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September 26, 2000 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-09-26

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Hllo there, little manm...
3n tal~ii tntt r t e le l ~d 'Jtcrrxlt
lo il- a1t the ichitlai like it $5.501,
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SEPTEMBER 26, 2000

Playful 'Woman' works
~with its shortcomings

'Kings' still entertaird~ielcigi
flow and originality

By Wilhelmina Mauritz
'ior lhe Dauit
As is the case w ith mo(st romiantic
'coniedies, you usually get uwbat
youtre expecting whether the mtovice
is goiod or tot. Evsen if' you didn't
know anything
z about the tovie
"Womoani on Top~
except that it
Woman on wais a romantic
'Top comedy you
Grade: C+ would probably
tot conic tnt ol
it Mt gr it .c dirsappointed
cttrse that scu
actually i ke
rtitmantic coite-
dites). I kilt))
this because that
is exactly liow I
sete li and came oint cif it.
"Womttatn ont Top' is tiothitig we
haven't seeui befcire. It's predictable
anid somlenht cheesy buit lie fact
that it tealtzes tis andc wr'.ts witlh its
fautlts is tothle tiei's adsvatatte.
As stated ri lii anwax. lie toitte is a
.slots oh, love. mtint stckntess andc
the at ofi cooikinrg.'' Isabell It(the lit-
Wut "it""'iii Petiele (tail) is a beact-
niful nomiant liotm Brtazil that is
cttrsccln it a setvete catse of montionit
Sicktncss tha t call only lbe cotloled
if slic is in cointrol of hiet miotions
(tbis beir hicithle moie got lie
i'telc it did andc ys it is wxhat yout're
rthtinkiti} Dulte to hiet firigi le sitlte,
isabel Ia grew lii as stnwhttatat cof a
recluisc spclclint lmtst tif ilcr utie ini
thec kitiche prceitaiinig mterus andc

eatrn intiowto cooik.
Isabella. like ally yountg gitrI, its
dretaims of letintg Bruzit Inditic ravel-
tug all titer the world, lint those
dreatis are put cn hold the mintute
she sees Toniino (Murilo Beticiol
ishere illis lose it first site (or bite as
they put it iin the movie)ch. Ile two get
tittrried and copen ai restauratt
together btut it's not long before they
becomie ta bit dissatisfied with eatch
cther. Isabella feels unicer appreciat-
ed for icr cookitig atid'Tontinho fecels
ashtamied cdti to lilt lack oif "controf'
ini their relatioishiip. One nitght
IsaibellIa catches Tfoniinhc in lied withl
anuothetrswomnatnd rtuns oif' to Sati
Frtancisco to be on betrown and start
her life titer.
"WomonTii'cp'' is retally aimoui e
abtut eqtitlity tof lie sexes wsrapped
ini the shirtouiciciitle voltipticius anti
setisutal Ptenelope Cccii, The miessage
it scnds oiut is t hat itohumen iced to lie
int cittirtilciitheir lixves arid standc on
lhiu tin itwoscfeet lieitre they ctan be
fil Itled cir satisfitecdby anthtler petr-
ston- ycci tate c toioe sourseif
biefoure sucn iicie anyoidyelse.
I xcii ithcughithiiis itlessage is a gtiodc
tite andci i cworwhici toeembirt it
lily hilte enitmtcre approtptrilte tilt
appireciatedtiniia mixte, say, 211 seats
ago, whieti that tias atuttily antett
cotlcept atidntintecessarily realized
by tll.
ThI limootie hats atirly tale spiti to
it sci it is able to gite itselfti few lib-
citiessw it rcal ity (y es ter etie
utidernater) gccls tatid magic spells).
11'dn c otte trrectly. hits ctautle okay.
bitt at titles this mlitiie seemed a bit

By Andy Taylor-Fabe
Fitt the lDaily
Steve Harvey sets the tone for "I"lie
Origitial Kitigs of Comedy" by descr-ib-
ing toteet ls on the "Tittani iciulcd
have gone downi if the passetigers tad
till been bltack.
F, First of all, the
band udcntci't
The Oigi ttihae cntinituecd
Kings of playitig while the
Comedy boat wtas sitikitig.
B "Kool atid the
Grade: ( lang tt ocild hate
at tiuwcase beetiutipluggecd
tnt Qualtly in ini no tune,"
explainis Hative y,
as lie begitis to
twrap upiii ts
miicrophtotte cord,
iming the tasty
exit of the tui-
IHarvey ticts as lie master tif cere-
mtitttes intthits coticert filmt of lie
Chltcte, North Carolinta showittcmthe
"Kinigs of Comecdy" tourxtlhich feattires
1.1. 1 lttlilev, Cedric the Enttertatier
atic Bernite Mtac. Although it is htard to
fully tppreciate the film if you've seen
atty of Richard Pryor's cottcert films.
"The Original Kitigs of Cotmedy" tat its
momntts. It's worth sittinig through the
less entertainitig parts for those
itotnents whleti you laugh so htard that
ycu are left gaspitig for air.
There's ali overabutidatice of the
'nhite people act this way atid black

