
ughTNack e e n: ArD ick
(He's the crazy guy from News Radio)
Warning: Possible Nudity!
Thursday, November 30th, 8:00 pm at
Michigan Theater. Tickets are $20/$ 15 w/
student ID. Tickets may be purchased at
MUTO or Ticketmaster.


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