people act this waty" mtaterial thtaT
seemed tired ttnd forntulttic sincet
episoice cif "Th le Simnpsotis" in wi
Flomter, aiter watchtitig a black come
ati ititke ti1joke tabotithe tvay swhite pt
pie tive.,licrsts out lauighitig, cxclaii
ing to lihiiself, "lHe's right. We're
IHocwevter, ti lot of thte iitterittl that fi
lows thits frmiicta is hilarious. One
the high poiints in Cedric*
Entterttainers act is his theory aboutt
differetnt creeds that whlite and bit
people follow. White people passiv(
hotpe for the best while black pert
w ishiitat somethitigivould go wrong
they could dci scttetiitgabotut it,e
whteti somieonte steals youtr seat. A nir
descriptioti doesn't do. this bit aushi
Otnly Cecdric's indcignttnt expression Qm
veys itie yearnintg for coufioniation tC
lie tattribiutesttotill black iieople.
Iirtey is by ftar the best partI
shttow. Althicught lany oflips'ioitines
vatritatiotis onl fttiiit themtes, lie is t
to keep his tmttterial fiesht. is mter
lins wit the crowed, iticlucding hidi
the ,jacket of ani tctdientceitemnber w
ihis grile to the bathroom, give the ft
a persotial attosphere.
DL. 'lugliley's performnance is is
impressive. By the cnd of his' act,
jokes degenerate into cliclied oh:
tiotis. Howeert his act does have
mtomntts. At one poinut, he defends.u
idea that Jesus teas black. by pointi
coii that hits first tmiracle was ttrni
tater ittto vie at a weddir
See KINGS, Page;

The stunning Penelape Cruz panders the best way ta get an top in "Woman an Tap.

trysellfirollitig Ilyeyes it a fewt
srcers tha i etl abovte anth icyondtc
tire myistical tantule tha tn. atIMllies,
tmiake atiotire it liifdoite coirrectly.
Sti, ''omani oniTotllpIcli'does lint
itic t icts ittcrgit1s. lmtst tif themi
tesovimitrig uind Iistabellt's cross-
citessitta friendi.Moicait(HIatrcud
Petrruur .W1it0ttplatied CI-'tciutio
rut hue 197 vershonhot Rom'Icieoi andc
.iii ret''). MIIcrt'S Chlii ctc'Ie cks
tii lilt tiny ni theile l(Ith is mlit) e
miii glthrinse helctkuint. Sheitus

thle hietrt aidstuiliiiatkeeipsthue
motvie uln Iul tcbhy' Iftr the hiest
Overiatll Iid sayty hai t Wioman cii
I try' succeeds ini xxhat it is trylig to
tin. It doiesrut take itself too setrots-
Iv andch because cif tht the audienice
ctan't hielp hut irisef'ciii thltthie
toitu e. Yes it is a lilt tio lght taid
iierhatps exert steak a im iies but icy,
cxciyotitle tedcs rtlittle flull fii0111
Itimt ltie anrc1yot couilcdcio worse

Driscoll breaks UP stereotype in poetic midwestern adventure

By Autumn Kelly
Daly Ants it)r
Clamn iaurgan authr i s a "'tothern it'lcliuctat
it uer"'tdoesnit help puibli-
cists trill) retaders; i(ftills
thiurr, thuey lick upi a ciii
a rett irtriok.IThe phrtase
Stardog hintgs ix thu it lite senise tif
Grade: B a mtantinia tiaini t ihe
mideo ityC.Jack Driscoli writng poetry atutitire
wtoodcsaid snituitand Ice
fKr C i shrug I(this Is ntumieatti
ttIply anti utg regit use
abituttprty or the L'T .
IOccasttrioly, otes ci.
atestWorkcis puilihuec.
thtbreakstitus ccliiithe
stereotypie. anucbreathteus a-
little fresh ir it trilhemairket. tick Driscrlihi

lutst rcenut tucueli 'Stadoit'' s trie cii'these.
''Starcdog" tells thetle oh t i icde-aigedhiris
cris cchtou hisotixt hits pried'77 Rtanchtero5011
''"hlfcrutilfI'pickup'') iin a clixvnuicesettlemtuent.
Passimg ly his cx's house cune ii itttir. ithu
ftul-t schititlkids run his ctare.IEarl Ptrick
(orel v decides ieis tiried i'hiis jb ndinchnts
Its etamiitck.
Amid he goes hot it, eatpmg the dchitcut to
wittcir a symtup hetic passerby, tand hiopinthati
scittehcwi' le still lie ale mi tirget atutit hits past
tund slidttiter.
'serimicdut hetruoly hits 5's(lIaso stolent
frIcti is es-si tic). itevecc-minthe voiuces ii hits
slink, leucux dcorc'(he's a cecrix ci riteathe-
holihc) timd ex, whitwinctuleavtuxe hits contscilce
ulneitwleu he mittst needis to thinuk l imruself
tie cc intdttht hle's cdeathils arauci'fcirssingr
iiriges. xxhicnt tll hueixaluls is to cirss tire
Marcktiac Brindge.
Andthxlen lie cites uiiake imo thueetasinrorrutSt.

Igutice. hIii ul s ini otrtisurhicse. 'sutrndai Mmhir
a ctardhtetalec at the castinowith til oifully-tt'
tc'td legs. catches Its eye.
wi thintruthurcsit hetias hint a n tuuittuhan,
sliphim ua unole. amuchenliecsappearts. EIriius ell
ti idecidehet chuer to folohiileu or to mr iieturn t
Isritceent-inft'edhatpatmueunttuich etar ly uuiut i-
tug jtoi. Amid thins time advsentitle lieguixs.
Ius Nith i 'lrndaltMii. iiu that I caii Iitrlly
fccchtiseif. t fir sittiu~li sutimly escipittrr
Its patx. Osveititelutixes cc. lie urtalizes whtiu
hec timust lice cip tn to, lienua tu gimus pulled in ills
ifce mulchie Ibargainis foruatutrctase (till ofii i'tI-
ITleureareuellies rt ''Stu-clcig''wxxluhueluaurra-
uiiels a uitle tetk, 'cit example,.thuerepetued
reeences tolift e tsatillucoiholiritchndhits cx's
everi-pitesentuicee.hut Dr-IScrullumore thtu
maikes up (ticthese smtullil intgss situhiis biy
trkitirt te chatctcers so real anditch t hue site
tultle 511 oddch(e.gz..'iranatt in.lu's ftrierlthad io

lie tells thuc s stories of their ptasmtis if'
lucy ticeehits otni.antchthere 5s110 doiubt ini
OLII- timids tutthis is 1101 the perfect couple
Iale mih nloviise xhiile itsvolvin iiantinterim-
tionautl sctandal. Rthuer, they are ito hicmueless
M idwiester nter s lootking for their place in the
wrlrdwhoitti.miiflichimig it, resort to robbing
Perhiaps itis because Driscolltas spent the
maijoritly of his career tis a poet that this tovel
r etacs so beaiuifulliy.
We florat thtroiugh te tile, hardly tastare tht
ste are simiply obscrvrs xocf Larl's wocrld.
'I lutmught am tties liesvcilces it Larl's head cani
be comifusig.
Is lie speakintg atudttiCh. siccmetimeis 5501-
them, ortsuiiply thinking'? We experienice life
us hue expiien dces it, antd Discoll shows s i
skill xxhleu we finuishi hue boiok, satisfied, foir
thrcexxwitite enudig.


PAID Advertisement
Why is G.A.P. on Our Campus?
Cum September 25-26, the Center for Bio-Ethical (CBR) will exhtbtt the Genocide
Aws'arertcss Project (G.A.) on tihe Diag. GA.Pconsists of large photo mutrals comnparing
abrint te om fhsoia eoie nldn h ooas fEsenEroeslavery atid the Jim Crow era in the United States, and the Cambodian killing fields.'
Thpe Purposes of G.A.P.
(i.A.P?'s porpose is to make it as difficult as possible for students to maintain than an
unbortn baby is not a baby and abortion is not an aet of violenee that kills that bal. e
wanitt to spare wsomien from the grief that follows abortion and spare unborn children frm
Is Abortion Genocide?'
Webster's New World Encyclopedia defines "genocide" as 'the deliberate and systetmatie
destruction of a national, racial, religious, political, cultkural, ethnie, or other group defined
by the exterminators as undesirable." This definition readily applies to abortion%. Th
"tnationial group" is Amierica's "unwanted"utnborn children wsho are now being destroyec
at a rapidl rate.
Why Are Graphic Pictures Necessary?
Words fail us when they attempt to describe unimaginable, inexpressible horror This was
true with the European Holocaust of the 1940's; it is also true of abortion today. Pictures
make it impossible for anyone with a shred of intelleetual honesty to pretend that the unborn
child is not a baby and abortion is not an act of violence that kills a baby. Graphic images
have historically played a significant role in social reform movements (eg. the civil rtghts and
anti-Vietnam war movements).
What Gives CBR the Right to he Here?.
The First Amendment protections of free speech are fundamental, even if that speech is
offensive to some. The University of Michigan is not a private social club but a tax-funded
institution designed for the free exchange of ideas. CBR is'here at the invitation of registered
campus organizations to expose the truth about abortion.
Center for Bio-Ethical Reform


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